
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Go from "bald" to BOLD; Hidden chemical dangers; The only pill you need

From: Dr. Mark Stengler  | Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:30 PM
Subject: Go from "bald" to BOLD; Hidden chemical dangers; The only pill you need

Hair-science breakthrough takes you from "bald" to BOLD!

Scientists have finally discovered the reason your hair might be falling to the floor -- and even better, how you can re-grow your confidence.

Experience the cutting-edge "block and restore" powerhouse featuring four baldness blockers in one place, so you could...

  • Stop your hairline from retreating
  • Hold on to the hair you have
  • Recharge your roots and see a difference in just 30 days...or you pay nothing.
See how easy it is to take charge of your hair, re-grow your boldness and see a real difference in just 30 days or you pay nothing...

Avoiding BPA & phthalates is harder than it seems

If you want to know how tough it is to lower your levels of BPA and phthalates, just take a look at what happened when 10 families were actually given some help avoiding these hormone-like chemicals.

Half were given a handout on the best ways to reduce exposure -- including not putting plastic food containers in the microwave and avoiding canned goods.

Five days later, they had no changes in their BPA and phthalate levels -- a big disappointment since these chemicals have been linked to obesity, diabetes, developmental problems, sexual dysfunction, and more.

The rest of the families hit the research equivalent of the jackpot: They were given handcrafted organic meals carefully prepared from scratch by a caterer who didn't cook, store, or serve the food in plastic.

Sounds good, right?

I'm sure it tasted good, too -- but five days later, these families actually saw their levels of one common phthalate skyrocket by 25 times. And in children, daily levels of exposure were 9 times higher than the safe limit recommended by the EPA.

Adding insult to injury, their BPA levels actually rose slightly, too.

Since their levels returned to normal when they went back to their regular everyday diets, the exposure must've come from the fresh organic foods -- so researchers tested the ingredients used in those meals.

And -- surprise! -- they found high levels of phthalates in organic dairy products, including milk, butter, cream, and cheese, as well as in spices such as cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and ground coriander.

In the case of dairy, it seems the phthalate contamination came from the plastic tubes and such used when cows are milked. The fats in dairy do a pretty good job of absorbing phthalates, so all it takes is that brief exposure for moo juice to turn into a chemical cocktail.

The spices were harder to trace, but the best guess is that they were also contaminated during the manufacturing process.

Since most of the exposure came from those sources, I have a two-step solution (in addition to the usual advice about avoiding packaged foods and plastics):

First, avoid dairy. We weren't designed to drink the milk of another creature anyway, and it shows in the high number of dairy sensitivities and allergies we see.

Try organic nut milks instead of regular milk.

Second, make sure your spices are as fresh as the rest of your food -- because a little pinch of contamination can wreck your whole meal, and you'll never even know it.

For another reason to avoid BPA, keep reading.

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BPA linked to brain damage

As if the news on BPA isn't bad enough already, new research finds this hormone-like chemical can damage brains in the most critical stage of development.

In a study on nerve cells taken from mice, rats, and humans, researchers found that BPA blocked a critical chemical called KCC2.

This chemical has one job: It lowers levels of chloride.

That may not mean much to anyone who isn't a scientist, but it's a critical job because nerve cells are always generating chloride -- especially during development in infancy and early childhood.

And if that chloride builds up, bad things happen.

For example, it can actually stop nerve cells from reaching their proper places in the brain.

That's already bad enough. But what makes this study even more disturbing is that the protein that appears to be impeding KCC2 due to BPA exposure is the same one that may be responsible for Rett's syndrome.

That's a severe form of autism that happens only to girls -- and sure enough, the experiments found that BPA exposure had much more of an impact on female nerve cells than on those of males, according to the study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

It's too early to say whether BPA is responsible for Rett's syndrome -- but since this hormone-like chemical has been linked before to developmental and behavioral problems in children including autism and autism-like conditions, I tend to believe that where there's smoke, there's fire.

And there's an awful lot of smoke here.

Bottom line is no good could come from BPA exposure at any age, as it has been linked to obesity, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, and more even in adults -- and in children this stuff can clearly do even more damage.

Avoiding it isn't easy, as I just told you -- but make it your mission to reduce your levels as much as you can, for yourself and your family.

