
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Best Indicator of Heart Disease Risk (Not Your Weight)

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Your Friday Articles More Articles
Belly Fat Health Dangers The Best Indicator of Heart Disease Risk (Not Your Weight)
Gone are the days when this was your best indicator of cardiovascular risk. Researchers at Mayo Clinic discovered that those who "shouldn't" had 2.75 times the risk. Heart disease kills, so go inside to get the latest information about your risk today...

Double Standard: Women Must Typically Work Harder to Lose Weight
Are women biologically destined to have a more difficult time losing weight than men... or are there some tricks that can level the playing field?
Your Recommended Products More Products
Turmeric Formula How to Use Herbs and Spices to Enhance Your Health*
See important do's and don'ts when it comes to using herbs and spices to enhance your overall health and well-being.* In particular, an ancient spice called turmeric contains special compounds that help support many of your body systems.*
Himalayan Salt The Dangers of Table Salt - And Why Himalayan Crystal Salt is Different
When you eat typical table salt - iodized or not - your body draws a massive amount of water from its cells to help neutralize the salt. This excess tissue fluid can contribute to unsightly cellulite, arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones. However, there's a type of salt that doesn't burden your body like this...
WATER FLUORIDATION DVD Is Your Water Loaded with Drugs?
Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation exposes the ongoing dangers of fluoridation in a concise and hard-hitting format. As they outline the science behind fluoridation and the effects it has had on entire generations, a select panel of experts show conclusively why there is no logical or rational reason to continue fluoridating our water supply. I encourage you to watch this DVD to benefit your health and the well-being of your loved ones and our global community.

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The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.
- Anthony Robbins, author
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

†The World's #1 Natural Health Website claim is based upon Alexa Natural Health Website rankings.

© Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Glyphosate, active ingredient of Monsanto Round up, now found in urine of city dwellers

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives

The active ingredient of Round up, a potent herbicide used by Monsanto in connection with its GMO seeds, is now found in city dweller's urine.  Round up can kill weeds in a matter of days by  inhibiting the enzyme EPSP synthesase and causes defects in embryos of frogs and chicken.  Malformations occur in face, skull, developing brain, and spinal column.

There is now growing number of glyphosate resistant weeds, and is not washed away in crops.  What more, the seeds/plants to which glyphosate is sprayed is  resistant to the herbicide.  How can your body metabilize such a molecule without causing toxic reaction?

That is why there is the proposition 37 which is being voted in California.

GMO, glyphosate, Monsanto, and Proposition 37

Advice on how to prevent and cure cancer

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archive

There are two significant findings on cancer:

l.  That certain chemotherapy promote the growth and reproduction of cancer cells that are chemo resistant (or even promote their growth) WTNB 16

2.  That gut flora has relation to certain cytokinines that promote multiplication of cancer cells. That certain probiotics (fermented vegetables) block some of these cytokinines  What are some examples of these fermented vegetables (achara in Phil;  balaw balaw, Korean kimchi)

What triggers cancer?

l.  Pesticides;

2.  Pollution;

3.  Parasites (c/o Dr. Hulda Clark)

4.  Obesity and lack of exercise and sleep

5.  Pharmaceutical drugs;

6.  Processed foods  

Advanced cancer treatment that is not part of mainstream cures:

l.  Vit D.

2.  Role of insulin level

3.  Exercise

Some guidelines for cancer cures and prevention

l.  Eat organic foods;  (especially raw food)

2.  Eat plenty of foods, especially cruciferous vegetables

3.  Eat foods with plenty of Omega 3 fats;

4.  Emotional stability (emotional stress freedom)

5.  High quality sleep.

Read more on how to prevent and cure cancer

Megadoses of Vit D useless for cold and flu cures

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives

In a recent study, it was found that mega doses of Vit D did not result in reduction in flu and cold.  It was found out that the control (placebo group) had a higher level of Vit D because of exposure to sunlight.

Therefore, do not be mislead by ads on Vit D re role in cold and flu reduction

Exposure to sun helps.  Get out of the room and see the sun...

