
Monday, May 28, 2012

Fwd: Inhale this, get cancer (root canal, apricot)


Again we would like to repeat this feed on cancer:

l.  Inhaling perfume can lead to cancer;  so ingredients in perfume are being investigated;

2.  The secret cure here is B-17 laetrile from apricots;

3.  Root canal is directly linked to cancer and degenerative disease (I am glad I did not
go for root canal)

4.  In the video of Ty Bollinger, the traditional cures of chemo therapy is being criticized.  You spend $l,000 to $l0,000 but they leave you weak and nearer to death.  The difference between those with chemo and none is only a matter of days.    The chemo is being called an expensive placebo treatment for cancer.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cancer Defeated <>
Date: Sun, May 27, 2012 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Inhale this, get cancer

Newsletter #190
Lee Euler, Editor
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The Scent of Cancer
This Reeks of Long-Term Health Problems

    All the efforts to lace our household products with sweet-smelling synthetics are backfiring. As many of us have found out firsthand, perfumes and fragrances top the charts when it come to triggering allergies and irritations.

    Maybe you relate to the headaches, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing that come when you get too close to a manufactured scent. Those reactions — while disagreeable enough — are warning signs of a bigger problem — cancer. Keep reading and I'll show you what I mean. . .

Continued below. . .

Startling new report from Cancer Defeated:
Nobel Prize winning discovery can now
reverse memory loss—even Alzheimer's!
    Recently, the Cancer Defeated team decided to investigate Alzheimer's disease and dementia. And just as with cancer, we uncovered effective treatments for this health problem that mainstream medicine has overlooked or even deliberately suppressed.

    Conventional doctors believe once your memory's gone it's gone for good. But they're totally wrong—there are many solutions to mild memory loss AND severe dementia. We're especially excited about one new discovery almost no one knows about!

    Click here now and watch a new video presentation about this Alzheimer's breakthrough.

    Nobel Prize-winning science has uncovered how to improve your mental power, alertness and memory as you age! And people with so-called "hopeless" dementia and Alzheimer's are slowing, stopping and often completely reversing memory loss…

    Click here now to watch the video!

    The perfume industry's products are riddled with toxic ingredients. Research increasingly links those toxins to cancer. Just some of the harmful reactions they trigger are allergies, sperm damage, reproductive toxicity, and hormone disruption. Hormone disruption in particular is linked to certain cancers.
Trade secrets more valuable than human health
    As of now, there's no requirement that perfume makers let us know the ingredients in their fragrances. The industry calls this "brand protection." What's worse is that the FDA looks the other way. According to them, non-disclosure is fine because consumers are not "adversely affected." They make this assumption on the grounds that we don't eat perfumes. Yet these substances can enter the body when we inhale them or rub them on our skin as perfumes, creams, soaps and so forth.

    The fragrance industry uses up to 3,000 ingredients in different scent concoctions. Most of those ingredients are synthetic. At least 900 have been identified as toxic, according to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

    In 1998, Scientific Instrument Services released one of the first analyses to ever look at toxicity in perfumes. They studied six popular brands. Incredibly, over 800 ingredients were identified in each perfume — ingredients that included an alarming range of volatile organic chemicals. Two of the biggest offending ingredients are phthalate esters and synthetic musks, both toxic man-made chemicals.
It's as bad as second-hand smoke
    This issue isn't without advocates, of course. In 1999, the California Environmental Health Network filed a Citizen Petition asking the FDA to require warning labels on fragrances. The goal was to point out which perfumes make it to the market without undergoing appropriate safety testing.

    Then the 2010 President's Cancer Panel report suggested that hormone-disrupting chemicals, like those found in perfumes, could be the source of many more cancer cases than previously thought. It's a fact that messing with our bodily systems puts us at risk for being out of balance and increasing our risk for disease — cancer in particular.

    And just two years ago, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics commissioned tests on top-selling fragrance products. Results showed 14 toxic chemicals, on average, were used in but not listed on the ingredient labels of popular fragrances. In a joint warning statement with the Environmental Working Group, they said, "The majority of chemicals found … have never been assessed for safety by any publically accountable agency, or by the cosmetics industry's self-policing review panels."

    Worst of all, it's not just the person wearing perfume who gets exposed to cancer-causing toxins. Fragrance chemicals are volatile and get into the air quickly. When we breathe, fragrance from every scented item used by the people around us enters our lungs.

    This means one person's choice to wear a fragranced product can cause health problems for a lot of unsuspecting people. Most at risk are those with asthma, chemical sensitivities, respiratory illnesses, chronic fatigue, and immunological illnesses.
The leading cancer awareness groups
don't know how to deal with this
    The risks of scents aren't well known, which is a problem. Even big cancer-awareness organizations like Susan G. Komen for the Cure don't appear to fully recognize the risks.