God bless,

Dr. Mark Stengler

EXPOSED: The 5 most common falsehoods about fatigue --
and the little-known secret to enjoying BOUNDLESS ENERGY

Imagine bouncing out of bed, full of pep -- brimming with the energy and the positive outlook you need to cross all the items off your to-do list...and all before you've even smelled the first drops of coffee wafting out of the kitchen...

It's so simple -- but countless commercials and self-proclaimed "experts" have spread so much confusion about how to get more energy that hardly anyone knows this secret.

See what Dr. Stengler calls the five biggest falsehoods of fatigue and discover the real way to feel your best, everyday...

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Did a Cleveland fry cook make the heart health discovery of the century?
A short video is sweeping the web about a Cleveland fry cook who just may have uncovered an incredible heart health find. It sounds crazy but this breakthrough has already raked in hundreds of thousands from a government grant and gotten the attention of two preeminent physicians. And if you have heart health concerns (and who doesn't!) you won't believe what it can do for you. Find out today...

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This Kind of Fat Makes You SLIMMER

Skim milk fattens you because lactose is left?  Lactose is the culprit?

Switch back to full fat milk;   it makes you slimmer

From: Discovery Health Publishing  | Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:45 PM
Subject: This Kind of Fat Makes You SLIMMER

Discovery Health Publishing
I grew up in the 1970s with a well-intentioned mom who looked out for her family. But like most folks back then, her idea of being health-conscious was to follow the advice she heard on TV.
That meant the only milk she bought was that watery, skim milk that had that "blue tinge" to it. To this day, my mother is horrified at the thought of fat in her milk, cheese or yogurt. 
But the "evil fat" she and so many other Americans fear is actually your best insurance AGAINST heart disease and diabetes. And as for weight loss, full-fat dairy helps you stay slim. Let me explain. 
Low-fat Dairy Leads To Weight Gain and Heart Disease
Dieticians, government agencies and my mother all think low-fat dairy is "diet food."  But farmers know better.
They feed pigs skim milk to FATTEN them up.
That's because when you remove fat from milk, you're left with lactose, a natural sugar. When you eat full-fat dairy, the fat slows the sugar so it doesn't go straight into your bloodstream. But without the fat, all that milk sugar rushes into your blood, driving up insulin levels. 
And since insulin is your fat storage hormone, you start building up fat reserves. And that turns your waistline into a "beer belly" in nothing flat.
But the problem isn't just what they take out of milk. It's what they put in skim milk that makes it downright dangerous. You won't see it on the label but all low-fat dairy contains nonfat dried milk.
It sounds harmless enough but the high heat used to produce nonfat dried milk oxidizes the cholesterol in the milk. It's that oxidized cholesterol in low-fat dairy that forms plaque in your arteries.1
Top 5 Reasons to Switch to Full-Fat Dairy
Science is finding more and more health benefits from the fats in milk. Here are just five reasons you should enjoy whole dairy.
  1. Reduce risk of death from heart disease. In a 16-year study of 1,529 Australians, those who ate more full-fat dairy had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.2

  2. Reduce colon cancer risk. In a Swedish study of more than 60,000 women, those eating 4 or more servings of full-fat milk, cultured milk, cheese, cream, sour cream, or butter every day had a 60% lower risk of colorectal cancer.3

  3. Lower diabetes risk. Harvard researchers discovered that trans-palmitoleic acid, a naturally occurring fat, substantially reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. It's not produced by your body and only comes from foods like milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter.4
  4. Improve digestion. Whole milk is associated with fewer bad stomach bugs. One study found that kids who drink low-fat milk have 3 to 5 times more frequent diarrhea.5

