Sunday, December 5, 2021

Nitric Oxide Therapy the natural way - to combat cardiovascular disease hbp, stroke, artisclorosis

Live healthy and long

1.  Ways to do this:

     1.  Nose breathing
     2.  Humming;   nose breathing and humming
     3.   Eating food rich in citrulline  -   lemon, and pakway  (watermelon)

2.  We need to learn how to do this because as we age, and at 60, our capacity to grow our nitrous oxide is down by 85%

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Can we overcome the threat from omicron Covid19 variant?

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Scientists are on the watch and investigating the latest variant of covid19 orignating from South Africa.  Cases have been observed at HK from a traveler in Africa.  

The areas of concern are:  1   the rapid increase,  2  its ability to dodge vaccinations.   3.  effect on younger population.  The mutation is termed. as B.1.1. 529.  The mutant  is observed to have mutated 30 protein spikes.    The scientist are concerned about its spread globally.  

We have to be careful with the newest variant   Otherwise we will be needing new vaccination new expenses and is likely to bankrupt our country's financial resources

Still observe:   1.  social distancing, 2.   wear facemasks and shield    3.   handwashing

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Conflicts in easing of health protocols for Covid19

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This is an example of one of conflicts in issuances of orders and directives with regards to covid19.. This can result from:

1.  Uneven distribution of communication;
2.  Turf battle, power play among local chieftains
3.  Wrong interpretation and own interpretation of frontliners and/or local chieftains

On the day that it was to be effective, the only requirement for the travel to a Region 1 province was ID.  On the ground we were asked to show the vax cards...

It is a battle between the local heads wanting to keep their jurisdiction safe from the intrusions of foreigners, and  economic recovery.  

How many such incidents took place during the two years covid19 onslaught

Philippine positivity rate at 2.5%; is the pandemic over?

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Is the country ready to declare fire out for Covid19?

The Philippines is currently seeking from the WHO if it can declare Covid19 over in the Philippines. It the positivity  rate  being 2.5% only.   However this post believe this is too early to declare based on a 11 day stats.  

1. Europe is an epicenter nd many Filipinos who live there might come home this Christmas;
2.  Only 40 million of the  110 million Filipinos have been vaccinated.  There is no herd immunity yet.
3.  Such declaration will cause many people to be complacent and infection can spread again  

As per WHO positivity rare should be lower than 5%.   Our positivity rate for the last 10 days is as follows:   

  • November 14 - 3.9%
  • November 15 - 4.1%
  • November 16 - 3.2%
  • November 17 - 3.5%
  • November 18 - 3.4%
  • November 19 - 3.5%
  • November 20 - 3.2%
  • November 21 - 2.8%
  • November 22 - 2.8%
  • November 23 - 2.3%
  • November 24 - 2.5%

Lagundi helps Covid19 patients recover faster - DOST

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According to clinical trials, patients who were on Lagundi protocols recovered faster.  This was according to DOST chief.  Fortunato Lapena. in a Laging Handa forum  They are also conducting tests on VCO.

I for one thing, whenever this post munched a fistful of Lagundi experienced a soothing menthol like effect whenever the leaves juice reach my throat.  Perhaps this effect makes for easier breathing

This is good for many of our citizens who cant afford an expensive Remdi dose which sometimes cost about a P100K in hospitals.  (It is P80K) in black market.   

M - RNA vaccine technology, sped up vaccine development and show promise in cancer treatment

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Rizal Philippines

The Messenger RNA technology has disrupted the current vaccine technology

1.  Made the vaccine safer.  The MRNA simply instructs the body soldiers to create specific antibodies vs the disease;  there is no injection of dead virus into the body and is safer

2.  The vaccine development has been accelerated.  Some say that the vaccine development took only a weekend to formulate

3.  Shows promise in anti cancer treatment and other viruses.  

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Kasoy oil for warts removal discovered by Rolando de la Cruz and wonk awards at US Inpex XVII convention in USA

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Rizal Philippines

Yesterday, while resting during a ride, this post noticed plenty of kasoy fruits that fell on the ground  I took several and brought them home to try to help me remove some facial warts and growth.  I have known for sometime that the kasoy oil can remove some skin growths in safe and effective way.
Today I extracted some oil from the kasoy nut and tried on some of my warts.

