---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joel & Josh - BioTrust Nutrition <support@biotrustnews.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:49 AM
Subject: MORE important than a daily multivitamin, says new research
Note: Less than 500 bottles remain after going through more than 8,000 bottles in the last 48 hours alone. Please act quickly, today, to avoid missing out on a product that research is now suggesting to be "more important to your health than taking a daily multivitamin". Due to the exotic nature of the ingredients included from around the world, we are unable to determine when we will have more available.
At our warehouse, we JUST received a very limited supply of one of the most breakthrough, revolutionary, and important health supplements of all time... and as a VIP subscriber, you have the opportunity to try it, use it, and benefit from it before anyone else.
This product has been MONTHS in the making and is not available from the homepage or main menu of our website... it's only available via this email, and to VIP subscribers like you at what is likely the lowest pricing we'll ever make it available at.
Please read every word we've included below, and if you're as excited about this product as we are, we urge you to act quickly as our inventory is very limited. And with exotic ingredients sourced from Italy and New Zealand, we have no idea when we'll be able to get more in.
You see, in the article below, we're going dive deep into the inner walls of one of the most critically important organs of your body -- your gut.
Unfortunately, many people think of their gut solely as the mechanism by which your body digests food, which is at best an extreme oversimplification, and at worst an ideology massively contributing to the health problems, weight loss struggles, and auto-immune disorders of millions world-wide.
In reality, your GI tract is MUCH more than a digestion center; in fact, it is quite literally your second brain as well as being "home" to 80% of your immune system.
You see, within your gut reside roughly 100 TRILLION living bacteria…
That's more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body – and maintaining the ideal ratio of "good bacteria" (known as probiotics) to "bad bacteria" is now gaining recognition as perhaps the single most important step you can take to protect your health and further along your fat loss goals.
In fact, there are more than 200 studies linking inadequate probiotic levels to more than 170 different diseases and health issues; here are just a few:
• Celiac disease, leaky gut, and irritable bowel syndrome
• Mood, psychological health, and behavioral disorders
• Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes
• The common cold, influenza, and pneumonia
• Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer
• Eczema, atopic dermatitis, and acne
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Food and wheat allergies
• Weight gain and obesity
And many, many more.
To touch briefly on the weight gain and obesity consequences, virtually every study performed on the obese population analyzing gut bacteria found higher instances of "bad" bacteria and lower levels of probiotics (again, the "good" bacteria) within these individuals.
Perhaps you yourself are already experiencing some of the more advanced signs that your intestinal bacterial balance is beginning to spin out of control, such as:
• Gas and bloating
• Constipation and/or diarrhea
• Acid reflux
• Skin problems
• Overall sickness
• Headaches
• Urinary tract infections
• Trouble sleeping
• An inability to lose weight
• Sugar cravings, especially for heavily refined carbs
You see, the ideal healthy ratio of "good" to "bad" bacteria is 85% to 15%, or 9 to 1.
Unfortunately, due to lifestyle and environmental factors, the vast majority of the population is severely lacking when it comes to good probiotic bacteria, throwing their gut flora ratio completely out of whack.
These lifestyle and environmental factors include, but are not limited to, exposure to:
• Sugar
• Artificial sweeteners of any kind (found in "diet" beverages and food items, chewing gum, and even toothpaste)
• Processed foods
• Chlorinated water
• Pollution
• Antacids
• Laxatives
• Alcoholic beverages
• Agricultural chemicals and pesticides, and…
• Antibiotics (from medications and/or antibiotics found in meat and dairy products that we ingest).
As you can see, unless you maintain a 100% organic diet, completely avoid all sugar, and lock yourself in the house in an attempt to only consume the purest of air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is almost certain that your gut flora balance is suffering, and will continue to suffer, unless you do something to proactively correct it on a daily basis.
Can you really afford to neglect your gastrointestinal health much longer?
