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From: "Fred Pescatore, MD" <drfred@logicalhealthalternatives.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:47 PM
Subject: Reality Health Check - And the winner is...
From: "Fred Pescatore, MD" <drfred@logicalhealthalternatives.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:47 PM
Subject: Reality Health Check - And the winner is...
You can't tell kids anything Please add drfred@logicalhealthalternatives.com to your address book. Can't view this email? |
RHC #177 | Why am I getting this? |
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Ancient Aztecs believed this grain gave them supernatural ENERGY AND POWER... | |
And maybe it did, in a manner of speaking. Yet, when the Spanish Conquistadors looted and ruined the ancient Aztec Empire, this nutritional treasure all but vanished with it. The Spaniards named the grain Salvia Hispanica L and then it was promptly forgotten. Well, so far it's just a colorful Aztec legend, right? But everything suddenly changed when... 500 years later, researchers finally started running tests... And when the first results came in, they nearly fell over. Because these seeds tested off the charts! The results clearly showed they had found a nutritional goldmine. And just for starters, this super grain turns out to be... | |
And the winner is... | |
Dear Reader, You've heard me say it over and over again. That you can lose weight without suffering. Without denying yourself the joy of eating delicious, decadent foods. Sizzling steaks, juicy burgers, gooey cheese, succulent melons, creamy avocadoes--even rich, dark chocolate. Food the way Mother Nature intended it to be. Delicious. Satisfying. And minimally processed. It's the cornerstone of my New Hamptons Health Miracle. And it's how my patients turn their diabetes around. How they lose weight. And how they keep it off. And now, a major new study published a couple of weeks ago in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association supports my years of personal and clinical experience and research. This study involved 21 overweight and obese young adults recruited from the Boston area. Researchers wanted to determine how three common diets affect a person's ability to lose weight and keep it off.
The low-carb diet had the best energy expenditure. When the volunteers followed it, they burned 300 more calories per day, compared to the low-fat diet. However, there were some significant downsides to this super-strict carb-cutting approach. The volunteers had higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. And they also had higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker for inflammation that increases risk of heart disease and diabetes. But the low-glycemic-index diet offered the "best of both worlds." It didn't have any of the negative effects of the strict low-carb diet. And it didn't force volunteers to banish carbs from their diet entirely. Plus, it helped volunteers burn 150 more calories a day than the low-fat diet. That's right, the volunteers burned 150 extra calories a day. That's the equivalent of a 30-minute workout--without the workout! Just by eating the right mix of foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Lean protein. And healthy fats. Sound familiar? Folks, this is a clear victory for my New Hamptons Health Miracle! If you're not already following it, there's no better time to start. Let me show you the simple, natural, no-stress way to lose weight forever. You'll never suffer. Never be hungry. And, most importantly, never feel deprived. | |
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Kick your weight loss efforts into high-gear-- once and for all! | |
With a new breakthrough we predict will have a whole new wave of celebrity clientele flocking to this "doctor-of-the-stars" clinic. With this little trick in your back pocket...losing weight can be so ENJOYABLE...you won't even feel like you're trying. Whatever your weight loss goals...the secret behind this breakthrough is based on the same successful strategies Dr. Fred has used and perfected in his Manhattan practice to help the stars stay svelte and sleek... Now you can discover how to put this trick to work for you today. Read the video transcript. Start receiving your own copy of the Reality Health Check. Or forward this e-mail to a friend so they can sign-up to receive their own copy of the Reality Health Check. Follow me on Facebook. Like my page and post your thoughts and comments!. | |
You can't tell kids anything | |
You know how invested I am in helping the youth of our nation avoid the fate that's been set out for them...A future filled with obesity, diabetes, and disease. And a new report in the journal Pediatrics raises an interesting point. It says that many pediatricians don't talk to kids about lifestyle. Despite the raging obesity epidemic, too few kids and teenagers are getting advice from their medical doctors about healthy eating and physical activity. The researchers, led by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, analyzed data on some 14,000 boys and girls between 11 to 17 years old. And they found that less than half of the kids got any counseling of this type. Only 47 percent of girls and 44 percent of boys were advised to eat healthy. And only 36 percent of boys and girls were advised to exercise more. The truly obese kids were most likely to get this advice, researchers found. Kids who were classified as "overweight" were less likely to hear it. But based on my experience, treating kids in my clinic, just telling kids to eat healthy and exercise more won't get you very far anyway. You can't just tell a kid to do something. In fact, that's often a sure-fire way to make sure they DON'T do it. What works best is to set a good example. SHOW them what they should do. Don't TELL them. I'm not just talking about pediatricians. Teachers are also role models. And, obviously, parents should be taking the lead here. It's your job to get the whole family involved in these lifestyle changes. Take field trips to the local farmers market. Ride your bikes! Let the kids help you fix lunches and dinners. Healthy ones. The only way to get kids to make their health a priority is if YOU make it one, too. Until next time, Dr. Fred Subscribe to my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives, and receive all 8 of my Lifesaving Special Reports, absolutely FREE. Visit our website, LogicalHealthAlternatives.com, to view our newest products and to check out our special offers. Online ordering is fast, convenient and secure. | |
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