
Monday, April 30, 2012

Fwd: Heart Attack & Water

Water is an important part of healing, detox, and general body health.  Read more from a forwarded message on how drinking water can help you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: luis genavia <>
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 1:01 PM

I found this information on the importance of drinking water informative and useful and interesting, so, passing it on.

The Pascal Mystery
"Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again."
...Lord, I believe, please, heal me of my unbelief

Heart Attack & Water
Something I didn't know either! I asked my Doctor why do I and other people urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor = Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me.
Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:

2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

Please pass this to the people you care about......
I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

Carvacrol in Oregano (Herba Buena) vs. Prostate Cancer

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Long Island researcher had initial findings that carvacrol, an active ingredient in the common herb, oregano may be useful as anti cancer agent.  They found out that the compound led cancer cells to apoptsis (cancer cell deaths).  This could elevate oregano to the level of turmeric.

But in the PHL oregano is really a versatile herb and has plenty of uses.

There are some findings that pizza too can reduce cancer incidence.  But it related more to the lycopene in tomato/juice used in pizza.

Read more on oregano

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Camote, Sweet Potato is High in Beta Carotene, Not Carrots Alone

Effective Cures Can be Cheap


Some years back when anti oxidants was the craze against heart disease and cancer, I requested my wife to juice carrots, which she did.   This can be expensive at times and time consuming.  However, if ound out from the book "The Food Pharmacy, dramatic evidence  that food is your best medicine" by Jean Carper, the other sources of beta carotene are:

Apricots (high in beta carotene


Brussel sprouts
Cabbage (green)

Kale (highest in carotenoids)




Sweet Potatoes (rich in beta carotene)


                         The vendor was not aware of the value of what she sells


Rule of thumb:   the darker green the color of the leaf, the deeper orange the fruit is, the richer in carotenoids.

For Filipinos, the availability of tomatoes, squash is a welcome news.  Sweet potatoes (Ipomea) is even great because the camote tops is used as vegetable in most dish.  It grows easily anywhere and cheap.

Cheap Cures.

PHL has 19 of the 25 of the best healing herbs in the World - Moringa is One of Them

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

                                            Ampalaya  (charantia)

                                            Malungay  (Moringa olifera)

According to the study of Dr. Christine E. V. Gonzalez, author of  one the best selling books on cancer patients.  PHL  has 19 of the best 25 healing in the world.  Wow... (And yet we spend as of 2005, PHP 100 billion on drugs- the legal ones)

Her favorite is moringa (malunggay) dubbed as the tree of life and charantia (ampalaya) and her treatment protocol is termed ampalungay.  Before she used wheatgrass, but is expensive.  Moringa and charantia can raise the RBC of patients within 2 to 3 days.

Judging from its nutraceutical content, it is far superior than even the latest craze:  barley.

Her study shows that Moringa leaves, per l00 gm of edible portion:  (this is where the Clark entrep students got their stats on their moringa candies) (vs carrots

      Vitamin A:  6789 mcg                                      Carrots: 1890 mcg          3x more
      Vitamin C:  220 mg                                          Oranges: 30 mg              7x more
      Calcium:   440 mg                                            Cow's milk:  120 mg       4x more
       Potassium:  259 mg                                         Bananas:  88 mg              3x more

No wonder,  Moringa is dubbed as the tree of life and is a center piece of Ayuvedic medicine.

Do not go for all the sales and sweet talk about barley and wheat grass.  Moringa is at your backyard and just for picking or asking -  for FREE.


However there is no MLM and commission for Moringa so there you are, no one will pay attention to this no matter how effective it may be....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Not Too Many People Want to be Healthy?

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Despite social media tools, and efforts to advertise this blog via links to other blog like <>  readership and thus interest on alternative cures, homeopathic cures, nutrition and health has been very low.

They mean several things:

1.  The stranglehold of the pharma and medical profession on health care and medicine is very strong;

2.  Not many people pay attention to their health and nutrition.  People will continue to:

         l.  Be obese
         2.  Continue eating fatty, salty and sugary foods

         3. Tolerate BPH, BPA. phelates, sodiium benzoate preservatives and other toxin in their food;

         4.  Be unmindful of pollutants in the air:   heavy smog, CO2, CO pollution

3.  And thus be bankrupted by huge medical bills when they get sick, and despite huge costs still die.

4.  Death rate from diseases will continue to rise, the traditional pharma, hospitals and MD.s still continue to richer.

It is all the same....

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Fight Allergies - Natural Health News

When in you are in temperate countries, and it is spring, there is a lot of pollen floating around.

And there will be alot of allergy afflictions.  This feed from Natural Health Newsletter gives ll tips on how
to avoid allergies.  The basic idea is to strengthen the body with food and other substances:  quercetin from grapes
apples, honey, water and pinch of salt, increasing input of Vitamin C, using essential oils as lavender and eucalyptus.

