
Monday, August 31, 2015

Health Benefits of Papaya Leaves - anti malaria, anti dengue, anti cancer, anti diabetes

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
August 31, 2015

From StyleCraze

From Hulda Clark Zappers

This blogger just read an article that Papaya leaves tea can help balance blood sugar.  We had plenty of Papaya before and ignored  their leaves not knowing what it could do for my diabetes. Now I know better.

Its some benefits as published:

1.  anti malaria
2.  anti dengue
3.  anti cancer
4.  balances blood sugar
5.  strengthen the immune system.

1. Dengue is a deadly disease caused by dengue virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. This disease can be fatal at times and is characterized by symptoms such as high fever with headache, severe muscle pain, joint pain, red rashes on the body that can cause itching and a drastic drop in platelets count. So far no specific medicine has been formulated for this disease. Painkillers like Aspirin and Ibuprofen have their own side effects. Papaya leaf juice is a traditional method of curing dengue fever without posing any side effects. Scientific research and several case studies have indicated that papaya leaf juice contains the enzymes chymopapin and papain that boost platelets, also known as thrombocytes and also relieve symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies are already using papaya leaf extract preparations in the form of capsules and liquid formulas. The doctors recommend taking 20 to 25 ml of this juice twice a day for a week for quick results.
2. Papaya leaf has been found to possess anti- malarial properties as well. Thus, papaya leaf juice is often used in some parts of the world as a prophylactic for preventing malaria in certain endemic regions.
3. The greatest anti-cancer properties of papaya are concentrated in its leaf extract. According to a research conducted by the journal of Ethnopharmacology, papaya leaf juice contains certain enzymes that have dramatic cancer fighting properties against a wide range of tumors such as cervix cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer without any toxic effects on the body.  As a result, papaya leaf extract is often recommended as part of chemotherapy in some parts of the world. By regulating the T-cells, papaya leaf extract increases the immune system’s response to cancer.

 Papaya leaves contain important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and water. Pleaf juice has an important enzyme called papain that aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.
[ Read: Jeera Water ]
5. Papaya leaf juice contains over 50 active ingredients including the karpain compounds that inhibit microorganisms such as fungi, worms, parasites, bacteria as well as many forms of cancer cells. It is often used in herbal medicines to remove intestinal worms as it contains tannins that protect the intestine from re-infection from tanning proteins in the lining of the intestinal wall. This way the worms cannot attach themselves. Thus, they are effective in suppressing the cause of typhoid fever.
6. Another amazing benefit of papaya leaf juice is its ability to fight viral infection such as the common cold virus. It is a natural way of regenerating white blood cells and platelets. Papaya leaves contain over 50 ingredients including the vitamins A, C and E that support the immune system.
7. Fresh papaya leaves boiled with sliced pieces of orange aid in burning fat as papaya leaf juice is a perfect reducing agent.
8. Papaya leaf juice is effective in relieving menstrual pain. For this purpose, take 1 papaya leaf, add tamarind and salt, mix with a glass of water and boil. Drink this concoction after cooling it for relief.

Skin Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice:

Papaya fruit is great for your skin and is incorporated in several face packs and skin care products to give you a healthy and glowing skin. Apart from the fruit, papaya leaf juice is beneficial for the skin in the following ways.
9. Papaya leaf juice has a higher content of vitamins A and C in comparison to the fruit, which promote skin health.
10. Papaya leaf juice acts as a skin cleansing agent. This can be attributed to the presence of karpain compounds that inhibit microorganisms and other toxins, thus giving you a clear skin and providing protection against skin problems like pimples, freckles and blemishes.
11. Juice of papaya leaves is effective in treating eczema. You can apply it on your affected areas after scrubbing.
12. Fresh papaya leaf juice helps in healing open wounds and sores.
13. The milky juice extracted from the tip of papaya leaves can soften the hardened skin or the corn/wart on the feet.
[ Read:  Cabbage Juice ]

Hair Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice:

Due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, papaya leaf extract is often used in a number of hair care formulations like shampoos and conditioners to promote hair growth, strengthen the hair shaft and ward off problems like balding, thinning, dandruff etc. Papaya leaf juice has the following benefits for hair.
14. Papaya leaf juice is often used by health care stores or salons for hair treatment. When used as a conditioner along with other ingredients like coconut milk and honey, it adds shine to dull, lifeless hair and softens coarse and unruly hair.
15. Papaya leaf extract is particularly used as an ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos meant to control flakes and prevent dandruff. Due to the presence of karpain compounds, it is effective in removing dirt and oil, as well as chemical build up from hair without any side effects.

