
Monday, July 2, 2012

Fwd: Vegetable extract clobbers major cause of cancer

This post covers three major items:    xenohomones (estrogen) that cause men to grow fat;  DIM in brocolli, and proteolytic enzymes vs. arthritis and pain.

There are estrogens in the modern world.  They are not actually food items or medicine.  These are just compounds like BPA in food packings, from soap, cosmetics.  They mimic hormones and replace the real hormone and cause the same effects.  Hormones can cause cell reproduction to go haywire that becomes tumor and cancerous.

DIM from brocolli prevents angionesis - having blood supply to the tumor to feed this from body's supply.

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From: Cancer Defeated <>
Date: Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Vegetable extract clobbers major cause of cancer

Newsletter #200
Lee Euler, Editor
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This Natural Substance in Vegetables
Clobbers a Major Cause of Cancer

    Men, if you've noticed you're growing a spare tire around your waist lately...

    ...and ladies, if you're been experiencing hot flashes, mood swings, or maybe some extra padding on your tummy and hips… might chalk it up to normal aging. But scientists have found a surprising cause for these changes in a condition they call 'estrogen dominance.' Modern industrial societies are drowning in huge amounts of "bad estrogen." But there's a simple vegetable extract that can help you can fix the problem...

Continued below. . .

Gone rogue--Govt health insider tells all
He's finally unleashed!

The ultimate government insider is revealing cures, cover-ups, and the future of modern medicine...

With a shocking new tell-all video.


  • The long-ignored CANCER ANSWER with a 71% rate of positive results...
  • The "back from the brink" African miracle to diabetes, cancer and even AIDS, plus...
  • The vital "Alzheimer's announcement" no one will pay attention to!
Don't miss this important message from a doctor who has seen it all...and is now ready to risk everything to tell you all about it.

Before it's gone--watch it here.

    Although both sexes need the hormone estrogen to regulate growth and metabolism, you should know that there are both beneficial and harmful kinds of estrogen in your body.

    And it's important to know that too much of the wrong kind has been linked to health problems ranging from weight gain and decreased libido to heart problems and cancer.

    But the good news is that studies show a nutrient called DIM (short for di-indolyl methane) increases your metabolism of estrogen to help protect your health.

    According to the National Cancer Institute, this nutrient is abundant in a variety of vegetables including:
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Collard, mustard, and kale greens
  • Watercress
    Before you learn how DIM helps shield you from cancer—first let me tell you more about the problems that come from having too much estrogen…
Estrogen, estrogen EVERYWHERE!
    Your body naturally produces the good form of estrogen called 2-hydroxy estrogen. But it might surprise you to know that in 2003, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) added estrogen to its list of known cancer-causing agents.

    The group said there's strong evidence linking the hormone to breast, endometrial, and uterine cancers. Now please be clear: It's not the natural hormone by itself that causes problems…

    In study findings published in the April 1, 2003 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, lead study author Dr. Hari Bhat found that estrogen had to experience oxidation in order to become carcinogenic.

    Oxidation is caused by dangerous free radicals that can roam your body and damage otherwise healthy cells.

    But a type of fake estrogen called xenohormones can cause even more cell damage than the oxidation of your body's natural estrogen.

    Xenohormones are NOT the natural hormones your body makes. They're manufactured forms of estrogen that are just about everywhere in the environment. Strictly speaking, these industrial products are not true estrogen — they just mimic the hormone.

    You absorb them almost daily when you come in contact with industrial products such as:
  • Car exhaust
  • Carpeting, rugs
  • Furniture
  • Perfume
  • Plastics
  • Room deodorizers
  • Soaps
    There's an almost endless list of sources of these fake hormones or "hormone impersonators." In America, nearly all livestock (unless organic) are fed estrogenic drugs to fatten them. When you eat the meat, you're eating the hormones as well.

    Chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides often contain xenohormones (also called xenoestrogens). When you eat plants that have been grown with chemical help, it's almost certain you're taking in a dose of the fake hormones.

    And our old friend BPA also promotes the creation of xenohormones (see Issues #17 and #196.) You may recall that BPA is a toxic chemical found in many plastic bottles and the lining of cans. We've been saying for years that BPA's signature toxic quality is its ability to mimic estrogen. The chemical is abundant in the body of nearly every man, woman and child in the United States.
Fake hormones mess up your real ones. . .
    When fake estrogen enters your bloodstream, it can change the way your body produces and metabolizes natural hormones. Another name for xenohormones or xenoestrogens is "endocrine disrupting compounds" or EDCs. In plain English, this means they disrupt the body's natural hormone-producing organs.

