
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fwd: Pain-Free in 45 Seconds via DMSO

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From: Nutrition and Healing - Christine O'Brien <>
Date: Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:07 PM
Subject: Pain-Free in 45 Seconds

Health e-Tips

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Pain-free in 

45 seconds

Or your money back, guaranteed
The secret pain-reliever that doctors are using, but you couldn't have – until now.
A Special Report by Allan Spreen, MD
It does what no pain pill on earth ever did, safely and non-addictively. In fact, an amount the size of a pin-head can totally blow away previous compounds. Doctors like me turn to it first for their own arthritis and muscle aches, but you'll never find it, except...


Contains an incredible compound that was showcased on
60 minutes to some 70 million viewers, hailed by
The New York Times in a lead editorial...
And savvy doctors like me have been
personally using it for years...
But you could never have it, until now...
When the hugely popular TV show 60 minutes airs a story about some secret "miracle compound," you might expect they would trash it. But they didn't. On the contrary, the people they interviewed gave very powerful personal testimonials. Feedback from viewers was phenomenal. Everyone wanted it! One doctor's office reported up to 10,000 phone calls...

Then vested interests launched a campaign to discredit it,
a huge controversy erupted, and it all but disappeared...

That was over 20 years ago, and the hush-up was so effective that, to this day, you'll be hard-pressed to find it at your pharmacy or health food store. But it's finally back – in a pain breakthrough that's 12 ways more powerful.
In a moment, I'll tell you how to get this secret pain reliever, and explain why it's so reliable that the maker guarantees you'll be pain-free in 45 seconds, or your money back. First, though, let me share the shocking history of the compound that caused all the ruckus...

DMSO: An underground legend

If you're especially health-savvy, you may have heard of DMSO.
But did you know that its astonishing powers have been praised by The New York Times, showcased on 60 Minutes... and shown safe and effective in over 1,200 scientific publications? Yes! So do let me fill you in on its fascinating history, and explain why it's such an important part of the Soothanol X2 formula.
DMSO is short for dimethyl sulfoxide – an organic, sulfur-rich substance found in the woody part of trees. It was first discovered by a Russian researcher back in 1866. But the real excitement started about 100 years later, when American scientists started uncovering some truly startling properties.
First, they found it's absorbed with incredible ease. When you put a bit on the back of your hand, it just plain disappears.

Then Dr. H. Harry Szmant, Chairman of the University of Detroit's chemistry department, observed that it can speed up important chemical reactions "a billionfold"...

Yes, a billion times -- that's what he said!
Next, people started noticing what happens after it's applied. Racehorse trainers began using it on lame animals, and reported amazing results. Professional sports trainers tried it and loved it too. The New York Times, in a lead editorial published on April 3, 1965, declared that DMSO is "the closest thing to a [health] wonder produced in the 1960s."
Interest reached a fever pitch in 1980, when 60 Minutes introduced 70 million TV viewers to "THE RIDDLE OF DMSO." The reporter was Mike Wallace, who was (and is) famous for pulling no punches when he spots a fraud. But Mike Wallace didn't trash DMSO. He reported the truth – with interviews showing how it had transformed the lives of so many people.

But most shocking of all is
what happened next...

This inexpensive natural discovery was plainly threatening the profits of many in the health establishment. Vested interests promptly mounted a smear campaign, and DMSO all but disappeared from the halls of American health care. It went "underground." A number of enlightened doctors continued to champion DMSO, and it became...

A word-of-mouth legend among
well-informed insiders...

Racehorse trainers still swear by it. Professional sports trainers still use it to get their million-dollar stars up and running again. Competition cyclists are rumored to carry little bottles tucked away in their tire-patch kits.
Outside this inner circle, however, everyone else gradually forgot about DMSO...

Pain-free in 45 seconds,

Or your money back! Since the sensational introduction of Soothanol X2, letters have been pouring in from real-life users like you – attesting that as little as two drops has literally rubbed away their pain on contact. You're going to meet these folks, and then get to try it yourself, RISK-FREE. That's right. NorthStar Nutritionals guarantees that you too can feel pain-free in as little as 45 seconds, or just return the unused portion for a full refund of your purchase price. So what's holding you back? Order today!

UNTIL NOW! The big breakthrough
happened just recently...

...thanks to a brilliant health scientist named Jon Barron.
For years, Barron had been researching the 'holy grail' of pain relief. A formula that could erase virtually any kind of pain on contact. Without waiting for pills to work. Just by rubbing it on.
Together with fellow researcher Ron Manwarren, Barron had isolated 11 different cutting-edge botanical and organic compounds that all showed immense promise. They were so close! But they lacked the final piece of the puzzle. They needed the ultimate 'transporter' -- a compound that would blend all the others together and 'deliver' them to the pain site. They experimented with substance after substance...

