
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fwd: World Tapping Summit from Underground Health Report

Learn more about tapping.  Participate in the World Tapping Summit.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:30 PM
Subject: 344,725 People Can't Be Wrong! - A Special Invitatio

Underground Health Reporter E-Alert
344,725 people can't be wrong
-- A Special Invitation
From the Desk of Danica Collins, The Underground Health Reporter
Hi Jorge,

     I'd like to invite you to attend an amazing -- and zero-cost -- online health event that you will not want to miss.  This online event was attended by 130,981 people in 2010 ... and due to its immense popularity, it was repeated in 2011 and ...  344,725 people attended the second time around!

Yankee Stadium     If you put those 344,725 people in one place, you would need a stadium 6-1/2 times the size of Yankee Stadium! ==>

     But if you think 344,725 is a humongous number ... this year, half a million are expected to attend this one-of-a-kind event that is 100% F.R.E.E!  And these people will "attend" from the comfort of their own homes, just by sitting in front of their computers -- and so can you

Question:  Why Would Half A Million People Want To Attend This?

Answer:  When you read how lives were changed dramatically by last year's event (see testimonials below) ... you'll understand why.

You see, this event is all about a health topic called tapping -- which has garnered unprecedented popularity in the last few years.  Tapping is used and recommended by leading experts such as Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Cheryl Richardson, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joseph Mercola and many others.

     The event is called the Tapping World Summit -- and you can attend it for F.R.E.E!  You won't have to travel or book a hotel room to attend this event.  You "attend" the event simply by sitting in front of your computer in your own home or office.

     If you've never heard of tapping before, you're going to be blown away by the life-transforming results that people have gotten from using it -- and the results you will get once you learn it for F.R.E.E.  [Read some of the hundreds of success stories below.]

     At the Tapping World Summit, you'll get access to information that you won't find anywhere else.  It's not your run-of-the-mill online webinar -- and that's why so many people attend.

     For your sake, I urge you to register today to attend the Tapping World Summit at absolutely no cost to you.  It starts on May 7th -- and I don't want you to be locked out of this one-of-a-kind event forever.  It's that important -- not just for your health and the health of your loved ones -- but for virtually all aspects of your life.

What is Tapping -- and Why Are So Many People Raving About It?

Tapping (also called meridian tapping and Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT) is a simple technique that combines Chinese acupressure, energy medicine and modern psychology.  It's easy to learn and it produces startling results -- including, but not limited to, better physical and emotional health ... financial prosperity ... clarity ... and ultimate fulfillment in life.
  It is so powerful and delivers such tremendous results QUICKLY that people exclaim, "I can't believe this works this well and this fast!"

     At the Tapping World Summit, here's a small sample of what you'll learn:  ↓↓↓↓↓
How tapping works wonders in alleviating pain—and how you can use it to get instant relief from pain

Why tapping eliminates your food cravings and compulsive eating habits ... and helps you lose excess weighteven when nothing else seems to work

How to use tapping to make addictions and phobias disappear

The secret to overcoming procrastination with tapping—unblock yourself and move ahead in your life with the greatest of ease

How to create the relationship of your dreams with tapping

Tapping breakthroughs that you can use to improve your athletic performance

How to get deep, peaceful sleep—and overcome insomnia—through tapping

How to tap your way to financial success and abundance in all areas of your life

Skyrocket your career or your business by overcoming fears and emotional gridlock 
Remember:  You can attend the Tapping World Summit for f.r.e.e!  You won't have to travel or book a hotel room to attend this event.  You "attend" the event simply by sitting in front of your computer in the comfort of your home or office.

Tapping is an incredibly powerful technique that can have a profound impact in your life.  It has been used by people from every country in the world -- and has been endorsed by experts in the field of self-development, doctors, medical practitioners, psychiatrists and psychologists, because they know that tapping into the meridian system of the body produces dramatic changes in every aspect of life.  

