
Monday, April 23, 2012

Fwd: Is this the ultimate super vegetable?

This is feed from Cancer Defeated.  Some important articles and findings:

1.  Beet is good anticancer vegie.  Beet also contains NO3 which helps in cardio vascular diseases.  It strengthens the blood vessel and removes plaque formation.  NO3 also helps in ED problem.

2.  Taking sleeping pills puts you in great risk.  One of the leading causes of cancer is insomnia pills (the pam sounding drugs)

3.  Acetominophen is the leading cause of liver failure.

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From: Cancer Defeated <>
Date: Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Is this the ultimate super vegetable?

Newsletter #180
Lee Euler, Editor
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Beat Cancer with Beets

    If one vegetable is poised to eclipse all others in terms of healing power, it would have to be the beet.

    It's no secret that fruits and vegetables in general help prevent and treat cancer. But the beet is quickly moving up in terms of attention given to its anti-cancer properties and disease-fighting chemicals.

    And before you say, "Wait a minute, I'm not going to eat beets every day" — let me tell you about a new supplement that makes it easy. Keep reading and I'll explain. . .

Continued below. . .

Boost Your Body's Miracle Molecule
To Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease

    If you're excited by the information in this issue (I sure am) than you may want to take advantage of a special offer for the beetroot powder supplement. My recommendation is to juice your own beets each and every day, but if that's not practical for you, this supplement is the best way I know to take advantage of the amazing new properties of beets that scientists have only recently discovered.

    Just go to and click on ORDER NOW. For the best deal, order two packages. You get a big discount, and you get free shipping to boot if you enter "CDFRSHP" (all caps) in the box that says "Customer Code." To help you remember the code, CDFRSHP stands for Cancer Defeated Free Shipping.

    Consuming beets boosts nitric oxide levels in the body, and nitric oxide is known to have powerful benefits for blood circulation. It's been called THE vasodilator — the ultimate way to relax and open up constricted blood vessels.

    A healthy person with high nitric oxide levels may need only one under-the-tongue lozenge per day, so two packages would be a two-month supply. People with medical problems like cancer or high blood pressure may need two lozenges per day. How can you tell how much you need? That's easy: You get ten free test strips with the special offer, so you can test your own nitric oxide level at home.

    This is a breakthrough supplement by any standard, so go to now.

    The "beet breakthrough" is so exciting, one researcher even predicts a bevy of large-scale human trials down the road just to study the beet. That's because its extraordinary healing advantages play a role both in treating existing cancers and in preventing future ones.

That red color packs a punch
    The beet itself is no stranger in medicine. The ancient Romans used it to treat fevers and constipation. Hippocrates advocated beet leaves to bind wounds. Folks in the Middle Ages used it to aid digestion.

    Most of the healing potential appears to come from the root, though the leaves have their own medicinal value.

    The most obvious thing about beet roots is their deep reddish-purple color, which comes from betalain pigments. This contrasts with most other red plants (like red cabbage) that get their pigment from the chemical anthocyanin.

    It's the betalain pigments in particular that possesses an uncommon power to heal. One betalain pigment, called betanin, increasingly earns praise for its ability to protect against oxidative stress. In other words, it's an antioxidant.

    Another pigment called indicaxanthin is also a powerful antioxidant. And there's another beet phytochemical, vulgaxanthin, that has proven anti-inflammatory and detoxification abilities.

    There are more good things in beets, but it's the betanin pigments in particular that help slow tumor growth, according to recent lab studies. It's believed they do this by inhibiting pro-inflammatory enzymes. But other evidence suggests they slay cancer cells by delivering more blood-rich oxygen, as well.

    Tests performed on tumors from the stomach, colon, nerve, lung, breast, and prostate tissues all showed favorable results. It's these results in particular that are prompting researchers to take a closer look at betanins and other betalains in beets as they relate to the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Beets have been used to treat cancer for 60+ years
    This isn't the first time beet root has gotten a lot of attention as a cancer treatment. Hungarian doctor Alexander Ferenczi, MD, was the first to bring beets into the spotlight back in the 1950s when he worked as a cancer therapist at the Department for Internal Diseases at a hospital in Csoma, Hungary.

    The patients Ferenczi treated had already been given chemotherapy and radiation. Most were battling cachexia, a side effect of cancer in which fatigue and loss of appetite prompt life-threatening weight loss. Cachexia often figures in the final stages of cancer. Ferenczi began supplementing his patients' diets with red beetroot, both raw and juiced.

    Ferenczi recorded clear clinical improvement for every patient who took the beetroot treatment. The only drawback seemed to be that beetroot was so effective at eliminating cancerous toxins from the body that the liver got overloaded in the act of getting rid of those toxins. One patient unfortunately died as a result.

