
Friday, June 1, 2012

Fw: Reality Health Check - Milk myths exposed


 Milk does not appear as healthy as it is advertised to be.  It contains phosphorous that prevents calcium absorption.  Then homogenization causes fat to  be suspended and the cream to sink to the bottom, thus exposing the milk to oxidation.

Milk also contains plenty of sugar (as preservative and to make milk attractive to drinkers)

Milk is not so healthy after all.

Salvia Hispanica


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Fred Pescatore, MD" <>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 7:41 PM
Subject: Reality Health Check - Milk myths exposed

Reality Health Check
This week in the RHC
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Sneak Peek for RHC Readers ONLY!

Milk myths exposed
Dear Reader,

I've received a couple of questions about why milk never appears on my lists of nutritious foods for kids.

There are several negatives with cow's milk that few parents realize (and most doctors, too). Cow's milk contains high levels of phosphorus, which can interfere with calcium absorption. Which means your child might be getting far less calcium from it than you realize! (Dark leafy greens are a much better source of calcium anyway.)

Plus, there are some inherent hazards in the processing of milk that make it less than desirable to feed your little ones. Homogenization keeps the fat particles suspended in the milk, so the cream doesn't rise to the top like it did years ago. This makes the fat and cholesterol in milk more susceptible to oxidation. Which leads to excess free-radical formation. And if that wasn't bad enough, pasteurization kills any other nutritional value that might still be present in the milk.

And to top it all off, cow's milk is also filled with sugar.

With all of this in mind, your family is much better off without milk.

Ancient Aztecs believed this grain gave them
supernatural ENERGY AND POWER...
And maybe it did, in a manner of speaking.

Yet, when the Spanish Conquistadors looted and ruined the ancient Aztec Empire, this nutritional treasure all but vanished with it. The Spaniards named the grain Salvia Hispanica L and then it was promptly forgotten.

Well, so far it's just a colorful Aztec legend, right? But everything suddenly changed when...

500 years later, researchers finally started running tests...

And when the first results came in, they nearly fell over. Because these seeds tested off the charts!

The results clearly showed they had found a nutritional goldmine. And just for starters, this super grain turns out to be...

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And in the meantime...
Here's what else we talked about this week in the Reality Health Check:

The deadly new economic crisis
Obesity doesn't just affect people physically. It affects us ALL--socially and economically. In a big way. Now businesses and governments are feeling the pinch too...

The FDA cracks down on antibiotics
Big news from the FDA. And for once it's good news. Or at least decent news. The agency is cracking down on use of antibiotics in food-producing animals. But even though it's a step in the right direction, this measure is still a far cry from organic farming.

Learning how to eat--no matter what you weigh
I've received a few letters recently from thin people expressing concern about my New Hamptons Health Miracle being such a perfect weight loss plan. Obviously, if you're already at a healthy weight (or underweight) you don't need to lose any more. But I've got good news...

The surprising link between blindness and brain power
Back in March, I told you how rates of diabetic retinopathy are skyrocketing. Unfortunately, the news is just getting worse...

The real problem with the PSA
Have you heard? It's final. The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) now officially recommends against routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests. But here's why I don't agree with the panel's recommendation...

School nutrition in the eye of the beholder
A new survey shows that most people support healthier options in vending machines and school stores. But they might be surprised what the government considers "healthier"...

Until next week,

Dr. Fred

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