Please read on.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natural Health Newsletter <>
Date: Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 6:00 AM
Subject: Natural Health News: 11 Natural Ways to Control Spring Allergies

Natural Health Newsletter
Your Guide to Health and Wellness

4/26/12 issue:   11 Natural Ways to Control Spring Allergies
Email for:
Natural Health and Alternative Medicine Newsletter
Issue #671, April 26-27, 2012
Publisher: David Riklan -
*** Natural Health Tip of the Week ***
Many people, especially in today's office lifestyle, spend their time staring at a computer screen of some sort. The emissions from such devices can be harmful in high doses so it's usually a good idea to rest your eyes throughout your work day. Every hour, try and get up from in front of the screen and move around. This will help give your dry or itchy eyes a break from the radiation that spills out from computer, phone and television screens.

*** Article of the Week: Sneezing and Wheezing More than Usual This Spring? Natural Ways to Control Allergies - By Susanne Warren ***
News reports from this year and last tell us that increasing numbers of us are experiencing seasonal allergies. If you're suffering and find that your prescription or over-the-counter medications seem ineffective, why not consider trying a natural remedy? Don't stop taking your medications, although you'll most likely want to let your doctor know what you're doing. After a time, you may find that not only your symptoms, but your need for medications, are greatly reduced.
Here are a number of natural methods to help you gain control over your allergies:
1. Reduce dairy consumption
One of the most effective ways to ease environmental allergy symptoms is to completely remove dairy from your diet. Dairy is a mucus-producing food and is considered quite inflammatory. Try completely eliminating cow's milk products from your diet for two months and see if it makes a difference.
2. Other food allergies
Many health practitioners agree that seasonal allergies may be related to food allergies or sensitivities. If you've tried removing dairy products from your diet and found no relief, you may want to try an elimination diet. This will involve eliminating from your diet for a period of time the foods that most commonly create an immune reaction. In addition to milk, these include eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat. A nutrition professional can help guide you through an elimination diet.
3. Honey
Many allergy sufferers swear by eating honey that has been produced in an area local to them to help control hay fever.
4. Omega-3 fatty acids
These help control inflammation and are available in a small number of foods, including cold-water fish such as wild salmon and tuna, walnuts, and flax seeds and flax seed oil. To be sure you're getting enough of this important nutrient, eat two servings of wild salmon each week, or supplement with cod liver oil or fish oil capsules.
5. Limit your exposure
If you are a chronic allergy sufferer, avoid exercising outdoors, especially in the early morning, when pollen counts are highest. Avoid the outdoors particularly on windy days if your allergies are severe. Keep home and car windows closed, and wear a mask while performing yard work. You can take this a step further by limiting your exposure to toxins that may cause sensitivity, such as perfumes, household cleaning and laundry products, and scented candles and room deodorizers.
6. Neti pots
Neti pots have been used in India for thousands of years to keep the sinuses clear and seem to be gaining popularity here in the U.S. They are shaped similar to Aladdin's lamp, inexpensive, and available and health food stores and many drugstores. Instructions will be included in the box, but basically, you'll fill the neti pot using a mixture of non-iodized salt and lukewarm water and, leaning your head over the sink, pour half the saltwater mixture into one nostril, let it drain, and repeat on the other side with the remaining mixture. Use your neti pot twice a day during allergy season, especially after you've been outdoors.
7. Stinging nettle leaf
An herb called stinging nettle leaf reduces the amount of histamine the body produces, reducing sneezing and itching due to hay fever. Stinging nettle leaf extract in freeze-dried capsule form can be taken in a dose of 300 milligrams daily.
8. Quercetin
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, a phytochemical found in plant foods such as apples, onions, berries, grapes, teas, and red wine that supports the immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine. A normal healthy diet will provide about 25-50 milligrams of quercetin; if you choose to supplement this, be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the bottle.
9. Vitamin C
During allergy season, increase your daily intake of vitamin C, which enhances the immune system. Most people can safely take up to 2,000 milligrams per day for short periods of time.
Other remedies that will help in the short term:
10. Essential oils
To ease congestion, add a few drops of an essential oil such as eucalyptus, peppermint, sage, lavender, or tea tree oil to two cups of boiling water and inhale the steam.
11. Water and salt
If you find yourself in the middle of a severe allergy attack, try this home remedy: drink an 8-ounce glass of water followed by a pinch of salt on the tongue every 15 to 30 minutes until your symptoms subside.
We're exposed to so many different substances each day that can over-stimulate our immune systems. You may never completely eradicate your allergies but, as you can see, there are many things you can try to reduce your symptoms and ease your suffering. Which will you try first?
** To comment on this article or read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:
Susanne Warren is a board-certified holistic health coach. She works with women and men over 40 who are motivated to finally address longstanding health issues. Passionate about helping others become empowered to take control over their health, Susanne supports her clients in making healthier diet and lifestyle choices and integrating those changes into their lives permanently.
To learn more about her coaching program, sign up for her free newsletter, or schedule a complimentary 45-minute health history consultation, visit

*** Healthy Recipe: Broiled Rosemary Chicken over Puréed Lentils and Swiss Chard ***
This is a complete meal that is highly nutritious and delicious. It is a great meal to prepare when you have company and want to make something special.
To read the full recipe, go here.

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Morganville, NJ 07751

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Fwd: Pink Slime and Mad Cow Disease: Coming to a Burger Near You

This may not reach PHL.

