
Friday, August 31, 2012

Food pharmacy capsules

Live healthy and long

From Jean Carper's book:

Asthma:   strong cup of coffee can stop an asthma attack;   hot pungent foods, which are bronchodilators  can be taken:   chili, onions, horse radish, garlic, mustard.  Fish oils relieve bronchial asthma  (N. B.  the other asthma, those who ask my wife for permissions, cant be cured by the above. Hahaha)

Constipation :   wheat bran, dried fruits;  most fruits and vegetables are good, soluble fibers in oats in barley help relieve constipation.   Kelp also helps  also same capsules for hemorrhoids.

Diarrhea:  Yogurt with live cultures especially if caused by antibiotics;  blueberries, currants, honey
For the young:   whole milk, soya soybeans (take note of Mercolas precaution on soya having xenoestrogens and same estrogen content as birth control pills)

Food capsules from food pharmacy

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I will be mentioning from food pharmacy (and they have been mentioned in Garden of Eden inforgraphics all ready) food capsules (list of foods and what they treat and cure/prevent)

Diabetes :  concentrate on food that cause rise in blood sugar (low glycemic index) such as peanuts, lentils, kidney beans, milk, yogurt, apple and baked beans

Cavities: tea (I suppose unsweetened) are effective mouthwash.  Commercial mouthwash may contain triclocsan, a poison and or alter mouth flora causing oral thrush.  Others are cheese, grape juice (grape wine), milk, coffee.

Food for health; food as medicine

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In the recent posts I made, attributed to Dr Mercola, there was a mention of GAPS, theory of Dr. Natasha Mcbride, namely that the Gut is the seat of neurologic and psychiatric health.  Dr. Gerson therapy on cancer relies solely on nutrition and detox.

The thesis of many of the posts here, like the late posts shared from Garden of Eden is that food contributes to sound health, and prevention of diseases.

The book of Jean Carper, "The Food Pharmacy " has its main MVP, thesis, that food is the best medicine.

Some important findings on food (from Introduction of the book):

l.  Food contains a lot of pharmacologic agent;
2.  Some doctors are prescribing food as medicine;
3.  Many folklore on food, are not just based on hearsay but supported by scientific evidenced based facts;
4. By making small changes in your diet, some chronic diseases:  high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies may be stopped/reversed.

Food pharmacy at Amazon
                                               Jean Carper

More on Jean Carper

Many new infographics shared from Garden of Eden at FB

Live healthy and long

I saw many relevant infographics at FB and I subscribed to their page.  I shared many of the infographics for posting at Cheapcures pages.

Please see them and learn more from there.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sweet misery, a documentary made by a MS victim/patient

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola

This is about filmmaker Cori Brackett documentary "Sweet Misery:  a Poisoned World"  In 2002, Cori was diagnosed to have multiple sclerosis. She discovered that her MS was caused by aspartame  Much to her dismay, she found the modern medicine to have no answer/cure for her disease.

Many of the diseases fibromyaglia, tumors, lupus, nuerologic disorder come from poisoned food supply.  Across the country, there are people working hard to detoxify, remove toxic food supply

Sweet Misery by Cori Brackett

Why have prescription anti psychotic drugs for children skyrocketed

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola:

There is a growing trend for prescribing anti psychotic drugs among children, although their use have not been clearly approved for children.  Several big pharmas have been fined billions for illegally marketing such anti psychotic drugs for children:

J & J for Risperdal  - $2.2 billion fine

Eli Lilly for Zyprexa -  $l.4 billion

GSK for Paxil and Wellbutrin -  $3 billion

Pfizer and Astra Zeneca were likewise fined

Such drugs for hard core psychiatric cases are routinely prescribed for anxiety, behavioral problems, insomnia, ADD (Attention Deficit ADHD  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The article believes that such disorders can be altered by changing lifestyle or via nutrition (Vit B) without anti psychotic drugs(The GAPS theory of Dr. Natasha Campbell Mcbride) GAPS  (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) .  You have two producers of neurotransmitters - brain and the gut.  So good nutrition produces sound mental health

The American children is most drugged in the world (esp during contraception) by way of :  vaccines, GMO, flouridated water, antibiotics. aspartame, and contraceptives.

Read more on how to treat behavioral disorders without drugs.