Finally, they tried DMSO -- and eureka!
Success beyond their wildest dreams...

Just as Dr. Szmant at the University of Detroit had predicted nearly 40 years before... DMSO proved to be a near-perfect solvent and transporter. It transformed Barron's pain-relief formula into the powerhouse that we know today as Soothanol X2.
Now let's take a look at exactly how Soothanol X2 can rub out your pain on contact...

Are you still waiting...?

...for your pain pills to kick in? Get with it!

'2 DROPS & BINGO!' -- Mary Stewart, Michigan

When the first drop hits your skin, you'll wonder 'WHOA! What's going on here!' What happens next is a matter of public record. Mary Stewart is just one of thousands who thought it might be impossible to...

Rub out pain ON CONTACT...

But keep reading and you'll see a stack of astonishing first-person reports from Mary and many others. You'll learn the science behind this breakthrough. You'll hear from famed doctors, confirming it. Still skeptical? See for yourself! Read on and take the 2 drop challenge... How many times have you lain awake waiting for your pain pills to kick in? How often have you been driving, gardening or simply sitting at your desk, when BANG... You're suddenly ambushed by an unexpected flare-up!

And how many times have you

And silently pleaded, 'Please! Make it stop!' Happens nearly every day, doesn't it? But what if one day you rubbed that spot and... 'Bingo! Pain relief!' Well, thanks to a breakthrough in pain research, that happy day has arrived. People like you are finding they can...

Literally rub away pain, as easily as

...with as little as just 2 drops of an astonishing discovery called Soothanol X2. Yes, that's exactly what they're doing. And I'm writing this free online report to address any doubts that this breakthrough can work for YOU TOO. You're going to hear from a legion of real-life users, learn how the science behind it works -- and then get to try it yourself, RISK-FREE. So please do read on, because...

Even if you're delighted with your pain pills,

WHY? Because even the perfect pain pill would still have one huge shortcoming... THE WAIT! And even if you're already taking a pill and it's actually working... WHAT ABOUT FLARE-UPS? What on earth do you do then? I mean...

You've already taken
your pills -- what's left?

Grit your teeth and bear it, right? Wrong! Not anymore... Thanks to a brilliant researcher named Jon Barron, it's now possible to...

Attack your pain directly...

Barron's breakthrough bypasses your digestive tract, and delivers a dozen natural powerhouses -- on contact. Addressing your pain at the source. Make sense? You bet! Now let me explain how this miracle happens. It all starts with a truly outrageous fact about modern healthcare...
The moment the first drop hits your skin, you'll wonder 'WHOA! What's going on here!' It's almost like watching a magic trick. Unlike lotions and goops that just sit there, Soothanol X2 disappears!
Where did it go? Straight to the trouble -- on contact! You can see and feel it going to work while you're still choking down your pain pills. That's no illusion. It's the scientific result of...

A 4-stage 'transporter system'
that leaves pills, lotions and
creams in the dust...

You see, each tiny drop of Soothanol X2 is a microscopic world of wonders. Packed with literally trillions of complex organic molecules, all working together in elegant synergy. These include...
Stage #1. DMSO: The astonishing 'key' that unlocks the doors of healing. Every rub-on needs a solvent to blend and carry the other ingredients -- unleashing their natural powers. And I've never heard of a natural substance that even comes close to DMSO. As you saw on the previous page, DMSO may multiply chemical reactions 'a billionfold.' So you only need a drop or two of Soothanol X2 to feel incredible results.
Stage #2. EMU OIL: The super-absorbent 'wonder from down under.' Back when T-Rex walked the earth, the odd-looking emu was already thriving -- and Australian aborigines have been using emu oil to rub away hurts for thousands of years. Lately, NBA teams have been discovering its powers. Players swear it has an uncanny effect on pain associated with swelling. We scientists are just beginning to puzzle out the reason why, but it's clear that emu oil is absorbed incredibly effectively.
Stage #3.ORANGE PEEL EXTRACT?! That's what I said! To be sure, this is no ordinary extract, but pH-balanced limonene oil. It feels soothing to your skin and smells wonderfully refreshing. Importantly, researcher Jon Barron found that limonene oil has an especially dense electromagnetic field. Concentrating Soothanol X2's powers even more.
Stage #4. VIRGIN OLIVE OIL: Ancient secret of hurting gladiators. It was also used by ancient Olympic athletes to relax their aching bodies. Modern biochemists tell us that olive oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, T-BARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) and literally dozens of other nurturing compounds. Together, they form an ideal emollient -- softening the skin, contributing to Soothanol X2's silky texture, and helping the other transporters do their work.
So that's how Soothanol X2 gets down to pain-points you thought were unreachable. Like a four-stage rocket, it delivers relief where nothing went before. Now let's take a look at what happens after it hits your skin. You see, this 'pain-relief rocket'TM delivers...