If you do, the likely result is dramatically increased risk for health problems and disease, failure to experience relief from any ailments you may be currently suffering from, and an inevitable, continual struggle with your weight.
With that said, it's no wonder that research is now suggesting that supplementing with probiotics every single day is even MORE important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin.
Even more, a recent double blind study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that test subjects who received probiotics daily were able to reduce their abdominal fat by nearly 5 percent over a 12 week period, while the "no probiotic" group experienced no positive changes.
But here's something you may not know…
93% of the probiotics contained in traditional probiotic supplements will be DEAD before they ever reach your gut.
And of course, dead probiotics are completely worthless.
You see, one of the greatest challenges in creating a truly effective probiotic formula is being able to actually deliver delicate probiotic cells to the gastrointestinal tract, fully intact and alive. Because probiotics are living bacteria, they are also extremely sensitive to even the slightest change in environmental conditions. In fact, research has shown that after one year on the shelf, in a sealed bottle at room temperature, on average only 32% of conventionally produced probiotics survive.
And get this, most of the probiotics products you find on store shelves are already well over a year old—some even as much as two years old. After all, big companies produce hundreds of thousands of bottles to cut cost and then store these bottles in their warehouses long before they ever end up in your hands.
But it gets worse.
Due to the extreme acidic environment of the stomach, another 80% of the remaining live probiotic cells will be killed off before reaching the intestine. In the end, traditional probiotic supplements, while claiming billions upon billions of active cells per dose, will only wind up delivering a measly 6.4% of what their label promises alive and well to your gut.
With that said, you can see how a probiotic product claiming 20 billion cells is reduced to a mere 1 billion count rather quickly.
When it all boils down, not only are these products a complete waste of your time and money, but much more importantly they are robbing you of the critically important health benefits that are the entire reason you would invest in a probiotic product in the first place.
Fortunately, there is a solution, and the answer lies in patented Microencapsulation Technology™.
Knowing the previously mentioned challenge, at BioTrust we've developed what we feel is the most advanced probiotic formula anywhere, Pro-X10™, using cutting-edge, patented Microencapsulation Technology™ developed by Italian researchers to solve this very problem.
Instead of leaving fragile probiotic cells to fend for themselves, this process encases each live cell in a lipid matrix to protect them from oxygen, light, acids, bile, and the like. The end result is dramatically enhanced survival of probiotic cells both on the shelf and through the stomach, and greatly improved delivery over traditional probiotic supplements.
Not only that, but with Pro-X10™ we recommend 2 doses daily for further enhanced absorption, effectively delivering TEN TIMES more live, healthy bacteria to your gut than traditional, non-microencapsulated probiotic products.
But we didn't stop there. While most would be satisfied with the most cutting-edge delivery method and absorption rate of any probiotic product, we wanted to make Pro-X10™ even better for our customers… and that's exactly what we did through the incorporation of one of the most powerful probiotic support nutrients of all time, Actazin™.
Actazin™, manufactured from New Zealand's own superfruit, the Kiwifruit, has a four-way action on gut health:
1 . Prokinetic enzyme activity gently stimulates the movement of stool through your GI tract to help "keep you regular."
2. Insoluble fiber further promotes regularity and softens stools without gas or bloating.
3. Prebiotics support the natural growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut to further improve your gut flora ratio.
4. Polyphenolics support beneficial bacteria, inhibit infectious pathogens, and further assist in maintaining long term digestive health
But perhaps most interesting is the fact that Actazin™ supports the regeneration of gut-lining cells, as well as enhanced gut lining protection. This means that even if the gut lining has been damaged by exposure to harmful compounds, including dangerous wheat fragments like gluten (which most people's guts have), Actazin™ shows strong promise in being able to help heal the damage and return the gut to normal function.
Beyond that, Pro-X10™ is manufactured under a patented allergen-free manufacturing process that guarantees safe probiotic supplementation for all, even individuals with food allergies and/or food intolerances…use of this patented process is few and far between by other supplement companies.
