Effective Cures Can be Cheap
After reading the JC Kurian book on Miracle Healing Plants, I looked at my own garden. I realized that I have plenty of plants that cure. Therefore, I encourage people to plant more miracle plants in their yard so that that they do not get sick.
You may start with Moringa (malunggay) sili, okra, eggplants, herba buena, and then add as needed: lemon grass, atis, guava, kamias,
The others like lagundi, ginger, and basil. You do not have to spend for them. Ask for seeds, or bring home seeds, or ask tubers and roots from friends.
Atis, Custard Apple (Annona squamosa Linn)It belongs to a family Annonancea. The tree grows to a height of 6 meters and has fruits of 10 to 12 cm in diameter which is sweet and nice tasting. It has plenty of seeds. The unripe fruit are vermicidal (can kill worms when ingested) and also insecticidal. The decoction of root is a purgative. The ripe fruit is good for anaemia ( p. l7 Vol 2 JC Kurian)
Guava, Bayabas (Psidium guavaja L) Grows up to 33 ft. However there are varieties that bear large fruits that grow only up to l2 ft in height. It has oblong leaves that are dull green 4 to 6 cm in length that are oblong. The fruits are rich in Vit C. and often used to give sour taste to boiled food. The leaves when boiled are antiseptic. Young leaves juice are used to treat wounds and mouth sores. Other uses are gastrointestinal problems (diarrahea), ulcers vaginal, urethral and inflammation of the kidney.
Avocado, ( Persea americana, Mill) the world's No. Fruit, most expensive too. Included in the WHF list. Low glycemic index, high anti inflammatory anti oxidant content and therefore useful for diabetic patients, in helping heart patients, and even in alleviating cancer (Read more at WHF on Avocado benefits) JC Kurian lists its healing benefits as: oil of fruit can be used to rub body vs rheumatism, dandruff, and falling hair; infusion of fresh leaves promotes flow of urine, expels gases and flatulence, flowers of plants when taken as tea promotes menstrual flow. The roasted ground seed is used for diarrhea and dysentery -two teaspoonfuls in a cup of lukewarm water. (p. ll0 JC Kurian Vol. l)
Noni (Morinda citrofolia, Linn) Indian mulberry Mostly found in coastal areas of South Pacific but plentiful in our subdivision; I can see at least 5 seedlings in my yard; I did not realize that I was uprooting many of them as weeds. As per JC Kurian, the decoction of the fruit is used is used as tonic and relieves aches and pains in the body; the juice of leaves is used to treat wounds, ulcers, and to relieve paints. The baked fruit is used asthma, dysentery, and promoting menstrual flow. It is widely used in polynesia for diabetes and for high blood pressure. We know lately that damnacanthal is regenerates cancer cells in cancer illness. It is no.2 miracle herbal plant. And available at my yard/garden. It is God's gift to PHL and the world as a miracle tree, cure. It is also invigorating, provides energy overall for the body, including sexual energy.
Herba buena (Mentha cordifilia Opiz) It is widely used vs weakness of the stomach and abdomen, In alcohol solution it is used vs asthma. It is aromatic and can be used for dizziness. It is also known as oregano. When heated leaves can be applied afflicted parts to ease pain. Other uses can be found in Filipino herbs healing wonders on Herba Buena
Kalamansi (Citrus medica. Linn) Our tree is not yet bearing fruits. The fruits are round or ovoid with thin rinds and very rich source of Vit. C. The leaves are small with narrowly winged petioles and branches are thorny. As per JC Kurian the juice is good for scurvy, vermicidal (effective in removal of worms. When leaves are chewed and left in the mouth, it is good for bleeding gums.