    In a 1974 issue of the Hungarian Journal of Medicine, Ferenczi went public with his claim that he cured every type of cancer by having his patients eat beets.

    It may sound far-fetched, but other studies echo Ferenczi's pro-beet treatment approach. One trial required 22 patients with advanced-stage cancer to drink a cup and a half of beetroot juice every day for three months. Every patient but one experienced dramatic improvement.

    In our research we come across a lot of different cancer treatments, and some of them sound very strange. What's more, sometimes we find out there's not enough evidence, or the treatment may even be dangerous.

    No worries or doubts this time. Beets are the real deal. They aren't a magic bullet cancer cure all by themselves, but they're a valuable addition to any cancer patient's tool kit.
Outsmart heart disease while you're at it
    I should point out that the power of beets extends far beyond cancer. In a study on heart disease conducted at the Houston Institute for Clinical Research, the power of beets to promote nitric oxide (NO) production was shown to curb cardiovascular risk factors.

    There's also a nutritional supplement with beetroot powder that was created with cardiovascular benefits in mind. It's called Neo40® Daily and was developed to help the body maintain healthy nitric oxide levels. Your production of NO or nitric oxide — a crucial signaling molecule — drops with age, so ramping those levels back up naturally gives you a huge payoff.

    Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to dilate and appears to be a highly effective natural remedy for high blood pressure and other circulation problems. As an extra benefit, Neo40 Daily also supports healthy triglyceride levels.

    Let me be clear that the manufacturers of Neo40 Daily don't make any claims at all regarding the supplement's possible benefits for cancer. I'm just putting two and two together as a reporter and expressing my opinion that it could benefit cancer patients based on the chemistry and physiology involved. No actual studies support this. Dr. Ferenczi's clinical studies in Hungary comprise most of the support for beets as a cancer treatment, and of course, he used the raw vegetable itself, not a powder.
It may improve your sex life, too!
    As a side benefit, guys, raw beets or Neo40 Daily may also be an effective natural treatment for erectile dysfunction. Raising nitric oxide levels is exactly the function of ED drugs like Viagra — and beetroot in the form of Neo40 does it naturally.

    Before the properties of beets were discovered, alternative doctors thought the amino acid l-arginine was the most effective natural way to boost the body's nitric oxide levels. No more. Beets are it. It's not far from the truth to say they're a natural Viagra.

    Besides containing beetroot powder, the supplement Neo40® Daily has the following active ingredients: Vitamin C, magnesium, Vitamin B12, Hawthorn (part of the proprietary herbal blend), the natural amino acid L-Citrulline, and the natural sweetener Xylitol.

    I've arranged for our readers to get free shipping on a one month supply (two packages) of Neo40®Daily. If you're in good health and only need one lozenge per day, two packages will last you two months. Just go to their website at, click on ORDER NOW, and enter "2" as the quantity you want. When the next screen comes up, look for the box that says "Customer Code" and enter "CDFRSHP" (all caps) to get the free shipping. CDFRSHP stands for Cancer Defeated Free Shipping.

    Of course you may order just one package but then you don't get the discount or the free shipping, and one package is only a 15 day supply for someone with a medical problem such as cancer or high blood pressure.

    I know this is expensive as supplements go, but this is a remarkably high quality and unusual supplement available nowhere else. The manufacturers have designed it to dissolve under the tongue for maximum nitric oxide absorption.
It's a gas, gas, gas
    The sublingual (under the tongue) delivery system is important because nitric oxide is a gas. Although scientists have known for a while that it opens up blood vessels and helps deliver massive amounts of oxygen and other nutrients to the body, they didn't have a really good way to deliver nitric oxide gas to the tissues where it's needed.

    Nitric oxide is manufactured in the endothelim, the lining of your blood vessels — every blood vessel, from the large coronary arteries of your heart to the tiny capillaries that transfer oxygen and nutrients from your bloodstream to your tissues.

    Nitric oxide diffuses out of the endothelium, where it's made, into the layer beneath it, the smooth muscle of the artery. There, it signals the muscles to relax — to widen, to expand, to undergo a process scientists call vasodilation. Voila! — no more high blood pressure and less atherosclerosis!

    It was Louis Ignarro, Ph.D., who discovered that nitric oxide is the primary vasodilator — the long sought-after endothelial relaxation factor. This discovery was so important it earned him the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

    So anything that can naturally increase your nitric oxide levels is a big deal — and beetroot powder (or the supplement Neo40® Daily ) does exactly that.