But is the pink slime true?  Why is this allowed to happen?  Are American food processors no less fastidious than our
langgonisa and taho food processors?

What is your reaction to this allegation?

How will you protect yourself/keep yourself healthy?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ocean Robbins <>
Date: Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 7:43 AM
Subject: Pink Slime and Mad Cow Disease: Coming to a Burger Near You

You've received this email because you signed up at
Summit Logo
Hey Food Revolutionaries, My dad, John Robbins, just released Pink Slime and Mad Cow Disease: Coming to a Burger Near You – a new article that is currently featured on Huffington Post.To whet your appetite for the Summit that starts on Saturday (I promise to send participation instructions tomorrow), I thought I'd share the article with you.  The article begins:
"Burger lovers are not having an easy time lately. Last month, news broke that the USDA's National School Lunch Program had recently purchased seven million pounds of something delectably called "pink slime.""Soon thereafter, news reports trumpeted that pink slime hasn't just been making its way into school lunches, as bad as that sounds. In recent years, nearly a billion pounds of this ammonia-laced burger filler have been mixed annually into the ground beef sold in the U.S. As a result, more than two-thirds of the nation's pre-made burger patties have contained pink slime."The name "pink slime" sounds, well, slimy, but what exactly is it? The answer isn't reassuring. In fact, it's as gross as it seems. Just 10 years ago, according to Mary Jane's Farm, "the rejected fat, sinew, bloody effluvia, and occasional bits of meat cut from carcasses in the slaughterhouse were a low-value waste product called 'trimmings' that were sold primarily as pet food." But then Beef Products, Inc. began converting the stuff into a mash and treating it with ammonium hydroxide to kill bacteria. The resulting product was given the name pink slime by Gerald Zirnstein, a microbiologist working for the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. He said it was "not meat," but "salvage." Zirnstein added: "I consider allowing it in ground beef to be a form of fraudulent labeling.""Does such fraudulent labeling still take place? In March, ABC World News with Diane Sawyer reported that 70 percent of U.S. supermarket ground beef contained pink slime, and that it is often labeled "100% ground beef."
And there's more.
Yours for safe and healthy food for everyone,
Ocean Robbins SignatureOcean Robbins
PS – Pink Slime and Mad Cow Disease: Coming to a Burger Near You, is linked here.

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Xylitol, Extract from Passion Flower, Vegies from Mustard Family are Cures

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Dr Jonathan Wright, a Paul Linus awardee in this video continues his talks on nutrition and vitamins to treat and cure many diseases.

He mentions several important food that cures:

l.  xylitol -  a kind of sugar (good sugar) to treat diabetes and even bladder infection


2.  vegies belonging to the mustard family:   cabbage, brocolli, Brussel sprouts to treat especially uterine cancer of women;  (molecule l3C)

3.  extract from passion flower -  prevents mans testosterone become estrogen, the common cause of bph or even prostate cancer.

There are some diseases caused by lack of stomach acid because of too much antacid

There are diseases caused by intolerance of body to certain food, and therefore must not be eaten.

He even was able to treat lupus patients using this method.

Read on and see more the video:    

Dr. Jonathan Wright newsletter on nutrition and supplements to cure

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Functional Foods as Cures by Dr. Victor Marchione

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

   We have plenty of source of strawberries; it is medicinal

It there is anything that will increase the cure of patient by more than 50%, it is nutrition.  There is no factor that can do so much.  Dr. Victor Marchione calls that aspect of nutrition "functional foods"  Some diseases are linked to food, its presence or lack of it.  Some examples:

l.  Phytonutrients:   Blue berries can lower cholesterol like statins (or brown rice, or turmeric)

2  Fruits and vegies rich in beta-cryptoxanthin cures arthritic pains;

3  Glucosinolates from certain vegetables (as beets or brocolli) are powerful anti cancer substances.  However, when they are chewed, they turn into isothiocyanates which becomes even more powerful anti cancer agents.

4.  Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) are powerful anti cancer and heart agent formula that comes from table maple syrup.

5.   Strawberries are so rich in these compounds that are useful in preventing inflammation of blood vessels.  Strawberries have  phenols that are rich in anthocyanins that fight inflammation that cause cancer and blood vessel diseases.

Watch the video, the documentary and the bulletin pitch by Dr. Marchione:

Food Nutrietnts that Fight Diesese by Dr. Marchione

Fwd: A Natural Therapy That Stops 3 Out of Every 4 Cancer Deaths

Dr. Joseph Gold found out that the real cause of death in cancer is not cancer itself but cachexia.  It the cancer cells robbing normal cells of nutrition.  However this can be stopped and even reversed by HZ (hydrazine sulfate) given at intervals of every six hours can shrink, stop cancer growth.  There are immediate marked improvements. Plenty of research seems to back its efficacy.  But like many unpatentable substances, we will never see its promotion or widespread use.  The healthcare establishment may even have it banned

Vit D which is available from morning sun is good for brain health.  It combats mental decline and related disease like dementia and Alzheimer

Another important substance vs mental decline is Omega 3 fatty acid.  Omega 3 contains DHA docohexacoenic acid, which is important in brain functioning.