Tapioca in bubble tea contains carcinogen? German study

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From Yahoo news.

 A German study shows the presence of carcinogen (PCB) in tapioca pearls contained in bubble tea.  The bubbles are the tapioca pearls.

The study was made in northwestern Germany and the tapioca were made in Taiwan.

The study came in the wake of warning of risk of choking of children from tapioca pearls

As I posted this, I think the concern is an over reaction.  More accurate judgement I think is needed



Does your office make you sick?

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Does going to to your office make you sick?

You may not know it, but your office furniture, paint and carpet may make you sick?

They may contain PFC (polyflourinated compounds) they are not washed away in the body.  PFC stay put in the body;

or PFOA, the contaminants/pollutants from Teflon

or flourotelomer alcohol FTOH

Some advice:

l.  Use safe non toxic paints;

2.  Have adequate ventilation

3.  Use furniture that are low in VOC (volative organic compounds)

How to avoid being sick in your office

Tricolsan a bactericidal in soap and tooth paste is hazardous to health

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Tricolsan, a powerful bactericidal used in soap and toothpaste manufacture is hazardous to your health.

It is found to have 2 adverse effect:

l.  It can cause weakening of muscle by as much as 20%

2.  May interfere with interfere with thyroid function

Tricolsan in soap and toothpaste is  dangerous to health and was initially licensed as pesticide

(What a pesticide in our toothpaste?)

Triclosan was found to have accumulated in the bodies in users of soap and toothpaste.

Does your soap/toothpaste contain triclosan?




Are full body scanners at US Airports safe?

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The full body scanners safe use has been questioned since 2007.  Up to now, an independent study showing its safety has yet to be shown.

Some disturbing findings:

l.  Cancer clustering among TSA (Transportation Security Administration).  TSA management has not provided employees with dosimeters.

2.  Radiation levels near the full body scanners are above normal

How do you decrease exposure to backscatter body scanners?

Mood altering foods from - Yahoo News

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From Yahoo News

A study of several food by Institute of Molecular Studies in Florida found mood altering substances in them.  Food like chocolate and berries contain valproic acid, an anti depressant drug marketed under the name Depakene, Depakote, and Stavzor.  The study was presented in a convention of American Chemical Society.  Mood enhancing foods - tea,chocolate, and berries

This mind altering properties is in addition to the study results showing semen contains danti depressants. Study shows semen good for happiness

Burn extra calories without going to the gymn

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Here are some tips from real beauty:

1.  Dance your way up to 300 calories burn;

2.  LOL  (laughing out loud -40 calories burn)

3.  Rearranging furniture for 30 minutes is worth 266 calories less)

Wacky weight loss tips

Diet and exercise health tips from Real Beauty

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Get health tips, articles, and video and free music from this site.

Real beauty/health

Picture Gallery of top 10 Healthy Food from Yahoo

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Here is a picture galllery link from Yahoo News of top 10 healthy food.  This includes kiwi, oysters, cilantro, salmon...

10 best foods for your body gallery

Tips on how to remove bad breath from Yahoo News

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Here are some tips for keeping fresh breath (remove bb):

l.  Keep hydrated;

2.  Chew gums

3.  Floss everyday to remove the food particles that may rot between teeth;

4.  Brush teeth and tongue at least 2x a day

5.  No cigarette and more

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Use of statins linked to cataract

Live healthy and long

A recent newsmax article suggests that use of statins is linked to cataracts.  However more research is needed.  This was found out in the department of Optometry and Visual Science at University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada.

 The study involved more than 6400 patients and of that 450 had type 2 diabetes.  The risk factor studied were Type 2 diabetes and use of statins.

There was an overlap between diabetes and use of statins.  But those who used statins developed cataracts at an earlier age.  For the defender of statins the word was out:  do not be alarmed by these findings.  The more important thing is to control the risk of heart disease.

More vaccines being developed to counter act side effects of other vaccines

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An anti shingles vaccines was developed to counter act side effect of chicken pox vaccines.  For those who had chicken pox vaccines, the virus lies latent next to the ganglion and when the immune system weakens, the nerves are inflamed resulting in blistering, and intense pain.

The best way to counteract shingles is not through vaccine, but to boost the immune system via use of Vit D 3, minerals, Vit C, E, selenium, magnesium

The problem with vaccines is that it is contaminated with brain toxic adjuvants contaminated with mycoplasma and viruses.