An amazing 'pain-fighting payload'...
...the most potent I've ever evaluated
in all my years as a doctor!

Nothing else I know of even comes close. Common lotions or creams may contain one or two of these compounds. But Soothanol X2 delivers a dozen natural miracles in every drop, including...
CAYENNE: The fiery pepper that makes pain 'burn out'. Native Americans have used cayenne for at least 9,000 years. For good reason! Know the expression 'fight fire with fire'? Well, cayenne helps to 'burn up' a chemical in your body called 'substance P' -- a compound that carries pain messages to your brain. The cayenne in Soothanol X2 may warm and tingle your skin for bit. But soon these sensations vanish, along with your pain!
MENTHOL: Nature's proven arthritis 'pain cooler'. Know how peppermint gum cools your mouth? That's the effect of a compound called menthol. And it's been shown to be among the most effective pain-relievers for osteoarthritis -- in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. If it can even soothe arthritis pain, just think what it can do for those occasional strains, bumps and bruises!
ST. JOHN'S WORT: You thought it was just an antidepressant, but... did you know St. John's Wort was used by battlefield physicians back in ancient Rome? Yes! They used it to hasten the healing process for gruesome war wounds and traumas. Ever since, for thousands of years, natural healers have used it to treat everything from injuries and bruises to bursitis and even phantom limb pain.
MSM: The 'miracle molecule' for healthy joints. There's a good reason why MSM is included in so many joint support pills. Thousands credit it with delivering relief, and it may also promote healthy circulation, so nutrients can rush in to mend the injured area. Now, thanks to Jon Barron's 4-stage 'transporter,' you can apply MSM directly to your pain site!
ARNICA: European herbalists say it's awesome for speeding up the healing of sprains and muscle strains. Preliminary research shows that it also helps bruises heal faster. The Soothanol X2 delivery system launches it onto your hurting back, neck or ankles. Even if you've tried arnica all by itself before, wait 'til you feel the difference! This is just some of the stuff that's working for you in every drop of Soothanol X2. The total effect must be felt to be believed. Everything works together to 'short circuit' your pain at the source. As a user myself, I can tell you it's an uncanny feeling. It's almost like your fingertips have turned into a pain-erasing wand. First you feel a little tingle and then...

-- Mary Stewart, Michigan

Now I can still hear you saying, 'But my pain's different! It's too intense! No topical treatment could POSSIBLY work for me!' But please, keep reading to check out Soothanol X2's sensational track record...
When the letters started pouring in from folks who took our '2 drop challenge,' I must admit that even I was stunned. There's a revolution going on! People are using Soothanol X2 for stuff that we never even considered. Just when I think I've heard everything, someone writes in with a new revelation -- 'Hey, it works for this too!' I don't have near enough space to share every story, but here's my point...

