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Saturday, May 26, 2012
Cranberry Juice as Anti Bac for UTI
Effective Cures that are Cheap for Everyone
Dr.Anthony Sobota a microbiology professor at Youngstown State University in Ohio was looking for an effective anti bacterial for UTI. The ordinary antibiotics were not good enough. But old literature and folk cure suggests the use of cranberry juice which was proven to be effective. Literature on its use dated as early as 1860. In 1923, two physicians fed patients with cranberry, noted increase in hippuric acid, an anti bac. Later research showed that it was the quinic acid in cranberry juice that produced the hippuric acidl ( Being acidic makes it effective vs. kidney stones, calcium oxalate crystals which are basic)
There are two theories on why cranberry works so well in controlling uti: that it is acidity that kills germs or that it prevents the stickiness of the bacteria in the urinary tract. If the bacteria can not stick, then the bacteria can not harm the UT..
What is unique about the cranberry factor is that it remains potent despite GIT absorption or action of kidney.
However commercial cranberry juice in supermarkets or those coming from US comes laced with either HFCS or aspartame, not exactly very good for the health.
The other food with known anti bac properties are: apples, chili peppers, water chesnut,eggs, garlic, ginger, honey,hops, milk, radish, tea and yogurt.
This article is from pp 79 to 83 of "food pharmacy" by Jean Carper.
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