  5. Support weight loss. Another Swedish study of more than 19,000 women found that eating at least one serving of whole fat dairy per day was associated with lower body mass index.6
Wishing you strength and vitality,
Jason Kennedy
Jason Kennedy
1 Ron Schmid, ND, "The Untold Story of Milk," NewTrends Publishing, Inc. 2009
2 M Bonthuis, M C B Hughes, T I Ibiebele, A C Green and J C van der Pols, Dairy consumption and patterns of mortality of Australian adults, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 64, 569-577 (June 2010), doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.45
3 Susanna C. Larsson, et al, High-fat dairy food and conjugated linoleic acid intakes in relation to colorectal cancer incidence in the Swedish Mammography Cohort, Am J Clin Nutr October 2005 vol. 82 no. 4 894-900
4 Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH; Haiming Cao, PhD; Irena B. King, PhD; Rozenn N. Lemaitre, PhD, MPH; Xiaoling Song, PhD; David S. Siscovick, MD, MPH; and Go?khan S. Hotamisligil, MD, PhD, Trans-Palmitoleic Acid, Metabolic Risk Factors, and New-Onset Diabetes in U.S. Adults: A Cohort Study Ann Intern Med. 21 December 2010; 153(12):790-799
5 Koopman JS et al, Milk fat and gastrointestinal illness. Am J Public Health. 1984 Dec;74(12):1371-3.
6 Magdalena Rosell et al, Association between dairy food consumption and weight change over 9 y in 19,352 perimenopausal women, Am J Clin Nutr December 2006 vol. 84 no. 6 1481-1488

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Slimming Microbes, key to slimming without the gastric bypass surgery

Live healthy and long

 From NewsMaxHealth | March 27, 2013

Is it possible to cure obesity without performing the guy bypass surgery (called Roux n Y bariatric bypass.  The operation involves lessening the capacity of the stomach and bypassing the small intestine) but by transplating the trillions of microbes dwelling in the gut?

This is what the team at Massachussetts Gen Hospital and Harvard Medical School.  This is how the operation proceeded.  One did the usual Roux n Y bypass on a mouse. The mouse lost 29% of the weight.   Then an incision was made on a second mouse but gut was reconnected the usual way but the gut microbes from the Roux n Y mouse was transferred to the second mouse.  The second mouse lost weight too.

So the weight loss is not just anatomical but physiological caused by microbiota, according to Dr. Lee Kaplan of the Harvard Medical School - the senior author of the study

Cholesterol test results often wrong? John Hopkins School of Medicine Study

Live healthy and long

NewsMaxHealth by NIck Tate | March 27, 2013 

The John Hopkins School of Medicine found out that the test results, l in 4, for measuring LDL, the bad cholesterol, using the 1972 Friedewald equation had it wrong.  And this could lead to serious implications in the treatment of heart diseases. 

The lead researcher, Dr. Seth Martin, used direct calculations, vs the Friedewald equation, and found that figure to be higher than the desired level.  Thus many patients had false sense of security that they have safe triglyceride level.  

The study covered the period 2009 to 2011 and involved l.3 million Americans. The researchers used the more accurate but lengthy process known as ultracentrifugation.  The Friedewald method used in l972, was supposed the time and expense of ultracenftrifugation.  However, the research found the difference to be significant. 

So sometimes, no measurement is better than wrong measurement.?  Yesteday, my daughter got dizzy after she measured her bp with a digital sphygmo, which she usually does not do.  She got dizzy because of the measurement?

So with this error  of measurement, many patients think they are OK, but they are not?


Cancer Drug cure finally found at Stanford U School of Medicine?

Live healthy and long

From NewsMax Health | March 30, 2013 

Do you believe that cancer is untreatable?

That the cure for cancer has not been found?

This Stanford University, the center of many innovation - entrepreneurship, design school,  the origin of many Silicon Valley new business (not to mention Google) just came up with an amazing discovery -  the substance the CD 47 cancer enzyme blocker. CD 47 blocks the body's immune system from fighting cancer cells.   Cancer cells produce large amounts of CD 47 and the drug discovered at the Stanford University School of Medicine blocks this enzyme.  This is according to Irving Weissman, a Stanford U school of medicine  biologist who was interviewed by Science Magazine recently.

The antibody were found to be effective vs various cancer cells transplanted into the mice: breast, ovary, bladder, prostate, brain liver.  Having blocked the CD 47, the cancer cells are vulnerable to the body's own immune system to finish them off

Weissman added that the antibody could either:  slow down the growth of cancer cells, or prevent metastasis after the tumor has taken hold.  

The findings has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published this week. And this could lead to clinical trials next year.

The research was in part funded by $20 million funding from California Institute of Regenerative Medicine

Can Coffee Prevent A Stroke?

The benefits of drinking gr een coffee has been discovered lately.  In the PHL, there is a group of doctors who imported from US such business concept c/o leadership of Dr. Gary Bunagan - the Organic Green Coffee bean.

It has been taunted as cure for high blood pressure (and hence stroke)

New industry for  coffee growers?

From: Joe Barton  | Date: Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 1:45 AM
Subject: Can Coffee Prevent A Stroke?