     The Tapping World Summit is being brought to you for F*R*E*E by Nick Ortner, Jessica Ortner and the entire team at Tapping Solution.
   Here are just a few of the
Hundreds of Rave Reviews

sent in by people from all over the world who attended the Summit
in previous years:
 "OMG this is so fantastic!!!  I am so thankful to you for this wonderful World Summit. I could not in my present situation (which is only my current reality and now changing thanks to EFT and my persistence) meet with all these talented and gifted folks.  What an awesome, kind and most loving thing you have done for people like me.  I truly am thankful for all this wonderful and so much needed info all compiled together in a wonderfully formatted package.  So many topics, so much guidance....WOW!!!!  I am just blown away!! 

"It was just amazing to me while I was tapping away with issues I thought had nothing to do with me and then suddenly a thought, a  picture or whatever would pop into my head and like magic I was starting to feel this sensation of relief , of being able to let go, like I finally was able to access the A-HA'S  that I wasn't able to get before or as quickly as with these EFT World Summit classes.  OMG what a feeling.  I was able to erase a lot of my blocks by using techniques I was not aware of before...THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  So impressive, so personal and so very much needed.  Love you and thank you with all my heart!!!  Life is great!!" ~ Nina Anne Moore - West Palm Beach, Florida

"Hi Nick!
What an amazing program you have put together for this symposium. The information presented is so varied and brilliant. I'm almost on overwhelm. The speakers are exceptional. They have so much to offer.  I'm learning a lot... and we're only half way through.  Yikes!
I'm 71 years young, dear heart, and so excited to be deepening my experience of EFT through this wonderful symposium. As a pensioner on a small basic income, I likely would not have attended such a fabulous event. Bless you for offering it 'gratis' to anyone and everyone ... and what a great response you've had.  I'm so happy to be a part of it.
Again, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to learn and grow!
Happy tapping!
In Joy and Wonder,"
~ Anita Arsenault - Golden, British Columbia, Canada


"I am getting so much out of this week... I knew of EFT, but this week I am getting the confidence to actually DO IT...Try it out...(no practitioners where I live). Your interviews are great, and the folk you are interviewing are totally inspirational...I'm having quite a few epiphanies!  And for me to get webinars of this quality... and FREE coming directly into my home here leaves me in a space of absolute gratitude. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH."
~ Elayne - Savusavu, on the island of Vanua Levu, the  Fiji Islands


"This was the best thing I have ever listened to. I  have listened to other summits and they were nothing like this!!  You did such a fantastic job.  Thank you so much!"
~Tracy - Redmond, Oregon USA

"Nick ... you have changed my life in one single night, and for that, I'm forever in your debt!!  Your speakers last night were exceptional, and what a great venue you gave them for us to also explore to tap into their work and expertise!!

PS, I will be happily be put out of business as a career psychiatric RN by the amazingly innovative and miraculous therapy you are teaching, by which anyone can self direct to cure themselves easily from anything that bothers them!!

In Love, Light and Tremendous Appreciation,

Knoel, Registered Nurse, Austin, Texas
"I have gotten SO much out of these talks...and the sessions I have done with myself have been profound ... getting into the deepest layers of trapped emotions that I have ever gotten to on my own.  What a remarkable journey!!!!  I used your 100 point process to check my life energy...I muscle tested...and I was at a huge minus number!  After two important break-through sessions on my own, using many techniques that have been presented thus far, I am now at a negative 2.  Progress!  Tomorrow I look forward to getting into the positive numbers.  :)
Thank you so much for your hard work, dedication and for the marriage of Abraham principles and EFT.  What a brilliant pair.  Thank you...and thank you to all the presenters who are doing this brilliant work."
~ Laurie Attridge - Cazenovia, NY USA
"It is a very long time since I got excited about anything, but when I discovered EFT last year I started feeling excited again, and this World Summit has really got me going.  I am feeling a huge sense of gratitude for this event.  It is enormously kind of all the practitioners to give us so much useful information. 
"I upgraded to gold just before the event started, and it is great being able to download the interviews and keep them forever.  I adore Dr. Carrington's choices method, and Margaret Lynch on debt is sure to help many people get out of trouble.  All the interviews are fantastic, and have clearly been prepared very well so that we get all the information we need to make a real difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us.  I can't thank you enough for all your hard work on our behalf.
"Many thanks to you all for everything you are doing to help us.  I hope that millions of people will come to know of this wonderful work and benefit from it."
~Wendy Sharpe - Buckinghamshire, England