And if all of that wasn't enough, we even included 3 extremely unique probiotic strands not contained in 99% of other products, including:
1. Bifidobacterium lactis for constipation and inflammatory bowel relief
2. Lactobacillus salivarius for unprecedented oral health. In fact, this unique strain has been proven through research to dramatically decrease the level of plaque forming bacteria in the mouth while naturally freshening breath and reducing gum sensitivity
3. S. boulardii for unparalleled immune support, including a significant increase in mean blood cell count and a decrease in systemic inflammation, even during periods of high stress
Simply put, with research suggesting that probiotic supplementation is even more important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin, and the fact that inadequate probiotic levels have been linked through research to more than 170 different diseases and health issues, including obesity and weight gain, we truly believe that EVERYONE should be taking a probiotic daily.
But as we've clearly shown in this video, not just any probiotic product will do, and that's why we developed Pro-X10™. Through patented microencapsulation technology, Pro-X10™ is able to deliver up to TEN TIMES more healthy bacteria to your gut–the equivalent of 50 BILLION cells daily–when compared to traditional probiotic products where 93% of the cells are rendered DEAD and useless before ever reaching their final destination.
And with the strategic addition of Actazin™ and 3 other unique probiotic strands, there really is no comparison. Pro-X10™ is easily the #1 probiotic on the market.
To begin experiencing just how easy managing your gut flora and bacteria balance can be, simply click on the special link below (only available via this VIP email) and select your money saving package right now:
==> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE on Pro-X10 (very limited quantities available)
Again, this product is only currently available to VIP subscribers like you as we have very limited inventory...once this small lot runs out, we have no idea how quickly we'll be able to get more in as the exotic ingredients contained in Pro-X10™ ship from literally across the globe and many are in short supply.
Act now, and gain access to this super health-restoring supplement before we run out:
==> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE on Pro-X10 (very limited quantities available)
To your ultimate health!
Joel & Josh
Founders, BioTrust Nutrition
From: Joel & Josh - BioTrust Nutrition <support@biotrustnews.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:49 AM
Subject: MORE important than a daily multivitamin, says new research
Note: Less than 500 bottles remain after going through more than 8,000 bottles in the last 48 hours alone. Please act quickly, today, to avoid missing out on a product that research is now suggesting to be "more important to your health than taking a daily multivitamin". Due to the exotic nature of the ingredients included from around the world, we are unable to determine when we will have more available.
At our warehouse, we JUST received a very limited supply of one of the most breakthrough, revolutionary, and important health supplements of all time... and as a VIP subscriber, you have the opportunity to try it, use it, and benefit from it before anyone else.
This product has been MONTHS in the making and is not available from the homepage or main menu of our website... it's only available via this email, and to VIP subscribers like you at what is likely the lowest pricing we'll ever make it available at.
Please read every word we've included below, and if you're as excited about this product as we are, we urge you to act quickly as our inventory is very limited. And with exotic ingredients sourced from Italy and New Zealand, we have no idea when we'll be able to get more in.
You see, in the article below, we're going dive deep into the inner walls of one of the most critically important organs of your body -- your gut.
Unfortunately, many people think of their gut solely as the mechanism by which your body digests food, which is at best an extreme oversimplification, and at worst an ideology massively contributing to the health problems, weight loss struggles, and auto-immune disorders of millions world-wide.
In reality, your GI tract is MUCH more than a digestion center; in fact, it is quite literally your second brain as well as being "home" to 80% of your immune system.
You see, within your gut reside roughly 100 TRILLION living bacteria…
That's more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body – and maintaining the ideal ratio of "good bacteria" (known as probiotics) to "bad bacteria" is now gaining recognition as perhaps the single most important step you can take to protect your health and further along your fat loss goals.
