
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are the Modern MDs observing the Hippocratic Oath?

Effective Cures that are Cheap for Everyone



The Hippocratic Oath

I just read the Hippocratic Oath for doctors.  I have been intrigued by the two parts oath:  to do no harm, and to keep abreast of the modern medical practices.

From the many essays and articles written on medical practices at US, ie, the MDs continue to treat patients using expensive medicine and procedures and yet do not result in longer life for the patients.

There are many modern effective cures, and yet, they stick to the old protocol which are dangerous and toxic to the patients:   like open heart surgery, chemo therapy, radiation.

The review of such oath is in order, I think...

Fwd: 99% of Breast Cancer Tissue Contained This Everyday Chemical (NOT Aluminum)

Have you heard of Parabens?  Yes they also contain aluminum (the deodorants)





99% of breast cancer were found to contain parabens at the upper and outer portion of the breast, and more on the left side.  Those are he areas where anti perspirants and deodorants are applied.  And most people being right handed tended to apply more of this personal care product  to the left axilla.  Parabens are the preservatives of deodorants.


The other active ingredient of deodorants, aluminum chloride seem to both promote oncogenesis  Both have estrogenic activities.

When you perspire, the yellow stain are the parabenss.

What are the suggested anti odor for your armpits:   Sunbathe your armpits, use ordinary soap and water.  Or alum (although they may contain some aluminum too

 Select paraben free soap

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. Mercola <>
Date: Thu, May 24, 2012 at 1:30 PM
Subject: 99% of Breast Cancer Tissue Contained This Everyday Chemical (NOT Aluminum)

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May 24, 2012 - Issue 2105
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This Vitamin Provides SO Many Potential Benefits, Some Government Health Agencies Actually Regulate It...* * Limited Time Offer! *
Vitamin k2 Certain health agencies regulate this vital vitamin that's just recently been re-discovered. Long forgotten for as many as 80 years, it's now being recognized - and once again appreciated for all it can potentially do for your health.*

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99% of Breast Cancer Tissue Contained This Everyday Chemical (NOT Aluminum) 99% of Breast Cancer Tissue Contained This Everyday Chemical (NOT Aluminum)
This new study looked at 160 tissue samples collected from 40 mastectomies... one or more of this group of never-proven-safe chemicals was found in nearly all samples. Find out which products you use daily likely contain them and what researchers suspect is their 'mode of entry' into breast tissue.

New Report Shows Drug Companies Lied and Overstated Their Drug's Ability to Treat Autism
Up to one-third of autistic children are taking drugs that only appear to be effective because of a stealthy manipulation of data.
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that fruit drinks can inflict damage on your liver like alcohol does? The breakdown of fructose rests solely on your liver, which can only metabolize a certain amount of this type of sugar. This causes a build-up of excess fat in liver cells and in different parts of your body.
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Fw: Hushed Up Vitamin Reduces Bone Fractures, Herbal Arthritis Remedies and More on

Feed from Underground Health Reporter from Danica Collins:

The more important articles are;

1.  There is  vitamin that accounted for very strong bones in Americas;

2.   Castor oil can boost not only cars, but body's immune system;

3.  Not consuming alcohol may actually cause brain degeneration;

4  Mangosteen bark can help rellieve inflammation.

Dr Keith Mumby recommends a diet to fight cancer. There are diets that can help you strengthen your immunity.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:02 PM
Subject: Hushed Up Vitamin Reduces Bone Fractures, Herbal Arthritis Remedies and More on

Danica's Top 5 Most Popular Topics on Underground Health Reporter
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Danica's Top Picks on
Underground Health Reporter

Hushed Up Vitamin Slashes Risk of Bone Fracture by 500%

     When Columbus landed in the new world 500 years ago there was something remarkable about the people of the Americas... They had no trace of brittle bones or what we now call "osteoporosis."

     The older folks were active, energetic and never weak or "hunched over."  The secret was because their diets were rich in a "missing vitamin" that kept their bones naturally dense and durable as they aged.  Click here to discover what doctors call the "missing puzzle piece" for strong-as-steel bones.

Castor Oil For More Than Just Your Immune System

     Castor Oil, derived from castor beans is an age-old remedy which has many varied uses including boosting your immune system, stimulating healthy digestion and promoting tissue growth and repair.

