
Friday, March 23, 2012

The Cure may be In the Vegetable Bin of your Refrigerator or Supermarket

The cure to your disease may be in your ref or the fresh produce section of a supermarket/market.  May be you do not know;  (thus it is true that what you do not know can kill/ bankrupt you!! Take stock of vegies in your ref;  and maybe the cure is in one of them.  Here are the vegetables together with the useful links:


l.  Indian spinach (alugbati,  Basella alba Linn)   for gonorrhea, enhance flow of urine, vs.  constipation and gonorrhea;  roots and leaves used.  Basella alba link

2. Onions (sibuyas, Allium sepa Linn) for diabetes, kidney stone, liver chest and lung problems, arthritis.  Use the onion bulb. Raw onion juice prevents baldness.

3.  Garlic (bawang, Allium sativum Linn) prevents cancer, is antibiotic, vs fever, reduces swelling.  The bulb is used.    Garlic


4.  Celery (kintsay, Apium gravioles Linn) restore sexual potency, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatic diseases, inflammation, obesity, pulmonary diseases, liver and spleen disease. The whole plant is used.
Celery; Apium Graviolens

5.  Lentil  (Cajanus cajan Linn) vs tumors, expelling worms, heart diseases, liver disease, obesity, rheumatism; the pods with the seeds are used. Cajanus cajan/ pea

6. Chili (sili, Capsicum frutescens Linn) purifies blood, externally used for rheumatism,  pericarditis, arthritis, lowers fever;   leaves and fruits are used.  Chili; Capsicum frutescens

7. Corlander (Coriandarum sativum Linn)  for inflamed and painful joints. cures spasms, whole plant is used.
Coriander sativum; coriander

8. Hyacinth bean (bataw, Dolichos lablab, Linn) eliminates fever, is antiseptic, inflamed urethra and vagina, delayed menstruation, for snake bite;   the whole plant except the roots.  Hyacinth bean

9. Swamp cabbage (kangkong,  Ipomea aquatica Fonsk) for opium and arsenic poisoning,  strong laxative;  the whole plant is used Ipomea aquatica (kangkong)

l0.  Sponge gourd (patola, luffa,  Luffa cylindrica Linn) for liver diseases, abnormal stoppage of menses, for expulsion of worms;  use stem, leaves and seeds. Angled luffa

11.  Tapioca (camoteng kahoy, Manihot utilissima Pohl) for skin rashes and itchiness, use the tuberous roots.
Kamoteng kahoy

12.  Sweet basil  (basil, Osimum basilicum Linn) for diseases of GIT, constipation, whooping cough;  increases milk secretion of lactating mothers,  use leaves, seeds and roots. Basil     Balanoy/sweet basil

13, Moringa (drumstick, malunggay, Moringa olifera Linn) asthma,  cough, scurvy urinary tract, paralysis,  rheumatism, gout, arthritis, enlargement of the liver;  whole plant is used. Moringa olifera (malunggay)

14.  Black pepper (paminta, Piper nigrum Linn, the king of spices) GIT, constipation, diarrhea,  inflammation of the joints, ;   the berries and leaves are used.

15.  Corn (mais, Zays mays Linn) for kidney problems, ulcers, rheumatic problemsl ;  use the whole plant

16 Okra (Lady's Finger, Abelmoschus escolantus Linn) soothes and protects GIT,  laxative, for heart diseases, bronchitis pneumonia,  tuberculosis;  use the whole plant. Abelamus escolantus (Okra)

17.  Peanut  (Arachris hypogea Linn) jaundice,  hemorrhoids, lactating mothers, removes spots from face. peanuts and virgin peanut oil (removes spots from face and chaffed lips)  Peanuts; Arachis hypogea

18.  Beet root  (Beta vulgaris Linn)  liver and spleen problems, abnormal build up of minerals in kidneys,  anaemia, arthritis and rheumatism,  increases flow of urine, neutralizer of acids,  rich in zinc, as laxatives; use the whole plant. Beet; Beta vulgaris

19. Annatto (Atsuwete, Bixa orellanaLinn is well known for its red food coloring in curry)  for heart disease, and removes mucous secretion from respiratory tract.  antidote for prussic acid;   use pulp of the seeds.

