This is a feed from Dr. Jose Mercola.
l. On the lies from big 4 industries: chemical, pharma, biotech processed food industries
USA has highest level of PBDE
Fire retardants - PBDE - polybrominated diphenyl ethers, show up in very high concentration among women (because they are used heavily in furniture and electronics equipment) causing them to have thyroid problems (linked to fetal deaths) and altered fertility.
Biotech - elsewhere we have mentioned the Round Up Soy by Monsanto that are resistant to glyphosphate. That means these soy have been sprayed with glyphosphate and are toxic.
Many deaths have been attributed to Vioxx
Hmm opportunities for lawyers
Pharma - Merck has been slapped with lawsuit and fines on Vioxx which had many deaths linked to its usage. It has a $6 billion worth of Vioxx recall, l00,000 cardiac events and 60,000 deaths.
While marijuana, heroin, codeine are banned, there is the hydrocodone, synthetic heroin, and once you take it, you are hooked - legalized prohibited drug pushing by pharmas, eh. Hydrocodone comes in combination with analgeiscs and other pharma preparation. And then what....
USA is highly drugged, where every citizen takes an average of ll prescription giving rise to phenomenon called polypharma. The pharma industry is at $800 billion industry and is expected to grow to $l.l trillion. If were to compare the drug market ot GDP of nations, pharma would rank No. l5.
The main point here is that pharma is not concerned with wellness but with profit and sales, to the detriment of the patient. The pharmas mindset would need overhauling
The public sector on the other hand, its officials, being helped by big Pharma and Industry lobbyists and campaign funds naturally simply do not regulate what these companies are doing ot harm the customers/consumers/patients.
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From: Dr. Mercola <>
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Ignore This and These Widely-Accepted Lies May Rob You of Your Health
From: Dr. Mercola <>
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Ignore This and These Widely-Accepted Lies May Rob You of Your Health
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