     Keep reading to find out how the most common application of castor oil as a castor pack, can cleanse your lymphatic system, and may help shrink tumors and cysts.  In addition, its moisturizing properties make it a proven and effective remedy for sunspots, warts and moles.

Cognitive Decline May be Linked to NOT Consuming Alcohol

     Losing your memory is a terrifying thing.  Did you know that abstaining from alcohol may actually increase your likelihood of cognitive decline and getting Alzheimer's disease?

     Don't forget to check out this article to find out the 6 cognitive decline risk factors that most people don't know and the steps you can take to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Herbal Arthritis Remedy From The Mangosteen Tree

     For centuries, the mangosteen has been used as an herbal arthritis remedy by traditional healers.  The tree's dark purple berries were recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties—especially beneficial for muscles and joints.

     Now, Western medicine is trying to catch up.  The world renowned Mayo Clinic recently announced that due to enthusiastic testimonials from patients, they will conduct a new study of mangosteen, as an herbal arthritis remedy.  Get the full story on how the study is taking the forefront in clinical arthritis research.

= = = = = = = = = =

A Word from Our Sponsor:

Could Your Daily Diet Actually
Cause Cancer?

     It's an alarming and little known fact, that the foods you love to eat daily can actually jumpstart and accelerates the growth of cancer in your body.

     Food is what really matters...and eating the wrong foods can create allergies and suppress your immune system.  Your diet is key to giving you the maximum amount of energy and fuel needed to get through your hectic day.

     By eating the wrong kinds of food you actually weaken your immune system and could spark a chain reaction that creates the perfect environment for cancer cells to attack and thrive.

     But now, there's a revolutionary way to eat to eradicate your risk of cancer, heart disease and even Alzheimer's.

     Keith Scott-Mumby MD, the world's "Number One Allergy Detective", introduces his amazing world-class food regime, that's been proven to be the best immunity and cancer fighting diet, for the last 32 years.

     Click here to discover the optimal foods to boost and strengthen your immune system and design your own personal anti-cancer diet!

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311 N. Robertson Blvd Suite 323, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, USA

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Cranberries part of WHF; other great Food from George Mateljan


Cranberries are great for UTI infection;  it is better than most antibiotics  for UTI.  It makes urine acidic; the quinnic acid makes it so.  It is great also for kidney stones (which are calcium oxalate crystals - are basic. 

Cranberry juice prevents germs bugs from sticking to the cell walls of the urinary tract and therefore have no chance of infecting the urinary tract, bladder or kidney.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Mateljan <>
Date: Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:04 PM
Subject: 5-Minute Ginger Pineapple - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

Food of the Week
The George Mateljan Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests or advertising, is a new force for change to help make a healthier you and a healthier world.

May 27, 2012
Forwarded from a friend? Sign up for your own copy of the
Weekly Newsletter and Healthy Food Tip and Recipe.

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As a general rule, we don't recommend foods that have lost a significant amount of their natural, whole food value ... It is possible, however, to find commercial, prepackaged soy milks that are produced directly from whole soybeans ... Find out more about Types of Soy Milk We Recommend.
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dessert tonight ...
Enjoy the zing that the ginger gives to the pineapple in this easy-to-prepare addition to your Healthiest Way of Eating that allows you to have a great-tasting dessert in minutes. And pineapple provides you with an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese.

5-Minute Ginger Pineapple
5-Minute Ginger Pineapple

Prep and Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • 1/2 medium pineapple
  • 1 tsp finely minced fresh ginger
  1. Cut pineapple into 1-inch chunks.
  2. Combine pineapple and minced ginger in a bowl and refrigerate for 1/2 hour.
Serves 2
Printer Friendly Version of 5-Minute Ginger Pineapple
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 5-Minute Ginger Pineapple
Healthy Food Tip

Are raw cranberries good for you?

