
Thursday, December 27, 2012

How proper diet (Paleo diet) can help reduce migraines

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola link

Migraine is a debilitating condition that affects more than 26 million Americans (how many Filipinos?  1/10 I know have migraines, mostly women)  Migraine usually coincide with menstrual cycles of women.

One of most common countemeasure is the Paleo diet - that does not contain wheat, grains, protein, milk and plenty of fruits.

Over l50 studies have shown connection between migraine and diet:

The commonest causes  as per Lancet study were:

wheat  -  78%

orange - 65%

eggs - 45%

tea and coffee - 40%

chocolate and milk -37% each

beef - 35%

cane sugar, yeast, corn - 33%

When 10 most common foods related to migraine were eliminated, there was 85% reduction in the occurence of headaches!

Some recommendation to minimize migraine headaches:

l.  Have gluten free diet;

2.  Go for organic foods,

3. Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners;

4.  Avoid the 10 foods found by Lancet to be related to migraine;

5.  Eat raw and unprocessed food

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