True enough a Filipino inventor won an award at US Inpex XVII convention in in USA
I hope this works.  


Monday, April 26, 2021

Exodus effect - anti inflammatory finding the right formula for annointed oil.

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Rizal Philippines

A pastor researched a cure for his wife suffering from pains.  It led him to discover that a translation 300 years AD of the bible was interpreted as Calamus, but actually cana bosh (From research of Dr. Benet).  Cannabis but is not marijuana.

He discovered that cannabis is anti inflammatory.  He tried this with his wife.  But had no effect. 
One day, by coincidence, he had sermon on Exodus 20:20 on annointed oil.    

The annointed oil was mentioned in Exodus 32:23.  It contains 1.  myrhh (a resin that contained AKBA a potent anti inflammatory, 2.  Cinammon,  3.  Kasia and 4.  Olive Oil

  • Cinnamon

This is a very common spice that is used throughout the world. Many cuisines involve cinnamon due to its great aroma, incredible flavours, etc. This is also a much potent herb found in many traditional medicines.

The bark of this plant is dried up and powdered to use. It has been shown to aid in digestion and stomach health. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants that prevent cell damage due to oxidation. Also, it helps the body detox, expelling the harmful chemicals and toxins from your body. 

  • Olive Oil

Olive Oil is derived from olives and has been used by humans for millennia. The Greco-Roman culture held special importance for olives and olive oil in general. The oil is found to be rich in nutrients, antioxidants, etc.

Olive Oil is a great source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-3. This promotes immune health and better vision among other benefits. Applied topically, olive oil is a great sun blocker that prevents the damage caused by sun rays. Some studies have even shown it to reduce the chances of skin cancer and thus is a major ingredient of cosmetic products. 

  • Cassia

This another subspecies of the cinnamon tree found mainly across China that, however, stands out from the south-Indian counterpart. Cassia is considered a lower flavour quality but is no less in its health benefits. Cassia helps people regulate their blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

This herb has been known to help remove bad cholesterol from your body, aiding in weight loss. It improves your blood flow, muscle mass, and immunity, etc. 

  • Myrrh

Myrrh is the dried-up sap of Commiphora Myrrha found across the northern parts of Africa and south-western Asia. Historically, it has been used as an incense and flavouring. The essential oil of Myrrh is extracted through a distillation process and is used in many applications today.

It is a major component of cosmetic products and dermatological medicines. It has been used to treat pains, inflammations, etc, in Ayurveda. It is a strong antibacterial that helps kill harmful bacteria. This way it helps treat issues such as skin sores, infections, etc. 

All of these ingredients are completely natural items that could right now be on your kitchen shelf. All of these ingredients are extremely beneficial to your health and pose no negative

He worked herbalist Paul but still no result on his wife.   Paul nearly gave up, but found the right formula.  Finally, his wife was rid of the pain.  Now he is sharing his formula with every one -  to protect people from pain, increase relations with God.   

The research is available in the book Exodus Effect  that costs $67.00

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Oh no, its only now that they say covid19 is airborne. - its a droplet infection

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Rizal Philippines

Just last week a medical scientist was being interviewed about covid19 being airborne.  It is kind of late to emphasize this because about 2nd quarter last year, foreign journals were full of publication about Fluggean theory on covid19 spread.  

We are kind of late in accepting that covid  is airborne.  We are kind of fixated that is like a bacteria which could be stopped by foot bath, by disinfectant, steam  and wiping off fomites.   

We were influenced by the movie Pandemic.  But covid19 is unlike the disease in Pandemic.   

Covid19 is spread by droplet coming from coughing, speaking, singing thus the spread is ripe from

     1.   People close to one another;
     2.  In an enclosed space where ventilation is full
     3.  Where there is enough time for viral loading.

Thus the following events should be banned and avoide.