Health Benefits of Makabuhay Plants (Tinospora Cordifolia)

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
August 31, 2015

From Medical Health Guide - Health Benefits of Makabuhay

Health Benefits of Makabuhay from Stuart Exchange

Scientific Name: Tinospora cordifolia
Also knows as:
Makabuhay (Tagalog), Heavenly elixir (English), Guduchi, Gulancha Tinospora (India) 

There is a makabuhay plant growing in front of our house.  I understand this has medicinal use, and there are plenty of health benefits.

It has been known to be used for abortion (contrary to its) name, But its main benefits include:
makabuhay plant

1. anti malaria
2.  anti cancer
3.  for treatment of HIV
4.  as poultice for treatment of wounds, scabies and other flesh wounds.
5.  anti fever
6.  diabetes
7.  vs. gout and arthritis
8.  malaria,
9.  impotence
10.  hepatitis
11.  anemia

  • Makabuhay roots, stems and leaves are used as herbal treatment for fevers, Malaria. Makabuhay leaves and roots are pounded then dissolved in cold water. Applied with a soft cloth over the nape, forehead, underarms and other body parts to bring down the body temperature.
  • Most of the medicinal uses and health benefits of Makabuhay listed are based on traditional beliefs and practices.
  • Makabuhay poultice is used to treat gout, arthritis, and rheumatism by reducing pain and edema.
  • Makabuhay is used to treat skin diseases (athlete’s foot, scabies, etc.), promotes wound healing and alleviate skin itching.
  • makabuhay pouticeMakabuhay tonic is believed to promote overall good health and longevity, improves memory, improves skin tone and texture, and provides energy.
  • Makabuhay tonic is also used to treat fever and malaria.
  • Makabuhay tonic is used to treat gastrointestinal and digestive problems, which includes diarrhea, hyperacidity, abdominal pains, gas pains (kabag), vomiting, dyspepsia, dysentery, colitis, constipation, loss of appetite and even worm infestation.
  • Makabuhay is also used in the treatment of diabetes, heart problems, hepatitis, anemia, impotence, tuberculosis, jaundice,

Makabuhay, Herbal Medicine Preparation

makabuhay leavesmakabuhay herbmakabuhay tea

Makabuhay tea or tonic preparation:
  • gather fresh Makabuhay leaves and stems,
  • cut in small pieces
  • wash with fresh water
  • boil 50 grams of Makabuhay leaves to a liter of water
  • let it seep for 10 minutes
  • remove from heat
  • Strain
  • drink while warm up to 2 cups a day.
Makabuhay poultice
  • gather fresh leaves, stems and roots
  • wash with fresh clean water
  • pound in a mortar
  • grounded leaves and stems may be applied or a juice extract may be used
  • other herbs and coconut oil may also be mixed.
  • Applied directly onto the affected area.
Makabuhay decoction
A spoonful of dried leaves and thinly chopped stems are boiled in a cup of water. Drink one cup per day.

Makabuhay, Scientific Studies - Medical Uses

Diabetes and Tinospora Cordifolia
A research conducted in the Indian Medicine Research Laboratory in Sri Ramachandra University, studied the mechanism of the active ingredients of Tinospora cordifolia against key marker cells of insulin dependent glucose transporter-4 (Glut-4) and the predominant protein that influences glucose metabolism. According to results, the Glut-4 and the dominant protein were modulated by Tinospora cordifolia, Moreover, the uptake of glucose was likewise mediated suggesting the anti-diabetic properties of TC compounds. (Phytomedicine Feb 2013: Anti-diabetic Property of Tinospora Cordifolia)

Anti-Radiation Properties of Tinospora Cordifolia
In a clinical report from the Radiation and Cancer Biology Laboratory of the University of Rajasthan, India, the anti-radiation property of Tinospora cordifolia has been positively identified.  In the study of a group of male mice that was subjected to gamma radiation, results have shown that those pre-treated with Tinospora cordifolia extracts exhibited less testicular lesions as compared to a control group. This suggests the radiation protective activity of Tinospora cordifolia in testicular radiation induced lesions. (eCAM 2011: Radiation-induced Testicular Injury and its Amelioration by Tinospora Cordifolia Extract)

