
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cancer is Fungus by Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Effective Cures Can be Cheap
 Treating cancer with sodium bicarbonate

The theory of the great Romanian Doctor is that cancer is caused by fungus;  and the effective treatment is sodium bicarbonate (soda mint)  He does what he believes in must be done, exercise, sensible living, good diet.  He loves music and plays musical instruments.  Dr Simoncini was born in l95l.

He goes at great length to prove that cancer is indeed a fungus, Candida Albicans, which exhibit the same characteristics as cancer.  It thrives on acidic environment and can easily be treated with sodium bicarbonate regimen (mixed with water drank daily) (one teaspoon in a glass of water in one case of gastric cancer.)

His book cancer is fungus is available at

Video on Use of Baking Soda to Cure Cancer 

The site on Dr. Simoncini:   Dr. Tullio Simoncini on Cancer is a Fungus

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