    Just last fall, Komen launched a well-intentioned marketing campaign, promoting a perfume called "Promise Me" to help raise funds for breast cancer research. But the campaign suffered embarrassment after allegations the fragrance being promoted contained cancer-causing toxins.

    The executive director of the group Breast Cancer Action had the perfume scientifically tested after safety concerns were voiced. They found ingredients that were a potential cause of breast cancer.

    One of the offending ingredients was galaxolide, a synthetic musk known to accumulate in the body. Trace amounts have been found in the fat, blood, and breast milk of women who wear perfumes. It's a known hormone disruptor, and some studies show that it may in fact contribute to the development of breast cancer.

    When Komen was contacted with this information, the foundation reacted in a strangely contradictory way. Its representatives dismissed the claims, stating their own internal teams had thoroughly reviewed all the current research about perfume ingredients and found no elevated risk. Yet, they also agreed to reformulate the perfume to eradicate concerns about the ingredients.

    The original perfume was discontinued, although it remains available still through several popular retailers. A new perfume is expected to be ready for distribution sometime this year.
What to do to protect yourself
    Unlike a lot of cancer threats, it's easy to steer clear of this one. If you want to smell clean and fresh, use soap, preferably fragrance-free or using natural scents. Perfumes are at the top of my list of "avoidable exposures."

    One thing to be wary of: It's not just perfumes that emit hazardous chemicals. Anything with fragrance is suspect. Thousands of household products contain chemicals not listed on the label, including dryer sheets, scented candles, air fresheners, hair sprays, and shampoos. Manufacturers aren't required to list the ingredients in fragrance blends, so it's up to you to protect your health.

    By the way, natural scents such as lavender or lily of the valley can cause allergic reactions in some people, but at least they aren't carcinogenic.

    Even if you don't think fragranced products bother you, it's a good idea to make sure by giving them up for a few months. Then use them and see if you have a reaction. Bear in mind that a wide range of reactions is possible, ranging from swollen sinuses and headaches to skin rashes and eye irritation.

    Here are some tips for getting all the chemical-laced fragrances out of your life:
  1. Give up perfumes (obviously). Instead, use pure essential oils. Just make sure they're extracted through a cold-press method and not with solvents.
  2. Check labels. Fragrances are exempt from labeling regulations, unfortunately, but at least all personal-care products are required to list a general description of ingredients on the label. Avoid anything that has the following: perfume, parfum, linalool, limonene, or fragrance. Blanket terms like "fragrance" and "perfume" conceal a host of petrochemicals and other toxins.
  3. Go natural when you clean. Use white vinegar and baking soda in place of expensive cleaners and you'll wipe out a lot of the toxic scents in your house. Better yet, you'll save money. This is an important step, because air fresheners and other cleaners aren't required to disclose their inactive ingredients (which are usually toxic).
  4. Use beeswax candles instead of fragranced candles. Instead of polluting, they'll actually improve the quality of your air indoors by boosting negative ions.
    Chances are, you'll feel significantly better after taking a hiatus from the airborne toxins in perfumed products.

    There are lots of consumer products and services that we're told are safe, when they're not. In the last issue we wrote about one that could well be the number one cause of cancer in the United States. If you missed this important information, scroll down and take a look now.

This Was Done to Almost ALL Terminal
Cancer Patients Earlier in Their Lives

And reversing it cures some people once and for all!
    Warning... The American Dental Association doesn't want you to know this. But your very life may depend upon you paying heed.
  • A German physician states that in 40 years of treating cancer, 97% of his terminal cancer patients had this dental procedure
  • NO cancer cure can kill the highly toxic microbes associated with this dental procedure
  • The procedure is nearly universal — up to 60 million are performed every year.1
  • Scientists have warned of its dangers for over 100 years… yet today most people remain unaware of its dangers.
  • Chances are high that even your dentist knows nothing about its dangers.
    If you have cancer or any other type of health issue, this is for you.

    If you do not yet have health issues, this is for you too… consequences often hide for decades before emerging with a vengeance. Shouldn't you stop the collateral damage before it stops you?

Continued below. . .

The secret to curing cancer:
You've been throwing it in the trash!
    In 1921, a British doctor discovered that members of a remote native tribe were almost totally cancer-free. But when members of this tribe move away from their native land and change their diet, they get cancer just like anyone else.

    It's all thanks to a food most of us throw away as waste — a food that's rich in amygdalin — what most of us call Laetrile.

