
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

P. E. A. R. L. S for WELLNESS by Dr. Carlos Zapatos

Live healthy and long

Personal Experiences in Achieving Right Lifestyle Strategies

by Dr. Carlos Zapatos, M.D. Family Physician delivered at the Angono Jaycees Past President meeting, Oct l3, 2012.

"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant searching for the fine pearls.  When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sell all that he has and buys it" (Mt. 12.44: 52)
WELLNESS - an approache to living that emphasizes the whole person, integrating the body, mind, and spirit;  and the appreciation  that everything that you do, think, and feel and believe has an impact on your state of health.

A sound mind in a sound body and spirit. (MEN SANA EN CORPORE SANO ET ESPIRITU)

A healthy body, healthy ind, should be the Christian's goal;  But it is more important still to exercise the spirit. (Bosch)

The power of the psychospiritual healing:   Even if the body is sick, the mind and the spirit can still be well.

WELLNESS is he best gift we can give for ourselves and our loved ones.

With WELLNESS, we can breeze through life as Elderly Citizens:

       SEXAGENARIAN       60+  Very Young Elderly

       SEPTUAGENARIAN  70+   Young elderly

        OCTOGENARIAN      80+  Old Elderly

        NONAGENARIAN     90+   Very old elderly

        CENTENARIAN        100+  Very very old elderly

It does not matter to be lelderly for as long as being elderly still matters to the society.

Age is really all about mind over matter.
If you dont mind, it does not really matter (George Bernard)

Growing old is like climbing a mountain.  The higher you get, the more tired and breathless you become,.  But your view becomes much more more extensive.  As we grow older, we lose the drive in trying to be perfect.  We realize it is more important to be human and happy than be perfect. (Elpidio L. Ibanez)

Happiness is a combination of an overall satisfaction with one's life and having more positive emotions (such as joy, awe and love) THAN NEGATIVE EMOTIONS (such as anger, anxiety, and fear) IN OUR DAILY LIVES.

A happy life leads to a long life (Deepak Chopra)

Money is not everything.  Happinesss is.

To be well, you must be happy.


Carlos C. Zapatos, MD

1 comment:

  1. Very well done Dr. Zapatos. Congratulations for the balanced approach to wellness through sound mind, sound body and sound spirit.

    This advocacy of yours will be of great help to many people including me who has survived the ups and downs of corporate life through your inspiration based on your "PEARLS."