Read more..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 9:30 PM
Subject: A Natural Therapy That Stops 3 Out of Every 4 Cancer Deaths

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
A Natural Therapy That Stops
3 Out of Every 4 Cancer Deaths

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: Why Your Memory and Brain Function Start Deteriorating at Age 45.  How to Prevent Memory Loss and Reverse Brain Degeneration
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
EXPOSED:  Mainstream Medicine's Deadliest Conspiracy

Did You Know...

... that a simple, affordable and safe treatment can prevent death from cancer by halting the underlying syndrome that leads to death in 3 out of 4 cancer cases?

     This monumental discovery goes back to the 1960s and the work of U.S. Air Force doctor Joseph Gold (founder and director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute).  Dr. Gold discovered that the real cause of 3 out of every 4 cancer deaths is actually not cancer.  Rather, it's a syndrome called cachexia (pronounced "ka-kek-see-ah").

     Dr. Gold embarked on a quest to stop cachexia.  He eventually identified an easily available substance that blocked a liver enzyme involved in cachexia.  His solution was—and still is—remarkably effective.

     Unfortunately, when Dr. Gold's treatment started gaining widespread popularity, the medical establishment responded with a chilling series of lies and manipulation.  As a result, you have probably have never heard of Dr. Gold's proven effective treatment that prevents death from cachexia.  However, if you or a loved one is ever faced with cancer, you can't afford not to have this information.

Cachexia:  A Very Deadly Enemy

Cachexia is the process through which tumor cells rob the human body of nutrition.  Tumor cells require more energy than regular cells, and so they literally drain off the nutrition the body needs ... which leads to wasting away.  Most cancer patients are tragically starved by their own tumors.

     Experts used to believe that cachexia only happened during cancer's final stages.  But Dr. Gold showed that cachexia actually begins with the first cancer cell.  He also identified an enzyme in the liver responsible for setting off cachexia.  Dr. Gold knew if he could shut down that enzyme, it could stop death from cancer.

Almost as Affordable as Aspirin ... But Just as Powerful as Rocket Fuel

Much to Dr. Gold's surprise, the answer was an inexpensive substance called hydrazine sulfate, sometimes referred to as HZ ... and one of the most powerful natural ingredients in the world (it's even used in rocket fuel).

     HZ has been tested in dozens of studies at top cancer research facilities including Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in St. Petersburg, Russia and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.

     Numerous studies have shown that HZ halts cachexia.  In one landmark study, 6 out of every 10 previously unresponsive patients diagnosed as "factually terminal" stopped showing signs of cachexia when treated with HZ.  Their appetites returned ... they regained muscle and fat they'd been starved of, and they got another chance at life.

     In addition to halting cachexia, studies show that HZ has some anti-cancer properties as well, including the ability to ...
    Keep cancer from spreading
    Halt and sometimes reverse tumor growth
    Shrink some tumors to half their original size

     Fortunately, HZ has none of the toxic side effects caused by chemo and radiation.

Most Remarkable Anticancer Agent Seen in 45 Years of Research

Dr. Dean Burk, of the National Cancer Institute, called HZ "the most remarkable anticancer agent I have come across in my 45 years of experience in cancer," saying:

     Since April 1, 1973, upwards of 30 cachectic or "terminal" cancer patients have been treated with gelatin capsules containing 60 mg of hydrazine sulfate 3 to 4 times a day (at intervals of about 6 hours).  Usually within 24-48 hours there is a marked return of appetite followed by continued increase in weight, remarkably restored physical activity, and eventually decrease in tumor size, decrease in pain, and related decrease in symptomatology.

Why Isn't HZ Used Routinely in Cancer Treatment?

The story of HZ as a suppressed cure is all too familiar.  It involves Big Pharma, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute ... and uncontrolled greed.  Like other natural therapies, HZ can't be patented, and unpatented treatments can't turn into profits for drug companies ... or for the FDA, which benefits financially every time it approves a drug for sale.

     When a natural substance shows promise against cancer, drug companies invest time and money into developing a synthetic, patentable version.  But often these synthetic duplicates just don't work.  Yet, informing the public of inexpensive natural cures would cut into drug company profits.  Therefore, the cure is suppressed.

     That's what happened when HZ started demonstrating good results in a number of studies—and gained public popularity.  The FDA withdrew the INDs (Investigational New Drug number) needed for studies.  Funding evaporated, and companies backed out of research plans.  Even more disturbing were the manipulated (and extremely dangerous and unethical) trials rigged to "prove" that HZ didn't work.  The public received half-truths, misleading data, and manipulated study results instead of the truth.

Learn More About Using Hydrazine Sulfate in Cancer Treatment

Medical practitioners report that HZ only needs to be taken 3 times a day in a small 60 mg pill at a cost of about $30 per month.  However, treatment should be undertaken only under the supervision of a medical professional, because HZ can have dangerous or even fatal interactions with some other medications such as tranquilizers, and some foods need to be avoided, as well.