Medicinal uses of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) -cheapcures

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Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide rank as two of the most popular home cures -  cheap cures.  In Its natural form, sodium bicarb is known as natron and used by ancient Egyptians for cleansing purposes.  In l846 Dr. Austin Wright and and John Dwight manufactured sodium bicarb and sold it in the form we know today.   The baking soda was popularized in l972 to keep food fresh in refs.

Baking soda has plenty of medicinal uses:

l.  Vs. colds and flu

2. Sports doping

3.  Removing splinters

4.  Deodorant

5. Read on other medicinal uses of sodium bicarbonate;

 also as household cleaner

Another conflicting research results on eggs - is it bad?

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A recent research just came out screaming the bad effects of eggs (comparable and worse than cigarette smoking).  This report from Stroke Foundation of Canada and Ontario and heavily funded by Big Pharma, and with interests of multibillion statins at stake (Now, FDA has declared eggs to be nutritious, and statins to be full of side effects including memory loss)

The theory of the research is that high cholesterol is bad for the health.

There are other factors like waist size and exercise.


Dr Mercola: are eggs this time bad for health? Ontario and Canada Stroke (Heart ) Foundation

Mutated strains of polio from polio vaccinations

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The vaccinations for polio has induced rise of mutated strains and given such various names as:
non acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP),  vaccine derived polio virus (VDPV).  There were cases of expired polio drops in Pakistan also, causing an outbreak.

Polio virus, contaminated by Simian virus (SV 40) has been linked to many bone, lung, lympathic cancer in children and adults.

Have we conquered polio virus?   Maybe not really. According to Dr. Mercola

Maybe the polio virus synthesis capability has made this goal nearly impossible. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Waist size is inversely proportional to the state of health

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                                Sign of wealth and prosperity? or ill health?

Our Family Physician, Dr. C Zapatos, and tito, kept on saying that I must watch my waist size.  Men with waist size over 40 inches are not around;   they are dead.  (Those whom you see are ticking time bombs, waiting for a stroke or heart attack to happen?)

In study conducted by Cornell University, they found similar results:   men with belly over 40 inches were more likely to have diabetes, heart disease, higher blood pressure, and ED (or tendency to have prostate problem -  elevated PSA)

Blue heron news on men with oversize belly

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cheapcures is starting to become relevant

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This is a relatively very young site.  I sometimes despair that readership has been very poor at the start.  Since no one was reading the rich content on cheap cures, I might as well be writing a diary to myself.

However, readership is up and from what I have been hearing from a staff who prides in herself being called herbolaria (herbalist) in her hometown, this site has been useful to many of her friends who seek practical and cheap cures.

She refers this site to her friends who are sick and/or who want to be clarified on cancer, heart disease etc.

For her child, instead of buying vitamins, she spends and equivalent amount on fruits and vegetables.  She does not have to visit her pediatrician often

Wild strawberries in Quezon and Mindoro

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A staff reported that in Mt Banahaw and elsewhere in Quezon, there is agot, or wild strawberry.  It is also available in Mindoro. Agot grows in rocky and cold areas.

Agot berries are small

As we know, strawberry is medicinal;  it is   good for inflammation as in arthritis pain.



Wild strawberries



An anti fungal drug emerging as new chemotherapy

                               Thianbendazole, an antifungal drug seems to be new wave of chemo drug vs. cancer

It works by cutting off blood supply to the tumor (the same pharmacological action needed in killing fungus)  Does this also reenforce the idea that cancer is fungal in nature?

This was found out at University of Texas in Austin. The researcher was Edward Marcotte, a scientist at the said university



Detergents contain chemicals that are toxic

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Using washing machine in houses (especially American homes) and cleaning houses/toilets, need a lot of chemicals and detergents that may be toxic and are carcinogens.  Typical American homes may harbor some 3 to l0 gallons of detergents, cleaners, pesticides that may be harmful, toxic, and sometimes carcinogenic.

A typical detergent may contain the following harmful chemicals: dioxane (a carcinogen), sodium lauryl sulfate (a foaming agent, as surfactant), phenols (causes toxicity in the body), petroleum distillates, NPE, LAS

Video link:

                   What danger lurks in your laundry detergent?

