
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fwd: Health e-Tips - Week in review

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From: Nutrition and Healing - Christine O'Brien <>
Date: Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:10 PM
Subject: Health e-Tips - Week in review

Health e-Tips

You have received this e-mail because our records indicate that you signed up for a free subscription to Nutrition and Healing's Health e-Tips eLetter.

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Believe it or not

Dear Reader,

What do you do when a woman dies after ingesting excessive amounts of your product every single day of her life?

You deflect, of course!

A couple of years ago, a 30-year-old New Zealand stay-at-home mom died of a heart attack. A pathologist determined that she was probably suffering from low potassium, or hypokalemia, at the time. This condition can lead to abnormal heart rhythms. The pathologist speculated that her condition could have been caused by poor nutrition, particularly her excessive consumption of Coca-Cola.

How excessive? We're talking more than two gallons per day. Sometimes almost three.

Drinking that much Coke each day, she was taking in about 2,982 "empty" calories, 830.7 grams of sugar, and 958.5 mg of sodium per day. Oh, and toxic levels of caffeine, as pointed out by the pathologist.

Recently, the folks at Coke issued a statement in an effort to distance themselves from this sad story of nutritional self-neglect.

Their conclusion? Even too much water can kill you! As their spokeswoman said, "grossly excessive ingestion of any food product, including water...can be dramatically symptomatic."

Listen, I'm not suggesting that this woman wasn't fully to blame for her demise. Clearly, she wasn't taking care of herself. But for Coke to jump on the "too much of anything will kill you" if Coke is just like water, rather than admit that they're producing an unhealthy product. Well, that's absolutely ridiculous.

Yours in good health,

Christine O'Brien

P.S. Keep reading to find out what else we've talked about this week in the Health eTips...


In post-9/11 America, we must always be prepared for sudden, hostile attacks at the hands of those who hate the Stars and Stripes. The question is: Are you?

Do you know the 3 conditions that make a nerve gas attack most effective -- and most likely? Can you name the 2 most likely biological agents terrorists would love to let loose on us? And do you know how to fight them? Would you know what to do to maximize your chances surviving a nuclear attack?

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May 14, 2012
The secret to six more years
It's at the heart of most of our research here at Nutrition & Healing: How to live longer. Here's one secret that could have you enjoying six more years of happy, healthy life. Oh, and there's a special bonus...

May 15, 2012
Did our Creator make a PERFECT FOOD?
Stunned researchers now say "YES." Gram for gram, this amazing discovery packs awesome amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids, plus: 6 times more calcium than whole milk... 15 times more magnesium than broccoli... 3 times more antioxidant power than fresh blueberries... More fiber than flaxseed... More protein than soy...

May 16, 2012
Cancer breakthrough that's the bee's knees
The mainstream will have you believe that stopping prostate cancer takes dangerous radiation or a session under the knife. But a new paper reveals a prostate cancer treatment possibility that couldn't be sweeter.

May 17, 2012
Are these natural treatments really useless?
Respected Harvard researchers just broke the news that trusted natural treatments for macular degeneration could be useless. So should you throw them out? Not just yet...


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