Anti-Cancer Properties of Tinospora cordifolia
The Division of Ethnopharmacology of Loyola College in India conducted a study on the effects of Tinospora cordifolia extracts against induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in rats to determine its potential use in cancer therapy. Results have shown that those treated with Tinospora cordifolia extracts (TCE) exhibited an increased level of antioxidants and detoxification enzymes, and decreased serum transaminase level and hepatic marker enzymes to near normal. TCE likewise reduced tumor incidence and reversed the damaged hepatocytes to normal. The study concludes that TCE exhibits preventive effect against chemically induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats and further suggests that Tinospora cordifolia extract can be a potent chemopreventive drug for HCC. (Investigational New Drugs, August 2011: Chemopreventive potential of Epoxy clerodane diterpene from Tinospora cordifolia against diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinoma)

Tinospora cordifolia activity against Allergy
The efficacy of Tinospora cordifolia (TC) extract in patients of allergic rhinitis was assessed in a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial in the Department of Pharmacology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, India. Results have shown that those treated with Tinospora cordifolia extracts exhibited less symptoms as against those who were not. The statistical results indicated a significant difference that confirms the effectiveness of Tinospora  cordifolia against allergic rhinitis. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology. January 2005: Efficacy of Tinospora cordifolia in allergic rhinitis)
Effects of Tinospora cordifolia to Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
The Division of Endocrinology, University of Göttingen in Germany conducted a laboratory investigation on the effects of beta-Ecdysone (ECD), a steroid found in Tinospora cordifolia extract on joints, epiphyseal cartilage and trabecular tissues in rats. The study has shown that rats subjected to treatment of ECD have developed thicker joint cartilage and thicker epiphyseal growth plate. The study suggests that Tinospora cordifolia has antiosteoporotic effects and may be of value in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis which is of increasing importance due to aging and obesity among individuals. (Phytomedicine, April 2010: Beneficial effects of beta-Ecdysone on the joint, epiphyseal cartilage tissue and trabecular bone in ovariectomized rats)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Heart Surgeon corrects long held belief that high cholesterol is the cause of heart disease

Live healthy and long

August 29, 2015

From Sott Heart Surgeon speaks the truth about heart disease

Inflammation, not cholesterol is the cause of heart disease

                                  From Dr Hyman, sugar not eggs cause heart attacks

By Dr. Dwight Lundell
Prevent Disease
March 1, 2012

The article was written heart surgeon. He has done 5,000 or so heart surgeries and is considered an opinion maker.  The long held belief for heart health, is that we need to lower cholesterol level, have a low fat diet, as this is the cause of heart disease. About 25% of the American population take statin medications, but despite this: 75 million suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 75 million have pre diabetes. He says it is time to correct this misconception as this does not work.  The current findings is that inflammation of the arterial wall is the real cause of heart disease.

Blood would flow freely in our blood vessel if there were no inflammation.

What is inflammation?

Asthma Management Guide from Everyday Health

What to Do During an Asthma Attack
Live healthy and long


August 29, 2015

Plenty of articles to help you deal with asthma

1.  Asthma triggers
2.  Allergens
3.  Action Plans
4.  Controlling asthma with your lifestyle change
5.   Living better with asthma

 and more

Natural remedies for Asthma from Everyday Health

Live healthy and long

August 29, 2015

lifestyle tips for asthma

From Every Health - natural remedies for asthma

Asthma prescription drugs amount to $6 billion a year in US. As much as 40% of those with asthma will seek alternative natural cures.  What are some of natural remedies: (according to Dr. Anju Peters Northwester University, Feinburg School of Medicine

1.  Steam bath - they have alleviate asthma symptoms

2.  Garlic -  mostly used for cardiovascular diseases because of anti inflammatory properties.  But there was never a study that shows this property works for asthma.  Try.

3.  Ginger

4.  Licorice root

5.  Turmeric (yellow ginger)

6.  Honey

7.  Omega 3

Natural Treatment for Asthma from Dr Weil

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From Dr Weil - how to treat Asthma Naturally

Andrew Weil, M.D.