Kamias (Averhhoa balimbi.Linn) This belongs to the plant family Oxalidacae and grows between 4 to 8 meters in height. It has compound leaves of ll to 35 in number. It bears fruits on its trunks which are reddish when young and light green when mature. Its fruits are juicy but sour when ripe. JC Kurian recommends that fruits be eaten to cure scurvy and to lower body temp; the leaves made into paste is good for itchiness, skin diseases, pimples and rheumatism. The infusion of fresh leaves is used for inflammation of the rectum; the fruit made into syrup is good for fever and for hemorrhage of stomach and bowels. The pure juice of fruit is good for beri2 and for biliousness (excessive secretion of bile) The decoction of flowers is good for cough and fungal infection of the the mouth and throat. (JC Kurian p 2l. Vol 2) Read also Toptropicals on balimbi (Kamias)
Siling labuyo (Capsicum frutescens, Linn) they are perennials (they bear fruits throughout the year) and is very pungent. It is used to give flavor to the food. As per JC Kurian, those who are used to it, when eating the fruits, stimulate their appetite. In early stages of throat disease, infusion of the fruit can avert the onset of the disease. For toothache, extract the juice from fruit, dip the cotton buds and place on the affected area. The fruits taken in infusion help in stomach and bowel cramps. Externally applied, the chili powder can applied as plaster for rheumatism, chest pain and inflamed pericardium. Advice: do not touch any delicate parts of the body after touch the fruit or the chili powder. You will have a taste of hell.... Uni Graz on Chili
Neem tree (Azardirachta indica. A.Juss) also called Margossa. The Latin name means free tree. The tree grows to height over 20 meters The compound leaves with 9 to l2 leaflets and are oblong and serrate. It has fragrant flowers, and fruits turn bright yellow when ripe and are seeded. Is used as insecticide, for inflammation of the liver and skin diseases, as purgative, for cough fever, ulcers inflammation and ulcers. Consumption of fruits, ripe or unripe, infusion of the leaves, and decoction of the bark will take care of the medicinal problems mentioned. Discover Neem Tree
Papaya (Carica papaya Linn) It is a very very versatile, multi function plant. All the parts are useful for healiang. The roots: as tonic and as medicine for excessive bleeding of the kidneys, expel worms from the body; latex: for corns and warts, to expel worms from the body; leaves: helps in digestion, treats wounds and cut ulcer, eczema and boils; flowers for hoarseness, cough, bronchitis, influenza and cough; seeds for deworming and said to be effective vs. cancer, vs TB, proper menstrual flow, and proper functioning of the liver; The fruit: for promoting healthy skin (in papaya soap) helps in digestion, for diabetes, asthma, jaundice, stomach and duodenal ulcers, helps in digestion (because of papain a protolytic enzyme - used as meat tendereriser) and for painful tonsilitis and rheumatism. More on papaya (others call it papaw Floridata on Papaya
Galanga (Alpina galanga Willd) it is tuberous aromatic and herbaceous plant. It belongs ot the family Zingeberaceae. It was included at 2nd century BC by great Charaka, the compiler of Ayurvdeic medicine as one capable of imparting youthful vigor and vitality. It is the resins and volatile oils that make the plant capable of providing such vigor. As per JC Kurian, p. l0 Vol 2, its use is in the roots or rhizome: gargle with infusion of the root for gum infection; pound l teaspoon of root soak in water for 3-4 hours in 2-3 cups of drinking water for bad breath and throat irritation The same can be used for pneumonia, cough cold fever, head ache, nausea and lung diseases.
Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Part of ayurvedic medicine.JC book calls it drumstick. Its tree grows to over nine meters. It has pods, flower, leaves that are edible. It is a corky pith and bark full of latex. Its leaves are rich in iron and good for iron deficiency of expectant mothers. JC Kurian says it is effective vs. scurvy, cough, inflammation, urinary problems and dental caries. (JC. Kurian p.98. Vol l. Read more on the tree of Life. --->John Hopkins Hospital study on Moringa
----> Commercial Moringa Source
Phyllantus (Phyllantus fraternus.Web) also called seed under the leaf or egg woman is a common weed; I have problem removing this in our garden. They are so plentiful and ubiquitous, I kept destroying them not until I found out that it is useful for the following problems: promoting menstrual flow, it is good for PROSTATE PROBLEMS in promoting urine flow helps in eliminating KIDNEY AND GALL BLADDER STONES. I guess the prostate, kidney and gall bladder would make this weed in demand!!!The whole plant is to be used for such medical uses: l0 grams of plant material for one liter of water. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day. What a wonderful plant!
Dill plant
Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn) is an ornamental plant that bears bright colored flowers. The decoction of roots is used for cough and colds, the leaves are gentle laxative and soothes inflamed parts, the application of crushed flowers soothes wounds and sores. The infusion of flowers lowers body heat; The infusion of flowers and petals protects the alimentary tract. From JC. Kurian p.82. Vol. l)
After reading the JC Kurian book on Miracle Healing Plants, I looked at my own garden. I realized that I have plenty of plants that cure. Therefore, I encourage people to plant more miracle plants in their yard so that that they do not get sick.