    1.  Parties
    2.  Drinking sessions
    3.  Sports events
    4.  Direct face to face classes;
    5.  Dining 
    6,  Religious events:   masses, choir singing, funeral

Thus it would seem absurd that various quarters quarrel with politics and religious doctrine when all the public health officials wanted is to stop the spread of the disease

Sometimes our fear and so with our non public health officials order

Some measures are inutile:

     1.  Highway checkpoints
     2.  Physical barriers
     3.   Traffic flow  etc.

The covid 19 virus are molecules and non living but only acquires life when attached to the epitheleal cell of the host.  Even a dead person can not infect you (unless you ingest the body fluids) since he can not speak nor spew out the droplet infection.   

It is spread by droplet infection:   as large drops in cough or sneeze, or microdroplets when we talk or sing.    We are now getting it from family members.

The best bet vs covid 19 are:  1.  building immunity, 2.  face mask   3.  face shield  

Keep safe.  Wear masks, Stay away from crowds   

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Advice from a medical doctor Dr. Lito Cubelo, in case you cant get admission in covid19 hospital

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Rizal Philippines

A friend  just sent me a video,  on Dr. Lito Cubelo:  what he did for free for covid19 victims who cant get hospital admission.    Dr Lito Cubelo at Facebook

He also gave advice on home cures for covid19:

    1.  Take mucolytic agents
    2.   Take Azithromycin
    3.   Take vitamins C, D with Zinc to strengthen immunity.  

The admonition to stay at home to stay safe may no longer be correct - there are many household infections

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Rizal Philippines

Public Health Authorities used to encourage people to to stay home and be safe.

That may no longer be correct.  Many people get infected at home,  thanks to fast infection rate from new covid 19 variants.   People get sick  when eating together, partying, or just staying together..

The house satisfies the requirement for transmission:   close  personal contact, lot of time staying together for the viral loading, and enclosed space

What is the next move as the spread rages across households?



Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Covid19 onslaught scary; will the surge stop

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Rizal Philippines

The rise in number of cases is scary and alarming:

1.  A street was closed because 30 employees in a factory along that street got the infection;
2.  A street in another part of the town was closed because 3 got infected.
3.  My neighbor, a tricycle driver, got covid and was confined in a govt covid19 center.   His wife who took care of him, also got hit.  
4.  My daughter experienced colds, chills and cough yesterday.  However, it was a psychosomatic reaction I think.  She is ok now.   

If the checkpoints, stern warning from the police, arrests are getting into you, better understand and be patient.  We are also getting mixed up with ECQ and GCQ guidelines.   Under ECQ, strict rules on quarantine are imposed.   Exercising freely are under GCQ

In the meantime, while Covid19 vaccination is on going, and expert declared that getting only the first dose of the vaccine is as good as not getting this yet.   Immunity is obtained after the second dose administration.  

So every one keep safe.  Stay at home, observe the health protocols when with other  persons, in a crowd or enclosed spaces

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Promising results? Use of Ivermectin in fight vs covid19

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Rizal Philippines

Recent events came up regarding use of Ivermectin in the Philippines vs covid19

1.  There is a video of a Philippine doctor haranguing Phil health authorities threat to suspend the license of Drs who will prescribe Ivermectin;

2.  A dra who is inaanak shared a video regarding Ivermectin;  her video shared says that the drug is good as a prophylaxis and treatment of covid19

3  A lawyer friend who was former IBP Pres in MM dm'd me regarding their petitiion to PDU30 to allow use of Ivermectin.  

Can we have this as another option in the  Philippines due to 1.   rising number of cases (15,000 yesterday)
2.  dearth of vaccine .  Another is lianhua - Chinese medicine China FDA approved and available in the Philippines

3.7 billion doses have been used world wide.  It was discovered by a Japanese doctor Satoshi Omura, a recipient of Nobel Prize, which was initially used vs parasite, but later on found out be effective with a host of other virus.  He co developed this with Dr. William Campbell (who also was given the Nobel prize)  Or Omura discovered this from a soil he found near a golf course.  

