
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The bitter TRUTH about STEVIA (avoid this)

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From: Rob Poulos <>
Date: Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:13 PM
Subject: The bitter TRUTH about STEVIA (avoid this)

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You already know that keeping your blood sugar from spiking is one of the KEY's to cutting flab and keeping it off...

...but sometimes, it can be tough!

After all, we all get our sweet cravings.

And up until now, there weren't many good options to satisfy those cravings AND keep your blood sugar in check.

If you wanted an alternative to sugar, you used to have one choice:

"Fake Sugars" like aspartame, sucralose and saccharine.

But as a reader of this newsletter, you know to steer well clear of these "diet
sugars" that can not only cause you to gain more weight, but have also been
linked to many diseases including cancer, heart disease and... ironically,

Did you know Aspartame was once listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent?  Crazy but true! Anyway... probably already know about one of my "go to" healthy sugar alternatives, the Stevia plant from South America.

And while many folks love replacing pancreas-pummeling sugar with it, some
people are disappointed by a distinct bitter aftertaste that can last for hours
when used too often.

The SNEAKY reason for Stevia's "Bitterness"?

The stevia plant has two parts to it: rebaudioside and stevioside.

While both parts can produce a bitter aftertaste for some folks, rebaudioside
contains the least, and is barely detectable.

Stevioside, by itself, can produce a much more bitter taste.

Problem solved?

Not quite.

It's hard work just extracting the good stuff from the stevia plant.

So to save money, many big brand companies simply use the entire plant, and
that's mainly why some folks are disappointed with the aftertaste.

Well, a few months ago I heard about a small company that was producing their
own version of Stevia, but ONLY using the non-bitter stuff.

That's why Kalen and I have added "Slimtevia" to our healthy sugar-alternative arsenal.

Healthy sugar-alternative with no bitter aftertaste... <<< Click here

Here's why we are loving Slimtevia and I think you will be too:

1. It's 3X Sweeter! Slimtevia is three times sweeter than sugar (so you use less of it)...

...of course it's also more healthful, and can help weight loss and fight
diabetes since it doesn't spike your blood sugar.


2. It's 19% cheaper! For a product that only uses the sweetest, most expensive part of the Stevia plant, Slimtevia is actually 19% cheaper than many leading Stevia brands, ounce for ounce. Bonus!

So you're ready to run out to your local health food store and try some of this
great tasting, fat-fighting stuff for yourself?

Not so fast, Kimosabe...

You won't find Slimtevia in your local supermarkets (not yet anyway), and not even the all-natural stores.

The only way to get it right now is directly through a partnership we have with the supplier (which keeps the price low, as there are no distributors involved).

Healthy sugar-alternative with no bitter aftertaste... <<< Click here

I don't have to tell you... sugar cravings can be HARD to fight...

...and sometimes if you fight them too hard, you can find yourself in the middle
of an all-out sugar binge way too often.

If you are looking to put an end to that without the chance of a bitter
aftertaste, I think you'll really love sweetening your day without the risks with a
little Slimtevia.

Enjoy and I'll be back soon with more fast fit tips,

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Jorge U. Saguinsin

"Be the best, do your best, expect the best"

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