
Monday, May 14, 2012

Fwd: The Toxin So Dangerous It's Causing Catastrophic Birth Defects

Toxicity in GM Foods.




This feed is about ill effects of  Genetically Modified foods.  The example given is that of Argentina.  The land devoted to soy, which is a major export, accounting for $16 billion a year is 19 million hectares which is 50% of total areable land in Argentina..  98% of soy beans in Argentina is GM.

It is not just about having a pest resistant plant.  The round up ready soy is resistant vs pest and glyphosphate spraying.   The fertile pampas of Argentina is just planted to soy. When you spray gllyphosphate, you kill every other living plant, except the GM glyphosphate resistant plant (I understand Monsanto did the same for Dole pineapple.  No other plants grow in Dole plantations in Mindanao.  Is the Dole pineapple a GM plant)

                            Glyphosphate weed/plant killer

                       Herbicide (glyphosphate) spraying

Food for today, toxins and cancer for tomorrow.

The GM in Argentina results in l00 deformed infants every year.  The ill effects of GM is reported by Andres Carrasco, an embryonic specialist.

Eating the GM soy results in having children having so much estrogen that they grow breasts.

Spraying glycophosphate resuts in the same serious side effects:  dizziness, allergic reaction, swelling in the mouth, and general feeling of body malaise.


Fructose Malady

Another post here is interesting.  What attacks the liver like alcohol.  The long analysis of Dr. Mercola points to fructose as being harmful.  He has a graph that shows that for every l20 calories of fructose or alcohol (ethanol) 40 calories  produce adverse effects.  These toxin attack the liver.  Compare this to the effect of the use of glucose which produce merely 1 calorie of adverse effect


Fig. 3.

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From: Dr. Mercola <>
Date: Sun, May 13, 2012 at 1:08 PM
Subject: The Toxin So Dangerous It's Causing Catastrophic Birth Defect

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May 13, 2012 - Issue 2094
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