Vit D as cure for colds and flu

New Study Says "It Doesn't Work," But Don't Sneeze at This Cold Remedy

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Pure Power Protein Limited Time Offer!
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Your Wednesday Articles More Articles
Sun Exposure VS Vitamin D Supplements New Study Says "It Doesn't Work," But Don't Sneeze at This Cold Remedy   Sun Exposure VS Vitamin D Supplements
A new study may have found this supplement to be useless for reducing the number or severity of colds or upper respiratory tract infections, but virtually all other studies have found opposing results - get the facts before you toss this supplement in the trash...

Misdeeds, Not Mistakes, Behind Most Scientific Retractions
The most common cause of retractions among scientific research studies is not honest human error, but something far more deceitful...
Your Recommended Products More Products
Krill Oil Smart Way to Get Your Omega-3s and Antioxidants...*
Now you can get your omega-3s, antioxidants, and other amazing Antarctic Pure Krill ingredients faster and easier than ever before.* Pure Krill Oil uses a unique nutrient delivery process that allows for greater nutrient bioavailability and absorption.* Let your overall health soar to new levels.*
shampoo and conditioner Avoid Using Shampoo Until You Hear These Facts
These are the deep, dark secrets shampoo manufacturers don't want you to know. Find out how misleading advertising claims can cause a chemical threat to your health.
Dark Deception Dark Deception Sheds the Light on Your Good Health
I wrote my book Dark Deception as a beacon of light to shine on the pack of deceptions the government and big business don't want you to find out about sunlight. You deserve to live the fullest and healthiest life possible. Now you can discover the truth.

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And I believe that the best buy in public health today must be a combination of regular physical exercise and a healthy diet.
- Julie Bishop, Australian politician
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

†The World's #1 Natural Health Website claim is based upon Alexa Natural Health Website rankings.

© Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Side effects of meloxicam

Live healthy and long

From emedicine health

I encountered somebody who had lot of complaints:  stomach aches, palpitations, head aches, migraines.  Later I found out that he was on an NSAID, meloxicam, to remove inflammation and pain for gouty arthritis (meloxicam is for osteoarthritis)

The post lists serious side effect of the drug which may be causing many of the complaints:   nausea, vomiting, chest pain, jaundice, allergic reactions, fever, head aches,  sore throat, palpitation, or at worse, bleeding peptic ulcer.

The drug acts by blocking hormones that cause pain and inflammation.

For gouty arthritis, taking berries, cherries is one way of reducing pain and inflammation plus exercise and reducing foods rich in purines.

More facts on meloxicam

The great energy drink scam

Live healthy and long

I earlier made a post on a beer drinkers who did not wake up to see the light of the day.  Beer drinker stung dead by energy drink

Right after, I saw a FB post on the great energy drink scam from Barton Publishing.  Energy drinks come loaded with Vits, ginko biloba, sugar, and caffeine.  The great energy drink scam


Maybe drinking just one, after you are loaded with beer or wine potentiates the action of just one bottle of Red Bull, Cobra, Sting or Samurai.

The energy drink is contra indicated for those with heart conditions, palpitations.  ADHD

Many deaths occur from caffeine toxicity (just one bottle contains up to l40 mg of caffeine)about 4 cups of coffee..

Just be careful when you take the safe energy drink.

Cure all for all diseases by Dr. Hulda Clark

Live healthy and long

From healthyback, undated presentation

Dr. Hulda Clark proposed a cure all for all diseases and is giving away a free book entitled cure all.  She was jailed for 7 days without bail, and even hounded even when she is practicing her profession in Mexico.

