Effective Cures Can be Cheap
After having read and viewed the following:
l. Dr. Gonzalez's book on cancer prevention: ie detoxification, and aspartame, sugar substitutes, softdrinks, the triple whammy foods;
2. The picture of fecal matters from You tube;
3. Toxins in our food
4. White rice contributes to diabetes;
I had to change my eating habits.
l. No more soft (soda) drinks, or even flavored sugar drinks,; only water, no more instant coffee
2. No more diet soda drinks,
3. No more cakes, cookies, French Fries
4. No more food cooked in high temp in oil;
5. Less processed food
l. Fish
2. Water
3. Vegetables
4. Tea instead of coffee
5. Raw food; sprouts
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