
Monday, March 12, 2012

Preventing Onset of Dementia from Dr. Russel Blaylock

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

This link is a pitch to buy the wellness report of Dr. Russel Blaylock, a noted nuero surgeon, an author and nutritionist.  The cases of dementia and Alzheimer is on the rise, mostly involving women.  Here are some of his teaser pitch:

l.  Why are women more predisposed to dementia?

2.  Potential toxins that damage your brain that you should avoid;

3.  Why flu shots increase risk of dementia?

4.  Why certain aerobic exercises are not good, and may actually promote disease (this is a contrarian view)

5.  Why adding lemon to your tea increases risk of dementia?

6.  Link between heart attacks and strokes

7.  Adding this to your diet (a protein ) can reduce risk of your getting dementia by 60%

8.  Why taking this fruit extract reduces aging process of the brain

 Over indulgence in sweets can result in early onset of the disease.

The good doctor researched on this because even as a doctor he was unable to save his parents from the ravages of the disease. And he also obeserves that only 30% of medical practice is evidence based;   the rest is from guess work.

More on Dr. Blaylock - Dementia and Alzheirmer Prevention

1 comment:

  1. I think that earlier detection of Dementia will be of great benefit to the aging population.Not only will early treatment help slow down the illness, but a lot can be learned about prevention.The elderly is a large group of people who have a lot to offer. I am very pleased to hear about any kind of research being done in this needed area.

    Dementia Clinic