    I can name a couple of major reasons why cancer is so hard to treat — we've written about them in this newsletter before: (1) Oxygen is fatal to cancer, but it's hard to get oxygen in and around the tumor; and (2) blood flow around a tumor varies considerably.

    Nitric oxide can help overcome these problems in cancer therapy by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the tumor. And here's something else: You can benefit from NO even if you choose conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, because NO sensitizes or "softens up" cancer cells, making them more likely to succumb to these treatments.
Your long-term easy treatment plan
    Whether you consume them to prevent or treat cancer, to avoid heart disease, or for other health reasons, pay attention to how you prepare beets for consumption. Betalains lose their potency when cooked, so raw beet juice is the most potent form of beetroot therapy.

    If you're set on cooking your beets, you can prevent betalain loss by steaming them for 15 minutes or less, or roasting for less than an hour.

    For the best benefit, aim to eat beets one to two times a week, and go for a serving of at least half of a medium-sized beet. (While you're at it, it's not a bad idea to eat the nutrient-rich beet greens every so often. You can stick them in boiling water for a minute and still enjoy a high nutrient level.)

    I see two lessons in all this. First, if you have cancer, you should take beetroot therapy as early as possible — ideally as raw juice, but otherwise in the form of the Neo40 Daily supplement. Just make sure to build your intake slowly (don't eat or drink too much juice too soon). As you start to see positive results, stick with the therapy. Consider it your long-term maintenance regime.

    If you don't have cancer, start taking beetroot or the supplement as a preventive treatment. The benefits of regular beetroot consumption far outweigh any reason you could think of not to take it.

    We try to alert you to any information that can help you in staying cancer free, and in our last issue we talked about a shocking new cause of cancer. If you missed that issue, please scroll down and read it now.

Scientists Uncover Shocking New
Cause of Cancer
It may be as bad as smoking,
and almost no one knows about it!

    Many doctors hand them out like lollipops. And many people pop them like candy. Every evening.

    Yet they're linked to a shocking 500 percent increase in deaths from ALL causes, and a horrible increase in new cancers. Taking these pills may be worse than smoking cigarettes. Are you making this grave mistake? Keep reading and find out...

Continued below. . .

Former Alzheimer's Patient Returns to
Good Health 4 Days After Taking This
Natural Remedy

    Conventional medicine has no answers for Alzheimer's. In fact, most doctors don't even bother testing for it any more.

    But consider this story:

    One woman described her shock when she visited her formerly witty and capable dad, curled in the fetal position and barely able to recognized family members. She couldn't believe how fast his Alzheimer's had progressed.

    Knowing that conventional medicine couldn't help, she sought out one of the few doctors in this country who practice this "alternative" medicine.

    She gave her father one single tablet, which he dissolved under his tongue.

    What happened next took everyone by surprise . . .

    If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and getting as much sleep as you need to function during the day -- you may be tempted to use anything that will help you sleep.

    Big mistake. You may be putting your life on the line if you use sleeping pills.

    If you think popping a pill will solve your sleep problems, you may not want to read this, because it's almost certain to change your mind. In the next few minutes I'll reveal not only the severe dangers of sleeping pills versus their very dubious benefits, but also what you can replace them with.

    A quick look at the new studies coming out will really keep you up at night.

    In 2010, up to one in 20 American adults took a sleeping pill. That comes to about 56 million prescriptions just in the U.S.

    This late-breaking study, published February 27, 2012 by the medical journal BMJ Open, casts a shadow over this rapidly-expanding segment of the pharmaceutical industry. "Rapidly expanding" is an understatement: Use of sleeping pills jumped by 23 percent in the U.S. from 2006 to 2010 — and generates a staggering $2 billion in annual sales.

    Among the study's disparaging findings:

  • Those who were prescribed up to 18 doses a year were 3.6 times more likely to die than their counterparts who were prescribed none. That's a 360% higher death risk associated with just 1.5 sleeping pills per month!
  • Those prescribed from 18 to 132 doses were more than 4 times as likely to die.
  • But it gets worse. Those taking in excess of 132 doses per year (just 11 per month, or about one pill every three days) had a 500 percent greater death risk.
  • These results were true regardless of age, but risks were greatest among 18 to 55 year-olds.
  • Those taking the highest doses of sleeping pills were also at greater risk of developing several types of cancer, including esophagus, lymphoma, lung, colon and prostate cancers.
  • Men who used sleeping pills were about twice as likely to die as women, after accounting for other factors.
    "Popular sleeping pills are associated with a shocking excess of deaths and a horrible increase in new cancers," says Dr. Daniel Kripke, of the Scripps Clinic Viterbi Family Sleep Center in La Jolla, California, one of the study's researchers.

