
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Beets as Natural Cure for Cancer

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

This is from Joe Barton Publishing blog and he quotes from Jonathan Hartwell, author of  Plants Used Against Cancer, that beet, known as Beta vulgaris has been known to be helpful in the following diseases:

intestine, head legs and genitals

Dr. AlexanderFerenzcci, a Hungarian doctor noted the use of beet in cancer.  Therapeutic dose would consist of two pounds of beet daily, or l0 oz of beet juice daily when fighting tumors.

Betalanins, betayains, betains
Beets contain the 3 abovementioned  molecules.

Betalanins give the beet its red color;

Betalains are the phytochemicals that contain the anti cancer properties.

Betains are the compounds that are anti oxidants and anti inflammatory.

 Beet also contains powerful alkaloid, allantonin, fernestol, Rutin,  Folate,  and Vitamin C.

Beet has been found also to be good in:

l.  Boosting strength and stamina
2  Lowering body temperature
3.  Stimulating immune system
4.  Relieving constipation
5. Strengthening the vein walls,
6.  Detoxifying  liver kidney and bladder.
7  Speeding  formation of rbc
8.  Removing heavy metals from brain
9.  Treatment of colds and flu
l0.  Improving mood
ll.  Accelerating cell growth and bile secretion

Beet  has been mentioned in J.C. Kurian book on Miracle Healing Plants which I mentioned in my blog post:   Medicinal Vegetables in your Ref

The full article from Joe Barton Blog   Beet Natural Cancer Treatment, blog from Joe Barton Publishing

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