
Monday, April 16, 2012

A Detox Program Requested by Richard Ang

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

 A fellow biker Richard, who smokes, a fellow biker at Recyclist suggested that I blog something on detoxification.  It is time.

I took a look at the book of Dr. Gonzalez on Preventing and Control Cancer:

What is detoxification

She says it is a relative term.  It is a long term process and not just a one shot deal.  Eating healthy food, less congestive, drinking pure water, removal of the toxic environment are involved in detoxification.  Toxicity does not only involve substances, but emotional and environmental toxicity.  For instance, anger and negative vibes and attitudes need to be removed as well.

How are toxins removed from your body?

They are excreted primarily from the guts, from the skin through perspiration, and kidney through urination.  The organs that process them are the liver, the kidney, the large intestines and the lympathics.  Relative toxicity involve two things:   relative speed and ease by which waste products are removed from your body, and the the intake of the toxic/waste products.

Symptoms of toxicity:

fever/depression/bad breath/chest pains, stiff neck/backache,/joint pains/headaches/ fatigue/indigestion/insomnia/hives/fatigue/skin rashes/colds/coughs/sinus congestion/high blood fats/constipation.

Some process of detoxification:

l.  Drink pure, or filtered water. Or even ionized water.  Avoid water with chlorine or flourde.

2.  Eat healthy and nutritious food: fruits, vegetable, whole grains, nuts, seeds, quality dairy products and fresh fruits.  Meat is not all bad:  they are source of zinc and C0 Q10.

3.  Minimize red meats and meats that have been treated with nitrites, canned and processed food (contains BPA) or preservatives sodium benzoate that produce benzene when mixed with Vit. C.

4.  Eliminate toxic substances:   caffeine (the instant and decaf type -  the processing and additives makes them toxic) alchohol, nicotine, softdrinks, aspartame, other toxic substances in food like MSG

5.  The congesting foods include:   drugs, hydrogenated fats (heated at high temps) organ meats, fried foods, refined flour and sugar, baked goods, milk, sweets.

Least congesting and more detoxifying are: greens herbs, water, roots, squashes and other vegetables.

This is Chapter 3 of Her Section 2 on Pillars of Health.

The good Dr is less candid on how the detox process is conducted.  She observes though that some people do excess on detox with exercises, enema and sometimes when unsupervised results in loss of mineral and nutrients.

Cynthia Llantada is more open on how to detox.  Detox according to JC Kurian (Health and Home), SDA, involves missing a meal or two, taking water or apple juice to rest the digestive and purification organs like the liver, kidney, gall bladder and lymphatics.  The key words are missing a meal and resting the body organs

If you remember Ernie Baron and his pito2 leaves that was recommended for cleansing diet.  The best detoxifying drink I know is buko juice.


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