"Thank you so much!  I've just listened to the first evening's sessions and already I've had a major breakthrough in understanding about a big problem in my life.  As I've been tapping, the root of the problem finally became clear.  Carol Look's presentation has helped more than any other EFT instruction I've bought and listened to in the past.  Perhaps because of my intention to finally understand and use this powerful energy work and because of her clear explanation of how to word things.

"Thank you!  I will continue listening and tapping.  I'm so glad I bought the platinum VIP pass because I want to be able to review this wonderful information and share it with my family."
~ Catherine Clark - Clearwater Bay, Hong Kong


"Thank you Nick for doing this seminar!!!  EFT has changed my life.  I've only been doing it for about 3 weeks now, and then these speakers have just changed everything for me.  I've tried hypnosis, cranial sacrum, and Kinesiology and 17  years of counseling.  This is by far the easiest and cheapest way I  have ever dreamed of ... actually it is above my dreams.

"My mother did not want me when she was pregnant with me, and I have always known that. If it hadn't been for small town America and abortions were taboo, I would've been aborted.  She still treats me the same way today.  Then add all of the sexual, physical, and  emotional abuse I have suffered since the age of 3...I am now 43, I  am messed up pretty good.  So this is my answer to my prayers.  God had it waiting for me to receive and I am so grateful."

~ Love, Diane Powell - Lindsay, Oklahoma USA


"I have been so positively charged by this summit, after a long period of negative energies, that I now have hope and faith that YES, I will surely heal myself, physically, mentally, emotionally & financially.  I made my own notes, as I couldn't afford to buy the CDs. I tapped along during the sessions, and played the ones most applicable to my situation several times. I disconnected myself from the external world, asking everybody to excuse me for a few days, as I was participating in the EFT World Summit, 2009, well as studying EFT further, for changing my life, with the hope of changing many other lives too, especially that of the poor and the needy, with health & relationship problems.

I used to get depressed, and lose hopes of recovering from my chronic health problems of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Gastritis, etc as my medical expenses had become unaffordable for me without a flow of income.  These few days of FREE EFT presentations, by some of the world's most famous EFT masters, gave me hope and tremendous joy and it has Fully Energized Me, to take charge of my own life.

I really bless all of you, connected with the EFT World Summit, especially for hosting it Free of Charge, which convinced me,...that YES there are some really wonderful souls on this earth who care for the well being of others, without expecting anything back in return.  THIS TOUCHED MY HEART THE MOST! May God & my Spiritual Master of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Bless you all for that, till Eternity!!!

This EFT World Summit has revived the confidence in me that YES EFT does work, and its just a matter of persistence." 
 ~ With lots of love, Freida - Mumbai City, Maharashtra State, India


"I was tremendously impressed with Carol's clear, lively and optimistic presentation. So much better than any teleseminar I've listened to previously. Cordially..."
~ Bryan M. Knight, MSW, Ph.D., Int'l Registry of Professional Hypnotherapists - Montreal, Quebec, Canada


"Hello, EFT society and Nick Ortner in specific :) I am writing to you to thank you for this amazing journey in the EFT world summit. I am learning a lot about myself.  Many emotions had been brought up to the surface that I wasn't even aware were in me, from my childhood, old traumas that I thought I was over, but I truly wasn't!