In fact, there are more than 200 studies linking inadequate probiotic levels to more than 170 different diseases and health issues; here are just a few:
• Celiac disease, leaky gut, and irritable bowel syndrome
• Mood, psychological health, and behavioral disorders
• Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes
• The common cold, influenza, and pneumonia
• Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer
• Eczema, atopic dermatitis, and acne
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Food and wheat allergies
• Weight gain and obesity
And many, many more.
To touch briefly on the weight gain and obesity consequences, virtually every study performed on the obese population analyzing gut bacteria found higher instances of "bad" bacteria and lower levels of probiotics (again, the "good" bacteria) within these individuals.
Perhaps you yourself are already experiencing some of the more advanced signs that your intestinal bacterial balance is beginning to spin out of control, such as:
• Gas and bloating
• Constipation and/or diarrhea
• Acid reflux
• Skin problems
• Overall sickness
• Headaches
• Urinary tract infections
• Trouble sleeping
• An inability to lose weight
• Sugar cravings, especially for heavily refined carbs
You see, the ideal healthy ratio of "good" to "bad" bacteria is 85% to 15%, or 9 to 1.
Unfortunately, due to lifestyle and environmental factors, the vast majority of the population is severely lacking when it comes to good probiotic bacteria, throwing their gut flora ratio completely out of whack.
These lifestyle and environmental factors include, but are not limited to, exposure to:
• Sugar
• Artificial sweeteners of any kind (found in "diet" beverages and food items, chewing gum, and even toothpaste)
• Processed foods
• Chlorinated water
• Pollution
• Antacids
• Laxatives
• Alcoholic beverages
• Agricultural chemicals and pesticides, and…
• Antibiotics (from medications and/or antibiotics found in meat and dairy products that we ingest).
As you can see, unless you maintain a 100% organic diet, completely avoid all sugar, and lock yourself in the house in an attempt to only consume the purest of air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is almost certain that your gut flora balance is suffering, and will continue to suffer, unless you do something to proactively correct it on a daily basis.
Can you really afford to neglect your gastrointestinal health much longer?
If you do, the likely result is dramatically increased risk for health problems and disease, failure to experience relief from any ailments you may be currently suffering from, and an inevitable, continual struggle with your weight.
With that said, it's no wonder that research is now suggesting that supplementing with probiotics every single day is even MORE important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin.
Even more, a recent double blind study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that test subjects who received probiotics daily were able to reduce their abdominal fat by nearly 5 percent over a 12 week period, while the "no probiotic" group experienced no positive changes.
But here's something you may not know…
93% of the probiotics contained in traditional probiotic supplements will be DEAD before they ever reach your gut.
And of course, dead probiotics are completely worthless.
You see, one of the greatest challenges in creating a truly effective probiotic formula is being able to actually deliver delicate probiotic cells to the gastrointestinal tract, fully intact and alive. Because probiotics are living bacteria, they are also extremely sensitive to even the slightest change in environmental conditions. In fact, research has shown that after one year on the shelf, in a sealed bottle at room temperature, on average only 32% of conventionally produced probiotics survive.
And get this, most of the probiotics products you find on store shelves are already well over a year old—some even as much as two years old. After all, big companies produce hundreds of thousands of bottles to cut cost and then store these bottles in their warehouses long before they ever end up in your hands.
But it gets worse.
Due to the extreme acidic environment of the stomach, another 80% of the remaining live probiotic cells will be killed off before reaching the intestine. In the end, traditional probiotic supplements, while claiming billions upon billions of active cells per dose, will only wind up delivering a measly 6.4% of what their label promises alive and well to your gut.
With that said, you can see how a probiotic product claiming 20 billion cells is reduced to a mere 1 billion count rather quickly.
When it all boils down, not only are these products a complete waste of your time and money, but much more importantly they are robbing you of the critically important health benefits that are the entire reason you would invest in a probiotic product in the first place.
Fortunately, there is a solution, and the answer lies in patented Microencapsulation Technology™.
Knowing the previously mentioned challenge, at BioTrust we've developed what we feel is the most advanced probiotic formula anywhere, Pro-X10™, using cutting-edge, patented Microencapsulation Technology™ developed by Italian researchers to solve this very problem.