There is all ready politicalization vs the drug.   FDA USA has cautioned  against its use for covid; and so with Phil FDA, and WHO.    Congress Speaker Velasco has endorsed its use.     Merck has cautioned vs its use.  

Friday, April 2, 2021

Lianhua, a Chinese Medicine, OTC FDA approved, supported by abstracts as alternative to fight the pandemic

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Rizal Philippines

A video is going around in the messenger about the traditional Chinese medicine used by MMDA chairman BenHur Abalos in his medicatioin when he contracted the dreaded viral disease after getting this in the covid ward.  This is FDA approved and marked OTC   This is Linhua and costs only P180 per box and is available at Mercury.

In the midst of resurgence, hospital capacity exceeded (no more rooms available and uncertainty about the vaccines (supply safety, and efficacy) this could be the breakthrough.   

Before the good chairman took the medicine when he started having the symptoms he had the med double checked (beginning with former Sen. Bong2) and its efficacy was confirmed.  The conclusion of scientific studies say:

Unlike evidence-based modern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is an empirical medicine developed on accumulated clinical observations gathered over centuries of practice. It not only deals with the etiological factor to eradicate the pathogenic microbial, but also supports the body's immune function to help fight the disease and ameliorate its consequences. In ancient times, when facing infectious disease, specific pathogens could not be identified; however, doctors could observe the patient's sign and symptoms, assess the condition and develop strategies and formulas for the different stages of the illness.

So far there are over 133 ongoing registered clinical studies on TCM/integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The results of 16 published papers on this topic (not including case reports) and a systematic review on 8 clinical trials (804 cases) have suggested that integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can reduce the incidence of severe or critical events, improve clinical recovery and help alleviate symptoms such as cough or fever16. Two papers17,18 reported the detailed information of its adverse reactions during the treatment for COVID-19.

Mostly recommended in Chinese hospitals

Maybe this is the reason why China does not need vaccines and/or why covid19 is under control  

SHIJIAZHUANG CITY, China--()--Recently, China’s National Health Commission and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly-published The Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version 8), recommending that Lianhua Qingwen Capsule, a Chinese traditional medicine, be used during the medical observation period of COVID-19 patients.

Lianhua Qingwen’s selection to the protocol demonstrates the recognition from Chinese authorities of its outstanding performance to control COVID-19 in China. It is learned that during the pandemic, Lianhua Qingwen has been widely used in designated hospitals and medical institutions in China, and has become the most recommended Chinese medicine in the COVID-19 treatment programs from the country’s provinces and municipalities.

Is the country missing out alternative meds vs. covid19

    1.   Ivermectin  2.  linhua, 3.  colchicine,  4.  rhinovirus   5.  convalescent plasma  6.  VCO

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Superspreader events and places - to be avoided and/or banned to halt covid19 march

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Rizal Philippines

The news and literature on covid 19 point out the following:

1.  The spread follows the Pareto principle that only 10 to 20% of those infected were responsible for the spread;
2.  That transmission occurred in enclosed places like bars, restaurants, choirs, places of worship, but none occurred in theaters libraries or theme parks.  
3.  In factories, spread took place where there is refrigeration as  in meat packing plants dairies  where it is cold.  

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Contributors to cases of covid19

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Rizal Philippines

Uploading: 4976223 of 4976223 bytes uploaded.

Increase in number of cases has been linked to:

    1.   Dining  out  (locally a scientist said eating together)   we do not wear masks while eating
    2.    College and university settings

Hence we should exercise caution:

   1.  When eating in or out
   2.  University and college setting -  face to face classes.  

Most of the number of infection that I saw was due to contact with known infected persons in the neighborhood, hospital, and workplace.  The problem is in public places like malls, buses, we do not know who are infected

So its better to stay at home, avoid close contact in crowded or closed spaces.  

Fasting during the Holy Week

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Rizal Philippines

We can practice fasting beginning today until  Saturday.  Fasting can be done for health and religious reasons.   

1.  Religious -  desayuno -  a form of penitence, sacrifice to remember the suffering of the Lord before and during the crucifixion.