I just finished my MA in economics but I feel like EFT might be the right thing for me ... my purpose in life.. you know that small voice in your head/heart that now I'm trying not to ignore no matter how crazy it sounds... Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about..."
~ Rahma Tal - Amman, Jordan


"Oh my!  This is truly amazing!!  I have just been listening to the first 2 lectures of day 1 of the World Summit of EFT  and I must say I am really excited!  I am not a new comer to EFT but still, I got some new information and new aspects of how to attend  a problem or an emotion, aspects I never thought about. That added some real important information. 2 weeks ago I have decided to become a Master in EFT and all new information I can get and learn and practice will help me reach my goal and vision! Thank you, Nick, for this amazing opportunity to learn from the Masters themselves…"
~ Miriam Shtamer, Kiriyat Tivon, Israel


"Just HAD to tell you:  EFT was totally new to me...but I thought I'd tune in anyway...listening to all presentations except one...then last night I tried using it for some horrific feelings I always have had about going to the dentist and hearing that drill!!!   Had my dentist appointment today, a major long drilling session (a 2 hr. appointment!)...I tapped last night  (2 rounds) and then did 3 more sessions this am before arriving for my appointment...I was grinning from ear to ear when I got there...and was relaxed enough to joke around with the staff...I couldn't help but mention EFT...when the drill came out my hands were absolutely still - usually they're shaking A LOT...I had thoughts about how the drill sounded...paid close attention to the pitch and also thought about my much loved cat...I have lost my fear of the dentist!   Am 61 and have always struggled with dentist visits...thank you so much!  I will keep tapping."
~ Diane -Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

"Dear Jessica and Nick,

Although I wish I could think of something eloquent to say and "Thank You" seems woefully inadequate, thank you for all that you and your team are doing to bring EFT to so many people.

Slightly more than five years ago I was led to EFT and Gary Craig's web site. (The universe is so incredible. I love to learn and one day I was looking up something about Japanese gardening, wound up on a Dutch web site, and the site's creator had a category "EFT". Clicked to see what that was...)  As I read Gary's words and went through the Basic Manual, I sat with tears streaming down my face. I lost my husband and several dear friends to chronic emotional illnesses.

EFT has and is transforming so many lives. As I have participated each day in the EFT World Summit and felt that incredible connection to the two of you, the presenters, and all the people participating in the Summit - WOW (or AWESOME, as Gary would say). The love, energy, passion and power are palpable.

Jessica you are an outstanding interviewer. I honor both of you for your love, passion, humor and courage.

Blessings, Love and Peace (tap, tap, tap)."
~ MaryJane (MJ)  Marshall - Houston TX, USA
"OMG! That summit was amazing! I just wanted to say thank you, thank you! I knew about EFT from when I was in LA but I now know so much more and I had ah-ha moments almost everyday! especially the one series about Highly Sensitive People- which I found out I am and have been beating myself up about it forever!  Now I know how to tap for it and realize its a blessing to be so connected to my feelings and intuition!

"I loved, loved, loved the whole series! you are so kind to put all of this information out there and for free- I know this is huge for me and for the world! I can sense huge changes a-brewing! I kinda miss it already! Tell Jessica I am doing the 40 day challenge... this is exciting...who knows where I will be in 40 days! Thank you again!"
~ Love, Christine en route to New York City, NY USA
"This trip has been amazing. I am so thankful that you gave me the opportunity to be a part of this, and I will continue to tap – and maybe take an education in EFT later on.  Fantastic.  A few weeks ago I tapped on hip pain, and it disappeared within a couple of minutes!!!

Every session have been useful to me, and I will look more into it (I have written it all down) when I finish my education in September. Jessica's 40 day tapping challenge will be done. Her "mystery bonus audio" was a special experience.  It helped me see a lot of experiences/feelings to tap on."
~ Merete - Bodø, Norway
"What a gift to so many people-I listened to several of the sessions, but the one the really spoke to me and caused a "shift" in my life was Lindsay Kenney's session. I loved it that it was a step-by-step, progressive lesson.

