
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fw: How to Stop 3 Hidden Memory Destroyers, Cancer Secrets, and Fat-Shedding Super Fruit on UHR

Find out more about cupacu, the perils of mammography, how to avoid loss of memory, powerful antiseptic (anti biotic properties)
of honey.  Is pharma antibiotic superior to natural anti biotic?

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Underground Health Reporter <>
To: Jorge <>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 9:04 PM
Subject: How to Stop 3 Hidden Memory Destroyers, Cancer Secrets, and Fat-Shedding Super Fruit on UHR

Danica's Top 5 Most Popular Topics on Underground Health Reporter
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Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
Danica's Top Picks on
Underground Health Reporter

Cancer Research Secrets by a World-Class Alternative M.D.

     Statistics show that one in every two men—and almost that many women—will get cancer sometime in their lives.  That's 50/50 odds.  In other words either you or someone very close to you is likely to get this disease.

     Dr. Keith Mumby, one the world's most renowned holistic M.D.s, has been treating cancer for 30 years with great success.  Click here to watch his video now, which reveals scientifically proven secrets on how to beat cancer.

Amazonian Super Fruit Helps You Lose Weight Naturally

     The term "super fruit" refers to any fruit that combines superior nutritional properties ... powerful antioxidants ... and demonstrated health benefits.

     Check out how a super fruit called Cupuacu from the tropical rainforest is renowned not only for its ability to melt away body fat and help you lose weight naturally—but is also being touted as the modern day "fountain of youth."

Are Natural Antibiotics More Effective Than Traditional Antibiotics?

     Find out if this is a fact or myth.  With the rise of growing antibiotic resistance, scientists are returning to good ol' honey as a "new" solution to wound care and the healing of skin infections.  Discover how honey's powerful antiseptic properties are considerably more effective than traditional antibiotics.

Do Mammograms Cause Cancer in Healthy Women?

     This question sparked an intense research study by the Nordic Cochrane Center and the findings will shock you.  The Center recently published their results outlining the benefits and potential negative effects of mammography screening.  The studies indicate that healthy women are being misdiagnosed and treated for an illness they don't have and never would have developedKeep reading to find out the effects of mammography screening.

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A Word from Our Sponsor:

New Video Reveals:
3 Hidden Memory-Destroying Triggers
No One Told You About

     Many of us joke about "senior moments."  But when they start happening to you more often, they're not funny at all.  Instead, they're frustrating, embarrassing, and perhaps even worrisome.

     For example, do you ever walk into a room—and forget what you went in to get?  Run into someone you haven't seen lately—and can't recall their name?  Misplace your glasses or your house keys?

     It's ironic.  Just when you've got all this wisdom and experience under your belt, your brain is no longer "old reliable."  You never know when it's going to trip you up, frustrate you, embarrass you, or make you wonder if you're starting to lose your marbles.

The Good News Is, Scientists Just Discovered
What Causes These Frequent Memory Lapses—
and How to Stop Them Fast…
     Researchers at Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Duke, UCLA, and other top universities recently discovered three hidden triggers that cause frequent memory lapses and mental decline.  They're the missing link scientists have been seeking for years!

     Please take a few minutes to watch a special video presentation.  This presentation will give you all the details about how you can switch off these hidden triggers—and even reverse years of brain aging.

     Please watch this video now

     If you delay in watching this, you might forget or the video might be taken down and you'll have missed out.  But spend a few minutes watching this now and you'll learn all about this new breakthrough that makes your brain perform like it did before you hit middle age.

     View this special video presentation now...

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the following website address onto your Internet browsers:

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher,
unless otherwise noted.  The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship
with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience
of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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