Effective Cures Can be Cheap
Our staff just called to say that she will bring her mother to a doctor for a second opinion on her kidney stones. The kidney stones must be causing her pain and therefore her high blood pressure, or that her angiotensin in her kidney must be spooking her blood pressure.
When asked about what dissolves the kidney stones, I could not tell her much except the banana and the sodium bicarb. Her mother is not responding to these stuff so she has to see a doctor. The alternative would be a shockwave treatment (about 50T) or a surgery (expensive and debilitating)
So I went back to JC Kurian book on miracle healing plants. Those that indicated for dissolving kidney stones are:
l. Saffron (Crocus sativus Lin) Commercial saffron comes from the dried stigmas of the tiny flower. Its plant appear like onions producing grey green leaves and its flowers are lily shaped and yellow violet or red in color. The dessicated or dried out stigmas are made yellow powder which is made into coloring agent and spice. p. 49 JC Kurian
Treatment for kidney stones: Use 8 to l0 stigmas for one cup of water. Drink l/2 to l cup per day.
2. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Eating the fruit, or making this a drink (slice the cucumber, soak in water overnight in ref and make it your drink) p.50, JC Kurian
Nutrition Data Cucumber
World's Healthiest Food on Cucumber
3. Wire grass (Eleusine Indica Gaerth) the crab grass. The decoction of the plant is to be used for treating gall bladder and kidney stones p. 6l JC Kurian
Also known as Goose Grass
4. Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus Benth) Also known as Java Tea Plant or Kidney Tea Plant. The plant grows about 1-2 meters and grows ovate leaves with serration; it has eye catching flower. The decoction of the entire plant is used for treating kidney stones. p.10l in JC Kurian Book.
Also known as Balbas Pusa
5 Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia Linn) It is climber with thin red bark with long cylindrical roots; it bears fruits that are 4-6 mm in diameter and purplish and black when ripe. The decoction of roots is used in the treatment of kidney stones.
Rubia In Herbal Preparation - For Blood Purification
6. Onions (Allium cepa Linn) Can be eaten raw for the removal of kidnesy stones and calculus. p.13. JC Kurian Vol. l.
WHf on Onions
7. Watermelon (Citrulus vulgaris Linn) The juice of ripe fruit is used for dissolving kidney stones (please take note that the fruit is rich in citrullene, a vasolidator and makes watermelon a potent natural viagra. What is good for the kidney is good for the sex organ) p.54, Vol. l JC. Kurian
Nutrition data for wqtermelon
Science Daily on Watermelon
8. Pomegrante (Punica granatum Linn) granada for Tagalog. The seeds ground into a paste and mixed with milk, is used to dissolve stones of kidney of expectant mothers. Note that watermelon, together with pomegrante seeds make good for ED problems. p.120 Vol. l JC Kurian
EHow.com on Pomegrante
9. Corn (Zea mays Linn) the stigma are recommended for painful urination, the roots and leaves are recommended for urinary tract problems (drank as tea) p.l54 Vol. l JC Kurian.
Zea Mayz
Thank you Sir Jorge for posting these alternatives cures for my mother kidney stones. It will really great help for us. Thank you Sir!
ReplyDeleteJo-ann T. Flores
Bereavement Providers Inc