Whatever it is, don't assume anymore that

No! Whether you banged your toe just now...
Or got hurt in a wreck 30 years ago...
Or your feet throb with pain after work...
Or you wake up with aching hips every night...
No matter what you've been gritting your teeth about...
What have you got to lose by giving Soothanol X2 a whirl? Take a look at what's already happening. Isn't it time you found out what 2 tiny drops could do? Why not! As you'll see, if you order today, you can take our '2 drop challenge' without risking a cent. You'll get back every penny of the purchase price, unless you're as thrilled as the folks below. Plus, this RISK-FREE guarantee covers every bottle you get for your loved ones too (and they will want their own!)...
'Amazing for arthritis! One drop...'
'This is the most amazing pain relief product for arthritis. I put one drop on my Mom's arthritic wrist on Saturday afternoon. Today is Monday and she called to say that it relieved all the pain until Sunday afternoon!' -- Christina Silfee, Maine
Knee relief when glucosamine failed!
'After the first application [my husband] received relief from his pain. He is 80 years old and has experienced pain in his hip and knee for some time, even after ingesting many bottles of glucosamine and MSM. He's thrilled and urges others who may be skeptical...try it!' -- Shirley Denson, Illinois
Hip relief 'better than any cream or lotion!'
'I have regular hip pain. [Soothanol X2] is far better at pain relief than any cream or lotion I have tried, and the pain relief usually lasts all day. Thanks for telling us about it!' -- Max Stewart, Arizona
Restless leg sufferer 'thrilled!'
'I have RLS [restless leg syndrome]. I used this on my legs and...I am absolutely thrilled!' -- C.S., New England
'Pain from neuropathy...2 DROPS AND BINGO!'
'I am a sufferer of pain off and on from neuropathy. It may be a shooting pain, a knife-like pain anywhere in my body. Well, I developed a pain on the outside of my left foot like a pang of ice going into the foot. 2 drops and Bingo! I just couldn't believe how effective it was!' -- Mary Stewart, Michigan
'Sprained wrist, jaw pain...RELIEF!'
'While I used this on a sprained wrist I was overjoyed... but this week took the cake! After having a molar's roots removed I suffered, and then I thought Soothanol. I rubbed it on my cheek, my jaw and under my jaw. Relief!!! And sleep!!!' -- Mary Symonds, Michigan
'Pain after typing...FEELING GREAT!'
'Got a humdinger of a pain in my wrist after typing for a couple of hours at fast speed. I hadn't finished my work and thought I would be unable to do so. I went to get my bottle of Soothanol, shook out a few drops onto my wrist, rubbed it in, and before I knew it, I felt relief! Got it all done!' -- Jennifer Hill, Tennessee
'Back pain no problem...even used it on my VARICOSE VEINS! WORKS!'
'I am 77 years old and have arthritis pretty much throughout my body. Well my back pain is gone with an application in the morning, which lasts me through the day. I have even used it on my varicose veins. It took the itch away. I know this sounds kinda funny, but it really works!' -- Patrick Malcolm, Delaware

Better get more than one bottle...
PRIME SUSPECTS: Hubby, wife, mom, dad, kids, coworkers...

Then another stunner took us by surprise. An incredible avalanche of reorders. Seems that after folks try Soothanol X2, they encourage their loved ones to try it -- and never get the bottle back!
Count on it, friend. As soon as this little bottle leaves your hands...
It's going to transform the life of everyone who touches it...
Think for a moment of your Mom with her tender hip (she won't complain, but you can tell by the way she walks)... the spouse who sleeps beside you (and keeps you up, tossing and turning)... your active, adventurous kids (who sometimes come home wincing)... your coworker (in pain after pounding the keyboard all day)... your handyman (after all he's fixed for you, wouldn't it be nice to fix his knee pain?)... Hey, do you know anyone over 40 who doesn't have some kind of nagging pain? Or anyone under 40 who doesn't get banged up now and then? Your list of probable Soothanol thieves is endless, isn't it?
So the people at NorthStar Nutritionals are making it easy for you to help all your loved ones, without busting the budget...

Limited time offer: Buy more than one and get up to

Buy two and you'll get one FREE -- or better still, buy 3 and you'll get 3 FREE!
Plus, of course, each bottle you buy carries the same RISK-FREE, money-back guarantee. Every bottle has to work for everyone who tries it, or just return the unused portion (including free bottles) for a full refund of the purchase price.
Yes, we promise! You'll see the relief on your loved one's face when they try their first 2 or 3 drops, or you'll get a full refund of the purchase price (less shipping). But I'm confident you'll be joining the chorus of families who have been writing us to say...
'Helped my leg pain... Mom's arthritic hand and neck... my husband's feet... THIS IS SO WONDERFUL!'
'First it helped dissipate my leg pain, so I gave a bottle to my Mom to try. Second, it relieved her pain in her arthritic hand and her neck. She is in 7th Heaven now and pain free! Third, I gave a bottle to my husband for the pain [in the] balls of his feet. He puts it on every morning now and has no more pain for the rest of the day. This is so wonderful! Best I have ever found!'
-- Lori Schneider, Kansas
'My painful Achilles tendon... my son's sports injury...LIKE MAGIC!'
'It is really fantastic, like magic. Painful shoulder for years meant I could not move my arm above my head or rotate my shoulder. Both movements were possible after just one application! I also had a swelling on my Achilles tendon. Again just one application and the pain went away and the swelling went down. Also used the product on a sports injury my son suffered and relief was the result!'
-- Adam Palmer, Michigan
Eases Mom's PVD pain!
My Mom has PVD [peripheral vascular disease] and this is the only product that works to ease her pain. Thank you so much!
-- Lori Slade, South Carolina
Sharing it with EVERYONE!
'Fabulous! Helped me and many members of my family!'
-- Marlene LeClaire, Washington
'I try to keep a spare bottle on hand so that others can try it!'
-- Christina Simone, Louisiana
'Really works! I am sharing it with friends!'
-- Cathy Rist, Virginia

So, what won't it do?
Quite honestly, this may be
the best news of all...