August 29, 2015

Dr Weil traces the cause of asthma and what the common cures are. He has a set of guidelines on how to cure asthma naturally which includes decreased intake of protein  (as the protein substances cause allergy and bronchoconstriction or airway inflammation)

He is particular about use of cayenne drops (at the start of the attack)   pepper

Anecdote by JD Moyer on how he cured his asthma

Live healthy and long

August 29, 2015

From JD Moyer Blog - How I cured my asthma

It would seem that he cured his asthma by resorting to Paleolithic diet -  more starch, less gluten, more protein.

What worked and did not work for him?

What did not work:

1.  multi vitamins
2.  Vitamin  B6 sometimes it would work, not work
3. Steroids it worked well but he would get suicidal
4  Leukotrien inhibitors (black seed) curcumin is better though
5.  albuterol (worked well with airway constriction) but not inflammation.  Zero relief

What worked;

1.  Bromelain
2.  Fish oil
3.  Vit C if topping out at 500 mg
4.  Magnesium (muscle relaxant)
5.  Tianeptine
6  Paleolithic diet.

Why it worked?

From Dr Mercola - reduce your fructose intake and reduce your blood pressure

Live healthy and long

August 29, 2015

From Mercola Articles

This ia a rather contrarian if no a renegade view on reducing blood pressure,  While he also recommends exercise, other food intakes, the main thesis of Mercola is to reduce fructose intake to reduce blood pressure. He also recommends breast feeding of infants (vs formula milk) as the infants who are breast fed for 12 months have less risk of developing high blood pressure.disease.

Now going back to fructose. Those who have high fructose intake of 74 grams or more (the equivalent of 2.5 cans of sugary drinks) have 77% chance of developing high blood pressure.   High insulin level  = high blood pressure


1.  High insulin level causes the excretion of magnesium.  Magnesium goes out with the urine.  Magnesium causes muscles to relax.  With low levels of magnesium, muscles ,especially of blood vessels constrict, lessening free flow of blood thus elevating blood pressure.

Cheap cures for hypertension (alternative and complimentary

Live healthy and long

August 29, 2015

From Web MD

From Mayo Clinic - 10 ways to control hypertension without medication

From Prevention - 13 power foods that reduce blood pressure

Silent killer

Hypertension, high blood pressure is a lifestyle disease that comes as a result of modern day living.  Perhaps, the stone age people did not have hypertension.  It is a silent killer.   Millions die annually as a result of high blood pressure.  Hypertension could lead to fatal stroke (injury to the brain because a blood vessel ruptured) or heart attack (the heart stopped beating because of occluded blood vessel, or a blood vessel in the heart ruptured)

Despite many articles on the subject matter, high blood pressure still persist because the gudelines are disregarded or ignored by the public at large.


1.  Smoking
2.  Regular and heavy drinking of alcoholic drinks
3.  Stress
4.  Fatty diet
5.  Sedentary living

Cheap cures (complimentary and alternative cures)

You see your doctor, you undergo a work/out, check up, and he prescribes western pharma medicine

What are the alternative cures:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

8 Root Crops to beat Cancer

Live healthy and long

From Vegenews

August 27, 2015

These 8 root crops can help prevent you from getting cancer.  Root crops contain a substance, a substance which root crops use to fight bacteria and fungi in the soil.  Ultimately they help the body fight cancer cells.  The hyoloranase injected for HIV is expensive.

The eight root crops are:

1.  carrots
2.  yam
3.  garlic
4.  radish
5.  beet
6.  onions
7. fennel
8.  ginger

(also cassava, camote)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Raw food treatment for cancer

Live healthy and long

From Cancer tutor - raw food

August 26, 2015

The article is all about juicing of raw foods -  fruits and vegies for the treatment of cancer.  There is a story about somebody who had cancer of the throat and all he did was drink carrot juice and water. He got well

Here are just a few of the cancer cell killing nutrients (direct or indirect) in vegetables:
Raw Carrots (alpha carotene, beta carotene, Vitamin E, etc.),
Raw Broccoli (sulforaphanes/isothiocyanates),
Raw cabbage (isothiocyanates),
Green Asparagus (saponins),
Beetroot/red beets (proanthocyanidins
Read More

Why eat raw food?  Cooked food strain the body's immune system:

  • “Eating cooked food prevents the immune system from working on what is really important in keeping us superbly healthy and young in body, mind and soul. We exhaust and dissipate the body’s strength by using the immune system to combat the unnatural cooked foods, chemically based supplements, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones (in meats, poultry, fish and dairy) and numerous other toxins we ingest, breathe in or absorb through our skin. When we really need the immune system to support us (as when a disease or infection develops or an injury occurs), it then lacks the strength to defend us properly.”
And another one:
  • “Foods to avoid: all animal products, especially proteins and fats, i.e. no cooked meat, fat, eggs, milk, etc.; all refined sugars and starches; carbohydrates; oils; eat only fresh raw fruit and vegetables, juices and extracts.

