Effective Cures Can be Cheap
This comes from a feed of Natural News to which I subscribed.
As a diabetic, I often buy aspartame - laced, diet sodas. Despite claims that is carcinogenic (which others claim is the equivalent of drinking l00 cans of diet colas a day) I continued to drink diet cola, especially after a long bike ride. However, when news came out that it can cause osteoporosis, and the worse part, it can cause your sperm count to decline, I had some serious thoughts. Now I do not buy diet colas, hence I end up with zero count (no pun intended)
Other interesting notes on aspartame:
l. Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, major components of aspartame lead to release of leptins and insulin that cause storage of fats; thus causing weight gains rather than weight loss
2. Aspartame lowers serotonin level that lead to food cravings,
3. The pheylalanine and methanol components (methanol releases methyl alcohol which is addictive)
causes addiction.
Some food containing aspartame:
Diet sodas, cereals, bake mix, chewing gums, candies, yogurts, flavored water, powdered drink
Aspartame Could be Hazardous to Your Health
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