
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Diabetes may be cured by diet and exercise; why was generic version of Actos approved in USA

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola Magazine September 6, 2012

Actos and Pioglitazone, two noted anti diabetic drugs with severe side effects have been given go signal for the generic version for distribution.  Mylan labs was given this green light to make the anti diabetic drug affordable to more Americans.  However these drugs were banned in France and Germany for increased bladder risk.

For starter, Actos has boxed warning that says that it may cause or worsen heart failure. Actos is thought to be safer than Avandia which has 43% risk of heart attack, and  64 % of cardio vascular death.  What deadly drugs.

Dr Helen Ge, who worked for Takeda filed lawsuit her former employer alleged that she was asked to prepare watered down report on the safety of Actos.  It is more dangerous than it is now;  connected to suicide, schizoprenia, heart attacks and stroke, renal failure and homicidal ideation.

Most anti diabetes drug works by tricking the body to become sensitive to their insulin.  If the tricking is pursued long enough, it has devastating effect on the body.

Diabetes is actually caused by  faulty leptin and insulin signalling that can be corrected by diet and exercise.

What are the cheap cures for diabetes:

l.  Severly limit sugar and high glycemic index food ;

2.  Exercise regularly

3. Avoid synthetic transfat;

4.  Take plenty of Vit D and Omega 3 oil

5.  Optimize intestinal flora with biotics and probiotics, or reseed with fermented foods

Dr. Mercola magazine Sept 6, 2012

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