     The website for the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute contains extensive information on HZ directly from Dr. Gold, including the shocking story of how this information has been kept from the public, resulting in millions of needless cancer deaths.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Featured Article:

Why Your Memory and Brain Function
Start Deteriorating at Age 45
How to Prevent Memory Loss and Reverse Brain Degeneration

According to a recent Metlife/Harris survey, baby boomers are more concerned with losing their cognitive abilities than they are about cancer, heart disease or stroke.

T he headline, "Cognitive Decline Can Begin as Early as Age 45," appeared in the January 2012 edition of BMJ (formerly known as the British Medical Journal).  It shook up the medical community because it overturned the commonly accepted theory that the onset of dementia begins at age 60. 

     New research indicates that memory, reasoning and comprehension skills may begin to deteriorate as early as our mid-forties.

     The study consisted of 7,000 participants between 45 and 70 years of age whose cognitive abilities were tested at the beginning and the end of a 10-year period.  One test measured patients' ability to recall words starting with the consonant "S."  Other tests evaluated memory, vocabulary, aural and visual comprehension skills.  The results were unexpected and quite alarming:

  • Study participants between age 45-47 showed a 3.6% decrease in cognitive function over a decade.  That means that before they reach the age of 65, they would've lost 7.2% of their cognitive function.  How would you feel if you experienced a 7.2% memory decline—even before you reached retirement age?
  • Study participants over 60 at the start of the trial fared even worse, experiencing a decline of 8.5%.  How would you feel if you suffered from an 8.5% cognitive decline—which means you've lost about 5 to 12 years of memories?

     The magnitude of the progressive cognitive decline—while not perceptible to you at first—may not ring any alarm bells or cause you to take immediate action.  But nonetheless, that unnoticeable decline can be a foreshadowing of dementia 20, 30, even 40 years down the road.  That's unless you take healthy steps now to prevent, slow down and even reverse the onslaught of dementia, memory loss, and overall brain-decline.

Francine Grodstein of the Brigham's and Women's Hospital in Boston explains that, "...accumulating evidence indicates that effective interventions will need to be administered long before marked neurodegeneration has occurred."

     There are 3 nutrients that are proving the most important in preventing and reversing brain degeneration.

The Sun is One of Our Brain's Biggest Allies

The medical community has done an effective job warning us of the dangers of sun exposure.  However, our avoidance of the sun comes with unfortunate ramifications.  The sun is a bountiful source of vitamin D, a fat-soluble nutrient that helps ward off mental decline. 

     Vitamin D performs many different functions in directing and enhancing optimal brain health.  Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is a global problem, as 80% of the world's population is lacking in this essential nutrient.  At least 100 medical reports attest to vitamin D's ability to stave off and treat a variety of chronic medical conditions, including those related to brain loss.

Why is Vitamin D Important to Brain Health?

Vitamin D safeguards our brain's blood supply.  By increasing our antioxidant levels, vitamin D also removes toxins from the brain and helps break down a substance called amyloid-beta, which is a protein that plays a major role in the development of Alzheimer's disease, a chronic degenerative brain condition.  Numerous studies have shown that vitamin D also protects neurons and reduces inflammation in our bodies and brains.

Two Studies Establish the Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Cognitive Decline

British neuroscientist David Llewellyn measured vitamin D levels in 1,700 men and women older than 65 years, separating them into groups according to vitamin D deficiency:  severely deficient ... deficient ... insufficient (borderline) ... and optimum.  Testing their cognitive function, Llewellyn's research team found that those with the lowest vitamin D levels not only performed worse on mental tests than those in the optimum group, but were also 2 times more likely to be cognitively impaired.

     A similar study conducted at the University of Manchester confirms these results.  Participants with lower vitamin D levels had slower information-processing speeds, especially those ages 60 and older.  But vitamin D is just one part of the healthy brain equation...

Save Your Brain with Omega-3

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that is found in rich concentrations in coldwater fish, such as salmon.  A main component of Omega-3 is the fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is imperative to the proper functioning of the brain.  DHA is a major ingredient in our brains; it makes up 97% of the omega-3 fats in the brain and 30% of the structural fats in the gray matter of our brain.

     A lack of DHA can have devastating consequences!

     When DHA levels are low, our cells are unable to effectively communicate with one another, and our brains are more susceptible to developing degenerative brain conditions, such as Alzeheimer's.  In his acclaimed health guide, Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible, Earl Mindell, R.Ph. Ph.D. explains, "There's a reason why fish is known as brain food.  It is a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fatty acid that is found in high concentration in the gray matter of the brain.  DHA is instrumental in the function of brain cell membranes, which are important for the transmission of brain signals."

     Numerous studies have shown that higher intakes of omega-3 dramatically reduce your risk of developing vascular dementia, and improve your memory if you are already demonstrating signs of mental decline.  Other studies have proven the link between low levels of DHA in the neurons of the hippocampus—the part of the brain that is critically impacted by Alzheimer's disease—and dementia.

     Animal studies have found that mice and non-human primates fed diets low in DHA show a marked decline in cognitive ability—but when fed diets rich in DHA, they reverse these symptoms and show rapid improvements in learning and in short- and long-term memory.

A DHA study conducted by the Alzheimer's Association found that individuals older than 55 who took a daily supplement of 900 mg of DHA for 6 months possessed the memory and learning abilities of someone 3 years younger.  These and many other studies attest to the importance of supplementing with a DHA supplement early on to prevent and reverse memory degeneration.