    Here's how the researchers discovered this shocking news…

    They tracked over 10,500 people for an average of 2½ years between 2002 and 2007. They compared survival among these patients versus 23,500 people matched for age, sex, lifestyle factors, and underlying health problems who did not take sleeping pills.

    In other words, they looked every which way they could to ascribe this disastrous effect to something else. And they couldn't find another cause!

    Said co-author of the study, Robert D. Langer, MD, MPH, of the Jackson Hole Center for Preventive Medicine in Jackson, Wyoming… "We tried every practical strategy to make these associations go away, thinking that they could be due to use by people with more health problems, but no matter what we did the associations with higher mortality held."

    The drugs in the study included the popular benzodiazepines (temazepam), non-benzodiazepines (Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata), plus barbiturates and sedative anti-histamines.

    They found that the class of sleeping pill does not matter. All of them dramatically increase risk.
A battery of risky side effects
    Dr. Kripke is quick to point out that you are likely to die sooner if you take sleeping pills. And you're 35 percent more likely to get cancer (if you take more than 132 pills per year).

    "For the particular sleeping pills studied, I do not see any time I would prescribe them," he continues.

    Dr. Kripke reports that U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documents on some of the newer sleeping pills showed that all of the pills caused cancer in animals! But it seems the results haven't been published… which sort of begs the question "Why?"
"Several years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) started making available on the Internet some of their documents about the review of those newer sleeping pills approved for marketing in the United States since 1998.

"… To my great surprise, I learned that rats and mice given high doses of zaleplon (Sonata), eszopiclone (Lunesta) as part of zopiclone, and ramelteon (Rozerem) developed cancer. The information available was a little vague to be certain, but it seems that these new sleeping pills all caused cancer in animals. I am no expert on experiments of this type, but FDA reviewers thought some of the results were worrisome.

"One of the reasons I am not sure I understand these results is that I cannot find that the companies have ever published the details in the medical literature. It is conceivable that the manufacturers do not want these cancer experiments understood. These drugs also broke chromosomes, which is a well-known specific chemical mechanism by which drugs cause cancer." [Emphasis mine.]
Other strange and not-so-strange side effects
    Weird and strange side effects, and the mechanisms that may be at work, include:
  • Esophageal regurgitation may lead to esophageal cancer.
  • Sleeping pills can make sleep apnea worse.
  • Sleep walking and even sleep driving may make people more susceptible to automobile crashes and falls. Not to mention the risk to others from sleep driving.
  • Sleeping pills are notorious for being addictive, both physically and psychologically — demanding ever larger dosages to "work," overdosing, and the increasing risk of withdrawal symptoms that can be substantially worse than the initial insomnia.
  • Hallucinations
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Many sleeping pills are potent anti-cholinergics, which suppress REM sleep and dreaming… known to increase dementia risk in seniors.
  • Sleep eating — Ambien can make you crave weird things to eat while you're asleep -- which can include bizarre "foods" like buttered cigarettes, raw bacon, salt sandwiches… One person reportedly gained 100 pounds while on sleeping pills.
  • Depression
NOT the miracle sleep aid you were promised
    Sleeping pills' underwhelming benefits — drum roll please…

    Sleeping pills help you fall asleep less than 13 minutes faster and sleep less than 11 minutes longer!

    How's that for a pathetic "benefit"?

    It's true. Studies financed by the National Institutes of Health in 2007 compared sleeping pills to fake pills and found that sleeping pills such as Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata changed average sleep time by mere minutes... although participants believed they had slept up to one hour longer when taking sleeping pills.

    This could actually be due to a specific type of amnesia, where you forget what's just happened. You may have, in fact, simply forgotten that you were unable to sleep!

    Using sleeping pills is also well known to impair your cognitive function the next day.

    So unlike a genuine restful night's sleep that leaves you alert and refreshed, a mere 11 minutes of extra sleep (or what you think is more sleep) slows down your brain — and continues to do so even after the sun comes up.

    It can leave you with a sleeping pill "hangover" that can cause confusion, sleepiness, and likely increases falls and automotive accidents. I believe the hangover effect is more common with older generation sleeping pills than with the new ones like Lunesta, which actually produce fewer next-day effects for most people. (That's the very benefit marketers have used to sell these new-generation sleep aids.) But ANY type of sleep drug carries some risk of cognitive impairment and fatigue the following day.

    Certain sleeping pills, such as those containing Benadryl, can have a half-life of 18 hours. So if you take them nightly, you're sedated for a large part of every "waking" day. (I have a deep loathing of Benadryl, an antihistamine that I've tried for treating allergy symptoms. It's a mind-altering drug if ever there was one.)