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Joe Barton - Barton Publishing Inc
Hey Jorge.Saguinsin,

If you love your morning coffee, but have been nervous about its effects on your brain health, I have good news.

Here's the story...

It turns out that coffee may help lower your risk of having a stroke, especially if it's a regular part of your diet.

A new study, just published in Stroke: the Journal of the American Association, seems to show that the more coffee (or green tea) people drink, the lower their risk of having a stroke.

This is especially good news because, aside from water, coffee and tea are the most popular beverages in the world.Here's just some of what the study found:

People who drank at least one cup of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of stroke.

People who drank at least one cup of coffee per day had a 32% lower risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (this condition causes about 13% of strokes).

People who drank 2 to 3 cups of green tea each day had a 14% lower risk of stroke.

DESIGN: The study examined the coffee and green tea drinking habits of over 82,000 adults, between the ages of 45 to 74, and followed them for an average of 13 years.

CONCLUSION:  Dale Webb, D.Phil., says: "We welcome this study, which suggests that the benefits of antioxidants in coffee and green tea offset the potential harm from caffeine. The results demonstrate higher consumption of green tea and coffee might reduce the risks for stroke, especially for intracerebral hemorrhage."

SUGGESTION: As in all things, moderation is recommended. If you already drink a cup of coffee each day, this study seems to show there's no reason to change that behavior. In fact, your morning coffee may be helping protect you from a stroke!

Enjoy that advice? Then you'll be SHOCKED by this:

Did you know that certain foods can damage your brain and memory? One of our trusted medical researchers and advisors shares the exact foods to avoid here:

==> The 5 WORST foods for your brain

Yours for excellent health,
Joe Barton
Founder & CEO 

Barton Publishing Inc.

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Study shows eating soy extends survival rate of lung cancer victims

Live healthy and long

From NewsMaxHealth | March 26, 2013 

In a study conducted by Dr. Gong Yang of women in Shanghai, published in March 25, 2013 issue of Journal of Clinical Oncology , eating soy products lengthened survival periods of such women diagnosed with lung cancer. Dr. Yang is a research associate professor of medicine in the Department of Epedimiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville (This conflicts with earlier findings that soy could be carcinogenic since they contain xenoestrogens)

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among women in the world.  Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer in the US.

According to Dr. Joyti Patel,associate professor of medicine at Robert H. Laurie comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwesten UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine in Chicago,  soy contains isoflavinoids that slow down growth of cancer cells (SERM - selective estrogen modulators) similar to cancer fighting drug tamoxifen.  Patel suggests that there are estrogen receptors in the development of lung cancer (this supports the John Beard theory of cancer)

The study was collaborated by Vanderbilt University, National Cancer Institute, and Shanghai Cancer Institute

Soy Extends Cancer Survival

Live healthy and long

From: Newsmax Health
Subject: Soy Extends Cancer Survival; MRIs Overused for Back Pain; Chelation Wrong for Heart

Health Alerts

Special: Guess who's going bankrupt NEXT in America?
JAMA: Chelation Therapy No Help for Heart Disease
Experts: Many Lower Back Scans Unnecessary


You'll never guess who's going bankrupt next
Dear Reader,
Here's something I definitely recommend you check out…
Porter Stansberry is the founder of a boutique financial research firm in Maryland, called Stansberry & Associates Investment Research.
Over the years, Porter has done some amazing work, predicting the collapse of certain companies, and even entire industries.
For example, he described in great detail--and well in advance--the collapse of such institutions as General Motors, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, just to name a few.
The newspaper Barron's even wrote a story citing some of Porter's most insightful work.
Well, now Porter says there's another big bankruptcy on the horizon… and he says it's going to shock nearly everyone in America.
This is a fascinating analysis, which is why we've posted Porter's work on our website, here.
I strongly encourage you to take at least a few minutes to check it out, as this story will almost certainly affect you.
Again you can check it out, free of charge, here.
George Rayburn
Publisher, S&A Research
To Read More Health News go to

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Advanced publication of Life issue on treating cancer

Live healthy and long

From Time Magazine | April 1, 2013 

This is an advanced feature of Time magazine on treating cancer.  This is the traditional big pharma big hospital method/process of curing cancer:   expensive but no clear results in sight.  Cancer is often seen as a bizarre difficult disease t cure.  And yet everywhere, as this blog suggests:  there are cures that have been discovered, there are non traditional cures available.  There are works of doctors and scientists that are documented and evidence based that proves that there are cancer cures that work.