If you're still wondering, 'Can this be for real?' I totally understand. The pain-relief marketplace is awash in overpriced products that promise more than they can possibly deliver.
So I want to make it very clear that Soothanol X2 cannot erase pain permanently. Of course, no pain pill can do that either. But unlike many risky pain pills that have been making headlines...
Soothanol X2 is wonderfully safe to use every day...
Not only is it safe and natural -- its revolutionary 'direct delivery' system neatly bypasses your entire digestive system. So, unlike pain pills that must be processed by your stomach and other internal organs...
  • It won't upset your stomach...
  • It won't stress the kidneys or liver...
  • It won't trigger any other adverse side-effects that we're aware of...
Plus, you won't have to worry about interactions with aspirin, blood-thinners or other pills you may already be taking. And you won't have to choke down yet another set of pills!

Quite simply, it frees you to live your life

And it's so incredibly easy. Imagine yourself not long from now, when your supply of Soothanol X2 arrives. You're going to open the handy applicator bottle... place a couple of drops on your fingertips... touch where you're hurting. And that's that! Just 2 drops and you're finally...
  • Free to take that trip! Without fear of agonizing flare-ups...
  • Free to be active again! So you can maintain your circulation and joint health...
  • Free to sleep through the night! This alone could help you feel years younger...
So, after seeing what it's already done for so many others, if you're still asking yourself, 'Can it really, truly work for me' -- why just sit there and wonder! The beauty of Soothanol X2 is that...

You don't have to guess if it's going to work...

Why not find out RIGHT NOW? Just RSVP to take our '2 drop challenge' -- RISK-FREE! And don't worry about falling out of love with Soothanol X2. Because NorthStar Nutritionals also guarantees that you'll keep on being thrilled with your results, with an...

Extraordinary 60-day extended

If you're ever less than over-the-moon with your purchase at any time, just return the unused portion within 60 days and we'll cheerfully refund 100% of your purchase price. (NOTE: This is far more generous than the customary 'pro-rated' guarantees that merely repay you for the unused portion!)
And remember, we're offering very special savings during this limited offering period. Order more than one and get up to 3 BOTTLES FREE! (What a fantastic favor for your loved ones -- and it's FREE!) So please, don't delay your deliverance from "hopeless" pain for another second...

HURRY! Order immediately and get up to

3 FREE Bottles!

Hurry! Your new life is just 2 drops away! Imagine plunging that trowel back into your garden…whacking your golf clubs with gusto again…nailing home that home improvement project…or just hopping into the car for a drive. No more paying for all of your small pleasures with pain!
I've been there and I know this breakthrough works...=
But I realize you've probably tried many pain-relief pretenders that don't. So I can't blame you if you're still wondering, 'Will Soothanol X2 work for ME?' Well, we don't have a crystal ball -- but we do have so many thrilled readers already, that NorthStar Nutritionals is offering an extraordinary guarantee...

If you're not 100% delighted, it's free!

Here's all we ask. Just open the bottle and...
Dab a couple of drops on your fingertips. Lightly rub the place where you're hurting. Then simply feel what happens next. If you're not blown away by the difference, return the unused portion (including free bottles) within 60 days and you'll get a polite, full refund of your purchase price (less shipping). No questions asked. Fair enough?
You risk nothing, and best of all...
You won't have to wait to know if it works! And I'm betting you'll be so thrilled, you're going to run to the phone and call your loved ones. Sharing this breakthrough, just like so many others who tried it are doing right now. So what's holding you back? Why just sit there, a prisoner of pain?
Break out of it! Visit our RISK-FREE online order form today.
Take just 60 seconds to do it now. And then, whenever pain threatens, remember... Relief is just 2 drops away!
Yours for pain-free living,
Allan Spreen, MD
Chief Research Advisor, NorthStar Nutritionals
P.S. Get up to 3 BOTTLES FREE! Do your loved ones a favor right now, and North Star will reward you with up to 3 FREE BOTTLES. That's a savings of over $149! But be sure to order today!
Indications: For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, or sprains.
Warnings: This product is for external use ONLY and is not to be ingested. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a physician immediately. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. If condition worsens or if symptoms persist for more than 7 days or clear up and occur again within a few days, consult a physician. Do not apply to wounds or damaged skin. Do not bandage tightly. This product should not be used on children under 2 years of age except as recommended by a physician. Keep out of reach of children.

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