
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Morinda Citrofolia, Noni as Anti Cancer Agent.

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Aside from anti infective, energy boosting, sex energy boosting effect of Noni, it has been cited by Dr. Rey Sahilian and Dr. Neil Solomon, both experts on diseases and nutrition to be effective vs cancer.

Dr. Rey Sahelian cited in the link, the various experiments done in vitro about the ability of polysaccharides of Noni juice in controlling growth of neoplasms in conjunction with such chemo as , cistoplastin, adriamycin, mitomycin -c, biomycin, etoposide, vincristine, or camphothecine. and others

In vivo in humans at the at the UIC College of Medicine in Rockford Illinois, l0% of  Noni mixed with drinking water was able to prevent adduct DNA DMBA adduct formation.  This was compared to Vit C, grape seed extract and pycogenol at the dose recommended.  The anti oxidant activity of Noni may contribute to this phenomenon.

   Dr Rey Sahilan on anti cancer properties of Noni

Noni as cancer cure

In cure for cancer, two researches were cited:

l.  At University of Hawaii research led by  Anne Hirozumi concluded that Noni enchanced the immune system in a study of mice:  those mice fed with Noni lived for nearly a l00 days vs those that were not who lived for only 9-12 days.

2.  In Louisiana State University, a team of Conrad Hendrick, PhD, showed that l0% concentration of Noni prevented angiogenesis (formation of blood vessels) in breast cancer.  This means Noni help arrest the growth of cancer cells in such a condition. Moderate Maria Manuel Gabrielle showed that the presence of scopoletin can eradicate cancer cells and lymphoma

3.  Dr Rangadhar Sapathady says that Noni contains l30 neutricals (medicinal nutrients) but 5 are anti cancer agents.  Now see these:

         l. Polysaccharides prevent attachment of damaged cells, thus stopping metastasis;

         2.  Anthraquinons damnancanthals and alizarin prevents blood flow to the tumor thus stopping cancer cell growth.

         3. Terpenoids in Noni prevent cell mutation and division and  induce apoptosis (death of cancer cells)  Beta carotene strengthens immune system to produce more T cells;

         4. Epigolocathecin Gallate (EGCG) polyphenolic anti oxidant flavinoid prevents cancer cell mutation and induces apoptosis;

         5. Xeronine helps repair damaged cells.  (It is converted from from prexorine in the body)

Cure for Cancer blog

But what prevents widespread  use of Noni is its odor and taste coming from kaproa and  capric acid one ot the active components of Noni.  It can be masked by brown sugar (or coconut sugar as in the case of sample given to me by Dr. Tito) Or can be drank together with other juices.  Noni juice should be taken with an empty stomach and only 30 ml per day (2 tbsp)

Noni is plentiful in the Phil and is manufactured locally by Pilnoni (PMCI)

For more details on Noni, you can contact Dr. Tito the CEO of Pilnoni.  He is a PhD, taught at UPLB, was on international assignment to 60 countries all over the world.  Ask Dr. Tito

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