

The blogger is not a physician and what he writes are ideas that are existing or have been published before and just researched by the blogger. Much of the writing is merely for academic and educational purposes only. The blogpost does not pretend to cure or remove the illness of the reader/patient. As it was said, the curing of the patient resides in the doctor within him. It is the responsibility of the patient to asses the infomration contained herein and/or to consult a physician or a specialist who can do the proper diagnosis of the illness and the cure. As for the natural cures and alternative cures not approved by the proper government agencies, they will remain as that and adjunct to duly approved cures and medicine. The blogger, nor the source of the original information could be held criminally or civilly liable in case the information contained herein does not work for a particular individual, or should there be further injuries, sickness or even death.