European Sunscreens are better than those from USA?
Sunscreen contain dangerous chemicals like parabens, BHA, oxybenzone, and hydroquinone. Why does FDA still allow them on sunscreen?
It is an anti oxidant. BHA
Hydroquinone for removing dark spots, skin whitening
And then we ask ourselves, why is there an ever increasing incidence of cancer?
From: Discovery Health Publishing <>
Date: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:14 PM
Subject: Dermatologists HATE Me for Saying This...
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Date: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:14 PM
Subject: Dermatologists HATE Me for Saying This...
Dear ,
It's summer, and that means it's time to fire up the grill and enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends. It also means you'll hear the propaganda machine being cranked up by the dermatologists and sunscreen industry telling you to apply layer upon layer of commercial sunscreens before you leave the house. But before you slather on your "protection," there's something you need to know. Your sunscreen could be doing you more harm than good. In fact, your sunscreen could be boosting your chances of getting skin cancer! Here's what you need to know to protect yourself from the sunscreen rip-off. Shocker #1: Sunscreens contain dangerous chemicals Sunscreens are supposed to protect you from harm. But sunscreens are loaded with chemicals that can make you sick. Here's a list of some of the worst offenders:
If you want better sunscreen protection, move to Europe. Europe? Yes... because European sunscreens can offer better protection than those allowed in the US. In fact, when the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested 446 SPF 30+ sunscreens available in the US, they found 284 of them were too weak to meet European standards.5 That's because the US products protect against UVB rays... but not the less obvious UVA rays. UVB rays cause sunburn. But UVA rays cause damage without burning. And sunscreens in Europe can contain several proven, non-toxic UVA blockers that aren't allowed in the US. So your skin gets quietly toasted without you ever noticing. In fact, one of the non-toxic ingredients allowed in Europe is more than 5 times more effective than the best ingredient allowed in the US. But not to worry. AT least your sunscreen protects you from skin cancer, right? Wrong! Shocker #3: Your Sunscreen May Be a Ticking Time Bomb of Cancer The main reason everyone tells you to use sunscreen is to protect your skin from cancer. But there's very little evidence that sunscreens offer any cancer protection at all. In fact, as you'll see in a moment, the exact opposite may be true! In Australia - where you can really see the effects of the sun - researchers tested sunscreen on 1,621 people. They found that sunscreen use provided no real protection at all against the most common form of skin cancer.6 And when it comes to melanoma - the nastiest form of skin cancer - a report from the University of British Columbia says sunscreens offer no benefit, either.7 However, an ingredient found in 4 out of 10 sunscreens was found to increase the risk of skin cancer.8 And a European study group saw a rise in nasty melanomas among children who used sunscreens more often.9 And cancer isn't the only problem linked with sunscreen use... Shocker #4: Sunscreen Use Robs You of Critical Nutrition Remember when rickets ravaged the civilized world? If you do, you're a lot older than you look. Because rickets was wiped out generations ago. Or so we thought. But rickets is making a comeback. And it's thanks - in part - to sunscreen use. Rickets is a childhood disease caused by too little vitamin D. Without enough vitamin D, bones can't develop, and children wind up with soft, spongy, weak bones. Long ago, rickets nearly disappeared completely. We added vitamin D to foods like milk, and the problem was solved. Until parents began slathering sunscreen on their children. Now rickets is making a comeback - especially in sun-starved Britain. Take the case of poor Lisa, for example. London's Daily Mail reports that Lisa lives in one of Britain's sunniest locations - the Isle of Wight. And her mother's a nurse. But at age 12, Lisa began experiencing pain and weakness in her legs. Then, after a hip operation, she failed to recover as expected. It took a while, but her doctors figured it out. Lisa was suffering from a serious vitamin D deficiency. And the major problem was that her mother covered her liberally with sunscreen every time she went out to play.10 But it's not just kids who suffer.
But the government calls for only 800 IU per day for mature adults - a number determined only on the basis of bone health. And since the sun is your major source of vitamin D for most of the year, using sunscreen is actually be robing you of vitamin D. And that's the very nutrient you need to prevent cancer - the problem sunscreen is supposed to prevent. And that's just one of vitamin D's many health benefits. But that may not be the worst news of all. Because your health's greatest enemy may be the one who's supposed to be protecting you. Shocker #5: The FDA Is No Help It's old hat to say the FDA is in the drug industry's pocket. But time after time, you can't come to any other reasonable conclusion. Today, I listed 4 dangerous chemicals in sunscreen products. The FDA allows them all - in spite of their risks. And in spite of ample proof they're safe, the FDA prevents the use of non-toxic ingredients that could protect you from UVA rays. It's almost as if the FDA was simply doing whatever the cosmetics industry wants. And that's pretty much what you have to conclude when you consider their latest sunscreen move. Under pressure from two industry groups - the Personal Care Products Council and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association - the FDA just delayed new sunscreen rules. The FDA called for more honest reporting of sunscreen benefits. And they set a June 2012 deadline. But the industry claims it would be a burden to honestly state the protection offered by their products. They need more time. So the FDA buckled, and gave the industry another 6 months to comply... and another year for smaller companies. Forget the consumer, who's looking out for their health. What's your well being compared to corporate profits?
Protect Yourself from the Sun WITHOUT the Toxic Goop
Well, you can fool them all. Look for sunscreens made with zinc or titanium oxide. These ingredients provide a physical block to the sun's rays... and do it without endangering your health. Even better, zinc and titanium don't have to be applied ahead of time. So you can get the sun you need to make enough vitamin D... and then apply your natural sunscreen for instant protection. Most light-skinned people only need about 15 - 20 minutes of summer sun a day to make enough vitamin D. If your skin is darker, you may need up to an hour or so.
Wishing you strength and vitality,
Jason Kennedy 2 "Selected Cosmetic Ingredients," Food & Drug Administration. 3 Hanson, K.M., et al, "Sunscreen enhancement of UV-induced reactive oxygen species in the skin," Free Radic Biol Med. Oct 15, 2006; 41(8): 1205-1212. 4 Ly, F., et al, "First cases of squamous cell carcinoma associated with cosmetic use of bleaching compounds," Ann Dermatol Venereol. Feb 2010; 137(2): 128-131. 5 "UVA Protection Too Weak to Stop Subtle Harm," Environmental Working Group. Sep 2010. 6 Green, A., et al, "Daily sunscreen application and betacarotene supplementation in prevention of basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas of the skin: a randomised controlled trial," Lancet. Aug 28, 1999; 354(9180): 723-729. 7 Gallagher, R.P., "Sunscreens in melanoma and skin cancer prevention," CMAJ. Aug 2, 2005; 173(3). 8 National Toxicology Program, Technical Reports Peer Review Panel Meeting. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Jan 26, 2011; Pp 6 - 7. 9 Autier, P., et al, "Sunscreen Use..." J Natl Cancer Inst. 1998; 90: 1873-1880. 10 Dolan, A., "Girl, 12, at risk of rickets... because mum smothered her with factor 50," Daily Mail. Jan 19, 2011. 11 Garland, C.F., "Vitamin D Supplement Doses and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in the Range Associated with Cancer Prevention," Anticancer Research. 2011; 31(2). © Copyright 2012 Discovery Health Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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