Yes, raw cranberries (so long as they are high-quality and organically grown) are good for you. The reason that most people don't eat cranberries raw is because they are very tart. (Some people might experience a stomachache from the fruit's tartness, but from a nutritional standpoint, I would still describe raw cranberries as being a highly nutritious food and a food without natural toxicity risks.) One of my favorite ways to incorporate raw cranberries into my diet is to slice them very thin and add them to salads or cooked vegetables. By slicing them thin you won't have to worry about an overload of tartness; you'll get just enough zing to brighten the taste of the dish to which you add them.
One group of individuals who may want to hold off before including raw cranberries in their Healthiest Way of Eating would be individuals taking the prescription drug warfarin. Although most of the studies involving potential interactions between this medication and cranberry have been done on cranberry juice, I would recommend physician approval in this situation to remain on the safe side.
For more information on this topic, please see:
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I am a Nutrition student at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts where your book is a required textbook and the book and website are used quite heavily in our courses and assignments. - Jenny

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Fw: 3 Shocking Truths About Alzheimer's Disease


Dr. Patrick Flanagan, who then was a child prodigy who worked with Pentagon on a device to determine any missile launch anywhere in the world worked with Dr Henry Coanda on the secrets of longevity.  Those that they found out were:  the water (the so called Hunza water) the glacial water, or glaciall milk.  And the high levels of hydrogen found in diet (fruits and vegetables..

The other feed is on Alzheimer. It is one of the top klllers in the US. l out 8 adult over 60 will most likely have Alzheimer.  But there is a vegetable that can arrest Alzheimer.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 9:21 PM
Subject: 3 Shocking Truths About Alzheimer's Disease

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
3 Shocking Truths About
Alzheimer's Disease

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: 3 Shocking Truths About Alzheimer's Disease: How to Make Sure You Never Become a Victim
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
EXPOSED: Mainstream Medicine's Deadliest Conspiracy

Did You Know...

... that a scientist has been able to recreate Hunza water (also called "glacial milk"), which is a major factor contributing to the longevity of the Hunza people?

     The Fountain of Youth is not mere myth.  The secret to longevity runs plentiful, high in the Karkorum Mountains, just north of Pakistan.  The Hunza Valley is a land shrouded in intrigue--it is said that the book, Shangri La, is based on this mountainous, remote valley.  What makes this land of particular interest is not its striking panorama, but the longevity of its inhabitants.  The Hunza people have the longest average life span of any other population on earth, living disease-free, vital lives well past 120 years.

     There have been many theories posited as to why the Hunza live such long lives.  Is it the vigorous daily exercise that comes from navigating mountainous terrain, or the diet of raw fruits and vegetables consumed?  While these factors undoubtedly contribute, over 60 years of research has shown that the key factor to the Hunza's healthy life span is the water they drink, water that is dramatically different from the water we ingest every day.

     Let's start at the peak of the tale, when, at the age of 78, Nobel Prize winner and father of fluid dynamics, Dr. Henri Coanda handed over 60 years of research to 17-year-old science prodigy, Patrick Flanagan.  Eleven-year-old Flanagan captured the attention of the Pentagon when he invented a device capable of identifying a missile launch from any location in the world.  He was recruited by the government to work with the most influential scientists during the cold war, after being featured in Life magazine as 1 of the 10 most promising scientists in America; it was in these "think tanks" that Patrick met his mentor, Dr. Coanda.

     Dr. Coanda explained to Patrick that the secret to longevity lies in the water: "You are what you drink.  Water is the most important thing you put in your body, but not all water is equal.  Everywhere on earth, water has different physical characteristics, no matter where you travel..."

     Expanding on Dr. Coanda's research, Dr. Flanagan studied 5 isolated locations where people live healthy lives well past 120 years.  The only common denominator among these communities is the composition of the water they drink, all of which comes from melted glaciers (hence the name, "glacial milk").  This water, which has also been dubbed Hunza water, has a lower surface tension and is more similar in composition to the water surrounding our cells than our drinking water is.

     Dr. Flanagan set out to develop water identical in structure to Hunza water so that the entire world could benefit from its life-sustaining properties.

     Flanagan started by isolating the trace mineral, silica, a necessary nutrient responsible for strengthening our bones and arteries.  He created a product called Crystal Energy, which could be easily added to pure distilled water so that you could benefit from the same silical minerals found in Hunza water.