Some tips to lessen toxicity:

1.  Use cold water  in rinsing

2.  Use your clothes more than once

3.  Buy concentrated detergents (they have less toxic chemicals)

4.  Avoid dry cleaning

5.  Try making your own detergents

6.  Avoid using dryers.


Making your own detergents


Patients who had heart bypass operations more likely to suffer from stroke

There were l9 studies involving 11,000 patients.  Some underwent angioplasty ie insertions of stent into the blocked blood vessels;  Others whose blood vessels in the heart were so bad, had to undergo bypass, ie grafting of good blood vessels from the legs on to the heart.

Those who underwent bypass were 3x more likely to have a stroke than those who did not.

It is very possible that clamping of blood vessels going to the brain could be one cause.  Too
much manipulations happen during a heart bypass

This was according to Dr. Gregg Stone of Columbia University, who did the study

Those who got bypass are more likely to suffer a stroke than those who had stent

Is heat bypass the best procedure?  Or stent?



Presence of heavy metals in your body increases EMF risk

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The presence of heavy metals in your body:  mercury/silver fillings, heavy metals ingested from food, pollution of water supply makes your body more receptive to EMF effects.  In effect you become a walking microwave receptor of EMF and radio waves coming from cell phone, microwave towers WIFI.

The effect of the EMF on your body may be dizziness, confusion, head aches, chest pains, skin rashes.

Some advice to reduce your EMF load.

l.  Find a biological dentist to replace your metallic fillings in your teeth

2.  Reduce cp use;

3.  Use landlines.

4.  Avoid carrying your cp in your body;

5.  Avoid using cp where signal is weak

Interview with Dr. Bill Glaros a biological dentist

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From Dr Mercola

This is an interview with Dr. Bill Glaros, a biological dentist.  A biological dentist treats the patiemt holistically and understands the connection of dental health with body health.

Again the ill effect of root canal and mercury fillings is discussed here.

Find holistic dentist nearest your (if there is one)

You tube videos:     Holistic dentists

                                Beware of root canals


Other foods with growth factors - Balut, mongo sprouts, eggs being hatched

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                                    Brussel sprouts

I just made a post on an imported food supplement that is imported.  It is an extract from egg with 9 days embryonic development.

I would suppose or theorize that food undergoing development would be good source of growth, rejuvenating and energy causing factors:

l.  mongo or Brussel sprouts;


2.  balut


3.  eggs that have been undergoing hatching


4.  day old chicks

5.  lechon de leche?

Some stories:

>  I was told that a grandma fed her granddaughter with balut everyday.  Her apo was diagnosed with leukemia and she got better.

> Those who just delivered babies in the provinces were fed with fresh eggs that were sat on by hens for sometime (same as laminine?)

>Much has been said about the rich nutrients and invigorating effect of bean and Brussel sprouts.

So these types of food for cheapcures and  for those who can afford the imported, they contact foreverrich.



Friday, August 24, 2012

Utah spends $300 million on high blood pressure and diabetes

Live healthy and long

The state of Utah spends about $300 million for the treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes of its citizen. Could this huge spending be bankrupting the  state of Utah  .  That is about PHP 12 billion, not chicken feed.

Is this an an amount being spent wisely?  Why are they doing this?

Guess what?  There could be cheaper cures.

Exercises, diet, nutrition, sensible eating, education could be cheaper cures



Strength and interval training reduced diabetes risk

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola.

Aerobic exercises, especially strength and interval exercises reduced diabetes risk.  It is my personal experience that biking for up to 6 hours on weekend, stationary trainer of 30 minutes 3x a week, lowered my blood sugar to normal level.

Strength training of 150 minutes or more reduced diabetes risk  by more than 50% and even from dying of heart disease or cancer.


Intermitten fasting maybe a key to faster weight loss

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According to Dr. Mercola, intermittent fasting may be a key to faster and sharper weight loss. tThe longest fast may be 36 hours, but typically it is from l4 to 17 hours.

The intermittent  fasting may be just skipping breakfast. 

Intermittent fasting for faster weight loss

Dr Andrew Wakefield, a gastroenterologist asked 2 questions and found himself in trouble

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In  1995, Dr Andrew Wakefield, a respected gastroenterologist and fellow of  Royal College of  Surgeons and Pathologists, by asking two questions to protect the children (which the vaccines were supposed to do), found himself in very deep trouble.  What were the two questions?

l.  Are MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines safe?