You may start with Moringa (malunggay) sili, okra, eggplants, herba buena, and then add as needed: lemon grass, atis, guava, kamias,
The others like lagundi, ginger, and basil. You do not have to spend for them. Ask for seeds, or bring home seeds, or ask tubers and roots from friends.
Atis, Custard Apple (Annona squamosa Linn)It belongs to a family Annonancea. The tree grows to a height of 6 meters and has fruits of 10 to 12 cm in diameter which is sweet and nice tasting. It has plenty of seeds. The unripe fruit are vermicidal (can kill worms when ingested) and also insecticidal. The decoction of root is a purgative. The ripe fruit is good for anaemia ( p. l7 Vol 2 JC Kurian)
Guava, Bayabas (Psidium guavaja L) Grows up to 33 ft. However there are varieties that bear large fruits that grow only up to l2 ft in height. It has oblong leaves that are dull green 4 to 6 cm in length that are oblong. The fruits are rich in Vit C. and often used to give sour taste to boiled food. The leaves when boiled are antiseptic. Young leaves juice are used to treat wounds and mouth sores. Other uses are gastrointestinal problems (diarrahea), ulcers vaginal, urethral and inflammation of the kidney.
Avocado, ( Persea americana, Mill) the world's No. Fruit, most expensive too. Included in the WHF list. Low glycemic index, high anti inflammatory anti oxidant content and therefore useful for diabetic patients, in helping heart patients, and even in alleviating cancer (Read more at WHF on Avocado benefits) JC Kurian lists its healing benefits as: oil of fruit can be used to rub body vs rheumatism, dandruff, and falling hair; infusion of fresh leaves promotes flow of urine, expels gases and flatulence, flowers of plants when taken as tea promotes menstrual flow. The roasted ground seed is used for diarrhea and dysentery -two teaspoonfuls in a cup of lukewarm water. (p. ll0 JC Kurian Vol. l)
Noni (Morinda citrofolia, Linn) Indian mulberry Mostly found in coastal areas of South Pacific but plentiful in our subdivision; I can see at least 5 seedlings in my yard; I did not realize that I was uprooting many of them as weeds. As per JC Kurian, the decoction of the fruit is used is used as tonic and relieves aches and pains in the body; the juice of leaves is used to treat wounds, ulcers, and to relieve paints. The baked fruit is used asthma, dysentery, and promoting menstrual flow. It is widely used in polynesia for diabetes and for high blood pressure. We know lately that damnacanthal is regenerates cancer cells in cancer illness. It is no.2 miracle herbal plant. And available at my yard/garden. It is God's gift to PHL and the world as a miracle tree, cure. It is also invigorating, provides energy overall for the body, including sexual energy.
Herba buena (Mentha cordifilia Opiz) It is widely used vs weakness of the stomach and abdomen, In alcohol solution it is used vs asthma. It is aromatic and can be used for dizziness. It is also known as oregano. When heated leaves can be applied afflicted parts to ease pain. Other uses can be found in Filipino herbs healing wonders on Herba Buena
Kalamansi (Citrus medica. Linn) Our tree is not yet bearing fruits. The fruits are round or ovoid with thin rinds and very rich source of Vit. C. The leaves are small with narrowly winged petioles and branches are thorny. As per JC Kurian the juice is good for scurvy, vermicidal (effective in removal of worms. When leaves are chewed and left in the mouth, it is good for bleeding gums.