Her theory is that many of the diseases we have, chronic and malignant, is that it is caused by parasites/pollutin  We simply have to get rid of the parasites/pollution:

Some observations:

l.  Those with colds often have mycotoxins (coming from molds)

2.  Those with cancer often have liver flukes

3.  Those with diabetes have flukes in their pancreas;

4.  Those with asthma often have ascaris in their lungs

Suggested cures:

l.  Eliminate parasites in your body (with papaya, papaya seeds, apricot husks)

2.  Eliminate toxins in the environment and food products;

3.  Detoxify (eliminate toxic stores in your body)

4.  Use herbs to speed up healing

5.  For those beyond the scope of these tips, see a doctor

 Get free Dr. Hulda Clark Cure All book

Eating beans good for diabetic

Live healthy and long

From newsmax health October 22 2012

Eating beans and legumes are good for diabetics.  Beans have protein and fibers that are good for the heart but has also low glycemic index.

It is to be noted however that the study is funded by food growers association.

The news follow the hypothesis that food, not pharma drugs, cure.

Cheap cure.

Beans and legumes help control glucose in diabetics

`Number of meningitis case from drug related injection rises to 300 - Fox News

Live healthy and long

Fox News - October 23, 2012

The number of meningitis cases from steroid injection rose from 10 reported earlier to 300. This was reported by CDC Tuesday.  The states in US covered by this outbreak rose to 17.

What was must be done by public officials to prevent such an outbreak?

Is CDC or FDA responsible?

What can pharma do?

Number of meningitis cases rises to 300

Cellphone can cause cancer - Italian Supreme Court Rules

Live healthy and long

From newsmaxhealth

In a landmark ruling, the Italian Supreme Court has ruled that cellphone can cause cancer.  This is from the case of Italian businessman, 60, Innocente Marcolini who developed non malignant brain tumor, after 12 years, 6 hours a day use of cellphone.  The ruling was based on expert testimony of oncologist Angelo Gino Levis and neurosurgeon Guiseppe Grasso.

This could open floodgates of class action suit vs. cellphone companies and telcos. Across the globe, the ruling may embolden plaintiffs for damage suits on similar cases.

The Agency for Research on Cancer (an arm of WHO) sent alarm bells on cancer and cellphones, elevating the same with DDT and ``diesel fuel (Category 2B)

Some safety reminders:

l.  Use speakerphones to keep headset away from head.

2.  Use headsets:  wireless or wired

3.  When signal is weak, hang up.  Radiation is highest when signal is weak and cellphone seeks connection.

Read more: Italian Supreme Court Ruling on cancer and brain tumors

Claims that statins are good for cancer is phony - says top doctor

Live healthy and long

From newsmax health

The claim that statins are good for liver cancer cure is not to be believed.  The credentials of the researchers from Milan is dubious, they being consultants of big pharma making statins ( Conflict of interest?)

This is according to a top board certified physician, Dr. David Brownstein.

Sensible diet and exercise give better results. And avoidance of toxic products  that are carcinogen.

Statins as cancer fighter - dont believe.- Dr. Brownstein

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Did you get arsenic from your chicken and/or rice?

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives.

You may have accidentally ingested arsenic from your chicken or rice.  (We do not the extent of the usage of the pharma drug  Roxarsone in the PHL.  But this is used extensively by COFA chicken producer to make the meat pinkier and control growth of parasites in chicken.)  Roxarsone uses organic arsenic which is less potent than inorganic?

The arsenic in the drug find its way into rice, because rice farmers in US use chicken manure for fertilizer.

Arsenic poisoning symptoms include: skin lesions, delirium, headache, diabetes, anemia, low blood pressure, increased incidence of stillbirth, infant mortality, diminished intelligence among children.

Has this pestilence included/reached the PHL? FDA should investigate.

Did You Accidentally Eat Some Arsenic Today?

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Research Keeps Rolling In About These Two Gems * Limited Time Offer! *
Are you aware that 98 percent of what we know about vitamin D3 has only been discovered in the last 10 years? That's a lot of research!

One of the newest nutritional heroes, vitamin D3 supports so many systems and functions in your body*:
  • Promotes heart health*
  • Supports immune health*
  • Supports weight management*
  • Helps maintain strong and healthy bones*
  • Promotes healthy cell division and growth*
The best source of vitamin D is the bright midday sun. But not everyone can sit outside at noon, nor is there optimal sun exposure in many cities in the Northern hemisphere in the winter. And safe tanning beds aren't available to everyone.

