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Painful menstrual period or dysmenorrhea refers to lower crampy abdominal pain or back pain usually accompanying monthly period. The pain come and go and is usually common in ladies in their teens and twenties.
There are two types: primary which accompanies menstruation in otherwise healthy women having menstruation for the first time; is thought be caused by prostaglandins produced in the uterus.
and secondary: which are caused by STDs, pelvic inflammatory disease, anxiety, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, and IUD device made of copper.
Some recommended home cures:
l. Apply heating pad below the belly button;
2. Circular light messages at lower abdomen;
3. Relaxation exercises like meditation and yoga.
4. Pelvic rocking exercise;
5. Drink warm beverages;
6. Have warm baths
Other home cures for painful menstruation
Up to date on Dysmenorrhea
From you tube, massaging for menstrual cramps
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