
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Suzannne Sommers FreeVideo on Cancer Cure and Prevention

Effective Cures Need Not be Expensive

In this free video from Newsmax Health Feed, Suzanne Sommers, a former cancer victim herself promotes  her books on cancer cure and prevention. "Knock-Out Cancer Prevention"  (Available at a promo price with the free video.) Suzanne Sommers was the star of "Threes Company"  a typical blonde.  She is married and has three children.

There are some interesting tidbits:

l.  In the US, cancer treatment is a $200 billion business and doctors will direct you to any of the three or combination of 3 treatments:  surgery, chemotherapy.  Yet chemo works only for certain types of cancer.  Surgery sometimes help certain types of cancer to metastize;

2.  Why iodine is effective vs breast cancer;

3.  Certain over the counter anti acid helps prevent cancer from sticking into your blood vessels...

4.  Why mammograms may actually cause breast cancer...

5.  Mistletoe and cancer;

6.  Cox helping spread of cancer...after surgery

7.  Why you you have more chances of cancer if you had root canal (I am glad I didn't have one)

8.  Increased body temperature (being in sauna, exercising) can zap cancer cells.

9.  Cancer Sufferers must avoid sugar like plague;

l0.  The lemon cure...

ll.  Cancer can be looked upon as a chronic condition like diabetes that can be taken care of without the patient necessarily dying...

Again, we wish we can take a peek into the book so that we can save money.... hahaha.  But the article all ready gave you 50% out of the bag...

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