
Monday, September 10, 2012

80% of your body cells are not yours; your guts affect physical and mental health

From Mercola archives

There are 100 trillion cells in our body, and yet 90% of the genetic materials are not the bodies';  they belong the microbes residing in your body.  They control your physical and mental state (see post on GAPS authored by Dr. McBride -  it also on this article)

We therefore have to take care of our guts.   We have to recognize that our gut, which govern our physical and mental health should be given much attention. 

Our gut flora is under constant assault from:

1.  Antibiotics;

2. Chlorinated water;

3.  Anti bac soap

4.  Pollution

5.  Agricultural chemicals lacing the food we eat

Two things to do:

l.  Reseed the gut with fermented food like kefir, natto,  and other probiotics

2.  Avoid fructose/sugar

Dr. Mercola magazine

Bonnie Bossler at TED on how bacteria communicate to each other:

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