I was particularly impacted by the concept of reversals. While I am familiar with them, I've had a tough time moving these blocks from my own life-until she used the phrase: "and you can't make me". Immediately I felt an understanding of the process in a way I had never understood. It was like this piece of the puzzle just clicked right into place!

I'm so excited to see what all this information and knowledge brings to my business, my health and my life!

Thank you so much for all the work you did to make it a success, to accommodate the DROVES of people who wanted to participate, and to make it accessible to everyone, regardless of financial status. I have no doubt you will be blessed beyond measure!"
~ With Joy, Marcie Macari - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"What a wonderful ten days!  I need to tap on withdrawals from missing the interviews.  Jessica was a fabulous interviewer, asking just what I wanted to know at the right time. EFT was not new to me, but I have an expanded view now of how and when to use it. I have been using it for TMJ and poison oak. Both of these came up during the last ten days and EFT helped release the anxiety I held over both conditions and.  I am also using it so that I no longer hold tension in my jaw or grind my teeth, which makes the TMJ worse.  The anxiety has lessened considerably, and I am persisting with the grinding and tension release work.

The most remarkable results have been with my students.  I teach children with learning disabilities one on one. Children suffering from learning deficits often have painful emotional issues as well.  One little girl has terrible self-loathing when she makes a mistake.  One day, when she crumpled emotionally and slapped her head, I showed her the points and simply had her tap along with me. I didn't use words, just tapping.  After one round of tapping she brightened up.  She smiled, asked for water, and told me she liked me.  One question I have that I would love to know more about in the future is using EFT with children of all ages, from the very young through high school. I would also like to know about using it with animals.

Thank you again for the gift of this summit. Fabulous!"
~ Suzanne Wright - Oregon USA
"I hope you guys can somehow hear the thunderous applause that is surely circling the world for you right now.  This was a DYNAMITE event, and this grand finale with Jessica today was just fantastic. You guys are the absolute best, you have given phenomenal gifts here with each presentation, and may you receive a thousand blessings in return. I have many of Gary Craig's DVD's, have been receiving his email newsletters for several years now, but EFT has never come alive for me the way you've made it do in these last ten days. I am very, very grateful, and yes, I will keep tapping and will tell you what lights come on, what doors open in the coming months. (And as it happens, your DVD just came in the mail today, so off I go now to let the fun go on!)"
~ With much love, Natasha Suter - Ithaca, New York USA

     The Tapping World Summit offers a powerful method that will enable you to improve the quality of your life in a tangible and real way ... just as it has done for the people above who've given rave reviews.

     Tapping could help improve your health dramatically ... revolutionize your career or make you more money than you've ever made before ... help you create
a fulfilling relationship with the ideal person you've always wanted to be with ... and most of all, be happier than you've ever been before.

      The Tapping World Summit features some of the top EFT / Tapping experts in the world such as Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Nick and Jessica Ortner ... in fact, there will be 20 instructors providing eye-opening presentations...

     Just click on the link below to see what you will experience, at no charge to you.  You can listen to all of presentations or just a few of them, you get to pick the topics that interest you:


     Remember:  This is a F.R.E.E event that is 100% content.  No sales pitches, no stringing you along with bits of information -- just life-changing information that you can implement right away.

     Make sure to attend.  It's like no other event you'll find -- there is literally nothing else like it.  I've attended this Summit in 2010 and 2011 --... and was thoroughly impressed each time by the mind-boggling and profound revelations that have changed my life in many important ways.

I'll see you there,

Danica Collins

The Underground Health Reporter
Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC

P.S. - The event starts on Monday night (May 7th) and goes for 10 days.  The number of people who've already registered to attend it online for F*R*E*E has already outpaced last year's numbers by a mile!  Reserve your spot today before it's too late!


Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing LLC

506 N. Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

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