
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Strengthening the Immune System of Cancer Patiets.

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

I read in one of the newsletter that cancer if properly defined means, "Sluggish Immune System"  We all have tumors or abnormal growth in our bodies all the time but our immune system keep them at bay.  But in cancer victims, the immune system gets weak and the abnormal cells multiply.

To my mind, and as experts prescribe, the treatment of regimen of cancer patients must help strengthen the patient, and patients immune system. through various means:

l.  Support groups as in the case of Livestrong.  There is no support group for cancer and the sense of doom simply overwhelms the victim.  And most patients do not know what to  look for or cant make a sense of their disease

. Get Help Support from Livestrong

2.  Prayers.  There can be miracles when we believe.  Miracles can happen from prayer.

3.  Nutrition.  Avoid acidic food;  drink alkaline water;  eat plenty of fruits and vegetable.  Make the patient breathe fresh air.  Here is a link for various diet for cancer patients from Livestrong:

Livestrong Cancer Nutrition

4.  Eat foods that strengthen the immune system They are zinc, selenium (found in eggplants) cartotenoids, Vit. C, Vit E.

Foods That Stengthen Immune System

Livestrong You Tube Videos on Nutrition and more


5.  Avoid treatment that weakens the patient.  The current radical treatment does exactly that - weakens the patient.

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