
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fwd: Secret found in mother's milk helps cure cancer


Colostrum in mothers milk strengthen body and infants immune system.  That is why mother's milk is good for everyone.

How to deal with blood clots that accompany cancer.  Well garlikc is well known blood thinner.

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From: Cancer Defeated <>
Date: Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Secret found in milk helps cure cancer

Newsletter #208
Lee Euler, Editor
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Here's how to cure cancer—
the 'milky' way!

    Well, it's not exactly milk that can be an effective cancer treatment, but certain components found in both human breast milk and cow's milk are highly effective cancer treatments.

    One of them is bovine colostrum, the first breast secretion a newborn calf receives from its mother within the first 24-48 hours after birth. This remarkable substance is one of the most potent immune boosters you can take. Keep reading and I'll explain. . .

Continued below. . .

FREE book with more than
350 alternative cancer cures

. . .as a gift for members of our new "gold club"

    Which hushed-up cancer cure are you not hearing about?

    The answer to that question is "none" — if you have a copy of The Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. Hundreds of stunningly effective, cancer-beating treatments are saving lives around the world. There are so many potential and proven ways to defeat cancer, no one has ever collected them all into one place—until now. . .

    But now every breakthrough, life-saving cancer treatment on earth is right at your fingertips. I'm pleased to announce that the Cancer Defeated team has gathered every single alternative cancer treatment on earth into one place. . .

    And I want to send you this remarkable book for FREE.

    Click here to watch a presentation about the most exciting, ground-breaking source of information in the history of cancer treatment. . .

    Colostrum contains essential nutrients that help build a powerful immune system and encourage growth. And that's not just true for baby cows — it works for humans, too — adults included.

    In fact, the colostrum from cow's milk is much higher in immune factors than a human mother's colostrum! It's the immune boosting properties that make colostrum an important cancer fighting weapon.

    Colostrum, by the way, is found in the breast milk of ALL mammals in the hours after giving birth. Most of the research has been conducted on cow's milk.

    According to Dr. Daniel G. Clark, author of the book Colostrum, Life's First Food, "bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria, and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass and slows down and even reverses aging."

    Now that's an impressive résumé!

The best OFFENSE really is a good DEFENSE!
    You might already know that your body experiences abnormal cancer cell growth all the time. But if your primary defense against illness—your immune system—is healthy and strong, it simply destroys these cells before they have a chance to spread and do lasting harm.

    One of the reasons the risk of cancer goes up as we age is that our immune systems wear out. Children naturally have stronger immune systems.

    So a key way to fight cancer cells is by strengthening your immune system. And colostrum could be a perfect way to help do this!

    Scientists have found that bovine colostrum contains compounds that can cause apoptosis—that is, natural cell death, the same as healthy cells experience. Cancer cells don't die off the way healthy cells do, so inducing this natural process is a major goal of cancer treatment.

    What's more, colostrum is full of immune boosting transfer factors. These include hydrogen peroxide and protein molecules (antibodies) called immunoglobulins.

    Your cells naturally produce hydrogen peroxide to control metabolism and to fight germs. In his book Alternative Medicine, author Burton Goldberg explains that your immune system unleashes these substances to attack, destroy and remove invading pathogens.

    But there's another compound in bovine colostrum that's a superstar germ fighter in its own right…
The first food may be the BEST food
to kill cancer cells!
    Human colostrum contains a rich supply of the protein called lactoferrin. This single strand of amino acids has a remarkable ability to bind to iron.

    Why is that important? Because in doing so, lactoferrin prevents cancer cells from using the iron for nourishment. Researchers believe this type of milk protein actually helps starve cancer cells to death!

    Lactoferrin is found abundantly in the first breast milk from a mother who has just given birth. It immediately strengthens a baby's immune system.

    But it's not only found in "new milk." It's also found in the subsequent milk supply of both humans and cows. Mother Nature knew EXACTLY what newborns would need to stay strong and healthy!

    Now scientists are finding out exactly why this is so. A review of lactoferrin clinical studies published in the journal Biochemistry and Cell Biology showed that bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung, and bladder cancers in laboratory rats.

    In one study, Japanese researchers found that lactoferrin stopped tumor growth in laboratory mice. It also prevented cancer from spreading in these animals.

    The researchers studied the effects of bovine-derived lactoferrin on cells intended to mimic either skin cancer or leukemia. They injected mice with experimental cancer cells that are known to spread easily from the original tumor to other organs and tissues.

    When researchers dispensed lactoferrin after tumors formed—they found it immediately started working to suppress tumor growth.

    Plus, they realized the spread of cancer cells to the lungs and liver was significantly less than in control animals that did not receive lactoferrin!

    What's even more amazing is that this one protein also has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties too.

    And just think—all of this is part of what bovine colustrum can do to help protect you from cancerous growths!
Colostrum could be your
all-in-one medicine cabinet!
    A report from Zoltan Rona, M.D., published in the American Journal of Natural Medicine, says that bovine colustrum can also play a role in:
  • Correcting leaky gut syndrome
  • Healing wounds
  • Metabolizing fat for weight loss
  • Reducing major symptoms of allergies and autoimmune disease
  • Reversing heart disease
  • Treating diabetes
    So you might be wondering, "How can I get my hands on this stuff?" Well, bovine colostrum is commercially available in powder, capsule and chewable supplements.

    Dr. Rona says the highest quality colostrum is produced organically and should be free of pesticides, herbicides, hormones, steroids, antibiotics and other chemicals.

    Improper processing often produces colostrum products that are not biologically active. Dr. Rona said the substance can also be weakened when it is formed into tablets or provided in a less concentrated liquid form.

    Dr. Rona recommends powder as the best form of colustrum for enjoying optimal health benefits.

    If you decide to try it, you may find that you've stumbled on a total immune system enhancer that can help keep you healthy for years to come! Of course, we cover colostrum and lactoferrin in our new Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. This 460-page book is free to people who join our Alternative Cancer Research Institute.

    In our last issue we reported on a very surprising cause of cancer deaths. I didn't know anything about this one till Mindy McHorse, one of our talented contributors, drew my attention to it. If you missed this important news, scroll down and read it now.

er than wait till a blood clot or a test tells me I'm in trouble. But some people need to be told the sky is falling before they do something.

    If you're found to be cancer-free (phew!), schedule another physical exam or get another test every six months for the two years following the appearance of your clot. This seems to be the most logical way to detect most cancers.

Lee Euler Publisher


"Blood Clots." Native Remedies: The Natural Choice.

"Blood Clots and Chemotherapy."

"Blood Clots And Natural Remedies." By Keith M. Henry, N.D. Simple Natural Health Secrets.

"Cancer and Blood Clots: Clinical Corner." By Raj Kasthuri, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. National Blood Clot Alliance: Stop the Clot.

"Cancer in patients with unexplained blood clots." Investigtors Against Thrombo Embolism.

"Foods That Dissolve a Blood Clot." By Owen Pearson,

If you'd like to comment, write me at  Please do not write asking for personal advice about your health. I'm prohibited by law from assisting you.  If you want to contact us about a product you purchased or a service issue, the email address is

Editor in Chief: Lee Euler Contributing Editors: Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks, Roz Roscoe Marketing: Shane Holley Information Technology Advisor: Michelle Mato Webmaster: Steve MacLellan Fulfillment & Customer Service: Joe Ackerson and Cami Lemr

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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1 comment:

  1. Many alternative cancer treatments can also be used for cancer prevention. and one of them is Milk, this is very informative and thanks for providing this info.