Read More

Top 12 foods that kill cancer from Canceractive

Live healthy and long

August 26, 2015


From Cancer Active

This list is according to Chris Woolam.  Exercise and diet consisting of these foods can help the recurrence of cancer.  These foods with bioactive compounds are better than synthetic pills that do body harm.

Here is the list:

1. Oily fish
2.  Carrots
3  Red and yellow pepper
4.  Sunflower seeds
5.  Nuts
6.   Mushroom
7.  Green and leafy vegies
8.  Tomatoes
9.  Broccoli
10.  Beans
11.  Garlic
12.  Beet root, (grapes, cherries)

Top 10 anti cancer foods

Live healthy and long

From Everyday Health

What are some of the foods that can prevent cancer?

1.  Berries
2.  Tomatoes
3,  Garlic
4.  Cruciferous vegies  (like cabbage, cauliflower)
5.  Green Tea
6.  Whole grain
7.  Turmeric
8.  Leafy Green vegies
9.  Grapes
10.  Beans

Why dont you include them in your diet.  Prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.  Your Big C can be prevented.  But once you have it, this cant be of help anymore.  Also avoid toxic food and substances that may cause the big C.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Acupressure points for ladies discomfort on their monthlies

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015

Acupressure points for PMS,  Cramps, and Menstrual discomfort

Herbal shop article on PMS and ladies monthlies

Acupressure points for infertility and impotence

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015

The following are the pressure points for infertility ED impotence, urinary tract infection and the like.  They are called by nice names as bubbling brook, 3 mile point,  bubbling stream, mansion cottage, sea of vitality which are very descriptive of the areas/points mentioned

Acupressure points for Asthma and other breathing problems from Herbalshop

Live healthy and long

These may aid relieve some of the symptoms of asthma on top of the usual medication

Acupressure points for asthma and difficulty of breathing from Herbalshop

We take liberty in copy pasting the full article:

An effective way to better health!
Acupressure Points for Relieving Asthma and Breathing Difficulties.

Points (A)
Location: On the outer part of the chest, three finger widths below the collarbone.
Benefits: Relieves asthma, breathing difficulties, chest tension and congestion, coughing, and tension due to emotional distress.

Points (B)
Location: In the hollow below the collarbone next to the breastbone.
Benefits: Relieves chest congestion, breathing difficulties, asthma, coughing, and anxiety.

Points (C) 
Location: One finger width below the upper tip of the shoulder blade, between the spine and the scapula.
Benefits: Relieves asthma, coughing, sneezing, and severe muscle spasms in the shoulders and neck.

Points (D)
Location: On the palm side of the hand in the center of the pad at the base of the thumb.
Benefits: Relieves shallow breathing, coughing, and swollen throat.

Points (E)
Location: In the groove at the wrist fold below the base of the thumb.
Benefits: Relieves lung problems, coughing, and asthma.

Acupressure for High Blood Pressure from Herbalshop

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015

Accupressure for  High Blood pressure from herbalshop

These are the pressure points:

Working on these points can help you get better quicker. You do not have to use all of these points. Using just one or two of them whenever you have a free hand can be effective. It's important to drink plenty of warm water after the massage, helps to clear away toxic substances in our body.

Reducing high fever with Acupressure

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                                            TW 15
August 19, 2015

From Accupressure

Acupressure can be used to lower high fever which could be harmful to the body.  You can press the TW15 at the top of shoulder blade for about 3 minutes each while pinching the base of the nails.

This is by Dr. Michael Reed Gach.

