
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Malpractices at Fastfood

Cheapcures for every Juan (John)

Some whistle blowers at US fastfood chain reported some unhygienic practices in some fast food chains:

l.  Constant weeklong recycling of cooking oil:   the fries would use the fresh oil, then sent over the chicken frying, and when it is dark as motor oil, sent over to frying fish fillet.

2. Ice cream making machine that had larege chunks of mold since they are never cleaned;  the ice used in softdrinks and ice cream had more bacteria than toilet seats (Whew)

3.  Despite allegations that fast food only use fresh ingredient, some nuggets to be melted and recycled;

4.  Most fastfood are combination of sugar, chemicals, flavoring and salt;

5.  The meat in fastood could have come from animals that were fed with GMO grains, fed a lot of antibiotics, plastic, chicken feed manure, plastic pellet roughage.

Negative effect of fast food eating:

l.  Obesity

2.  Diseases

3.  Not good for children;

4.  Waste of money

Dr. Mercola without malice to fastfood but for the health of many citizens suggests that dependency on fast food for nutrition must be made. To do this:   one should be responsible for food preparation in the household, plan your meals and be resourceful



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