20.  Brocolli (Brassica olearaca Linn) gout and rheumatism, diseases of the eyes, anaemia, flow of urine;   use leaves and flowers. Brocolli; Brassica olearaca

21.  Cauliflower (Brassica olearaca var cauliflora Gars) vs. cancer, heart disease, boosts immune system  Cauliflower analysis    Cauliflower


22,  Cabbage (repolyo, Brassica olearaca var. capitata Linn) promotes urine flow, treats ulcer, for obesity,  good laxative.;  the plant and the seeds are to be used;  Cabbage gardening

23.  Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum Linn)  skin purifier, for stomach ache, rheumatism, neuralagia, back pain;  the fruits   Bell Pepper

24.  Cinnamon ( Cinnamomum zeylanicum Breyn) stops bleeding and tootache expelling worm, good for GIT,  helps in neuralagic pain;  the MCP in cinanamon is a good substitute for  insulin and effective in reducing blood sugar in diabetes;  the bark (the spice for the diabetes treatment to be used as tea)
Cassia, cinnamon; Cinnamomum aromaticum

25.Cucumber (Cucumis sativus Linn)  for heart and kidney problems, for removal of kidney stones,  for intestinal, respiratory, and skin problems, useful lin expelling worms, rheumatic problems,  destroys tapeworms, is rich in calcium,  use the fruit;  IS A VERSATILE MULTI VALUE VEGETABLE.!!
Cucumber; Cucumis sativus

26.  Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Ducherne)  for GIT, for expulsion of worms,  pneumonia,  diarrhea, malaria, for kidney and bladder (the vegetable itself is a rich source of Vit A, good for the eyes), the pumpkin seed is rich in minerals and effective for prostate problems.   use the  whole plant A VERSATILE MULTI USE VEGETABLE.  Kalabasa; Cucurbita maxima

27.  Artichoke (Cynara scolymus Linn)  for liver problems, diabetes, nephritis,  rheumatism, gout, asthma, arteriosclorosis.  use the whole plant.  ANOTHER VERSATILE HIGH VALUE VEGETABLE.

28. Carrot  (Daucus carota Linn)  cleanses the blood, good for the eyes, absence of menstruation,  for the kidney and urinary tract infection, skin problems, for edema, for expelling worms, for duodenal ulcer, for psoriasis.  A VERSATILE MEDICINAL VEGETABLE. Carrot; Daucus carota

29.  Yam  (Dioscorae alata, Linn, ube) for gonorrhea, leprosy,  anthelmintic; use the yam.  Ube; Dioscarae alata

30.  Sweet potato (Ipomea batatas, Linn;  camote) for diarrhea, is a laxative;  use the tuberous roots.  A Livestrong article mnetions this to have superior anti oxidant properties,  better than Vit C.!
Livestrong; medicinal use of Ipomea batatas   

Stuartxchange herbal use of Kamote

3l.  Garden lettuce (Lactuca sative Linn, letsugas)  for kidney stones and gallstones, for kidney problems, painful mensturation,  removes poison from the body, prevents hair loss for swelling and inflammation, for gout and rheumatism  A VERSATILE  MEDICINAL VEGETABLE.

32.  Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum.Linn) Tonsillitis and throat inflammation, nephritis and inflammatory disease of the kidney,  antitoxin, laxative, tonic, anti polyneuritis,  arthritis, tuberculosis,  A VERSATILE MEDICINAL VEGETABLE;  use the fruit and the leaves.

Whf on Tomatoes

33. Bitter gourd (ampalaya, charantia, Momordica charantia, Linn)  antidiabetic, cardiotionic, for chest problems,  anti rheumatism, gout,  urinary discharges, growth in the breast, malaria, enlarged spleen, coughs.   use the fruit and the seed;  VERSATILE MEDICINAL VEGETABLE.

Biomedcentral on Charantia


34.  Parsley (Petrosolinum sativum Linn) for rheumatism, cancer, fever, syphillis and gonorrhea, rheumatism, kills lice and soothes insect bites; wounds and swelling, jaundice.Use the whole plant.  A VERSATILE  MEDICINAL PLANT.  Parsley articles

35.  French bean (Phaesolus vulgaris Linn)  (Baguio beans??) for diabetes,  lowers blood sugar, rheumatism,  uric acid accummulation, coughs, eczema.Use the pod and the beans

French beans

So there you are 35 vegetables in all;  it took me one half day to post;  there 8 versatile, multi use vegetables;  PARSLEY, BITTER GOURD, TOMATO, GARDEN LETTUCE, CARROT, ARTICHOKE, CUCUMBER, PUMPKIN.

Those that are good against cancer are: PARSLEY, CAULIFLOWER, GARLIC,  and LENTIL(?)

Those that are good for the heart/heart disease are:   BITTER GOURD, ARTICHOKE, CUCUMBER, CAULIFLOWER, ANNATO, OKRA, LENTIL

Those that are good for diabetes are:  FRENCH BEAN, BITTER GOURD, CINNAMON, ONIONS



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