Other post on From eHow, relieving fever through acupressure

Go and see a doctor immediately if the high fever is for sometime, if it is high fever only at night, or fever is more than 100 F

Accupressure points for relieving symptoms of cold, fever, and flu

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015

Acupressure Points for Cold and Flu
                                                Hand valley point

Chest pain point 1

You may forego going to the doctor and getting your usual RX for cough and cold preparation and antibiotics.  You may resort to some of these cheap cures - acupressure.  You may do it yourself or through the help of somebody in your house.

Acupressure points for cold fever and flu

Click also:  Modern Reflexology

These are:

"Acupressure Points for Cold and Flu can be described as follows:
  • Drilling Bamboo Point
  • Facial Beauty Point
  • Large Intestine 4 Point / Hand Valley Point
  • Large Intestine 11 Point / Crooked Pond Point
  • Large Intestine 20 Point / Nostril Points
  • Bearing Support Point
  • Elegant Mansion Point
  • Third Eye Point"

Other videos on tinnitus

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From Julian Cowan Hill:

Tinnitus relief through relaxation and meditation

Videos on Tinnitus and Acupressure from You Tube

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Acupressure points and tinnitus

Tinnitus treatment at Home

Get rid of tinnitus

Some insights:

1.  Tinnitus drugs will not work most of the time, can lead to serious side effect;

2.  Tinnitus surgery does not work, lead to only 40% cure, and can lead to permanent damage.

3.  Herbal treatment might not work;

4.  Tinnitus is not just about the ear, but a deficiency in your entire body system;  there may be deeper cause

5. There are various causes, which are systemic. and find the underlying causes with total holistic approach

Natural Treatments for Tinnitus

Live healthy and long

From Natural Treatments Tao of Wellness

Tinnitus though not serious, affect the quality of life. The above article addresses the problem which can reduce or even eliminate the situation.  The article thinks that the condition has something to do with weakening of the kidney and the health of the kidney can be addressed.  Kidney can weaken due to lack of sleep, eating a lot of raw foods, too much sexual activity, stress.  Thus the treatment can be done in these areas.

Some text from the article:

Acupressure from Livestrong

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015

Acupressure for Tinnitus

From Livestrong

For tinnitus sufferers (1 in 20 adults) acupressure can relieve or even eliminate tinnitus.  The article prescribes the massage of the point  just at the opening of the ear. It is called SI 19, the listening place.  A small indentation appears at this point when you open your mouth.  Massage this gently with the tip of your finger. There are other points.  Please read the full article.

15 possible causes of tinnitus

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015

Tinnitus, a chronic condition characterized mostly by ringing perception in the ears, can be caused by 15 factors :  From Sanuthera

It can occur in one ear, alternate, or occur in both ears.

Sometimes, tinnitus can be helped easily by addressing physical or psychological conditions that trigger tinnitus, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, or insomnia.
  • Meniere’s Disease (Disorder)
  • Hypertension
  • Excess earwax
  • Concussion
  • Head injury
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Noise-induced hearing loss
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Burst eardrum
  • Insertion of foreign object
  • Preeclampsia
  • Neurofibromatosis (NF)
  • Acoustic neuromas (benign tumor)
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Acupressure for tinnitus

Live healthy and long

August 19, 2015


5  tinnitus acupressure points

Tinnitus, the constant ringing in the ears of some patients, can be cured by acupressure.  The common pressure point is GV 20 some 2 inches from forehead. (labelled Bai Hui), GB 20, about 1 inch from ear lobe (Feng Chi)  These points can be gently massaged in the comfort of your home.

Other points are Ting Gong, Ting Hui, and Shuai Gui

Western medicine has no known cures for tinnitus.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Feet reflexology

Live healthy and long

Dong reflex on the foot can help improve health conditions or remove pain.  Try it

Thai Odyssey, Reflexology

Pain relieving points in your body - discover them for analgesic free cures

Live healthy and long

August 18, 2015

What are they?  From Chronic Body pain

1.  Forehead
2.  Neck
3.  Palm of the hand
4.  Lower leg
5/  Palm of the hand
6. Cramps,
7.  Stomach pain
8.  Back

Image result for acupressure points

Do it shiatsu vs pain

Acupressure reflex points on the face

Live healthy and long

August 15, 2015

Here are acupressure points on the face for cheap cures, as head aches

From pinterest

Face pressure points: Faces Reflexology, Faces Charts, Faces Accupressure Point, Bing Images, Acupressure Point, Reflexology Charts Fac, Care System, Acupressure Nature, Facials Reflexology

Pressure points for oral sex

Live healthy and long

August 15, 2015

Acupressure for lovers - oral sex

Full article is reprinted for easier reference:

Observe the reflexology points of the genitalia to promote better health

Live healthy and long

August 15, 2015

The sexual organ corresponds to acupressure  points.  Please exercise caution so as not to cause problems in your partners health

The article is reposted for reference:

Genital Reflexology

Over thousands of years of sexual exploration, the Chinese dicovered which positions stimulate specific genital areas, thus affecting certain health conditions, problems, and illnesses.