If regular sunshine isn't part of your everyday lifestyle, I recommend taking a daily vitamin D3 supplement. There are just too many potential benefits you don't want to miss.*

For the next three days, when you order a 3-pack of Vitamin D Spray, get Free Shipping on your entire order! (U.S. and Canada only) This offer expires October 20th, 2012 and is good only while supplies last.

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About Vitamin D Spray
One of the most talked about "super" fruits, Açaí has been keeping scientists busy. A small royal-purple berry about the size of a grape, this antioxidant star most recently shows promise in boosting health and slowing the signs of aging.*

And that's just the start... Açaí is reported to:
  • Promote cardiovascular health*
  • Boost your energy level*
  • Support healthy immune function*
  • Promote digestive health*
  • Maintain and regulate healthy cell division*
To get the real thing, skip the "fresh" juices and processed products claiming to contain minute amounts of açaí. Açaí spoils quickly and loses its bioavailability if not freeze-dried, frozen, or canned within hours of harvest.

My Active Açaí uses only organic, wild-harvested whole fruit açaí berries grown in the Amazon and flash freeze-dried right after harvest to retain their nutritional content.

Why not enjoy the real thing?

When you order a 6-month supply of Active Açaí, you get Free Shipping on your ENTIRE ORDER. (U.S. and Canada only) This special offer expires October 20th, 2012 and is good only while supplies last.
Active Acai 6-Pack
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About Active Açaí
Your Thursday Articles More Articles
Microwave Popcorn Causes Alzheimers Disease Did You Accidentally Eat Some Arsenic Today?
Two foods you think are healthy may not be as great as you think. They may, in fact, be laced with arsenic if they come from here. Read this for all the details, before your next meal...

Tasty Snack May Trigger Alzheimer's - Frightening New Research
Already linked to lung damage, new research shows it can pass through the blood-brain barrier and cause brain proteins to misfold into the Alzheimer's-linked form known as beta amyloid. Plus: what you can do if you love this snack and can't imagine giving it up...

Melatonin Helps Patients With High Blood Pressure To Sleep
This natural remedy had a powerful sleep-boosting effect on high blood pressure patients struggling with their sleep.
Your Recommended Products More Products
L-arginine The Secret to Great Cardiovascular Health*
Your heart can't do without it - nor can the blood flow throughout your entire body.* And it's sometimes a challenge to get it right. Don't jeopardize your cardiovascular health - here's what you need to know.
Brahmi - Gotu Kola Prized by Students and Yogis - What Can This Brain Tonic Do For You?
Long cherished for its ability to enhance memory while relieving mental fatigue, this "adaptogenic" herb can help you replenish and nourish your nervous system.* If you'd like to lift your mood and help decrease anxiety, reach for what's been used for centuries in Sri Lanka and South Africa as a tonic for overall brain and nervous system support.*
Living Matrix DVD The Living Matrix is Here: Are YOU Ready?
An entertaining and intriguing glimpse into the new frontier of human health and medicine, this DVD provides an easy-to-understand introduction to quantum physics and healing. Marvel at personal stories of healing that transport you beyond your comfort zone to a place where miracles can happen - again and again.
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that coal-fired power plants are the number one source of environmental mercury pollution? Each power plant releases about 170 pounds of mercury into the air, along with other pollutants.
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

†The World's #1 Natural Health Website claim is based upon Alexa Natural Health Website rankings.

© Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Do not throw away your prescription drugs that have expired.

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives

In the house, we routinely throw away expired medications.

But recent studies according to this post showed that drugs that expired 2 or 4 decades ago still contain the same potency.  Billions must have been wasted throwing away these "expired drugs".  The only drugs that truly expire are:   insulin, nitroglycerin, and liquid anti biotics.

There are traces of potent drugs found in water supply.  Therefore, drinking bottled mineral water is a safe way to avoid taking potent drugs in the water supply.

The post suggest safer ways of disposing expired drugs.

And probably the determination of expiry of drugs, so as not waste them unneccessarily?