Amoebiasis home cure

Live healthy and long

Rizal, PHL   March 2013

I had to bring a member of the family to an expensive hospital in Metro Manila last Monday. She had LBM (watery stools), bloated stomach. Her fecalysis showed she had Entamoeba histolytica.  That meant she was exhibiting classic amoebiasis.  We asked her what did she eat. Well, the only thing unusual she ate was chicken liver adobo.  Where does she get her water? She got this from the office water dispenser.  She had this since Saturday, and even attended a wedding as one of the sponsors (she prepared for about 2 months for this so she had to attend no matter what)

So last Sunday, we bought hydride for oral rehydration (since the bad effect of LBM is dehydration leading to electrolyte imbalance) and metrodinazole (the only known pharma anti amoeba)

She requested that she be brought to the hospital last Monday, just to be sure of the home cure.

Fortunately for her, the resident doctor at the ER of the hospital sent her home and prescribed in addition to metrodinazole, anti lbm.  She could be under home care.  Just continue with the oral rehydration.  The lbm she said would continue, since the infection would subside in 7 days.

Her sister told her to eat normally so that she would be nourished.  We put her before on gruel, and bland diet.  Last night, she ordered pizza and ice cream.  The internet articles suggest:    swallowing papaya leaves, black tea with sugar, ground guava leaves

Amoebiasis home remedies 

From right diagnosis - amoebiasis treatment

From surgery door

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pollution situation in MM this morning, March 23, 2013; visual observation

                 Can you Live healthy and long here in MM?  do you think this is below 160parts /milllion?

   FBC and surrounding areas;  which firm is spewing black smoke into the atmosphere?

 Alabang area;  there are many birds feasting at fish pen goodies;  oblivious to the air pollution

  Same view without the zoom

Benefits of exercise for the brain

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives on fitness | March 22, 2013 

What are the benefits of exercise (say biking) to your brain/mental health?

1.  Promotes brain health through the production of  BDNF (brain derived neurotropic factor)

2.  Creation of new brain cells (neurons) through nuerogenesis.

So the more you exercise, the more you lessen risk of dementia and the more your memory and thinking stay sharp and fresh (aside from removal of toxic waste in your brain).

What happens if you stop exercising?  Do you retain benefits of exercising if you stop?  

Yes up to 6 weeks and then your brain starts deteriorating. Resume exercising, or start exercising now.!

Exercise is medicine. Not available in your drugstore. No need for prescription !

Friday, March 22, 2013

Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives | March 22, 2013 

Dr Mercola is a fitness buff and he does the marathon.  He came across Peak Fitness Program in Mexico c/o Phil Campbell.  The came Niles Rickey Wheeler also known as BodyMan47.   He was diagnosed with colon cancer when he was 52, recovered and now shares his fitness regimen.  They inspired Mercola further to believe in Peak Fitness Program and HIIT.

HIIT is not new. I came across Interval Training as espoused by Lydiard in middle distance training when I got interested in running way back in l985.  I did not pay much attention to it because it was painful and exhausting.  Now there is a growing evidence to its effectiveness:  you get stronger in as little as  10 to 15 minutes a day regimen, unlike the cardio or one hour aero.

There are two methods:

l.  High intensity sprints done outside the house/gym go all out for 30 secs and rest for 90 seconds about 8 reps;

2.  Using free weights or resistance machine but slowing down the movements. Say do an exercise at much slower rate. If you do it in 4 seconds, do it in 8 seconds.  8 reps for every exercise.

I found this to be tiring and more painful.  But outright, I can see the benefits.

Dr. Doug McGuff MD is also strong proponent of high intensity training interspersed with a day of Recovery.  The High intensity training works on three parts of the adrenals:  salt, sugar, and sex.

Did the hospital and the doctor charge the patient the right amount?

Live healthy and long

Rizal  Philippines  March 22, 2013

An agent who has been working with us for the last 2 months just called me up telling that his nephew Adrian would be going out of the hospital by tomorrow.  Adrian had a severe gouty arthritis and could not walk because of swollen knees.  Last week he had melena and had to be brought to the hospital and had to be operated on because of perforated stomach and intestine.  The possible culprit could be the  aspirin and other pain killers he took to relieve pain from gouty arthritis.