Instead of leaving fragile probiotic cells to fend for themselves, this process encases each live cell in a lipid matrix to protect them from oxygen, light, acids, bile, and the like. The end result is dramatically enhanced survival of probiotic cells both on the shelf and through the stomach, and greatly improved delivery over traditional probiotic supplements.
Not only that, but with Pro-X10™ we recommend 2 doses daily for further enhanced absorption, effectively delivering TEN TIMES more live, healthy bacteria to your gut than traditional, non-microencapsulated probiotic products.
But we didn't stop there. While most would be satisfied with the most cutting-edge delivery method and absorption rate of any probiotic product, we wanted to make Pro-X10™ even better for our customers… and that's exactly what we did through the incorporation of one of the most powerful probiotic support nutrients of all time, Actazin™.
Actazin™, manufactured from New Zealand's own superfruit, the Kiwifruit, has a four-way action on gut health:
1 . Prokinetic enzyme activity gently stimulates the movement of stool through your GI tract to help "keep you regular."
2. Insoluble fiber further promotes regularity and softens stools without gas or bloating.
3. Prebiotics support the natural growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut to further improve your gut flora ratio.
4. Polyphenolics support beneficial bacteria, inhibit infectious pathogens, and further assist in maintaining long term digestive health
But perhaps most interesting is the fact that Actazin™ supports the regeneration of gut-lining cells, as well as enhanced gut lining protection. This means that even if the gut lining has been damaged by exposure to harmful compounds, including dangerous wheat fragments like gluten (which most people's guts have), Actazin™ shows strong promise in being able to help heal the damage and return the gut to normal function.
Beyond that, Pro-X10™ is manufactured under a patented allergen-free manufacturing process that guarantees safe probiotic supplementation for all, even individuals with food allergies and/or food intolerances…use of this patented process is few and far between by other supplement companies.
And if all of that wasn't enough, we even included 3 extremely unique probiotic strands not contained in 99% of other products, including:
1. Bifidobacterium lactis for constipation and inflammatory bowel relief
2. Lactobacillus salivarius for unprecedented oral health. In fact, this unique strain has been proven through research to dramatically decrease the level of plaque forming bacteria in the mouth while naturally freshening breath and reducing gum sensitivity
3. S. boulardii for unparalleled immune support, including a significant increase in mean blood cell count and a decrease in systemic inflammation, even during periods of high stress
Simply put, with research suggesting that probiotic supplementation is even more important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin, and the fact that inadequate probiotic levels have been linked through research to more than 170 different diseases and health issues, including obesity and weight gain, we truly believe that EVERYONE should be taking a probiotic daily.
But as we've clearly shown in this video, not just any probiotic product will do, and that's why we developed Pro-X10™. Through patented microencapsulation technology, Pro-X10™ is able to deliver up to TEN TIMES more healthy bacteria to your gut–the equivalent of 50 BILLION cells daily–when compared to traditional probiotic products where 93% of the cells are rendered DEAD and useless before ever reaching their final destination.
And with the strategic addition of Actazin™ and 3 other unique probiotic strands, there really is no comparison. Pro-X10™ is easily the #1 probiotic on the market.
To begin experiencing just how easy managing your gut flora and bacteria balance can be, simply click on the special link below (only available via this VIP email) and select your money saving package right now:
==> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE on Pro-X10 (very limited quantities available)
Again, this product is only currently available to VIP subscribers like you as we have very limited inventory...once this small lot runs out, we have no idea how quickly we'll be able to get more in as the exotic ingredients contained in Pro-X10™ ship from literally across the globe and many are in short supply.
Act now, and gain access to this super health-restoring supplement before we run out:
==> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE on Pro-X10 (very limited quantities available)
To your ultimate health!
Joel & Josh
Founders, BioTrust Nutrition
Jorgeus George
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