Live healthy and long
From Dr. Blaylock at Newsmax Health
Glutathione is a powerful anti oxidant found in the cells of the body. Its low level is associated with cancer; and conversely, its high levels suggest low incidence of cancer (Those who take glutathione for beauty has added benefits)
There are several ways by which you can include the level of glutathione in your body:
l. Taking vitamin c (ascorbate) on an empty stomach; this enhances absorption of iron; iron promotes cancer cell growth (this is what chemo therapy aims to control - to remove iron in cancer cells)
2. Melatonin - some people think it is just a sleep stimulant. But melatonin but there are evidences that show that it fights cancer and stimulate production of anti oxidant enzymes. Take at least 1 to 3 mg before bedtime.
The natural production of melatonin is hindered by MSG, and flouride (from water and toothpaste) and aspartate from aspartame. Lack of melatonin leads to insomnia which leads to stress which leads to cancer and other chronic diseases. Read the full article.
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