     Flanagan then went further in his research, refuting the commonly accepted belief that the difference was merely the trace minerals the water contained.  His research explained that the superior properties of glacial water are actually attributed to the structure of its clustered water molecules.  In other words, it isn't so much the silica minerals that enhance the water, but the negatively charged hydrogen molecules these minerals hold.

     Hydrogen is the essential antioxidant, yet most people are deficient in this nutrient.  Only those eating an organic raw food diet and living in a pristine environment untouched by pollution are possibly maintaining adequate hydrogen levels in the body.

     Flanagan developed Silica-based Microclusters® that mimic Hunza water and significantly increase the body's absorption of nutrients.  These microclusters are like tiny microscopic carriers that, by dramatically reducing the size of the nutrients, are able to deliver minerals directly to our cells.  They protect the nutrients with an electrically charged mineral coating until safely absorbed by our cells.  Fluids are able to move more readily between cells, flushing out toxins and hydrating our cells with water.

     Dr. Flanagan's work has set the stage for further investigation of this very real Fountain of Youth.  It is quite possible that the entire world can improve quality of life and add many more years with glacial waters' remarkable, life-extending properties.
= = = = = = = = = = =

Featured Article:
3 Shocking Truths about Alzheimer's Disease:
How to Make Sure You Never Become a Victim

Revealed: Dozens of Proven Memory-Boosting Secrets...
That Can Put an End to "Senior Moments"
and Even Crush the Threat of Alzheimer's

If you don't yet know someone with Alzheimer's, chances are you soon will.  The number of people with Alzheimer's is skyrocketing, especially in the U.S., where this tragic disease now ravages an unprecedented number of families.  Those who get Alzheimer's deteriorate before their loved ones' eyes as they lose the ability to recognize family or friends ... or even themselves.  But you don't have to be a victim.

     There are dozens of little-known secrets that can help you enjoy a "steel trap" memory and laser-like focus at any age.  Scientists from Yale and Harvard and other renowned research institutions have identified natural and proven ways to enhance your brain function and reduce your risk of dementia, including ...

     Those are just 2 examples from an exclusive collection of mind-enhancing research.  There are dozens more simple, but potent remedies and techniques for dramatically improving your memory, focus, concentration, and brainpower.  More on that in a moment.  But first--here's an alarming fact:

Alzheimer's Claims a New Victim Every 69 Seconds

Statistics show that unless you take action to protect your brain health...the odds are high that you or a loved one could be ravaged by this horrible disease.

     Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.  It's now the 5th leading cause for people over age 65--right behind heart disease, cancer, and our other biggest killers.  But Alzheimer's is the ONLY one of the top 10 causes of death in America that conventional medicine doesn't have a way to prevent, cure or even slow down!

     And here are the 3 shocking truths you need to know about Alzheimer's:

  1. 1 in 8 Americans age 65 or older have Alzheimer's.
  2. Nearly HALF of Americans age 85 or older have Alzheimer's.
  3. More than 200,000 people under age 65 have early-onset Alzheimer's ... it's not just an "old people's" disease.

     Right now, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with Alzheimer's every 69 seconds.  And by 2050, someone will be given that same shocking news every 33 seconds!


     Because we're living longer.  Into our 80s and 90s, thanks to advances in medicine and technology.  Unfortunately, that same technology has no way to keep our brains working longer.  That's why the statistics of dementia and Alzheimer's are climbing so fast.

     Good news is you can beat those stats...and keep your brain working smarter--not harder--as you enjoy a longer, healthier life with...

Scientifically Proven Remedies for Preventing Alzheimer's

What most people--and even many doctors--don't know is that most of the reasons people get Alzheimer's are 100% preventable.

     Below you'll find a FREE presentation that tells you everything you need to know about how to prevent it and even how to super-charge your brain against its advances.

     See, you can protect yourself and your loved ones and dramatically improve your memory and brainpower.  You can even put an end to those frustrating and embarrassing "senior moments" with simple, natural solutions that are approved by leading holistic doctors.

     Dr. Saunders is a practicing medical doctor in California who is board-certified in integrative medicine.  That means he doesn't just prescribe drugs and surgery--he actually helps people solve their biggest medical problems using safe, natural therapies.

     Dr. Saunders recommends a variety of remedies to his patients, with remarkable results.  Some of his favorite strategies include...