2.  Can MMR vaccines cause autistic regression and and intestinal diseases?

The answer to Number 2 was a resounding yes among the parents he interviewed.  He thus wrote the book Callous Disregard

Was it correct that the defect of the child of John Travolta was caused by vaccines?

Why would a doctor looking after the welfare of his patient under the Hippocratic code be persecuted.



From the preface of JC Kurian's book, "Amazing Healing Plants"

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I picked up these valuable nuggets from the book of Dr. JC Kurian:

On definition of health:   "Health is the soundness of physical, mental or moral condition, especially freedom from bodily from bodily pain or disease. but true health is more than that.  It includes the JOY OF LIVING, THE POWER AND ABILITY TO LEAD A SATISFYING AND PURPOSEFUL LIFE"  (purpose driven life?)

He said John the Revelator foresaw where people were healed from the "TREES OF LIFE":

"In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river was the TREE OF LIFE which bore l2 fruits each tree yielding its fruit every month. "The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations,"
(Revelation 22:2 New King James version)

"Yes, God "maketh the grass to grwo for the cattle and herb for the service of men"  (Psalms l04:14)



How you can have sharper vision?

Live healthy and long

You can have sharper vision.  How?

By taking pine bark extract.  Lutein and zeaxanthin.

Most people with poor vision often lack these two important nutrients.

RAF bombers found their enemies in the dark of the night by eating bread lathered with jams containing bilberry jams.  The jam are rich in anthocyanasides.

The presentation pitches in a night vision supplement.  20/20 Vision

Poor vision not caused by old age



Thursday, August 23, 2012

Is Ayurvedic medicine the secret to youth and long life?

Live healthy and long


Is Ayurvedic, the Indian medicine with 5,000 year history the secret to long life and youth?

Ayuverdic medicine has the following benefits :   the more you use, the more the benefits increases, it is useful to many people, boosts your immune system

The center piece of Ayurvedic medicine are:    turmeric (yellow ginger, curry powder) and basil leaves.

Others are:  amalaki, cardamon, honey, ghee, and cinammon. (contained in a product called "Chyawanprash"

Chyawanprash at Amazon

Tattvasherbs - chyawanpras    




Water supply throughout the world at risk

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One half of those in hospital bed according to Dr. Mercola, has been due to contaminated water supply.

1/6th of the world population do no have safe water supply;  about l million will die this year from contaminated water.

There is a cheap way to disinfect water:   lime juice and sunlight.  However, this method will not work for virus.  The best way will be to have your own home water purification system

The municipal water system which is chlorinated has DBP (disinfection by products) which include choloroform which is toxic, and carcinogenic:  trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acid (HAA)

Deepwell water on the other hand may contain:   herbicides, pesticides, heavy metal, xenoestrogen, and drug residues.

The water ionizer will be a good alternative too.



Got Cellulite? (Why Almost All Methods Fail...)

This afflicts mostly women and does not look good nor contributes to nice figure.  The post
explains why some methods fail.  Read and/or go to the link.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob Poulos <>
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:51 PM
Subject: Got Cellulite? [Why Almost All Methods FAIL...]

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If you've struggled with any bumps, dimples or uneven skin in your legs, buns,
hips or thighs, you've probably already tried a variety of 'miracle' solutions
to get rid of that seemingly stubborn cellulite...

...and you've probably also come away disappointed, frustrated or worse.

Well, after you watch this surprising F.REE Cellulite Removal Presentation
below, you'll begin to understand the 1 BIG reason all of these methods you've
tried in the past have failed miserably:

#1 Reason You Can't Lose Your Cellulite... <<< Why Almost All Methods FAIL

You'll also learn these 3 critical principles to reducing your own cellulite:

     1. Why you have cellulite, and what it really is...

     2. What makes it even worse...

     3. A unusual but now proven technique to reduce it...

#1 Reason You Can't Lose Your Cellulite...
<<< Why Almost All Methods FAIL

Hope you enjoy the presentation and the results! 