2.  Health  -  fasting will rest your digestive and endocrine system for sometime

Fasting need not mean prolonged hunger and starvation.   It can mean, as the Muslimd do during the Ramadan do this from sun up to sun down.  Avoid taking in solid foods.  You can just take liquid food:   water, juice or milk.   Only for twelve hours

Talo na ? hospital system sa coVid19; Give up na?

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Rizal Philippines

The President of the Philippine Hospital Association Dr. Jaime Almora,  today admitted that we have been overwhelmed by the virus.  Talo na.

While this is the reality, this douses cold water on the hopes on the nation that we shall overcome and fight the disease.   We defeat the disease as one.   BAHO...

Let us recall the stirring words of late Pres. Kennedy as he urges the Americans to reach the moon before the decade of 1960 was over.

Why cant we say, we shall overcome covid19 not because it is easy but because it is hard.  -  that which demands every ounce of our strength and courage.    

Our leaders can say that now despite the mistakes of our public health leadership.

This is not the time:

    1.  For finger pointing
    2.  For politics
    3.  For health workers to quarrel for money

This is the time to think of the safety and health of our populace, to live and survive for another day.   

     WTF in the time of health crisis;  a deadly crisis.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Use of Ivermectin vs covid19

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Rizal Philippines

FDA and DOH have flagged down of Ivermectin vs covid19.   The drug is for family use and used vs heartworm  disease  In order for MDs to use this, they have to file for Compassionate Special Use.   The DOH and FDA have legal basis for saying no;   however some are arguing that the alternative covid medicine, Remdisivir is allowed because the company that owns it is allegedly connected to a government official  

The other sideto prove that Ivermectin in other countries work - may be anecdotal.   

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Steam inhalation does not cure Covid19

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Rizal Philippines

This post just got message about steam inhalation curing covid19.  But fact check declared this to be false.
Be safe.  

Stay away from crowds,   Take Vit C, D, hydrate.   Zinc.

Friday, March 26, 2021

If there is an outbreak in your locality you will be scared to your wits, you will not argue vs IATF nor with the police

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Rizal Philippines

9,838  covid cases recorded today.  Record breaking   way way up vs the 8,000 cases a few days ago.

What do these numbers mean to to you?  For many it is just a number.

For us we are scared.  In our town, barangay, 30 cases were reported in a bread factory and they had to close the street.  And there were no reported mass gatherings.  What more if there were congregation.?

 Two days ago we underwent a RT - PCR test, to the tune of P5,000 each home service 
because we are not in the priority of the municipal free swab test.   

There is no point quarrelling with the IATF or police or barangay PUSO who merely do not want you to get sick or spread the disease.   I would pray that the church leaders see the light on why they should obey the publich health official order.  The hospitals covid capacity are filled up, there is a shortage of supplies, and the vaccine we have could be stopped (because of blood clot risks)

Stay at home Stay safe.  

The use of Astra Zeneca halted in Germany France Italy and Spain

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Rizal Philippines

The said vaccine use in Germany was suspended in Germany along with France, Italy and Spain.
It was alleged that the vaccine caused blood clots (which could be deadly)

Other countries which suspended use were Sweden Norway, Iceland  and Bulgaria

Astra Zeneca vaccine is one of the lowest priced vaccine in the world today

We note that there are reported deaths of health worker in San Mateo and health worker after she was vaccinated.  Cause for alarm for Astra Zeneca vaccine (we expect 40 m doses soon)

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Bizarre traffic rules to combat covid19

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Rizal Philippines

In the one year period that we had the covid, this post wonders about some of the traffic rules formulated by the LGUs/and or the police.   

1.   No passing by the highways in some of municipality (or sometimes total closure of the municipality
      to outsiders.   
2.   Circuitous routes of traffic, one ways etc allegedly to help combat the spread of virus.
3.   The barricades, the concrete chb walls being erected in the middle of major thorough fare allegedly 
      to  stop the march of the virus;

      One can not help but to wonder the relevance of such moves and effectiveness vs covid19

As if the virus is a march of hordes of wild animals or insects that enter a territory.  But the virus is invisible and is spread by drop infection:  when people come together  in closed spaces for prolonged period of time that there is a virus load. within the airways and throat of the hosts.     