Your whole body becomes revitalized when all the surfaces of your genitals are stimulated. A network of reflex points that correspond to all areas of the body are located on the penis and vagina, as on the feet and hands. Accordingly, excessively rubbing a specific area of your penis or vagina can overstimulate a corresponding organ, eventually resulting in various health problems. Genital areas corresponding to organs that do not get an adequate amount of stimulation may become energetically deficient and cause a dysfunction.

Arousing a man

Live healthy and long
August 18, 2015

Arousing a man from acupressure for lovers

I am copying paste the full article for easier reading from the said site

Arousing a Man

This article begins with an erotic practice for increasing a man's pleasure using acupressure, whether performed - by a woman or another man. You will learn five sets of arousal points for men. All of these points are used in an acupressure Arousal Routine for Men at the end of the article.

Increasing a Man's Sexual Pleasure
Partners should first practice these techniques without the expectation of sexual excitement. Try them again at some other time for making love. To begin, the man lies on his back with his legs spread, his penis hanging downward. Kneel between his upper thighs.
  1. Place the heels of your hands on the creases where your part ner's legs join the trunk of his body,applying palm pressure. Let your fingers comfortably rest on his belly and place your thumbs over his pubic bone. Ask him to breathe slowly and deeply with you for a couple of minutes as you lean the weight of your chest over your hands. Encourage him to take long deep breaths into his belly, as if he were breathing into the pressure of your hands.

  2. Place your partner's penis on his lower abdominal area, the head of it facing his navel. This works whether the penis is big or small, soft or hard. Men often enjoy having their penis pressed up against their belly. This upright position is similar to an erection, exposing the most vulnerable, sensitive side of the penis.
Acupressure for Lovers: Beyond the Orgasm
When a man learns the techniques for containing his ejacu lation, he is able to make love for extended periods of time.... Longer periods of lovemaking mean more intimate sexual play, more time for communion through intercourse, more of those electric feelings of arousal and desire and supersensitivity and pleasure.

—Charles and Caroline Muir
Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving
 Acupressure for Lovers

Massage your partner's groin area. Then, rotate your fingers in toward each other, gradually placing your thumbs and index and middle fingers firmly over the penis. As you slowly lean your chest over your hands, the base of your thumbs and the heels of your hands will apply pressure to St 30, just beside the penis at the tip of the pubic bone. This point increases a man's genital sensitivity and thus heightens his sexual pleasure. When stimulating a man, be sure to include the testicles and scrotum. Most men love having their testicles caressed and felt.

Establish eye contact with your partner, expressing your intimate feelings and love through your gaze. Encourage him to breathe deeply into the pressure, as if he were breathing into his penis. The slower and deeper he breathes, the more feeling he will have. Invite your partner to slowly move his pelvis up and down, breathing deeply into the stimulation as you hold him.

Acupressure for Lovers
  1. Lightly stroke the hair surrounding his anus and scrotum. Slowly caress him, starting from his anus up through the scrotum and the length of his penis. Barely touching the skin, tantalize every square inch between his legs while you continue to gaze into each other's eyes.
  2. Place the fingertips of one hand on the point midway between the anus and the scrotum (CV1).Rub in that area, and find a ropy cord there. Press firmly on that cord using your index, middle, and ring fingertips. Hold this point as the palm of your other hand rolls the penis from side to side over his pubic bone and belly. Gradually increase the speed of the rolling motion as your partner continues to breathe deeply into his belly.
  3. Slowly but firmly move your hand up and down the length of the penis, creating friction on the exposed sensitive side. (You may wish to use a natural lubricant for additional pleasure.) As your partner breathes deeper and faster, increase the speed. Discovering the most erotic ways to treat your lover's main pleasure organ can be an exciting adventure.
  4. If you and your partner both desire to have intercourse, slip his penis inside you. Place the heels of your hands above his pubic bone, and gradually lean some of your weight into his lower abdominal area, pressing the Sea of Intimacy points (CV 2-CV 6) to increase his sexual pleasure. Breathe deeply, and move in sync with him as you maintain eye contact and enjoy the warmth generated from your bodies.
Acupressure for Lovers


