
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fw: Hushed Up Vitamin Reduces Bone Fractures, Herbal Arthritis Remedies and More on

Feed from Underground Health Reporter from Danica Collins:

The more important articles are;

1.  There is  vitamin that accounted for very strong bones in Americas;

2.   Castor oil can boost not only cars, but body's immune system;

3.  Not consuming alcohol may actually cause brain degeneration;

4  Mangosteen bark can help rellieve inflammation.

Dr Keith Mumby recommends a diet to fight cancer. There are diets that can help you strengthen your immunity.

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From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:02 PM
Subject: Hushed Up Vitamin Reduces Bone Fractures, Herbal Arthritis Remedies and More on

Danica's Top 5 Most Popular Topics on Underground Health Reporter
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Danica's Top Picks on
Underground Health Reporter

Hushed Up Vitamin Slashes Risk of Bone Fracture by 500%

     When Columbus landed in the new world 500 years ago there was something remarkable about the people of the Americas... They had no trace of brittle bones or what we now call "osteoporosis."

     The older folks were active, energetic and never weak or "hunched over."  The secret was because their diets were rich in a "missing vitamin" that kept their bones naturally dense and durable as they aged.  Click here to discover what doctors call the "missing puzzle piece" for strong-as-steel bones.

Castor Oil For More Than Just Your Immune System

     Castor Oil, derived from castor beans is an age-old remedy which has many varied uses including boosting your immune system, stimulating healthy digestion and promoting tissue growth and repair.

     Keep reading to find out how the most common application of castor oil as a castor pack, can cleanse your lymphatic system, and may help shrink tumors and cysts.  In addition, its moisturizing properties make it a proven and effective remedy for sunspots, warts and moles.

Cognitive Decline May be Linked to NOT Consuming Alcohol

     Losing your memory is a terrifying thing.  Did you know that abstaining from alcohol may actually increase your likelihood of cognitive decline and getting Alzheimer's disease?

     Don't forget to check out this article to find out the 6 cognitive decline risk factors that most people don't know and the steps you can take to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Herbal Arthritis Remedy From The Mangosteen Tree

     For centuries, the mangosteen has been used as an herbal arthritis remedy by traditional healers.  The tree's dark purple berries were recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties—especially beneficial for muscles and joints.

     Now, Western medicine is trying to catch up.  The world renowned Mayo Clinic recently announced that due to enthusiastic testimonials from patients, they will conduct a new study of mangosteen, as an herbal arthritis remedy.  Get the full story on how the study is taking the forefront in clinical arthritis research.

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A Word from Our Sponsor:

Could Your Daily Diet Actually
Cause Cancer?

     It's an alarming and little known fact, that the foods you love to eat daily can actually jumpstart and accelerates the growth of cancer in your body.

     Food is what really matters...and eating the wrong foods can create allergies and suppress your immune system.  Your diet is key to giving you the maximum amount of energy and fuel needed to get through your hectic day.

     By eating the wrong kinds of food you actually weaken your immune system and could spark a chain reaction that creates the perfect environment for cancer cells to attack and thrive.

     But now, there's a revolutionary way to eat to eradicate your risk of cancer, heart disease and even Alzheimer's.

     Keith Scott-Mumby MD, the world's "Number One Allergy Detective", introduces his amazing world-class food regime, that's been proven to be the best immunity and cancer fighting diet, for the last 32 years.

     Click here to discover the optimal foods to boost and strengthen your immune system and design your own personal anti-cancer diet!

If the link above isn't working, just copy & paste
the following website address onto your Internet browsers:

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher,
unless otherwise noted.  The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship
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