
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fats and germs - formerly bad stuff are good after all

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola Archives

Two items:  fatty foods and germs were considered bad before. (Myths)

 Fats as the cause of heart disease from the findings of Dr.  Ancel Keys in l953.  Before the study came out, only l/100 Americans were obese.  Now that number is increasing.  The real culprit is transfat and hydrogenated oil.  US literature made coconut oil as unhealthy.  (This caused the almost collapse of coconut industry in the PHL.  Now the buko juice news that it is better than sports drink caused the buko price to jump up to P20.00@ in Laguna, from mere P5.00 two years ago.

The other is the germs is bad.  But germs from fermented food improve gut culture.  And so with yogurt, kefir, They also improve GAPs.

What are the other foods good for the health:

l.  Raw eggs

2. Fermented vegetables --kimchi, atchara

3.  Kefir and other fermented milk

4.  Sardines

5.   Avocado - know more about the rest of healthy foods (Avocado is cheap in the PHL and aplenty)

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