Acupressure for better sex

Live healthy and long

August 18, 2015

Here are some new insights on acupressure and sex

For lovers the points to watch are 8 18, 20, 23, 25, 36

Accupressure for lovers

Western men are often preoccupied with their external affairs and thus are not in touch with their feelings or bodies. Sexual and emotional intimacy are unfamiliar to them. Since men tend to be sexually linear and goal-oriented, traditional Chinese sexology focuses especially on giving men advice and guidance. A man's sexual vulnerability is partly due to having genitals that are outside his body, not contained within. He cannot hide his erection, nor can he fake it.

According to ancient Taoist sexology, one of the fundamental sexual differences between men and women is how they reach orgasm. A man's sexual fluids are released out of his body, whereas a woman's fluids are recirculated within her reproductive system. After an orgasm, a man may feel drained and exhausted, ready to fall asleep. Women, on the other hand, are often rejuvenated and revitalized after an orgasm. A woman can masturbate frequently without damaging her body. From the Eastern point of view, when a man ejaculates excessively, he drains his energy and eventually ages and weakens his body, particularly his immune system.

Fortunately, acupressure points and dietary adjustments can strengthen a man's reproductive and immune systems. By conserving semen and consciously ejaculating less, a man trades a few seconds of intense pleasure for many comprehensive benefits. Preserving semen actually strengthens a man's body, enabling him to live a healthier, longer life and develop greater vitality, alertness, and mental clarity.

Acupressure points for cheap cures

Live healthy and long

August 18, 2015

It has been a while since I last posted here.  Was busy

I will have series of posts on acupressure and reflexology:  Acupressure

Just what is acupressure?

Acupuncture & Acupressure use the same pressure points and meridians, but Acupuncture employs needles, while Acupressure uses gentle to firm finger pressure. When these acupressure points are stimulated, they release muscular tension, promote circulation of blood, and enhance the body's life force energy to aid healing. Acupressure therapy can be used to relieve pain, fortify the sexual reproductive system, detoxify the body for greater health and beauty, and tone facial and back muscles.

Benefits of acupressure:

The Applications of Using Acupressure include relieving pain, balancing body energy, and maintaining good health. Acupressure's healing touch reduces muscular tension, increases circulation, and enables deep relaxation. By relieving stress, Acupressure Therapy strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness. You can learn self-care applications and pressure point formulas for specific conditions, such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic muscular pain, mental stress, addiction recovery, learning disorders, trauma, emotional imbalances and more. Here are some areas for applying Acupressure effectively."

Uses of acupressure:

1.  For beauty
2.  Better sex and lovemaking
3.  Back care
4.  Emotional pain and trauma
5.  Addiction
Acupressure Methods

All Acupressure Massage techniques, methods and styles use the same ancient acupressure trigger points. They vary in using different rhythms and pressures for stimulating the acupressure points, using not only the fingers, but also the hands, arms, legs and even feet. Some styles also incorporate other healing techniques.Shiatsu Therapy, the traditional Japanese form of acupressure, can be quite vigorous, with deep pressure applied to each point for three to five seconds. In Jin Shin Acupressure, at least two points are gently held for a minute or more. This style also uses the Extra Meridians or Extraordinary Vessels, which balance the meridians. Tuina Chinese Massage and Thai Massage stimulate the Qi ("key") healing energy using acupressure hand movements, full body stretches, and Chinese massage techniques.
Healing Energy Work

Acupressure Points have a high electrical conductivity at the surface of the skin, and thus conduct and channel healing energy most effectively. This is why the most potent healing energy work uses acupressure points. The Chinese call healing energy Qi or Chi. In Japan, the life force is termed Ki, and channeling healing energy is called Reiki. Yoga practices refer to the body's life force as prana or pranic energy. These terms all relate to the same universal healing energy, which exists in our environment, and links us to all forms of life.