    Click here now and watch a video presentation about this cancer breakthrough. One cancer expert calls this overlooked food "the key to curing AND preventing cancer" — and you can benefit now — without going to a doctor or buying expensive supplements. This little throwaway food tastes great. Bill Clinton, of all people, eats a certain amygdalin-rich food all the time, and so can you. Click here now to watch the video!

    "You need a root canal" is now nearly as common as hearing you need a filling. Certainly dentists are aware that people don't want to lose their teeth. Once a tooth is seriously diseased, a root canal is the only treatment available to "save" the tooth.

    But just how safe are root canals? And what science backs up dental industry claims of its safety?
Are root canals safe?
The answer is clear...
    These questions have been asked — and answered — long ago, as it turns out. In the early 1900s, Weston A. Price, DDS, and Dr. Charles Mayo (founder of the Mayo Clinic) — along with a team of 60 of America's leading physicians — conducted research on 1,000 extracted teeth in which root canals had been done. Their findings were carefully documented into two volumes totaling 1,174 pages.

    Dr. Price was a brilliant dentist and researched root canals for the dental association of the day. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, and continues to be derided and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike.

    Now the founder of the association of root canal specialists has joined Drs. Price and Mayo in speaking out about its risks.
Save a tooth, lose a life
    We covered the whole root canal story years ago in a Special Report called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth. But here are the highlights. . .

    Observing patients in his dental practice, Dr. Price became suspicious that root-canalled teeth always remained infected despite treatment.

    He once recommended to a woman who'd been wheelchair-bound for six years that she let him extract her root canal tooth — even though it seemed to be normal. She agreed. So he extracted her tooth and, as an experiment, implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit developed the same crippling arthritis the woman had, and died ten days later from the infection.

    Meanwhile, the woman immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without a cane.

    Dr. Price was similarly able to transfer other human diseases to rabbits by implanting fragments of root-canalled teeth.

    He discovered that root canal fragments taken from someone who'd suffered a heart attack would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks — 100% of the time.

    Other diseases were transferred to the lab animals more than 80% of the time. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked to root canals:
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
  • Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
  • Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
The cancer connection has been studied by Dr. Robert Jones. He found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer.2 His five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases showed:
  • 93% of women with breast cancer had root canals
  • 7% had other oral pathology
  • Usually these tumors occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal or other oral pathology.
    Dr. Jones found that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone can inhibit the specific proteins that suppress tumor development.3 His findings were confirmed by a University of Michigan study about protein suppression.4

    The German physician Dr. Josef Issels, mentioned in the intro, found that 97% of his terminal cancer patients had root canals.

    Incidentally, NO cancer cure can kill the microbes inside a root canal. That may explain the reason some people effectively treat cancer with alternative treatments, then later regress and die anyway.

    It's also a reason many alternative doctors won't even start a treatment regimen till all root canals are removed. Read on to understand why…
How root canals breed deadly super-microbes
    Your teeth are the hardest substance in your body. So how can they possibly cause disease?

    First, the back story…

    A pulp chamber, a soft living structure housing blood vessels and nerves, resides in the center of each tooth. Surrounding the pulp chamber is the dentin — made of living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance. Finally, the white enamel is the outermost and hardest layer of your tooth.

    The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone, held tightly in place by your periodontal ligament. Dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major canals.

    But here's the catch…

    Each tooth has a maze of very tiny tubules, accessory canals, which would extend for three miles if stretched out. Weston Price identified at least 75 separate accessory canals in just one single front tooth.

    When your dentist does a root canal, he hollows out your tooth, then fills the chamber with a waxy cone called gutta percha, which cuts off the blood supply from your tooth so fluid can't circulate within your tooth.

    But your maze of tubules stays put.

    Meanwhile microbes -- removed from their normal food supply -- hide, move in and around these tubules like gophers in underground tunnels, where they remain safely out of the reach of antibiotics or your own immune defenses.

    In essence, these deadly organisms find a new home — one in which they grow and rapidly reproduce.

    Some dentists argue that these bacteria die off because the filling blocks their nutrient source.

    Unfortunately, it's proven that these bacteria are able to mutate and change their form. Price found that the challenge of their changed environment makes them more virile and toxic, similar to antibiotic-resistant super-pathogens.

    After they breed and fester inside your root canal without immune system interception, they spread out into their host any time they want. When they live in a colony, these microbes are actually quite smart.
A true toxin factory
    There is no scientific question about it…

    Multiple toxic anaerobic bacteria have been found and identified in and around root canals, using state of the art DNA testing. Many of these bacteria are profoundly dangerous.