    There are also natural substances in plants, called phytoestrogens, that mimic the action of human estrogens and are also classified as "xenoestrogens." Soy is a major source of phytoestrogens and for that reason I avoid eating soy products such as tofu. Some authorities dispute whether phytoestrogens pose a danger, but I'm not taking any chances.

    But when it comes to human-made xenohormones, there's no doubt. According to the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life, xenohormones "play a large role in the high rate of breast cancer in Westernized countries."

    Authors John R Lee, M.D., David Zava, Ph.D., and Virginia Hopkins explain that xenohormones easily pass through your skin and accumulate in your body over time.

    The excess estrogen eventually causes cell damage that leads to various health problems, including heart disease and the growth of cancer cells in a woman's breasts or a man's prostate. The buildup of estrogen becomes a more serious concern as you age.

    That's why you need DIM, which I like to call the broccoli extract. Despite the fact that both natural and fake estrogens can build up in your body, studies show DIM can help you eliminate fake estrogen before it wrecks your health…
DIM chokes, pummels and CRUSHES cancer cells!
    A number of studies support the idea that DIM may be one of the most effective nutrients for the prevention and treatment of breast, prostate, colon and pancreatic cancers.

    It has a unique ability to choke and starve cancer cells by cutting off their feeding tube. How so?

    Well, in order for cancer cells to grow and thrive, they need a continuous blood supply. In fact, cancers use a process called angiogenesis to create their own blood supply. Preventing angiogenesis is a major aim of cancer treatment.

    DIM can help. A study published in the May, 2008 Biochemical Pharmacology Journal showed that DIM actually stops tumors from completing this process that will create a tumor's blood supply. And that's not all…

    Researchers also found that using DIM increased the oxygen level of tumor cells. As you might know, cancer cells HATE oxygen! Cancer thrives best in cells that have oxygen deficiencies.

    In another study reported in the April 22, 2008 Pharmaceutical Research, scientists found that even low doses of DIM triggered apoptosis—or natural, programmed cell death—in prostate cancer cells. Promoting apoptosis is another major aim of cancer treatment.
Stops the spread of cancer cells, too
    Another of DIM's protective features is its ability to prevent the spread of cancer cells. In the March 28, 2008 Cancer Letter, researchers reported that many organs secrete molecules called ligands that bind to receptors on cancer cells.

    They found that DIM regulates both the secretion of ligands and the receptor sites. In repressing this mechanism, their results suggest that DIM provides protection against breast, ovarian, and possibly other cancers, too.

    DIM is a hands-down champion when it comes to battling harmful cancer. And as previously mentioned—this protective nutrient is found abundantly in many cruciferous vegetables.

    But some folks may have a hard time digesting these vegetables or don't want to deal with some of their mild, but unpleasant side effects such as indigestion or gas.

    In this case, you might consider taking a DIM supplement to reap the advantages of its health-saving potential.

    You may find that battling estrogen overload with DIM will also help you enjoy a healthier heart… reduce your cancer risk… and maybe even restore some youthful vigor. Eat some today!

    Now, if you've read our Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments (and if you have a good memory!) you already know about DIM. It's on page 99 of this 460-page tome that covers hundreds of different cancer treatments. If you don't already own this valuable reference work, you're in luck — because it's FREE when you become a member of our "gold club," the Alternative Cancer Research Institute or ACRI.

    The Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments aims to cover every treatment that exists. The problem is, even though we've identified more than 350 treatments, we keep finding new ones! Every time we do, we send ACRI members an email alert that tells them all about it. Then we add the new discovery to the online database that forms the basis of The Complete Guide.

    So please click here to find out more. That way you will NEVER miss a possible cancer treatment. This book has them all. It's an exceptional service.

    There are a great many nutrients besides DIM that you can eat — or take as supplements — that prevent cancer or cut it down to size if you've already got it. I wrote about one of the most important ones in the last issue. If you missed the news, you can scroll down and read it now. If you take vitamins or minerals, but you don't take THIS type of nutrient, you're missing the boat.

Are You Taking a Pile of Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants — Yet Missing the Most Important of One of All?

    Do you take vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants — and yet you're still suffering from the health problems you were hoping these pills would get rid of? It could be that you're missing a whole category of supplements that are just as important — and almost always overlooked.

    Hardly anyone knows about these critical nutrients — even America's most famous natural health advocates. Many alternative medicine doctors in the U.S. don't even know about them. Or they do, but they don't consider them very important. This is probably the most underrated group of nutrients on earth.

