
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How to avoid cancer risks

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives

Cancer dangers are lurking in homes, especially in American Homes.  Here are several suggested tips to remove cancer risks in your house:

l.  Have your house tested for radon,

2.  Avoid pesticides and air fresheners in your house;

3.  Avoid many cosmetics

4.  Avoid canned foods and plastic containers.

Dr Mercola on how to avoid cancer risks

1 comment:

  1. Di/Tri chloro acetic acid can cure Cancer!

    This was discovered by the scientists of University of Alberta in Canada .
    This finding has basic source in Vedas. This di and tri chloro acetic acid is found in citron, citron leaves, fruits and barks. These words are also available with Rig Veda as blood purifiers and supported by various words from Sanskrit literatures. Only very few are presented here

    Aty –Amla : Species of Citron leave that is very acidic. iććhaka : Citrus Medica; Jhathu ghna : Several vermifuge plants that kills germs; Pancha Angha Suddhi, that the five elements purifying the body , five acid plants 1) Jujube,2) Pomegranate,3) Sorrel,4) Spondias and 5) citron. In this Citron dissolves acidity in the bile . Regulates the breath , madhu karkati (Rig Veda: I:22,3; Rig Veda I:160.4;X:23.4; I:97.2; Atharva Veda IX:I:I., First Chapter/ Ghanda of Brahath Aranyakoupanishad) Citron is also mentioned as quicksilver, a fluid metal for strengthening blood.

    We can tell more about citron that purifies blood.

    (Five acid plants, the jujube (இலந்தை பழம்) , pomegranate (மாதுளை (மரம்) பழம்), sorrel(Pullicha Keerai) spondias, and citron)

    More over Periplus a sailor of Eritrean Sea, in BCE 100 mentions that Olive oil with lime was given for curing Tumor.

    In Tamil Nadu, people today consume this citron with salt and the preparation of this pickle is followed with lot of care. The Di/Tri chloro acetic acid is neutralized with salt.

    I wish the bark and leave of this tree made as powder and mix with few herbal combinations and apply on skin as bathing agent may also help. You can put this powder in boiling water and inhale, so that the fumes go through the nose and reacts with bile form as quick silver. The acidity in citron can be balanced with Magnesium and sodium Chloride.

    ) Monier Williams p-13
    ) Monier Williams p-138
    ) Monier Williams p-338
    ) Monier Wlliams p-575
    ) Monier Williams p-590
    ) Monier Williams p-736
    )Monier Williams p-1119
    ) Monier Williams p-835