Not all safe drugs are effective or safe

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives

Not all drugs prescribed by your MD can be safe or effective.  In a book extract by Ben Goldrace, Bad Pharma,  a drug robexene (an anti -depressant) is supposed to be better than placebo)  The fact is it is no better than placebo.

The practice is some drugs are promoted aggressively (by pharma and increasing number of drug rep) despite absence of conclusive clinical trials.  If there are, the results are massaged to favor the drug (remember the movie Fugitive starring Harrison Ford?)

If there are negative findings, they are not published.

Can you now trust the mainstream medicine, or even your MD who has been misled, wined and dined by their friendly drug reps?

What do you think?

Drugs that dont work. Read on

Wait... Don't Throw Out Your Expired Drugs Till You Read This

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Help Tackle Free Radicals and Dirty Indoor Air for a Healthier You* * Limited Time Offer! *
Did you know that everyday free radicals can cripple your immune system's ability to help keep you healthy? And the levels of your body's natural fighters against them, antioxidants, drop as you age?

By the time you reach 40, your level falls to 50%, and by the time you hit 60 to 70, your antioxidant level plummets to 5 to 10% of their original levels!

One surprising way to support your immune system's fighting power is with one of my top choices for heart and brain health support, Krill Oil.*

Not only is Krill Oil rich in omega-3s, it's also a source of astaxanthin and a novel marine flavonoid - something that regular fish oils don't offer in significant quantities.

For the next 3 Days, I invite you to stock up with a 3-Month Supply of Pure Krill Oil and get Free Shipping on Your ENTIRE ORDER! (U.S. and Canada only) Offer expires October 24th, 2012, and is good only while supplies last.
Krill Oil
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Pure Krill Oil
You need clean air to breathe in your living and work spaces for optimal health and sharp and clear thinking. But too few people realize just how dirty their indoor air can be...

Considering you may spend over 90% of your time indoors (as Americans typically do), and over 1500 substances may be present in the average North American home, including minor mold spores, toxic chemicals, allergens, bacteria and viruses, isn't it time to take a closer look at your indoor air?

Combining four advanced technologies instead of only one or two like most other units on the market, this innovative air purifier attacks pollutants both actively and passively in an ideal, winning combination.

For a limited time only, when you purchase a Pure & Clear Air Purifier, get a full year of FREE Replacement Parts and FREE Shipping on your ENTIRE ORDER! (Free Shipping to US and Canada only) Offer expires October 24th, 2012 and is good only while supplies last.
Pure and Clear Air Purifier
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the Pure and Clear Air Purifier
Your Monday Articles More Articles
Expired Drugs Wait... Don't Throw Out Your Expired Drugs Till You Read This
Should you fear expired medications? Not necessarily, says this surprising new study. But there are cautions and caveats involved. What to know before tossing (or saving) them, and the 3 types you should definitely toss on their expiration date...

The Drugs Don't Work: A Modern Medical Scandal
The drugs in your medicine cabinet may not work like you think they do, even if your physician said they're scientifically proven...
Your Recommended Products More Products
L-arginine Are You Missing Out on this Key Nutrient for Optimal Cardiovascular Health?*
This vital amino acid promotes normal blood pressure and blood flow throughout your body in healthy individuals, but is not always absorbed properly.* Here's an easy heart-healthy solution...*
Juicers For Busy People That Have Never Experienced the Amazing Health Benefits of Juicing
Juicing is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. It promotes healthy digestion, supports the health of every cell, and boosts your energy levels. Don't wait another minute -- get the details on the two "best value" juicers I've ever found!
Sweet Deception Why Splenda®, NutraSweet®, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health
Tragically, the truth is this: artificial sweeteners such as Splenda and Nutrasweet are NOT healthy -- or safe. Discover the inside story. See how you've been deceived about the truth behind artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose -- for greed, for profits... and at the expense of your own health.

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When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell, inventor, engineer, and innovator
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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

†The World's #1 Natural Health Website claim is based upon Alexa Natural Health Website rankings.

© Copyright 1997-2012 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
3200 W. Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169