
Monday, May 21, 2012

These Substances Lower Colon Cancer Risk

Please check out the article I read at


These reduce Colon Cancer Risk

My brother died today of lingering cancer. He was diagnosed with cancer of the colon last year. He was operated on and yet the cancer spread to his lungs. If this was preventable, he would be alive today. The information came late. But it would benefit others who would follow this

What are these substances:

1.  Vitamin D3.  - Take 2,000 IU per day;

2.  Quercetin -  from onions.   it promotes apoptosis;  there are oil and water soluble format.


3,  Hesperedin  -  found in oranges.  It is known to powerfully inhibit colon and breast cancer.

4.  Turmeric -  from yellow ginger.  It can be used to flavor curries;  it is spicy and hot.

5.  Sylimarin from milk thistle extract. It improves detox  and protection of liver and brain.

6,  Mixed carotenoids - take 25,000 IU per day. Some supplments can be bougth containing alpha and beta carotene, lutein, lycopene, canthoxanthins.  Carotenoids are useful vs. lung, cervical, colon and breast cancer.

7. White tea.  White tea in drinkable form contain less aluminum and flouride.  it has higher concentration of EGCG (epigocalletin galeate).  EGCG has strong anti cancer properties vs colon


8. DHA  (docosahexaenic acid) - the omegas 3 fatty acid is a component of fish oil.  DHA food supplements come with another omega 3 - ecosapentionic acid, which thins blood and suppresses the immune system (bad)



                               Tuna is rich source of  selenium

9.  Selenium of l,000 iu taken together with Vit E suppresses colon cancer. or combining with Vit C does the same

another D

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