"The Most Impressive" Memory-Enhancing Nutrient Ever Found

Although Vitamin D and DHA are essential to proper brain functioning, they still fall short when it comes to optimal brain health.  If you're among the majority of people who are concerned about losing your cognitive abilities, or your memories... the good news is that there is a natural brain enhancer that is guaranteed to sharpen your thinking and help you regain up to 12 years of lost memories.

     In fact, Dr. Thomas Crook, a clinical psychologist and founder of the Memory Assessment Clinics, tested nearly 100 brain nutrients for their effects on human memory—and found this to be the most impressive memory-enhancing nutrient he's ever found.  Even Wall Street Journal hailed this nutrient as follows:  "highly recommended as an effective memory supplement ingredient"—and urged its readers to stick only to supplements that contain this nutrient.

     When combined with DHA and vitamin D, this amazing brain saver is nothing short of a miracle.  To discover more about how this ultimate brain-repair nutrient can help you remember better ... think sharper ... concentrate longer ... and prevent and reverse cognitive decline well into your golden years, click here.

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= = = = = = = = = = =
A Word from Our Sponsor:

EXPOSED:  Mainstream Medicine's
Deadliest Conspiracy

     Can you believe this video?  It's a phenomenon.  In fact, it was sent to more than 289,000 people in just the first 24 hours!

     But you might not see it at all.

     Why?  Because, for the first time, mainstream medicine's deadliest conspiracy has been EXPOSED.  Finally, this video is the 'shot heard around the world' the establishment prayed would never come.

     There are powerful interests hell-bent on minimizing the damage it is doing to corporate medicine's profit machine.

     Before it's banned, watch it here.

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Miracle Healing Plants Along Col Guido St, and East Ridge

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

As we walked up East Ridge, we saw a number of plants that we thought were healing.   We could not identify many of them.

                                             Carica papaya


 x                                        Oregano/herba buena

                                        Ashi tava (leaves of God from Malaysia)


                                            Aaarons rod

                                              Balbas pusa

                                              Aaron's Rod


                                         Rose apple


                                         Bataw (good for excessive menstruation)

Fwd: Throw out the roast, live 25 more years

By eating more vegies and fruits, less of roast, maybe we can prevent cancer.

A  cancer doctor Dr. Keith Block, has a unique clinic:

l.  There is a kitchen where the patient is allowed to see various alternative diet and nutrition for immune system.

2.  Inflammation is controlled.  Many die from inflammation than from the cancer.

Read more

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From: Cancer Defeated <>
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 5:08 PM
Subject: Throw out the roast, live 25 more years

Newsletter #181
Lee Euler, Editor
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"Honey, throw out the roast,
we're going vegetarian!"

Editor's Note: Following is the report of one of our star writers, Andrew Scholberg, who represented Cancer Defeated at the 5th Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Cancer Conference held recently in West Palm Beach, Florida. The conference is sponsored by the Annie Appleseed Project, a nonprofit group that challenges conventional cancer treatment and seek alternatives.
    One of Dr. Keith Block's patients with metastasized prostate cancer called his wife after his initial consultation. He told her, "Honey, throw out the roast. We're going vegetarian!" She did, and he's still alive 25 years later.

    Keith Block, M.D., is one of the world's leading integrative cancer doctors. He related this story at the 2012 Complementary & Alternative Cancer Conference, where he was the keynote speaker.

    Another patient came to Dr Block with metastasized kidney cancer. The doctor he'd been seeing had given him one month to live. He's alive 22 years later and free of disease. And Dr. Block says he actually looks younger today than he did 22 years ago! Keep reading to find out how Dr. Block brings about these remarkable cures. . .

Continued below. . .

You've got to watch this
    I recently came across what I believe is one of the most promising cancer advancements of the past 30 years.

    A neurochemist developed it over the course of 20 years. Already several major studies (on over 10,000 patients combined) have verified its accuracy. The FDA has even approved it.

    But, strangely, this cancer discovery has been kept almost completely quiet. (The reason why made me furious -- I bet you'll feel the same way.)

    I just finished watching this special video alert… It's got everything you need to know about this medical development.

    You've got to watch it now...

    A woman with inoperable pancreatic cancer was given three months to live. Her doctor told her, "We have no treatment for you." She went to Dr. Block's clinic and is now a long-term survivor.

    Dr. Block has many other such stories that prove how foolish it is for a doctor to presume to know how long a patient is going to live -- something only God can know.

    The founder of the Annie Appleseed conference, Ann Fonfa, first met Dr. Block in 2005. She introduced him by saying, "We know what Keith Block does is working because we hear from people all over the country."
Doctors use this alternative secret,
but you can't have it
    Dr. Block rejects the notion that a cancer doctor should use only conventional treatments or only natural remedies. Rather, he combines the best of both. He uses chemo sensitivity testing, designed to match a patient's cancer cells with the specific chemo drug that's most likely to kill the strain of cancer the patient has. He only uses chemo when the test indicates that a chemo drug will be effective against that cancer.