    The natural nutrients I'm going to tell you about in this issue can make the difference between sickness and health, cancer or no cancer… and so much more. They even help autistic kids recover normal function. I believe they are absolutely essential to every cancer patient. Yes: EVERY cancer patient should be taking them.

Continued below...

Foods You Should Never Mix
With These Popular Supplements.

    I need to tell you something very important about the vitamins you're taking.

    Something so controversial, so potentially dangerous, that there are those who are trying their hardest to cover it up.

    More importantly, it will affect you personally if you're currently taking vitamins or supplements. And that's because...

    What you could be mixing with your vitamins might actually be making you sick!

    Even worse, it could be killing you.

    But there's a Medical Doctor who is widely considered to be an expert on the dangerous and hidden pitfalls of today's most popular supplements, who is dedicating himself to blowing the lid off this dangerous cover-up, starting with this revealing video you have to watch now.

    The stakes are high and there's no telling when the powers-that-be will take this video down. Click here to watch it before it's too late.

    These tiny little warriors could go to work for your health in a dramatic way. Because it's how your body was made to function. You need enzymes if you expect to be healthy.

  • Are required for every single chemical reaction in your body.
  • Are responsible for destroying viruses and bacteria. They can also break down the walls of cancer cells, allowing your immune system to get at them and kill them.
  • Are most likely absent from your diet, almost totally. The standard American diet (SAD) contains almost none.
  • Were first proposed in 1906 by Scottish embryologist John Beard as a major defense against cancer. (So why haven't you heard of them?)
  • May be the missing piece of the puzzle if you take antioxidants, vitamins and minerals… and you are still not well.
Enzymes help shrink tumors and kill cancer cells
    In 1902, Dr. John Beard made a groundbreaking discovery.

    He was an expert on embryos, and he observed something interesting about the placenta, the organ that forms soon after conception, attaches itself to the wall of the mother's uterus and, through the umbilical cord, provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing baby.

    Dr. Beard realized that the placenta had many similarities to a tumor — both exhibit virtually uncontrolled growth. The placenta grows unchecked until the baby's pancreas begins secreting enzymes. At that point the placenta stops growing. This led him to believe enzymes might also inhibit the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.

    He first tested his concept on mice, and found that when injected with a pancreatic extract full of enzymes, the tumors shrank. Beard proceeded to test it on human patients, with positive results.

    In the end, however, the medical establishment 'disproved' his theory with false and faulty research and rejected enzyme therapy. Beard died in 1924, angry and discouraged.
Fortunately his work was rediscovered
    About 25 years later, Dr. Max Wolf decided to research enzymes as a possible treatment for cancer. He eagerly sought information from medical libraries all around the world, and eventually came across Dr. Beard's carefully documented book.

    Dr. Wolf experimented with enzymes and cancer cells in test tubes in the United States, before returning to his native Germany to conduct research with human patients. He achieved remarkable results.

    The oral pill he created, Wobenzym, can still be purchased in the U.S. It's a very popular pain reliever in Germany, because — as I mentioned earlier — protein-devouring enzymes target inflammation much like pharmaceutical NSAIDs. However, Wolf's research has been largely ignored by the U.S. medical community. Wobenzym is not a drug. You can purchase it in some health food stores and on the Internet.

    There are many other brands of enzymes, all easily available. I wrote a Special Report on enzymes and enzyme therapy called The Missing Ingredient for Good Health. If you're not up to speed on these important nutrients — and especially their role in cancer therapy, my report is a good place to start.
Types of cancer that enzymes can treat
    Although most natural and alternative medical doctors hardly give enzyme treatments a second thought, alternative cancer doctors know and use them widely in their treatments. Because of the fierce persecution of alternative cancer doctors in the United States, there actually isn't much flow of information between general practitioners of alternative health and those few who ARE willing to stick their necks out and treat cancer. That's one reason so little is known about the importance of enzymes.

    Dr. Nicolas Gonzales, a New York physician who's well-known in the alternative cancer treatment world, is probably America's leading expert on enzyme treatments. But most alternative cancer doctors at least include enzyme supplements in their protocols. And, of course, most also recommend enzyme-rich raw foods.

    I'm personally convinced that enzymes improve survival rates for various types of cancer. A few examples out of many:
  • From a group of 107 women who underwent mastectomies for breast cancer, enzymes almost doubled their five-year survival rate.
  • A different breast cancer study showed a 5-year survival rate of 91% for Stage I patients and 58% for Stage III patients taking Wobenzym — much better than the control groups.
  • In a study of patients with pancreatic cancer — usually considered an 'automatic' death sentence — 30 survived for more than two years, and some survived five to nine years.
What enzymes are, and why you should care
    I'll quickly define the three types of enzymes — and more importantly, what they can do for you.

