
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Onions - Multi Purpose( Heart) Medicine

Effective Cures Are Cheap

I was recently shown a book by my eldest daughter who is into on line business, entitled "the food pharmacy": by Jean Carper.  It was copyrighted in 1988.  It a pretty old back but many of the findings now are based on this book.

I like her book because her statements are all backed up by medical journals and researches. (Onions pp 30-34, 246 -250)  Onions have been cultivated for the last 6,000 years and has the following therapeutic uses:  It is known as a multipurpose heart medicine. (Dr. Gurenwhich)

l.  blood thinning;
2.  anti biotic,
3.  anti diabetic
4.  expectorant;
5.  for the heart:   lowers cholesterol, thins blood raises HDL

Blood thinning -  this is important for stroke prone individuals.  Clots, thrombus formation cause strokes and heart attacks.  In France, they feed horses onions to remove blood clots. Onion have great fibrinolytic activity (preventing formation of fibrin, the blood clotting agent, same as heparin given to the stroke or heart attack patients) Doctors at the University of New Castle have been able to identify such blood thinning agent, the odorless cycloalliin (cousin of the thinning compound in garlic)  This reminds us of the blood thinning properties of  Dr. Hammerschimndt black fungus tree ears.  The chemical is adenosine

Raises HDL levels.  Onions as found out in experiments of  Dr. Gurenwhich in 3 out of 4 patients by as much as 30%.  The good cholesterol, HDL essential for good health.  By raising the ratio between good and bad cholesterol, the cardiovascular health of patient is improved.  By contrast, the pharma Gemfibrozil could not come close;  it raised HDL by mere 10%!

Anti biotic -It is a natural anti-biotic.  Louis Pasteur, the guy made famous by the process pasteurization, in mid 1800s called  onion as antibiotic.  It is effective vs long list of bacterias that include E Coli  and Salmonella. It is effective vs. PTB.  Chewing onion for several minutes made the mouth lining sterile. Russian investigators researched l50 plants for antisepsis and found onion to be most potent.  Thus in WW2, they used onions as antiseptic;    the pungent vapors of onions were used by Russian soldiers in WWII to disinfect their wounds and remove pain.

Anti diabetic-  I did not know that onion could be that versatile.  Onions since ancient time were used to treat diabetes.  In l923, they were able to isolate hypoglycemic agents in  onion.  In l960, scientists were able to isolate compounds similar to tolbutamide (Orinase) which stimulates manufacture and release of  insulin. Just recently, Egyptian pharmacists were able to isolate diphenalymine, which is more potent than tolbutamide.

Expectorant - Dr. Irwin Zument dubs onions as good cold remedy.  It creates a flood of tears for mucus also in the lungs and respiratory tract hastening the expectoration.  Thus it is the onions in the chicken soup that cures the cold.

Anti cancer agent. - Onions are being investigated for containing polysulfides (sulfur compounds ) that blocked the formation of enzymes leading to cancer cells. This was at MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. At the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, onions inhibited growth of cancer oral cells and destroyed some.

QUITE REMARKABLE COMMON SPICE (5 USES!)  That is cheap cure.  And effective too.

So this noon, I cooked an omelet filled with onions.

So always order burger with plenty of onions on the side.  Or coleslaw with plenty of onions.

Do not worry about your breath.  Worry about your health.

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