But the biggest challenge to the family was the huge medical bill they had to pay.  The hospital they went to is owned by a large conglomerate and obviously had high profit motive:  they had to pay P300,000 for the board and lodging, OR, meds, OR etc.  For the MDs who operated on the nephew, they had to cough another P300,000 each or a total P900,000.  (The MDs matched the hospital fees)  Her brother is all ready retired and did not have much savings but they had cars and sold two cars:  one of them is Toyotal Innova.

She asked me whether the charges were right, especially the PF.  I could not answer.

But what I can say are:

l.  The hospitals here, the big three, are obviously, like their US counterparts are profit driven.

2.  As for the PF, what is relevant here is the graduation speech of Cardinal Tagle to Ateneans this noon.

3.  The perforated stomach is not a physiological problem or microbes caused;  it is iatrogenic by hospital or treatment ie the prolonged analgesic treatment against the gouty arthritis.  (We expect liver and kidney problems too?)

What do you think of this issue?

Joint relief genius stuns science with explosive in-home breakthrough

From Nutrition and Healing - Bob Reagan  | Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Subject: Joint relief genius stuns science with explosive in-home breakthrough

Health e-Tips

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Joint relief genius stuns science with explosive in-home breakthrough

Have you seen this yet?

It's a short video that's circling the web about a chemical engineer who stumbled onto what could be the biggest joint breakthrough in decades... In his very own kitchen!

I know it sounds crazy but his discovery has already been awarded multiple patents, sparked scientific studies and is blowing away even the most popular joint comfort products in a head-to-head study.

If you still haven't seen it yet, it'll be available for the next 24 hours by clicking here now...

Dear Reader,

If you lived through the thalidomide crisis of the early 1960s, it's probably etched into your mind forever. Thousands of babies died in the womb or were born with shrunken, twisted limbs, all thanks to a morning sickness pill that should never have been approved for pregnant women.

Thalidomide wasn't just a Big Pharma scandal -- it was their Watergate. And as country after country banned thalidomide forever for would-be moms, we all promised ourselves this would never happen again.

Well, it looks like time heals all wounds, my friend. Because it's all happening again -- but this time no one seems to be talking about it.

In fact, Big Pharma is right now unleashing a birth defects crisis on the world that could make the thalidomide scandal look like a harmless hiccup -- and you need to know about it so you can keep your loved ones safe.

During the past 30 years, as Big Pharma has sunk its talons deeper and deeper into mainstream medicine, the number of pregnant women using prescription drugs during their first trimester has skyrocketed by 60%. That first trimester, as you know, is critical to the development of a babies' major organs and nervous systems.

In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70% of American women are now taking at least one prescription drug during their pregnancies. And guess what?

Prescription drugs may be causing 15,000 birth defects annually in the U.S. alone. That's almost equal to the total number of birth defects caused by thalidomide -- and it's happening every single year!

The March of Dimes estimates that 150,000 U.S. children are born every year with some type of birth defect, and the Food and Drug Administration claims at least 10% of them are likely caused by prescription medications.

How does this happen? Well, many drugs have never been tested on pregnant women, but they're prescribed anyway. Take antidepressants for example.

Experts admit they have no idea whatsoever whether antidepressants harm fetuses -- but as many as 13% of pregnant women are popping these pills.

If you're an expecting mother who is taking prescription pills -- or if you know one -- make a doctor's appointment right away.

Ask your doctor if your prescription has been proven safe for pregnant women -- and just as importantly, ask if it's ever been studied at all. Then work with your doctor to see if there are safe, natural alternatives that could keep you prescription-free -- and your baby safe.

And even if you're not pregnant, don't make the mistake of thinking you're off the hook. Prescription drug side effects can take their toll on any of us. And whether you're a man or woman...young or old...those side effects can be a hefty price to pay. To find out ways you can live a healthy, drug-free life, from our friends and affiliates at Health Sciences Institute, click here.


In as little as eight weeks you could be reading without your glasses or contact lenses...and without surgery or strenuous eye exercises. Now, thanks to an exciting program developed at the internationally acclaimed Cambridge Institute for Better Vision, you may be able to discard your glasses -- for life!

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Can turkey and beans conquer PMS?