    An enzyme is a catalyst. It either causes a chemical reaction or speeds it up. Enzymes are a type of protein made up of amino acids.

    Scientists have identified more than 3,000 enzymes in the human body.

Continued below. . .

Ty Bollinger Launches New Weekly Radio Show

    My good friend Ty Bollinger just started a new weekly Internet radio show at Tens of thousands of people reading this newsletter have bought Ty's book Cancer — Step Outside the Box or his Special Report, The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure, so I'm certain you'll want to check out what he has to say on his new program.

    And if you haven't bought Ty's books you should check out the free radio show anyway because he's one of the country's top experts on alternative cancer treatments.

    Digestive enzymes break your food down, bit by bit, piece by piece… reducing it to its smallest and most basic elements. Your body then uses these basic elements to build bone and tissue, repair damage, or burn them for energy.

    As you can imagine, this is a complex process and things can easily go awry. In fact, enzyme deficiencies are either the main or secondary cause in a long list of illnesses.

    Whether you have enough enzymes for true health may depend largely (but not totally) on this one thing…
Is your food dead or alive?
    If we lived in a perfect world, everyone would eat fresh, raw foods and we'd seldom need an enzyme supplement. Raw foods are naturally high in enzymes and full of other vital nutrients as well.

    But the vast majority of Western foods are cooked and processed, which effectively kills all their enzymes. Anything that's been heated above 117 to 118 degrees Fahrenheit is essentially dead. There's nothing alive in that fast food meal you had for lunch. But even home-cooked meals can contain all-dead foods, at least in terms of enzymes.

    Some rather shocking studies have shown the effects of eating a diet of cooked foods.

    Rats eating raw foods lived approximately 50% longer, and had higher brain weight and lower body weight than their cooked-food-diet counterparts.

    Does that make you wonder what an enzyme-free diet is doing to you?

    I recommend a diet of at least one-fourth raw fruits, vegetables, and grains for optimal health. But there are some respected health experts and raw foodists who recommend you eat a 75 percent to 100 percent raw diet.

    Frankly, a 75 percent raw food diet is hard to achieve. But it's a benchmark to aim for. And one-fourth (25%) should be the minimum you aim for.
One more thing you need to understand about enzymes
    All digestive enzymes are split up into three main groups: (1) Fats are digested by enzymes called lipases, (2) starches are digested by enzymes called amylases, and (3) proteins are digested by proteases, also called proteolytic enzymes.

    A deficiency in any of the three can cause serious health issues. For example, this is the root cause of lactose intolerance—victims are deficient in the enzyme (lactase) necessary to break it down. Lactose, for those who don't know, is a type of sugar found in milk. People suffering from lactose or milk intolerance usually find they can tolerate it just fine when they start supplementing with the enzyme, lactase. They go from being desperately sick to just fine.

    Meaning: The answer to "food allergies" may not be giving up everything you like. Instead, it may be providing your body with the enzymes it needs to digest them. The same is true, by analogy, for many other "mystery" illnesses that don't go away no matter what you do (and if you have one of these mystery illnesses you know what it's like to try one thing after another). It's certainly worth trying enzymes to see if you get better.

    But I can't fill in all the details on "the right enzyme for the right health problem." I tried to do that in my Special Report, The Missing Ingredient for Good Health.
Why even alternative doctors are
often clueless about enzymes
    The medical bias against supplements is the main reason most mainstream doctors don't believe you need enzymes in your diet if you want to enjoy a healthy life.

    But why are alternative doctors so in the dark about enzymes? I see a large number of books and newsletters — not to mention ads — about every alternative health topic under the sun. But it's not all that common to see an article about supplements.

    One problem may be that compelling evidence for enzymes was discovered and then buried about a hundred years ago, long before vitamins and antioxidants were discovered. These days, enzymes definitely play second fiddle to the numerous, and more recent, discoveries of potent antioxidants and new knowledge about vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and more.

    They're recommended from time to time to help with digestion. And proteolytic enzymes — the ones that break down proteins — have caught on in a big way as pain killers. But I still don't think enzymes get the attention they deserve. And — this is important — the type of enzymes you need for cancer and the way you take them are different from the enzymes you merely take for good digestion or pain.

    Those doctors and other experts who support supplements will tell you to take vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbs. But enzymes? Rarely — and then only a weak digestive enzyme.

    In an ideal world, if you ate only fresh, organic raw foods, and you were young, you'd get most of the enzymes you need. Youth is important because the older we get, the fewer enzymes our bodies make.