    Ann Fonfa pointed out that some conventional cancer doctors are well aware of the value of the chemo sensitivity test, yet they withhold it from their patients! She found out about that by accident from a doctor from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center who attended one of her conferences.

    This doctor told the audience that when he got colon cancer his fellow doctors at Sloan-Kettering gave him a chemo sensitivity test to find the best treatment. But he said the same doctors tell all their patients that "chemo sensitivity testing doesn't work." This dishonesty, hypocrisy, and greed is par for the course in the cancer treatment racket.

    But Dr. Block's clinic is different. His sole focus is to give his patients therapies that will actually help them get rid of their cancer. And he has put just about everything needed to beat cancer under one roof.
The six key factors in treating cancer
    The treatment plan at Dr. Block's clinic focuses on a few key factors, and he named six: the eating plan, the mind-spirit connection, physical care, nutrition, fitness, and attitude. The treatment is individualized, not one-size-fits-all.

    The first thing you see when you enter Dr. Block's clinic is the kitchen. And that's no accident because he regards food as either a help or a hindrance in getting rid of cancer. Eating the wrong foods -- like sugar, bad fats, and junk food -- will feed cancer. But a solid eating plan that includes a good variety of vegetables helps cure cancer.

    He recommends a colorful variety ("rainbow") of vegetables, whole cereal grains, and mostly plant-based proteins. He offers his patients cooking classes, which he says are fundamental and basic for medical care.

    Inflammation is a common problem that can lead to or aggravate cancer. In fact, inflammation more than doubles the mortality from cancer. Yet conventional doctors don't even test for it. Dr. Block does, and he prescribes a treatment plan that reduces inflammation.

    Correcting the ratio of bad fats to good fats is one way to reduce inflammation. Dr. Block said that omega 6 fats can drive up inflammation. The typical American has a ratio of 20 to one of bad fats to good fats (omega 3). Kids may have a ratio of 40 or 45 to one. A ratio of two to one or one to one is ideal, he said. He pointed out that cutting dietary fat lowered the risk of breast cancer recurrence 24 percent.

    Sleep is "super relevant" for health and especially for cancer patients, according to Dr. Block. Being exposed to light while sleeping increases breast cancer incidence by 22 percent because light suppresses melatonin. Using black shades with velcro to block light from a bedroom can improve the quality of sleep, he said.
Air travel industry would be shut down
if it had a record like the cancer industry
    Dr. Block posed the question, "Why are we losing the war on cancer, which costs America $225 billion a year?" He said you could fill 12 jumbo jets with the Americans who will get diagnosed with cancer today -- and another 12 jumbo jets tomorrow and the next day and the next. That's bad enough. But he said the number of people dying of cancer each day would fill three or four jumbo jets. He observed that "the FAA would shut down all flights if the prognosis for flight safety were that bad!"

    We're losing the war on cancer, Dr. Block declared, because "our system is topsy turvy" and because "there's no foundation for true prevention." Screening procedures aren't prevention because they only catch disease -- early, one hopes. But even catching it early is too late when the cancer could've been prevented in the first place.

    Dr. Block, who has seen over 18,000 patients, declared, "People don't die from cancer. They die from complications and consequences of the disease -- from things that are treatable." He listed sticky blood as an example. Sticky blood can lead to an embolism. But an integrative treatment program can change blood from sticky to slippery, which is much more healthy.

    How important is exercise in a cancer treatment program? Dr. Block declared, "No patient has done a three-mile speed walk and died the next day." That being the case, when someone has cancer it'd be an excellent idea to do a three-mile speed walk every day! Dr. Block wants all of his patients to get moving. And he even has a treadmill next to the chemo suites at his clinic.

    Dr. Block often treats his patients while they're exercising. For example, he can give a chemo drip by IV while a patient is doing yoga.
This doctor follows his own advice
    Dr. Block practices what he preaches about exercise. His favorite hobby is cold-water surfing. Believe it or not, he surfs the waves of Lake Michigan during the cold, windy Chicago winters. He has also surfed the waves off the shores of Alaska, and he even surfed 1,000 feet from glaciers in Antarctica!

    Of course, few cancer patients will follow him in that extreme hobby. But just about all cancer patients can walk three to five hours per week. For those who like to ride a bike, Dr. Block recommends 30 minutes of cycling per day.

    Dr. Block is the editor-in-chief of Integrative Cancer Therapies and the author of Life Over Cancer. For years, the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment was located in Evanston, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. He recently moved his clinic to the adjacent suburb of Skokie.
Doctor apologized for not listening
    The next presentation was a panel discussion of long-term cancer survivors. Moderator Julia Chiappetta found her breast cancer herself. She'd formed the habit of checking herself for cancer, and she felt her tumor.

    But when she first saw a doctor about her concern, he gave her a mammogram, which was negative, and told her not to worry about it. She pleaded with him to do a biopsy because she could feel something wasn't right. The doctor had to apologize to her when the biopsy came back positive for stage 2 breast cancer. He promised to listen to his patients better in the future.