I'll be back soon with more fast fit tip ;-),



Zero to Hero Fitness, LLC, 43422 West Oaks Dr, #216, Novi, MI 48377, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

"Be the best, do your best, expect the best"

Anemia drugs made billions for pharmas (and prescribers)

Cheapcures for every Juan


According to the latest from Dr. Mercola, these anemia drugs made billions for the pharma:   J & J and Amgen:   Epogen, Procrit, and Aranesp.   They make $ 8 billion a year in revenues for the said pharma.  And then there are allegations that the take of the prescribers could be as high as 30%;  oncologists can make as much as $l00,000 to $300,000  - this was alleged by Charles Bennett, an endowned chair of University of South Carolina at Washington post.

The benefits of the drugs were overstated, and side effects as cancer and strokes were overlooked.

In this Mercola article, the pharma officials were accused of unethical practices elsewhere in the world.  This includes bribery.


Coconut flour is rich in fiber, gluten free and comes from the PHL

Cheapcures for every Juan


Two wonderful product comes from the PHL and is useful for healthy living in Western world:  the virgin coconut oil (VCO) that is good vs. Alzheiemer, free from transfat, and non hydrogenated, strengthens the immune system and boosts metabolism.

Now comes the coconut flour which is made from l00% coconut from the Philippines.  It is gluten free (good for people with celiac disease) and those who experience migraine from gluten rich wheat bread and other wheat products.  Coconut contains the highest dietary fiber -  58% vs wheat bran of only 27%. Try wheat flour for guilt free and healthy baking

Kitchen com on coconut flour



How to cure gout naturally - video from Dr. Mercola

Coffee good for high blood pressure? 

Fibroblast Growth Factor from Laminine, an embryonic egg extract

Cheapcures for every Juan


I met yesterday Engr. Edison V. Tabago whom we requested for a demo of an LED product.  Among other things, he is an independent distributor of Foreverrich Phil.  They distribute/market Laminine.

It was discovered by a Canadian doctor, John R Davidson in l929, discovered at extract from fertilized egg on the ninth day of incubation, that restores health in his patients  (We now know why balut is nutritious.   I will go for balut all the time when I am stressed out)  Laminine is combination of such extract, phyto and marine nutrients.

Laminine contains the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) that reprograms the body's amino acids and peptides and stem cells to restore body's function to original state:  nuerons of the nervous system, thus the value of the product in restoring most of the body's energy and vitality.  The body is unable to manufacture its own FGF and thus must derive from the outside food

Edison can  be contacted at:,   tel +63923 -534 -8717,  +63923 -271-8687




Anti fungal drug as new chemotherapy

Laundry detergents contain toxic chemicals

Patients who had bypass operations more likely to have stroke

Heavy metals in body increase EMF risk

Other food with growth factors

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to cure gout naturally by Dr. Mercola

Cheapcures for every Juan


Curing gout naturally from You Tube

Cheapcures for every Juan

This is a you tube video on curing gout naturally:

Cure Gout channel



Video Link on water Ionizer

Cheapcures for every Juan

Here is a video on information that many water companies and dealers of water ionizer do not want you to know.

Ionizer oasis has been kind enough to send us this video.

Those who  want to know more on water ionizer for wellness.



Newsmaxhealth on Alzheimer's and brushing of teeth

Please check out the article I read at


Brushing teeth to avoid dementia

We can prevent onset of dementia by brushing our teeth regularly.  It is not only good for hygiene and our personality.  It was found that most people with Alzheimer's have gum related bacteria in their brain.  If we can control bacteria in the gum and so that they will not migrate to the brain, we can prevent Alzheimer.



Deficiency in Vit. D contributes to weight gain

Cheapcures for every Juan

Vitamin D comes from the sun.  It is often seen as bone stenghtening vitamin.

It has been found to be good in preventing 33 diseases.  It is not actually a Vitamin but a potent neurogeulatory steroidal hormone.

However, much campaign by cosmetic companies has caused many to stay indoors and be deprived of the Vit D benefits from the sun (too much exposure on the other hand cause sunburn,

Recent finding from Dr. Mercola those seeking surgery for weight loss had Vit D deficiency

                     Vit D for weight loss



10 Super Delicious Food to fight cancer

Cheapcures for every Juan

Yahoo News just featured the 10 superfoods that fight cancer.  Some of them green tea, grapes, tomatoes, kefir etc.

They have been featured several times and discussed lengthily in this site.

The news is a good summary and reminder.

10 delicious ways to fight cancer