    If you resort to pharmaceutical sleep aids, you're not only shortening your life, but you're missing out on the days you have left, as well!
Liver damage alert!
    Many over the counter sleep aids contain acetaminophen (Tylenol type products) — especially those that promise pain relief, too.

    Warning: The #1 cause of acute liver failure in the U.S. is taking too much acetaminophen! And that's incredibly easy to do, considering how many OTC and prescription products contain it.

    If you have a cold, headache, or other aches and pains that make it hard to sleep, you may have already taken one or more acetaminophen-containing products for pain relief… Then when you add another dose for sleeping, you're truly adding fuel to the fire. And no one warned you that compounding doses of acetaminophen can be extremely dangerous and even deadly.

    I repeat: it is very easy to overdose on acetaminophen — an important risk especially if you take Tylenol PM, Excedrin PM or other acetaminophen-containing sleep aids regularly.
Wellness 101 revisited
    Let me put this in perspective.

    Sleeping pills do nothing to remedy the underlying reasons for sleep troubles. This may be why studies show that cognitive behavioral therapy can treat insomnia better than drugs.

    One such study showed that insomniacs who received behavioral therapy not only spent less time awake at night but also spent more time in the deepest stages of sleep compared to those given drugs.

    The medical staff at the Viterbi Family Sleep Center focus on cognitive therapy that teaches patients how to enjoy better sleep.

    For example, some people suffering from insomnia may not require the recommended eight hours of sleep.

    Others can learn to practice good sleeping habits and relaxation, plus utilizing the body's natural clock which is driven by the rising and setting of the sun. These are tools that don't require a prescription.

    When insomnia is caused by emotional problems like depression, doctors should treat the underlying psychological disorder rather than just throwing a sleeping pill at the patient, says Kripke.

    Honestly, if you value your life enough to really engage in it, and don't want to cut it off suddenly, find a good alternative health practitioner who can help wean you from sleeping pills and then detox yourself of their accumulated residues.

    And put your money to much better use with the following all-natural strategies you can use to get better sleep tonight:
  1. Turn off the TV and computer at 8 pm. The light from the screens entering your eyes is equivalent to broad daylight. It upsets your circadian rhythms — your body's natural responses to sunlight and darkness. Plus watching gripping shows or disturbing news late in the evening gets your nerves on edge instead of helping you wind down.
  2. Install black-out window treatments. Turn off night-lights. Get rid of other light sources in your bedroom. Avoid turning on lights if you have to get up at night, and turn on a small night-light if you must. The closer to pitch black your room is, the better. This one step could lead to a drastic improvement in sleep, because your eyelids don't block out light as much as you might believe. Just remember, before electric lighting started to become common about a hundred years ago, people went to bed when it was dark, and got up with the sun.
  3. Establish a relaxing routine for the hour before bedtime, which should probably be by 10pm or earlier. This could include things such as a warm bath, prayer and meditation, reading (calm stuff, not riveting novels!), drinking calming teas (caution: if it'll wake you up to use the bathroom, this one isn't for you), etc.
  4. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex. Having it double as an office, study, TV room, and more removes the feeling it should have for you — that of being a sleep haven.
  5. Get outside in bright sunlight in the middle of the day. Much better for your body to scream "awake" at noon than at 10pm.
  6. Exercise every day. Those who exercise sleep better (not to mention the dozens of other exercise benefits).
  7. If you have a favorite strategy I forgot to mention, why not share it on our Facebook page? Just go to, click LIKE, and share your natural sleep idea with the world!

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler Publisher

References from 1st article:

"Beet." Wikipedia.

"Beetroot Therapy: Dr. A. Fenenci, MD." Annie Apple Seed Project.

"Beets: What's New and Beneficial About Beets." The World's Healthiest Foods.

"Betalains, phase II enzyme-inducing components from red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) extracts." By Lee CH, Wettasinghe M, Bolling BW et al. Nutr Cancer. 2005;53(1):91-103. 2005.

"Cachexia." Wikipedia.

"Introducing Neo40® Daily."

"Unique combination of beetroot and hawthorn berry promotes nitric oxide production and reduces triglycerides in humans." By Janet Zand, Nathan S. Bryan. Townsend Letter, May 2011.;col1

"Using Vegetables for Cancer Therapy — Beetroot Fights Disease and Even Cures Cancer." by Danica Collins.
Article sources from 2nd article:

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Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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1 comment:

  1. Vitamin C in high doses can protect and even cure some illness, I have proof.