    The non-profit Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) found anywhere from 11 to 40 different microbes on any single tooth. Bacteria such as Staph aureus, E. coli, Streptococcus intermedius, Candida albicans, and dozens more…

    Everyone with a root canal owns the 'perfect' incubator for pathogens that can then cause a variety of diseases, exploiting any weakness in their host -- you.

    This is known as the focal theory, which conventional dentists routinely deny.
Is it possible to stay healthy with a root canal?
    You may also be wondering why some people — maybe you — stay healthy long after a root canal.

    It's reported that about 25 to 30 percent of people seem to do fine with root canals. Dr. Price studied this enigma too.

    He found that those without degenerative diseases usually had strong immune systems, capable of protecting them. But when these same people suffered a severe accident, bad illness, or other severe stress problem, their immune systems could become compromised, making them suddenly ill.5
The "dead tooth" theory
    Do you believe the "dead tooth" theory your dentist promotes? Maybe you shouldn't…

    Dentists contend they can "sterilize" the dead tooth. But here are three problems with that assertion:
  1. Dr. Price found that not one of more than 100 disinfectants studied was capable of penetrating tubules. The same holds for antibiotics today. Price found it IMPOSSIBLE to sterilize a root-filled tooth, no matter how hard you try or how potent the antibiotic or antiseptic.
  2. No matter what they embalm the pulp chamber with, the tooth is still dead. And your body does not accept dead structures as safe. Instead, it launches an autoimmune response against the dead tooth… compounded by the presence of pathological bacteria and their toxins. Incidentally, if your dentist calls a root canal a "non-vital" tooth instead of a dead tooth, remind him that non-vital means dead!
  3. The American Dental Association insists it's proven Drs. Price and Mayo wrong — although there is absolutely no research to support their position. What's more, it strikes me as odd that they continue to deride more than 60 of the world's most brilliant doctors… while threatening dentists who expose root canal dangers with loss of their license.
    It's also interesting to note that patients who have heart surgery or hip replacements are told by their doctors to take an antibiotic before and after any dental treatments. For the rest of their life.

    Now, if your teeth are so sterile and the focal theory is total nonsense as claimed by endodontists, why on earth would this precaution be necessary?
What to do next…
    Cancer Defeated publishes what's probably the best one-volume guide to this whole thing. It's called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth. This Special Report goes into more detail on root canals and the whole range of dental problems that can cause cancer, heart disease, arthritis and more.

    The Special Report also explains in detail how to find a dentist who will help you remove your root canals and restore your mouth — and likely your whole body — to health. It's no good to go to a conventional dentist (some of them now like to call themselves "mercury free" because people have caught on to the dangers of bad dental work). You need to go to a dentist who's experienced in removing root canals and completely committed to holistic dentistry. They aren't that easy to find.

    The Secret Poison in Your Mouth also features some remarkable stories of people who totally turned around their health by getting rid of their dental problems.

    To I urge you to click here, learn more about our The Secret Poison in Your Mouth, and consider getting your own copy of the report.

    By the way, if you've had a root canal removed and seen a jump in your health, visit us on Facebook and share your story of improved health. We'd love to hear it. Just go to, click LIKE, and tell your story to the world!

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler Publisher

References from 1st article:
"Could Perfume Marketed to Benefit Breast Cancer Also Cause the Disease?" By Bruce Watson, Daily Finance.

"Fragrances and Perfumes Can Be Toxic." Cancer Prevention Coalition.

"FPIN Home Page." Fragranced Products Information Network.

"Lab Tests Find Toxic Chemicals in Popular Perfumes." Environment News Service, May 13, 2010.

"Perfume: Cupid's Arrow or Poison Dart," Cancer Prevention Coalition.

"Perfume sold to fund cancer research may actually cause cancer," By Kevin Fitzgerald. Digital Journal.

"President's Cancer Panel: Eat Organic, Avoid Plastics." By Leah Zerbe. Rodale.

"Secret, Toxic Perfume Chemicals Linked to Cancer, Sperm Damage," By Leah Zerbe. Rodale.

"Synthetic Musks." The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

"The Environmental Health Network of California Files Petition With the FDA." Environmental Health Network.

"The 1st Update of the Inventory of Ingredients Employed in Cosmetic Product." The Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products Intended for Consumers.
Footnotes from 2nd article:

If you'd like to comment, write me at  Please do not write asking for personal advice about your health. I'm prohibited by law from assisting you.  If you want to contact us about a product you purchased or a service issue, the email address is

Editor in Chief: Lee Euler Contributing Editors: Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks, Roz Roscoe Marketing: Shane Holley Information Technology Advisor: Michelle Mato Webmaster: Steve MacLellan Fulfillment & Customer Service: Joe Ackerson and Cami Lemr

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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