Effective Cures Can be Cheap
I would like to post some interesting quotes from the Kurian Book on Amazing Healing Plants and I hope you find them interesting and helpful:
"Those who make the practice of taking drugs sin against their intelligence and endanger their whole after life. There are herbs that are harmless, the use of which will tide over many serious difficulties."
- Ellen G. White, l897
"The liability to disease is increased by flesh eating. We do not hesitate to say that meat is not essential to the maintenance of health and strength."
- E.G. White
"The Lord God has provided for some simple antidotes in simple plants."
- E.G. White
"Sprouted seeds are the most powerful in the world. Sprouted seeds are 400x to 500x more powerful than any other food in this world, the tests show. Daniel and his companions ate sprouts and at the end of l0 days their faces appeared fairer and fatter than all the others. Also they were the wisest of all the men in Babylon and became the kings counselors."
- The Holy Bible Daniel l
"There is no exercise that will prove beneficial to every part of the body as walking"
" By the use of poisonous drugs many bring upon themselves lifelong illness and many lives are lost that might be saved by the use of natural methods of healing"
- E.G. White
"Stop water sugar drinks, sodas. It clogs the system.
"Dont drink liquid with meals, Use your saliva"
"Dont eat food too hot or too cold. Hot food causes cancer of the throat. Cold food slow down digestion."
"When reading or looking at something, look look at the spot at the center of the vision, not at the side. Dont look ahead of the word as you read but look at the word you are reading. To strengthen your eye, read one page with one eye, and the next page with the other one"
"Dont under exercise or overwork, balance it."
"Morning exercise, in walking in the free invigorating air of heaven is the surest safeguard against colds, coughs, congestion of the brain and lungs... and a hundred other diseases."
- E. G. White
"The sympathy which exists between the body and mind is very great, and when one is affected, the other responds."
- E. G. White
"If you must work at night, do it early in the morning, but get your sleep before midnight.
" Treatment. Stop breaking Gods laws of health. Stop eating for a while. Help nature get rid of mucous and poisons by drinking plenty of warm water. Cleanse the bowels by drinking l/3 seawater with 2/3 hot water. 2 quarts for adults. Breathe fresh air day and night. Sweat by sauna bath or hot bath in tub increasing the heat as hot as bearable then add cold water slowly till cold."
"Fast for one or two meals, and drink only pure soft water. The loss of meal or two will enable the overburdened system to overcome slight indisposition, and even greater difficulties will be overcome by this simple process."
-E. G. White
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