Kamias (Averhhoa balimbi.Linn) This belongs to the plant family Oxalidacae and grows between 4 to 8 meters in height. It has compound leaves of ll to 35 in number. It bears fruits on its trunks which are reddish when young and light green when mature. Its fruits are juicy but sour when ripe. JC Kurian recommends that fruits be eaten to cure scurvy and to lower body temp; the leaves made into paste is good for itchiness, skin diseases, pimples and rheumatism. The infusion of fresh leaves is used for inflammation of the rectum; the fruit made into syrup is good for fever and for hemorrhage of stomach and bowels. The pure juice of fruit is good for beri2 and for biliousness (excessive secretion of bile) The decoction of flowers is good for cough and fungal infection of the the mouth and throat. (JC Kurian p 2l. Vol 2) Read also Toptropicals on balimbi (Kamias)
Siling labuyo (Capsicum frutescens, Linn) they are perennials (they bear fruits throughout the year) and is very pungent. It is used to give flavor to the food. As per JC Kurian, those who are used to it, when eating the fruits, stimulate their appetite. In early stages of throat disease, infusion of the fruit can avert the onset of the disease. For toothache, extract the juice from fruit, dip the cotton buds and place on the affected area. The fruits taken in infusion help in stomach and bowel cramps. Externally applied, the chili powder can applied as plaster for rheumatism, chest pain and inflamed pericardium. Advice: do not touch any delicate parts of the body after touch the fruit or the chili powder. You will have a taste of hell.... Uni Graz on Chili
Neem tree (Azardirachta indica. A.Juss) also called Margossa. The Latin name means free tree. The tree grows to height over 20 meters The compound leaves with 9 to l2 leaflets and are oblong and serrate. It has fragrant flowers, and fruits turn bright yellow when ripe and are seeded. Is used as insecticide, for inflammation of the liver and skin diseases, as purgative, for cough fever, ulcers inflammation and ulcers. Consumption of fruits, ripe or unripe, infusion of the leaves, and decoction of the bark will take care of the medicinal problems mentioned. Discover Neem Tree
Papaya (Carica papaya Linn) It is a very very versatile, multi function plant. All the parts are useful for healiang. The roots: as tonic and as medicine for excessive bleeding of the kidneys, expel worms from the body; latex: for corns and warts, to expel worms from the body; leaves: helps in digestion, treats wounds and cut ulcer, eczema and boils; flowers for hoarseness, cough, bronchitis, influenza and cough; seeds for deworming and said to be effective vs. cancer, vs TB, proper menstrual flow, and proper functioning of the liver; The fruit: for promoting healthy skin (in papaya soap) helps in digestion, for diabetes, asthma, jaundice, stomach and duodenal ulcers, helps in digestion (because of papain a protolytic enzyme - used as meat tendereriser) and for painful tonsilitis and rheumatism. More on papaya (others call it papaw Floridata on Papaya
Galanga (Alpina galanga Willd) it is tuberous aromatic and herbaceous plant. It belongs ot the family Zingeberaceae. It was included at 2nd century BC by great Charaka, the compiler of Ayurvdeic medicine as one capable of imparting youthful vigor and vitality. It is the resins and volatile oils that make the plant capable of providing such vigor. As per JC Kurian, p. l0 Vol 2, its use is in the roots or rhizome: gargle with infusion of the root for gum infection; pound l teaspoon of root soak in water for 3-4 hours in 2-3 cups of drinking water for bad breath and throat irritation The same can be used for pneumonia, cough cold fever, head ache, nausea and lung diseases.
Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Part of ayurvedic medicine.JC book calls it drumstick. Its tree grows to over nine meters. It has pods, flower, leaves that are edible. It is a corky pith and bark full of latex. Its leaves are rich in iron and good for iron deficiency of expectant mothers. JC Kurian says it is effective vs. scurvy, cough, inflammation, urinary problems and dental caries. (JC. Kurian p.98. Vol l. Read more on the tree of Life. --->John Hopkins Hospital study on Moringa
----> Commercial Moringa Source
Phyllantus (Phyllantus fraternus.Web) also called seed under the leaf or egg woman is a common weed; I have problem removing this in our garden. They are so plentiful and ubiquitous, I kept destroying them not until I found out that it is useful for the following problems: promoting menstrual flow, it is good for PROSTATE PROBLEMS in promoting urine flow helps in eliminating KIDNEY AND GALL BLADDER STONES. I guess the prostate, kidney and gall bladder would make this weed in demand!!!The whole plant is to be used for such medical uses: l0 grams of plant material for one liter of water. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day. What a wonderful plant!
Dill plant
Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn) is an ornamental plant that bears bright colored flowers. The decoction of roots is used for cough and colds, the leaves are gentle laxative and soothes inflamed parts, the application of crushed flowers soothes wounds and sores. The infusion of flowers lowers body heat; The infusion of flowers and petals protects the alimentary tract. From JC. Kurian p.82. Vol. l)
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