Whether you've endured painful cramping, fatigue, mood swings -- or all of the above -- you know that premenstrual syndrome can make life miserable for days at a time.

PMS is a serious health problem that affects BILLIONS, and as many as 85% of women have suffered from symptoms at some point in their lives. If you're one of them, I have some delicious news that could spell the end of your PMS symptoms for good!

Researchers now believe you may be able to cure PMS right at your dinner table! According to a 10-year study of more than 3,000 women, eating foods rich in iron may be the key to avoiding monthly bouts with crippling PMS.

During the study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the women who had the highest intake of iron were able to slash their risk of suffering PMS by 40%. But women who were not eating iron-rich foods saw their chances of developing PMS shoot through the roof!

The GREAT news is that some of the most delicious foods known to mankind are absolutely loaded with iron. Some of my favorite iron-rich foods are red meat (in moderation, please), turkey, oysters, eggs, leafy green vegetables, and beans. You can also work with your doctor to determine if an iron supplement might be right for you.

If you or a loved one suffer from PMS, the days of "grin and bear it" are over. Try an iron-rich diet and see how much better you can feel.

Yours in good health,

Bob Reagan

Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

The DRIER your skin is--
The BETTER this ancient remedy works

For centuries, the Aborigines have endured one of the harshest, driest climates on Earth--constantly exposed to the searing rays of the sun in an intense desert heat that's hard to imagine--let alone live in. But, the Aborigines have learned to adapt to their surroundings, and have discovered ways to survive by living off the land and using only what Mother Nature provided them.

And no, it's not that they've adapted to the extreme heat. Their skin is just as susceptible as yours and mine--but they've got a skin healing secret...

Too Many Pills in Pregnancy: (

PMS Symptoms Linked to Diet: (

Did a Cleveland fry cook make the heart health discovery of the century? It sounds crazy but this breakthrough has already raked in hundreds of thousands from a government grant and gotten the attention of two preeminent physicians. And if you have heart health concerns (and who doesn't!) you won't believe what it can do for you. Find out today...

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What is the relevance of Survey of Pope to health?

Live healthy and long

Does religion have anything to do with physical, mental, and emotional health?


Past publication at newsmax health says prayer improves mental and emotional health.  If you do not like the new Pope then it disturbs your faith and your emotional and mental health.

From Newsmax Health  || Thu, Mar 21, 2013
Subject:  Do You Approve of Pope Francis?


Dear Newsmax Health Reader: and conduct regular surveys on politics, culture, health and finance with our readers to better know our readers and improve our coverage.
Recently the Catholic Church named a new Pope, Francis.
Newsmax is conducting an urgent poll about the new Pope, the Catholic Church and its future.
What is your current opinion about the Church? Should it change its stance on women priests and contraception?
Newsmax is asking people of all faiths to take this survey.
You can do so easily by Going Here Now
Newsmax, one of the nation's most respected online news outlets, will provide the results of this poll to major media outlets.
Newsmax's results also will be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.
Newsmax reports have been cited by major outlets, including CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, MSNBC, and other major networks.
Don't miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard.
Take part in our national poll – Go Here Now
Thank you.

Soda drinks responsible for 25,000 annual deaths in US, Statins harm kidneys

Live healthy and long

What is your take on this?  Will you still drink soda?  Do you thinks this post is a leftist movement against multinationals and big business?

What about statins?  It is good that when my cholesterol, I defied the doctor and took my chances. I just biked and exercised to burn off the cholesterol.  I would have had dementia and bad kidneys plus an empty bank account had I complied.

From Newsmax Health  |  Thu, Mar 21, 2013  | Soda Kills 25,000 a Year in US; Statins Harm Kidneys; New Joints Boost Sex Life

Special: California Man Narrowly Avoids a Heart Attack by Doing These 3 Things in the Nick of Time
Survey: Joint Replacement Improves Sex Life
BMJ: Statins Increase Kidney Disease Risk


Mainstream doctor shocked at heart recovery
Dear Friend,
What could have been a tragic tale about a medical error turned into an amazing story of an "almost impossible" recovery.
You see a man who was on the verge of a massive heart attack was accidentally sent home after a doctor misread his chart!
Luckily, this man discovered a simple 3-step program for reaching nearly perfect heart health… and he tried it out as a precaution.
No one could have predicted what happened next…
Click here to watch the whole story

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