How can virus be spread in the 3 conditions mentioned above.?

The sad result is that such measures were not able to control  the surge of covid19 cases.   

The leftists and critics are right - the enforcers and the frontliners should understand the science of this pandemic rather than blindly following orders and or formulating ones that have no scientific basis.  

Surge in number of cases and infection amidst the family gatherings is very scary

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Rizal Philippines

Before, covid19 was just a third party conversation:   the rest of the town, country and most of us are pretty much uninvolved and concerned. 

However things changed much during the 2nd week of March.  Little did we know that we could be involved, or nearly infected   We held a wake for a deceased relative and little did we know that one of the  visitors during the first day of the wake, March 16 (and he too probably) was positive.  Well he knew of that only last Sunday  (March 21, 2021)   Although we did not have first handtier contact with him, we did huddle with the persons with whom he conversed.

So we had to do a lot of contract traicng and advised other relatives and visitors during the wake to 1.  go on self quantine,  2.  undergo antigen or the RT PCR testing.

We had this test yesterday and cost us a hefty sum to have this RT PCR testing.

We ought to be responsible during this pandemic to help prevent the virus spread:

1.  Follow the rules;;
2.  Stay at home
3.  Wear masks and face shield
4.  Be responsible enough not to mingle with others if you feel you have the virus

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Video of Mulberry Picking at Pampanga

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Rizal Philippines

Benefits from mulberry tree

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Rizal Philippines

Mulberry trees abound in our yard.  -  front and side of the house.  This was supposed  to be a fodder for rabbits.   I read many posts in a social media and a 3 feet plantita cost about P600.00 even at a e commerce platform.  The roadside vendors price this at P450.00.

What makes this tree so expensive?   I guess  because of the the benefits you derive from the tree

1. Boosts  immunity
2.  Improves circulatory system,
3.  Improves skin and hair health
4.  Improves eyesight
5.  Anti ageing
6.  Improves heart health
7.  Prevents cancer
8.   Vs Prostrate cancer
9.   Supports digestion
10.  Strengthens bones.   

For home testing for covid19  cbc and  ECG  contact   +63975 396 4114
                                                                                         +632 8634 2645

Benefits of hot spring therapy - from Japan

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Rizal Philippines

The fountain of youth in Japan is hot spring soaking.   It clears the skin and removes the blocks within the body that causes it to be sick.  While oxidation corrodes the body, hot spring soaking counter acts this.  

Being in a volcanic belt, Japan has about 27,000 onsen.   (We too being ringed with volcanoes certainly abound with hot springs.   From Laguna to Batangas, Davao, and Leyte.   We too have plenty of beaches, where our elderly can feel the hot sand and  bathe in clear waters.   

                                                           In Japan

Obey the IATF guidelines to arrest the surge in number of cases.

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Rizal Philippines

The number of cases surged to 8,000+ this second week of March, 2021.   The number of cases which were kept under leash,  of suddenly went wild.  

This could be attributed to:

    1.  Variants;
    2.   Laxity and fatigue due to long enforcement of rules vs  covid 19

This post realized that really we have no choice except to obey.   Let us take the case of holding wake
at funeral services.

We had limited number of guests.  However, as of Sunday, 3 21. 2021 one of the guests was confirmed to be positive.   While this post had no direct contact with the said guest, this post had contacts with whom he was in contact with last 3.16,2021 (500 years after arrival of Magellan in the Philippines hahaha) it was very possible that there was secondary (community infection)  

Just to preclude the possibility of infection we had a RT PCR test that cost us at least P5,000 each plus P1,500 service fee.   

So let us all be careful.  Obey IATF resolution No 104.  No time for debates and philosophizing and debates.  BUHAY or DEBATE.

Let us rather admire the authorities who want to make sure the spread of covid19 stops.

For home service testing contact:   Archie:    0975 296 9114,   +632 8634 2645