    But with the Standard American Diet, and with even 'healthy' foods nearly always being cooked, few of us get the enzymes we need from our diets. And the standard diet of cooked and processed foods actually degrades the body's ability to make its own enzymes. We literally wear out our pancreas — our main organ for producing digestive enzymes.

    We destroy our enzyme-producing capacity by working the pancreas to death, as it tries to compensate for the enzymes we're NOT getting in our food.

    When you're twenty, you thought nothing of downing Big Macs and Big Gulps, and probably you didn't notice any bad effects on your health. A young person can handle the abuse because the body can produce its own enzymes. But then somewhere along the road it catches up with you…

    Even if you do eat nearly all raw and organic foods, as you age your enzymes slow down. This may be the hidden link that explains why people get more diseases as they age — heart disease, cancer, arthritis, dementia and diabetes — to name the most familiar ones. As I mentioned before, many people see remarkable results when they start adding enzymes to their diets and supplements.

    If you don't eat nearly 100 percent raw organic foods in the form created by God, you should take enzyme supplements to make up for the lack.
Remarkable for autism, heart disease and arthritis as well
    The potential benefits of enzymes go far beyond cancer. Some of the most astounding results relate to autistic children. In one study, a whopping 91% of a group of 260 autistic children improved when using enzymes. More than one third described this improvement as "very great or impressive".

    Because enzyme therapy was the ONLY treatment being used with these children, this dramatic improvement can be attributed to nothing else, unlike cancer, in which doctors use multiple therapies at a time.

    More concerned about heart disease than autism? We've got you covered.

    A Spanish doctor reported stunning results in just weeks for his blood clot patients, reporting that nine out of ten got completely well. Why couldn't you, too, correct this common 'disease of aging'? It's well-established that proteolytic (protein-eating) enzymes thin the blood. If you're taking blood-thinning medications like warfarin, it's quite possible you can replace them with enzymes and be infinitely better for it. I've also seen feedback from people who experienced dramatic drops in cholesterol after starting proteolytic enzymes.

    If arthritis or an athletic injury has you moving slowly and painfully, you'll be encouraged to know that 90 percent of 1,004 rheumatoid arthritis patients got better using enzymes. And a double blind controlled study showed that athletes healed and were back in play in less than half the time of those treated with placebos.

    Lastly, if you've ever had digestion problems or food sensitivities, enzymes may be the secret to getting past those roadblocks. It stands to reason that if you have trouble with digestion, you're probably not utilizing all the nutrients you're taking either, whether in high quality organic foods, or supplements. But — to make the point again — the enzymes you take for good digestion are different from the enzyme therapy for cancer, pain and other conditions. My Special Report The Missing Ingredient for Good Health goes into this in detail.
It sure can't hurt to try them
    Enzyme supplements are completely harmless and there's no known toxicity at any level. Some cancer therapists prescribe enormous amounts of enzyme supplements. The only side effects I've heard of are digestive upset, for some people, and perhaps a feeling of being "wired" or over-energized. Digestive upset is a commonly reported side effect for almost every pill on earth including placebos, so you'll have to make up your own mind on that one. The wired feeling may be bounceback in people who were desperately undernourished before they started enzymes.

    Over the past century, doctors using enzyme therapy have achieved some astounding results with their patients. Many of these studies, along with individual stories, are published in medical journals.

    While no doctor says enzymes alone will cure cancer, those who've used them testify that enzymes are a powerful but largely forgotten weapon against cancer and other debilitating diseases.

    Those who are in the know say it's clear that enzymes should not be considered secondary supplements… they're just as important as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and antioxidants.

    Isn't it time to bump this simple, inexpensive, at-home preventive / treatment to the head of the supplement line to fight many battles for your good health?

    If you already use enzymes, and have seen a health spike from them, please go to and share your experiences with our alternative health community on Facebook.

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler Publisher

Conova, S. 2003. Estrogen's role in cancer. In Vivo, 2:10. Columbia University Health Sciences. Available online at

Lee, J., Zava, D. and Hopkins, V. 2002. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life. Hachette Digital. Excerpt available at

Minton, B.L. 2008. DIM lowers potential of cancer cell metastasis, invasion and angiogenesis. NaturalNews. Available online at

Minton, B.L. 2009. Supplements of DIM stop many cancers in their tracks. NaturalNews. Available online at

Zelig, M. 2012. All about di-indolyl methane. Website available at

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Editor in Chief: Lee Euler Contributing Editors: Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks, Roz Roscoe Marketing: Shane Holley Information Technology Advisor: Michelle Mato Webmaster: Steve MacLellan Fulfillment & Customer Service: Joe Ackerson and Cami Lemr

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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