
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Making Noni Juice

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

It may look disgusting!

Other Video on Noni Benefits, Noni 101

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Noni 101`

Noni at Discovery Channel

You Tube Video on Noni for Cancer Cure

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Noni contains over l05 nutraceuticals. Aside from improving metabolic functioning, controlling high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, cell regeneration, impotency, VD, boosting immunity, Noni is also anti cancer. Damacanthal allows damaged cells to regenerate.


A testimony on value of Noni at the cellular level. How it improved the blood cells (RBC) and the auto immune system

Dr. Neil Simon talks on Noni use vs. cancer

Power Point Embed from Slideshare on PilNoni

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

I edited the product knowledge presentation of Dr. Tito Contado on Pilnoni so that they are accessible to many of the readers.  This may enable them to gain full knowledge of the value and efficacy of one of the most common healing miracle fruits in the Phil.  This being manufactured locally means that the product is available to many Filipinos.  Many need not suffer from pains, high blood pressure.

It is a nutritional supplement that is anti hypertensive, anti diabetic, anti pain, and inflammatory, anti oxidant.

For a life full of energy, invigorated, and freedom from sickness especially high blood pressure, heart disease, and lately cancer., try Noni

Here is the slideshare presentation

Healing Shrubs and Vines (based on JC Kurian Book on Healing Plants)

 Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus cultivar
(ANTI CANCER), Diabetes, Diarrhea

Scientific Name: Capsicum frutescens       
Chili rich in Vit C.
Used to give relief from rheumatism, arthritis, chest pain and inflammation of the pericardium

Scientific Name: Colocasia esculenta
Taro (gabi)
Use for: Leprosy and tuberculosis, earache, hair loss, laxative, piles and stings of wasps.
Being styptic, it stops the flow of blood and this action helps to arrest arterial hemorrhage

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

 Here are the other pictures of shrubs, vines and other plants that I took that are medicinal (based on JC Kurian book)

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Scientific Name: Capsicum frutescens       
Chili rich in Vit C.
Used to give relief from rheumatism, arthristis, chest pain and inflammation of the pericardium

Scientific Name: Allamanda cathartica
 Yellow bell
Used for: colic, acute abdominal pain, purgative and antidote for poisoning

Scientific Name: Impatiens Balsamina

Used for: General tonic, burns and scalds, pains in joints, 
emetic or agent to cause vomiting, good laxative
Promotes the flow of urine

Scientific Name: Costus speciosus Koenig
Wild Ginger
Used for: Purifies blood, strengthens and invigorates, exterminates intestinal worms
Helps in digestion, skin diseases, fever and cough

Scientific Name: Manihot esculenta
Cassava (tapioca plant)
Used for: Ulcers, skin rashes, skin itchiness

Scientific Name: Mirabilis jalapa Linn.
Four - O'Clock Plant
Used for: Promotes flow of urine, treatment of boils, inflamed and
 enlarged lymph-nodes, and for the accumulation of pus in a cavity.
Inflammatory viral disease of the skin, heals wounds, bruises and
 allergy of the skin caused by indigestion, remove freckles on the skin, ear aches

Scientific Name: Basella alba Linn.
Indian Spinach (Alugbati)
Used for: Soothes and protects the alimentary tract and relieves inflammation
Promotes the flow of urine, helps in curing gonorrhea, constipation
Helps in curing urticaria, an allergic reaction of the skin producing red, itching weals
Helps in softening inflamed parts and lowers body heat

 Scientific Name: Jatropa curcas Linn.
Barbados Nut or Physic Nut (Tuba Tuba)
Used for: Ulcers, constipation, oedema, paralysis, herpes and ringworm
bleeding wounds, piles, eczema, itch, scabies, boils and sores, 
As a mouthwash to strengthen the gums, lactation

Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
Tomato plant
 Used for: Constipation, scrofula or tuberculosis of the lymph glands in the neck,
Neuritis or inflammation of a nerve, liver problems, mental strain, arthritis, 
Polyneuritis or inflammation of several nerves, rheumatism and indigestion
Prevents scurvy, has a soothing effect, is anti toxic, disinfectant, laxative and tonic
Burns, sunburns, insect bites, piles, tumors, swollen eyes, warts, corns and wounds
Tonsillitis and throat inflammations
Nephritis or inflammatory disease of the kidney

Scientific Name: Mentha abvensis Linn
Herba buena
 Used for: The tops and leaves are carminative and, when bruised, an antidote for the stings of poisonous insects, neuralgic affections and is specific in renal and vesical calculus.
As a flavoring in confections and dentifrices. A valuable antiseptic. 
It is remedy for weakness of the stomach and for diarrhoea.
An alcoholic or ethereal extract can be used as local anaesthetic in affections of the nose, 
pharynx and larynx. Dr. Jones successfully used a 20 percent alcoholic solution for inhalation in asthmatic cases. The leaves and stems are infused, and used as a carminative, an antispasmodic, 
and a sudorific. Menthol produces local anesthesia in cases of headache and facial neuralgia.
May cure obstinate vomiting during pregnancy. Can remove hiccups.
Its decoction, or vapor is largely used with lemon grass as a febrifuge.
The plant has antispasmodic and emmenagogue properties. It is used in jaundice. 
The powdered, dried plant I used as a dentifrice.

  Scientific Name: Aloe Vera Mill.
Indian Aloe (Aloe vera)
Used for: Checks the growth of tumors, enlargement of the spleen, 
liver complaints, asthma, leprosy and jaundice.
Promotes menstrual flow, softens swollen parts and relieves pain in muscles.
Works as a good laxative, kills or expels worms from the body.
Heals wounds and fresh cuts.  Soothes burns, cures eczema and falling hair, Eye diseases

Scientific Name: Artemisia Vulgaris Linn.
Mugwort (Damong Maria)
 stomachic, antispasmodic, alterative, anthelmintic, haemoptysis, antiseptic, and carminative. Filipinos use it for all sorts of stomach ailments.