    Julia says mammograms are only about 50 percent accurate. She prefers other cancer detection tools: ultrasound, thermography, and MRIs. To get rid of her cancer, Julia used a natural protocol with no drugs whatsoever, and that worked for her. For a detailed description of thermography, see our Special Report Breast Cancer Cover-Up.
They used alternatives — and lived
    Panelist Eddie Dutton, the executive director of the South Florida Cancer Association, had stage 4 neck cancer with a cancerous tongue and throat. One doctor gave him four months to live. His doctor gave him the conventional treatment -- surgery, radiation, and chemo.

Correction to previous issue
    The previous issue, #180, was incorrect when it described the beetroot supplement Neo40® Daily as "sublingual (under the tongue)." The lozenges should be allowed to dissolve on top of the tongue. As always, when taking this or any other supplement you should use as directed on the packaging. We regret the error.

    When Eddie asked the doctor about alternatives, the doctor said, "I don't know anything about it, so I wouldn't recommend it." He decided to use alternatives, including laetrile (apricot seeds), resveratrol, and hawthorne berries. These alternatives helped him get rid of his cancer.

    Panelist Billy Lewter is a prostate cancer survivor. He'd decided to get surgery but changed his mind in favor of alternatives. His doctor was shocked and offended upon learning that Billy wasn't going to have surgery. He shook Billy by the shoulders and said, "You're playing Russian roulette! You have 12 months to live."

    Billy sought treatment at the Hippocrates Health Institute, a Florida clinic. Later he went to Germany for cancer treatment at the late Dr. Hans Nieper's clinic in Hanover. Dr. Nieper gave him Venus fly trap extract and other therapies. The doctor who once told him "you have 12 months to live" was dead wrong.

    Billy has survived for 19 years without conventional treatment. Unfortunately he was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, though he's not a smoker. He hopes to beat that, too.
The doctor was talking through his hat
    Panelist Florence Ferreira learned she had cancer 12 years ago. Like Julia, she found it herself despite a mammogram that was negative. Her doctor gave her "six months to live." She never believed him. She had a sense that he was talking through his hat.

    To outlive her doctor's death sentence, she used both conventional and alternative therapies. For her, this integrative approach has worked. But two years ago she had a setback. In September of 2010 she learned about two tumors growing in her spine, pinching the nerves going to her legs. This caused intense pain. She couldn't sleep at night. She was screaming. Steroids didn't help. When the pain kept on increasing she went on morphine.

    Dr. Martin Dayton of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, helped her get through the crisis. Florence calls him a "great doctor."

    To get rid of the tumors, she concluded that she needed extreme hyperthermia -- a treatment that's only available in Germany. So she got her passport, flew to Germany, and checked into the clinic of one of Germany's leading cancer specialists, Alexander Herzog, M.D. (I've personally interviewed Dr. Herzog and toured his clinic as well as the other top clinics in Germany. For more information, check out our Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough.)

    Florence needed wheelchair service to make it to Dr. Herzog's clinic. She had hardly slept for months. She was swollen just about everywhere. She had local hyperthermia on her spine the very first day, which gave her immediate relief. "It was pretty amazing," she said. On the third day Dr. Herzog gave her extreme whole body hyperthermia in which her core temperature was heated to 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 degrees Fahrenheit) for four hours under sedation. Healthy cells can take this kind of heat for four hours, but cancer cells can't.
Florence came back to America dancing and jumping!
    She said, "I came back to America walking, dancing, and jumping." Florence's oncologist couldn't believe it. Instead of looking into the German treatments he told her, "It HAS to be the placebo effect." What an ignorant remark!

    From the time Cancer Defeated first started in 2006, we've repeatedly and forcefully recommended hyperthermia. It's a treatment every cancer patient and everyone who might become a cancer patient (in other words, everybody) should know about. The best source of information is German Cancer Breakthrough.

    The youngest panelist, Johnny Cathcard, was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 12. He started getting headaches in sixth grade, and they became worse in seventh grade. After an MRI, a doctor told his parents, "My gosh, your son has a fist-sized tumor in his brain. We've got to cut it out now!" The next morning he was on the operating table.

    After surgery, he got heavy doses of conventional treatments, including a "super dose of chemo" 11 years ago at Sloan-Kettering. The side effects were severe, including some damage to his hearing.

    Johnny's high school cross country coach once told him, "When you get to the end of what you can do, that's where faith begins." And Johnny holds onto those words as a metaphor for life. He says "bad things often happen, but life is all about how we deal with them. Life isn't meant to be easy, it's just meant to be worth it!"

    Johnny is wise beyond his years. He says faith got him through his many health crises: faith that tomorrow will come, faith that there will be a future, faith that he's going to get to the other side.

    The panel also included Jennifer Rozman, who became a full-time caregiver when her mother was dying of breast cancer. That experience revealed her mission in life: to help people be proactive with health. She started a juicing company and brings juice to people's homes. She teaches others that connecting the mind and the body is the path to true health.

    Next issue will feature our concluding report on Anne Fonfa's excellent conference.

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler Publisher

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Editor in Chief: Lee Euler Contributing Editors: Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks, Roz Roscoe Marketing: Shane Holley Information Technology Advisor: Michelle Mato Webmaster: Steve MacLellan Fulfillment & Customer Service: Joe Ackerson and Cami Lemr

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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