  • The vegetable that staves off memory loss--In a 25-year study of 13,000 women, Harvard Medical School researchers found those who ate the highest amounts of this vegetable had the lowest rates of memory loss as they aged.  It could even prevent Alzheimer's, dementia, or some other brain-destroying disease and keep you out of a nursing home.
  • The method that can cut 12 years off your "brain age"--Scientists have identified a healthy fat you need for the cell membranes in your brain.  It's not found in most foods, and your body makes less of it as you age.  But it's available as a supplement, and it can make a big difference fast.  In one study, people who took it noticed a dramatic improvement in memory and mental performance after just 3 weeks.  And in another study, people who took it cut 12 years off their "brain age"--meaning they performed as if they were 12 years younger!
  • A possible natural cure for Alzheimer's--This nutrient is so powerful, it can actually improve memory even in cases of severe mental decline.  Stanford University School of Medicine did a study of 334 adults--all of whom had Alzheimer's disease.  The researchers were stunned to discover that the people who took this supplement became less forgetful and showed fewer signs of mental decline than those taking a "sugar pill" placebo.  No other drug or conventional therapy can do this!
  • The "sweet" cure for Alzheimer's no doctor will tell you about--This naturally sweet food has a phytonutrient that's been proven in studies to reverse memory loss.  Just one ounce per day of this delicious treat is all you need to sharpen your memory and keep Alzheimer's at bay!
  • The amazing 6,000-year-old memory secret of the ancient Rishi--Nearly 6,000 years ago, a group of holy men in India called the Rishi were famous for their remarkable ability to remember lengthy, complex material.  The Rishi attributed their astounding memory powers to a wild herb that grew on the banks of the sacred River Ganges.  Thousands of years later, modern scientists began to study this plant.  Today, at least 14 scientific studies show this ancient herb really works!
  • Powerful herb boosts memory and learning with a 100% success rate--In one clinical trial in Australia, nearly everyone who took this herb for just 3 months improved their ability to learn and retain new information.  Another study divided people into two separate groups.  Both groups were taught how to perform a specific task.  The group that took the herb learned the task in only 6 days compared to 10 days for those who didn't.  That's 40% faster learning!

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones Starting Right Now

Click here to view this free video presentation with exact instructions on how to improve your memory, feel sharper and less stressed, and think more clearly.  This video shows you how to prevent and reverse Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia.

     You'll discover ... a simple, 10-second technique that instantly makes you feel more alert ... the 5 worst foods you should never eat if you want a healthy brain ... the "hidden" danger that threatens you every day, as identified by Yale scientists ... the 4 health and lifestyle factors that make your brain shrink faster as you age ... and simple techniques that allow your brain to develop new neural pathways, generate new neurons, build and maintain brain mass, and improve your memory and brain power fast.

     By the end of the video, you'll know exactly what you need to do to recall names, phone numbers, shopping lists, and other information just as easily as you did 10 or even 20 years agoClick here to get started right now.

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A Word from Our Sponsor:
EXPOSED: Mainstream Medicine's Deadliest Conspiracy

     Can you believe this video?  It's a phenomenon.  In fact, it was sent to more than 289,000 people in just the first 24 hours!

     But you might not see it at all.

     Why?  Because, for the first time, mainstream medicine's deadliest conspiracy has been EXPOSED.  Finally, this video is the 'shot heard around the world' the establishment prayed would never come.

     There are powerful interests hell-bent on minimizing the damage it is doing to corporate medicine's profit machine.

     Before it's banned, watch it here.

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Air Pollution Update around MM/Laguna Lake

Effective Cures that are Cheap for Everyone

                                   Visibility may be less than a mile.

The highly polluted air around MM and Laguna Lake continues unabated.  Many more will be affected. More will be experiencing respiratory/breathing difficulties.  Those who have low immunity will, under the Warburg theory of oxygen deprivation as key to cancer growth, may have cancer.

And who will shoulder the cost?

And who will police the air pollution?

And who will solve the same?

Nada, no action, maybe tomorrow, may be never.

                                        It is all dark and dreary

                              They can measure the water level but not air quality

                                   This is how the lungs look like with this pollution?